Thank you for your Prayers – Amazing Update


Update… Saturday – 4-5-13
Monty had an amazing change for the better this morning and we can not only go and see him but we can bring him home today.  This has surprised Simon our Vet as things were not going too well  with  our dear little furry friend. I told Simon how you were all praying for Monty and he told all his Staff who were very surprised…God is so good!. 
Puppy thank you
How can we really thank you enough for all your prayers, support and encouragement, we can’t, so we will leave it to God but then how can we thank Him enough for His great Love, Compassion, Mercy and Blessings . Did He understand our fears of loosing both Alfred and Monty and the pain and frustration I had of not being able to do things with my left hand after the accident, of course He did, so He sent you along to reassure both of us, to remind us we are not alone and that He cares for us deeply. Thank you so much for your faithfulness, caring and Loving hearts, you are all indeed a wonderful Christian Family, now I’m crying and can’t see the page but this time it is with overwhelming Joy again.
Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”
God bless you all greatly now and always.
Christian Love from both of us – Anne
Update… Friday 3-5-13
Dear  Friends, Alfred is no longer in danger, thank you so much for your  Prayer support, it is so wonderful that we can rejoice now and give heartfelt thanks to our Awesome God, for his recoverary, he will need to be in Hospital till he is stabilised but is resting well.
Alfred or Jim as most call him now, is 62, which is 2 years older than me, he and his family live in Sydney, like me Alfred is Adopted, he was very neglected as was his birth brothers and sisters, so the Welfare placed them all in an Orphanage but he has found a few of them and stays in contact. Mum brought Alfred home when he was 8 to be part of the family, he is married and has an older boy and girl and a grandson and many pets, sorry but with not being able to talk to him, I don’t have his permission yet to share a photo of him and his family on the Blog. 
I Love Alfred very much and can understand how hard it is for him to believe in a Loving Heavenly Father when he never knew his real Dad and our Mum, never shared with him in a positive way about God or did her husband our second Dad but they did provide for us materially and I’m sure cared for us in their own way. 
Monty look alike
Monty sadly is still on the danger list but Simone our very caring, compassionate Vet, just phoned and said that he had responded a little to the  treatment but that we can’t bring him home as he is still presenting problems that need more attention as they could worsen, it may be a very  server allergic reaction to something, we hope to visit him tomorrow for a short time if Ron has his car back, it broke down today.
We are both calm hoping for the best but ready to accept that Monty may be leaving us soon, we have had over 10 wonderful years with him and if it is to end, he will remain always in our hearts and like all our other Pets we give thanks to God for him. 
Monty is the most affectionate furry friend we have been blessed with he was 2 years old when we got him from the Animal refuge, after he was found walking the streets and up till now has never caused us any concern, accept for the first  day we had him, he ran away, he was so thin he got through a small hole in the fence. We prayed and asked God to keep him safe and we let the Vets in the area know.
 Monty found his way to a Christian Video shop which was a long way from our place and over dangerous railway tracks, it was owned by people in our Church  but they didn’t know Monty was ours with him only being with us a day, so they took him to the nearest Vet who then contacted us. I was ready to scold him but he was covered in little green sticky weeds and looked so funny, I just laughed instead, he licked me and all was well till now.
I will let you all know about Monty’s progress, thank you for all those who have been praying for Alfred, Monty and both of us too, although we are so very thankful and happy about Alfred, we are also sad, but we feel God’s comfort through your prayers and give thanks again to all of you.   
Christian Love from both of us – Anne

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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27 Responses to Thank you for your Prayers – Amazing Update

  1. Naomi says:

    I know this post is from 2013 but just wanted to comment. I’m so happy to see you pray for your pets. When I put a prayer request online for my little cat Buster recently I had one Christian man chastise me because he thought (incorrectly) that I was praying for the salvation of an animal! I tried to explain that Buster is a beautiful gift from God and I just wanted him to be happy and healthy for as long as possible but I don’t think he understood where I was coming from.

    Praying that you have many more years of happiness and love with your furry friends. They are truly beautiful little gifts from above. Companion animals such as cats and dogs are completely dependent on their human owners for love and mercy. God has quite clearly given them to us so that we would be good stewards with their little lives. If we are cruel or neglectful to them, I believe we will one day have to answer for this. After all, isn’t it written that:

    “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.”
    (Proverbs 12:10)

    God bless you.


    • Naomi I just want to say first that you have a beautiful heart full of Love and compassion and you have also touched mine with your uplifting words.

      Yes animals have always been a big part of my life and God has often used them to reassure me of His Love and presence. Ron also Loves our Pets, yes as you shared they are a gift from God, in the different ways He has chosen them to be.

      I would like to share a link with you Naomi about Petal one of our furry friends and how God planted seeds in the hearts of the Children in my Street by making good come from bad, they all come from non Christian dysfunctional families, and yes they all prayed for Monty too, we have such a Loving God.


      Thank you Naomi for visiting and sharing – Christian Love – Anne


  2. Equipping The Saints says:

    Thank you for your like of my page, “Mission and Ministry of Equipping The Saints.” You are very kind, and I appreciate all of your comments. Blessings to you,

    Senior Pastor/Equipping the Saints
    Philip 3:10, “That I May Know Him”


  3. Brings smiles to the face.Have a blessed Easter,may the light of the risen Lord enters every doubting heart.jalMichael


  4. nancy hoiaas says:

    anne: so sorry I wasn’t quite with it when you called….. it had been a long time since we had talked and I have thought so many time of you… since your call, I seem to know more about you than I did… I am so sad you have had yor hands full.. multiple travails!!! I now know you are married… greetings to you Ron… you sound like a really nice guy full of wit and humor.. and Anne, it as good to hear your laugh..she who had taken a flip on your (bike)??. the last time I fell was such a surprise (dislocated my shoulder) that I prayed I wouldn’t forget my balance and have remained erect since… I will be looking for news re: Monty… they take our hearts and it is so hard when they hurt… our dauschund (spelling.. wienie dog) is getting older – recently lost 8 teeth and has arthritis… he’s about 13… have been reading your blogs and truly enjoy the glory you give our Lord.. love the little “actives”…. do you have a book of pictures? you are to be commended… I appreciated seeing all your awards…. with you at the throne room as you ask our Father to help those in need… you are truly a talented lady and I do love hearing from you… may every word you write touch the hearts of His people who share the same hopes of Christ’s return.. one day we will have true JOY.. no more sorrow or dying… please take care of yourself and all that you are praying for….. my love to you, dear sister…. nancy from USA


  5. T says:

    I’m so happy to hear that Alfred and Monty are doing better!


    • So are we T, almost over the moon and so grateful to God and also very thankful for everyone’s Love and compassion, sometimes carrying each others burdens, which means being there for them, even crying with them, can be very underestimated but God created us to need each other not just in the good times but in the bad too. Jesus cried, grieved and sweet blood in agony knowing He would be separated from His Father and He was conceived by The Holy Ghost, we do indeed need each other, thank you for your faithfulness in being here for us T.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  6. Ron says:

    Such good news about Alfred, God is so good.

    Our Mr Mont is so special, I love walking with him and now Mo- Joe too, having Monty for 10 years has been a Joy and a blessing to us both, we thank God for the pleasure and for him.



  7. Great report Anne! ! Now believing for a good report for Monty! Believing the Father to give you the desires of your heart!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes it is so good to be able to share that Alfred recovered thank you for your prayes Gayle, God is so caring and yes Loves to bless us but sometimes the reality is that life on earth ends but we always have His comfort, yet like you Gayle I’m holding on to the hope that Monty will get better, thanks for your support and encouragment.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  8. Don’t you love it when God makes Himself known in answer to our prayers. Amen and Amen!!!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes it is very good Marie, very good indeed, our Hope is always in God’s Love and Mercy and His compleat goodness. Thank you for your prayes and encouragment, you are a blessing.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  9. dd16591569 says:

    Thank God for the good news about Alfred
    I got your message yesterday and prayed for you brother
    God is good , as body of Christ , it is amazing how we each others in times like this


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Dunia for your prayes, it is wonderful news about Alfred, God does indeed answer prayer, they have moved him into a priviate room, he needs a lot of rest but he is recovering well, I will phone again today and see if I can speak to him.

      Christian Love – Anne


  10. I am happy to know that you are well and back to great health my friend. God is truly good! Sorry to hear about Monty. I pray for his recovery. He knows how much he is loved and cared for. Have a blessed weekend.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you dear Island Traveler for your well wishes, yes I feel physically very good now but sad for my Monty, he is having ups and downs, I’m not sure what will be the outcome, it will be a big loss for us if we loose him, he is very special, we hope to be able to visit him today but not sure till we contact the vet.

      Thank you for caring – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  11. LubbyGirl says:

    oh, this is a relief about Alfred, but so sorry to hear Monty is still sick. I love that picture of him! I’ve been praying off & on all day for Alfred, and for little Monty.


    • Thank you LubbyGirl for your faithfulness in prayer, you will be blessed. It is very wonderful news about Alfred and hopfully Monty will recover too. We are all missing him including our Mo- Joe. The picture is very much like our Monty but is not him, I don’t have a Scanner set up and untill today no Mobile but if someone can explain how to take a photo with the Mobil, then I will have one to share.

      The picture of Ron and myself on our Blog is almost 5 years old, it is one of the last of a set of Photos taken when my Sister Anne visited us before she died 2 years ago, I have more laugh lines now and my hair is streaked, meaning it has gray bits here and there. I get upset now that no one asks for my Seniors card they believe me but to be honest I love being 60, I know who I am and where I’m going, but maybe there is even more good things to come soon then I can even imagine.

      Christian Love – Anne


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