My Journey Continues – The Teenage years.

My Journey continues… My Mum who Adopted, me had other Children 3 boys and 2 girls,  she had a very kind heart and still does but she was brought up in a harsh environment and  is an agro Atheist she is 91 now  her husband my 2nd  dad had some belief but was not practicing,  before he died he became an Alcoholic but was never violent just slept a lot.
Mum abused me in anger at times  and I found this hard so I ran away from home a few times and ended up in trouble. I was frightened of Mum but thinking  back it was how she was treated as a Child and so to her it was the way you disciplined but I knew in her own way she cared about me and she has shown it many times but is often abusive about my Faith. 
When I started High School our Social Studies teacher  told us we came from an Ape and those who had been told differently were lied to. I went home very upset but Mum confirmed what the Teacher had said and told me Jesus was just a made up person and the  Bible just a fairy story and so I lost my friend or so I thought. 
I was very hurt and angry and very, very sad, I ate some ratsack, I don’t believe I wanted to die I just wanted attention I felt so lost and alone but I never even got sick, years later a Doctor told me I should have had a Cerebral Haemorrhage because it was made from Wolfram but perhaps I didn’t eat enough, I don’t really remember. 
I rebelled greatly for many years hurting God, others and myself, the rest although at times amazing is also a long heartbreaking story and yet I also witnessed God’s mercy and grace in my life but at the time didn’t recognize that it was Him. 
I found my FRIEND Jesus again and have been greatly blessed, sometimes in awesome ways, none of which I deserved but my heart is full of thankfulness that Jesus my FRIEND never let go of my hand and God my Loving Heavenly Father continued to show me great mercy and compassion and The Holy Spirit  comforted me over and over again and taught me many things and  even when I claimed The Godhead didn’t exist They were always there,  yes at a distance but still I was in Their view and in Their heart.
At times God intervened  Miraculously and saved my life…One day as a 17-year-old when I was crossing a road a Truck didn’t see me and by the time the driver did he could not stop, I ended up on the footpath right across the other side of the road, the Truck driver was trembling as he told me that I flew across the road, he kept saying I should be dead it was impossible absolutely impossible for me to have reached the other side but you flew you flew. I now believe it was God’s Angels that carried me across that road.
In Childbirth 3 years later, I was dying they could not save me I was on the verge of a Cerebral Haemorrhage and they couldn’t get my blood pressure down, I had server Toxemia. They wanted to save the baby by doing a Caesarean Section  but it would defiantly kill me, so my husband would not let them hoping I would live, so sadly my baby died, she was very weak and could not survive a natural birth. I was in a deep coma and the Doctors had given up on me, they could not help me and told my husband and Mother I only had a short time left to live and then suddenly everything started to return to normal and so I lived…you may have noticed…but sadly being an unbeliever at the time I never thanked God.   
How I finally came to True heart repentance is  another long story as are the other Miracles and signs and wonders I have experienced in my life most of which are Medically documented and witnessed and  there is no answer to them except that they are by the hand of God who Supernaturally showed His Love for me through the Storms that I have encountered in Life and carried me to safety.
 I do not believe I’m better than anyone else perhaps I was much worse but I do believe that God in His Love and Mercy knew I needed to see His presence in a tangible way and others of course can testify to the same.  
A few links about these years in some ways both sad and wonderful and my younger years.  

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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58 Responses to My Journey Continues – The Teenage years.

  1. dettinger47 says:

    Hi Anne. I read your first two accounts (girlhood and the teenage years), and it is so incredibly apparent that the Lord has had His hand on you in a powerful way. Because I had two loving parents and was raised in a loving home, I can’t imagine the kind of abuse you endured. And yet, your account is a wondrous testimony of God’s love being poured out in abundance. I look forward to reading more of your posts, but for now (besides catching my breath!), I am left with a sense of awe at how great our God is through His providence in your life. Jesus’ warmest blessings upon you, Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you David for taking the time to read my Journey it was very kind of you, yes it’s been a hard one and quiet Stormy but like you I can see God’s hand of Love and His intervention in my life when needed and still do.

      I will be out most of today David but hopefully I will be able to read some more of your Posts tonight and some others of those I Blog with. God does indeed Bless His Children perhaps in different ways but always motivated by His Love for us.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Early Years – A little lost girl. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  3. Debbie M. says:

    God continues to woo us to Him throughout our lives. I am thankful that you surrendered to that love and experienced His grace and mercy fully through salvation! I am also reminded of Scripture that tells us “the ending is better than the beginning.” Job 8:7, Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.


  4. ANM7 says:

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful God glorifying chronicalings of your life. I know through them many have been blessed, I know I have Anne.


    • Thank you for sharing that my life story has blessed you Mike, your a very humble Man and I’m also blessed by your heart focus, your open and sincere and accepting and yes shinning with God’s Love that radiates from your heart, you are a blessing that I’m now Thanking Him for, as I do my other Christian Blogging friends from all over the World and my other friends who have also blessed me by their Love over many years too.

      Christian Love Always – Anne

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: The Unwavering Hand of Grace – I Should Be Dead Already | Victory Odunjo's Blog

  6. Another awesome story, Grannie Annie!
    How beautiful it is to know that God still loves us and stretches out his hand of mercy towards us, even while we are yet in sin.
    It is not because we are better than others that we are spared, but because of God’s mercy and grace.
    I’m so glad that God kept you to inspire me.
    Regards to Ron.
    Remain blessed!


    • Hi Son, yes very True and as Scripture confirms, it’s by God’s foreknowledge of our hearts repentance which shows we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, He is the only way to God, and this is why He chooses us to be conformed into the image of Jesus. He knows we are His in Eternity and that we will accept the free gift of Salvation but you are right Son it’s not because we were better than anyone else.

      Christian Love Always – Grannie Annie.


  7. Ya know, I was thinking that the reason you were lost for a period and returned is the fact that you found your friend Jesus before all the teenage hoopla began. God protects all children in a quiet way and He knows those who truly belong to Him, even if they sway.
    God has truly blessed you and all of your testimonies speak volumes of His love and mercy.
    Blessings and Hugs 2 U Anne- Love, Shelia


    • Dear Shelia, what you shared is very True, Jesus never walked away and later He searched for me and rescued me when I was lost ( see link below) but even though I know I’m fully forgiven after coming to True heart repentance, it still grieves me although there is no shame, when I remember that I hurt God and others greatly, yes I was in darkness even after being part of a Church, I was very bind and deaf, most people thought I had it all together but working for our Salvation is the Pits. Today 17 years later I’m washed – How good is that!

      Lost Sheep –

      Christian Love Always – Anne


  8. MTJames says:

    Your story is such an encouragement, Anne. Ask God about writing a manuscript of your whole story so you can publish it to a wider audience. Yours is a testimony that needs to be shared.


    • You are also a great encourager Jim, I have been very blessed by the the support that you have given me and I needed it so much today, I’m sure God sent you my way, all good things come from Him and your words have been very kind, please accept my heart felt thanks.

      Christian Love – Anne


  9. Pingback: Rescued from the Graveyard….. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  10. What a miraculous testimony. I appreciate your honesty in your writing and your sharing of your supernatural encounter with God. He definitely loves you so much, with His divine protections many times in situations that seemed impossible to us. God bless you my dear sister!


    • Yes God Loves you and me greatly B.of .Y He can be no other way but we are still both equally His priceless Treasure and He delights in us as His children, we bring Joy to His heart. He tells us that He does not have favorites even though His plans for us are different , He chooses, equips and empowers us to do the good works He has planned in advance for us to do, I’m not Esther and your not Mary Jesus’ Mother but we are very important in God’s plans for Mankind. I believe that God has saved my life much more than I realize and this is the same for others in His Family.

      I wish we were having a cuppa together dear Sister, I would like to give you a big (((HUG))) just for being you, I very much like you as a person , your so honest, so real I’m very thankful we stopped and talked, you have blessed me greatly and I thank God for you.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


      • I would like to give you a hug too. But I know we can when one day we are up there with God 🙂 I am glad to be real and honest to you. It is a blessing to meet and get to know you. Just to let you know, my name is Jessica. I tell you this because you seem to want to know me as a real person. You can call me Jessica. God bless you Anne!


        • Wow thank you dear Jessica, gosh I’m crying again, I love the name Jessica, I knew a very caring woman by that name, do people call you Jess for short? I like Jessica better.

          I have just lost a Brother and Sister but not by death, it’s a long story but now I have been blessed with triple of what I have lost , you being one of them Jessica, God is so good how very wonderful to be His beloved Children in the Body of Christ.

          Blessings – Anne


      • By the way, your username says Aussie, I am from Australia too 😀


    • Really how amazing, where do you live? I live in Queensland, if you would rather not say on the Blog, e-mail me I would love to chat privately with you.

      Blessings – Anne


  11. Pingback: God’s Creation | Freedomborn…set free

  12. Joe Quatrone, Jr. says:

    Wonderful story of God’s love and mercy, Anne! I am encouraged to know the lives of millions of people who have come out of false religions—or no religion at all—through the centuries clearly refutes the idea that our ability to be saved is dependent upon how we were raised and what we were taught. Salvation is not the eternal dwelling place of those who were fortunate enough to be raised in good Christian homes. We are all saved in the same way—by the grace of God given to undeserving sinners, not because of what we know, where we are born, or how we have been indoctrinated. Our right standing before God is established on one thing only: the finished work of Christ crucified who shed His blood so we could live (John 19:30). I thank God for you, Anne! You are a blessing!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Pastor Joe thank you for your kind words I believe as you do that Salvation is a free gift, as you can see by my early years “A Little Lost Girl see link above ” God reached out His hand to me and said I Love you, I want to be your friend.

      I have Ministered over the years to both Atheists and X Cult members and witnessed to many people and what I have noticed is very simular with all of them is confusion and this also very much dominated my life until I asked God for His wisdom and I did so passionately seeking it with all my heart and believing I had received it not doubting that He gave it to me. I’m still learning and increasing in knowledge and insight but know what He has taught me is His Truth.

      One thing must come first if we are to walk in Victory, we need to have a repentant heart choosing to obey God’s guidelines and by His empowering we will , it is not that our full obedience saves us but it shows we are saved and perfected in Love, it is the goal we are to aim for… Is God patient with us… yes very much so, He knows those who are His and not one will be lost.

      When I fell into sin 10 years after believing I was a Born again Christian, I thought I was doomed and I also thought God and everyone else couldn’t Love someone as evil as me, I was going to kill myself but God rescued me and showed me He Loved me in a very tangible way. After coming to True heart repentance and asking for God’s wisdom He has shown me His Truth and also man’s error that keeps them from walking in His Power and Victory and is mostly because of trusting in their own understanding or what they have been wrongly taught. Yes they can have some Truth, even Cults do but there is deception and also Truth that is not being taught or understood today but is confirmed in the Scriptures and so we have many differant Denominations and Cults, most who claim to be lead by The Holy Spirit but He does not say one thing to one person and something differant to another when they contradict and God is a God of Unity not division.

      He tells us Faith comes from hearing The Word, this is His Truth which sets us free, Jesus is The Living Word and is Truth, to believe in Him is to know Him, we need very much to have His wisdom, it is the treasure, the pearl and when we seek God with all our heart we will find Him, Jesus says you don’t have because you don’t ask believing you have received. All of God’s Children who He has known from Eternity are already saved but they have to accept by heart repentance to receive His gift which causes them to want to willingly turn from evil and do good and is then shown in their Love for God and others.

      Pastor Joe if I continue now I will need to publish this book but you know were to find me and I will visit with you again soon.

      Christian Love Anne.


  13. Johnson says:

    Quite a story. So, people actually believe they came from apes?? The devil is working overtime; doing everything he can to make sure we forget we were created in God’s image. If we came from apes; it’s a free fall; no need for moral boundaries, no true sense of worth and so on… Glad you found the truth though, or should I say, glad the truth found you.


  14. ansuyo says:

    This helps explain your faith. I have a few God Stories of my own, and I trust Him implicitly. He’s always there, even when we try to run from Him. I’m sorry you had to go through these things, but glad you have them to help others with. Angie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angie, yes when we are God’s redeemda Child who He has known from eternity that we would come to heart repentace which means to turn from evil and do good. He will indeed rescue us and conform us into the image of Jesus who is perfect,

      I do intend to share the rest of my Life story up to date in the near future.

      Christian Love Anne


  15. Ron says:

    God had His hand on you even back then, unknown to you though, He had plenty in mind for you in the years to come and that`s not finished yet ! thank goodness, you`re a blessing to us all



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Love thank you for your kind words, I know you have heard my story many times but I do appreciate you taking the time to comment on our Blog, it really encourages me and shows you care.

      I hope I encourage others too but to be honest sadly sometimes people will only accept what agrees with their agenda, so will reject the Truth and sometimes us as well and this is how Jesus said it will be, but if we continue to pray for them they may see the light as God brings the Truth to them again and again in differant ways, we just plant the seed others water and God brings His children to everlasting life, we need to pray for more workers.

      Christian Love Anne


  16. T says:

    What an amazing story, I just can never begin to imagine how you felt going through all this. I’m glad God never leaves and that you know you have him today. Thanks for sharing.


    • Freedomborn says:

      You said it my dear friend T God never leaves us, He is Love and can be no other way, He can do no evil but works everything for our good. He knows His Children even when we are His lost sheep, the Prodigal son, the fallen woman, the rebellious Child, the disillusioned and confused, the worst of sinners and He does not give up on us, our Parents may, everyone else may but He never does, He brings us to heart repentance so we can be perfected in Love..

      I have to shop and cook to -day but I will visit you later or tomorrow I read your last Post, you will not believe what I’m going to share, are you sure your not Anne or am I …T

      Christian Love Anne.


      • T says:

        I am not sure why but I felt led to come over and read some of your past blog posts tonight. I have been reading your childhood stories and so far I see that I have already visited the ones I have been at so far tonight but oddly they feel like the first time I have read them because I am seeing things I did not see before. Your story still amazes me and God even amazes me more now too. He loves us so much and your stories of your life I am sure have blessed and helped many people who have read them you are doing good work for God here on your blog. I am thankful I have been and still am being blessed by it often.


        • Thank you dear T, as I write I’m very aware that God is also reassuring me to of His constant Love and care. I think about you and pray for you often T, your honesty in your sharing on your Blog, has always inspired me to share not just the easy road but the rocky road too and as you know we do have the answers in Christ Jesus for those who are searching for them, what the world offers will leave them empty, I know I have been there and done that but thankfully my Life in the Lord now overflows with inner Joy even when there is a tear in my eye.

          See you soon – Christian Love Always – Anne


  17. Pingback: God’s Ink – Anointed Poetry-1 | Freedomborn…set free

  18. Pingback: The Early Years – A little lost girl. | Freedomborn

  19. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    WOW! Just finished reading this and “lost little girl”. What an amazing testimony you are/have. The enemy tried to destroy you even kill you, but OUR FATHER said NO! Thank you so much for sharing this me/us. I can related to so much of what you wrote about. You’re a true blessing.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi hodgepodge4thesoul, some people prefer to use their Blog name, I’m happy to do this but also to use your real name if wanted.

      Thank you for your kind and caring heart, yes my road has been very rocky, I chose not to obey God’s guidelines for a long time but I agree with you God in His Love and mercy intervened to save my life and also rescued me when I could not continue on and wanted to end my life. He knew before I was conceived the road I would walk and that I would come to heart repentance but Satan being in control in this world had the right to mess with my life but not kill me much the same as Job and we all go through this testing, it is from Satan not God but we do not walk alone as you can see with my life.

      Christian Love Anne.


  20. Brush Arbors says:

    Hi Anne; I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this testimoney. I’am very much lifted in my heart through your words this morning… I feel as if I have been visited by an angel through your words” Hard to explain” but I’ll say it like this… It’s like i could feel the presence of the Lord arround me as I was reading…I know that the Lord has blessed you many times in your life.. But Hunny He’s not through with you yet, so keep on keeping on OK! Blessings.. Bro Pat..


    • Freedomborn says:

      Your words have also touched my heart Bro Pat, my life even now is far from perfect but God’s Love for me is very much perfect and never ending and so I have deep inner Joy even when there is a tear in my eye and I have an assurence that He will continue to work things out for good.

      Thank you Bro Pat – Christian Love Anne.


  21. Pingback: Thank You My Blogging Friends for Comments not easily forgotten. « Freedomborn

  22. Thanking the Lord for all his grace and mercies upon each one of us. Your life is but one example of his saving power and overall plan for our lives, despite our circumstances. One of beauty, sad, yes, but beauty, precious beauty. You shine and shine, Anne!



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi dear Jeanne, your words are Kind, Uplifting and very Encouraging, thank you and as they say which is True…. the beauty you see in others is also a reflection of the beauty that is in you.

      My life and it’s circumstances have been very hard indeed and they continue to be in some ways as you know, but I have also had great times of refreshing and have experienced wonderful and amazing blessings even if sometimes I was not aware who was providing them but I do now and my heart soars knowing I’m a Child of The King and even in pain and grief which is still part of my life, I have great inner Joy, sometimes so wonderful that my heart misses a beat and I call out in awesome wonder and Love for my Lord of Lord’s… the M and M’s are use to it now but sometimes they still join in… I’m sure God smiles.

      Love you my dear Sister in The Lord and thank you also for shining.

      Christian Love Anne.


  23. Thank you for sharing this Annie. I was hit in the head with a block when I was 4 and suffered an epidural hematoma. The doctors said I would not survive it and if I did, I would be mentally impaired for the rest of my life. They were amazed that I was back to normal after the surgery to drain the blood off. As I look back, I am convinced that God brought me through that, and everthing else I have gone through, because He has work for me to do. And when you look at it like that, how can I not seek out His will and do His work?


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for sharing Dru that wonderful affirmation of God’s protection and Love and yes indeed He has prepared good works for us to do and equips and empowered us to do them and motivates us also…How good is that!

      Christian Love Annie


  24. Thank You for sharing your story…please continue to as you are a great help to many…especially me.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Jillian for your encouragement it’s not easy sharing, at times it brings back memories that I have put behind me but God motivates me to share from my heart and then it seems it’s ok to move on again, like you said I believe at this time it is to help others and also as I look back it is amazing to realise that when I thought I was all alone I wasn’t and how wonderful to know I never will be.

      Thank you again for your kind thoughts Christian Love Anne


  25. Velta Maes says:

    What a wonderful story of the way God works in our lives. You have been truly blessed by God’s saving miracles. Many times we take life for granted until we come close to losing it. We can look back and praise Him for His love. I rejoice with you for what God has done in your life.
    Love you.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you dear Velta and yes we all have much to be thankful for, we are indeed walking Miracles but sometimes like with me God understands our weaknesses and shortcomings and needs to reassure us and some times to save us He just let’s us go our own way even knowing we will be hurt, which grieves Him… But He knows what’s needed and He also tells us if we are Born again of His seed we can never loose His gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus, why? because He can’t reject Himself and we are one with Him eternally, we are His beloved Children known to Him in His Spirit from eternity and in our flesh from the time we were conceived…He knew we would come to heart repentance long before we were born and so chose to conform us into the Likness of His Son and be very assured He can’t uncomform us but then why would He want to when He has perfected us in His Love.

      Thank you for sharing Velta I really appreciate your heart thoughts.

      Christian Love Anne


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