Update on both Ron’s Cancer and my Heart Condition

HeartThank you, Thank You, Thank you, for you faithfulness to Pray for us, how can we really find enough words to express our gratefulness, we both very much appreciate your Love and Support through this Storm we have both been going through.

Ron’s Tumor is completely gone but his white blood cell count is going up and down and after having the Chemo at times he shakes and feels very tired, he did have symptoms of Influenza B but Thankfully it did not present and become a problem and once again we Thank those who also Prayed for this healing.

Prince Charles Hospital - Queensland -Australia 1Today I went to see the  Specialist Cardiologist at Prince Charles Hospital for the results of my recent Electrocardiographic Examination and they were very good,  yes amazingly there was still no damage presenting from the heart attack and so Thankfully I don’t have to have another one till this time next year.

Heart-Stethoscope 1The Specialist said my own Doctor was accurate in his diagnoses and I really didn’t need this  further  Examination, I than shared with him about  how God had intervened and healed me at other times in my life and he was excited to hear about them, like my own Doctor he is also a believer.

So how can we  Thank God enough for all His Love and Compassion to all of us His Redeemed Children,  we can’t of course, there just isn’t enough adjectives to express  our gratefulness  but we Praise Him passionately giving Heart felt Thanks  and we never forget His goodness or take it for granted, yes He is indeed God of the impossible.


Christian Love in our Unity in Christ Jesus – Anne.



About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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36 Responses to Update on both Ron’s Cancer and my Heart Condition

  1. Pingback: God Lovingly Intervened in 2015….. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. bjsscribbles says:

    Well done as we have said. Our health and times are needed so much. Our strength to heal with Gods prayer and love. Well done


  3. Terri says:

    Thank you God for answered prayers and for the Healing of Ron and Anne! I am so glad that your heart is not damaged and that Ron’s tumor is gone. Will keep praying for good health for you both. God is so faithful and amazing 🙂


    • Thank you T for your prayers and yes our God is indeed very AWESOME look at you!

      This is why I always appreciate you visiting and sharing T, you have such a Loving and caring heart, Wow I’m sure I have said that more than once before but it is very True about you dear friend.

      I will visit you soon T, I’m still not sure if it was your problem or mine, I have read your Posts but the last one I couldn’t add a like to on top but I will try again.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


    • Hi T, I can’t visit your New Blog, it says the connection has timed out all the time, I have tried a few different ways but it’s the same each time. I can visit other Blogs so it’s not my connection, I thought I should let you know after it happened with both of your resent Posts but your previous Blog called A Story by Me, is OK there was no problem connecting to it. I will also Phone you in case you don’t receive this comment.

      Blessings – Anne


  4. So good to hear Anne. It is amazing to see God’s deliverance! Praise God. Convey my regards to Ron.


    • Yes it is amazing Peter and every time it happens I’m overwhelmed and you can be sure I ask why me! but of course we are not the only ones, God does not have favorites but it seems He does want us to live on, no doubt our work for Him that He planned for us to do in advance is not finished yet, as more than one person has advised us.

      I sometimes think God hears so many Christians praying for us, He is just keeping them happy and it’s working as your comment and others show.

      Seriously Thank you Peter for your Faithfulness and please don’t stop Praying for us, God never really tires of hearing heart felt prayers.

      Christian Love and Blessings – Anne

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Glory to God!!! Great news! I am so happy to hear that Ron’s tumor is completely gone. The next phase of recovery is also very important. Got to attack it with all munitions and angles. That means prayers, good diet and plenty of rest. That goes for you to Anne! You are tireless person but also need to realize that you need time to rest. Please say hi to Ron and be assure you guys are in my prayers.




    • Thank you Caleb for your good advice, you will be pleased to hear I’m sure, that Ron is resting when he feels tied or shaky and much more than he use to, Nutrition has always been important to both of us and seeking God is Number1 priority.

      Like most people I get stressed at times but I sleep well so I sleep it off, I also seem to have a built in control and when I’m tired my body takes over and I start to fall asleep even if I’m Blogging, so I go to bed regardless of the time and sometimes this is early so I wake up early. I always listen to Christian Music while I’m going to sleep, it relaxes me and gives me good input instead of rubbish in, rubbish out that is presented in most modern Secular songs today, or it blasts you out of the room.

      Apart from the last few months Caleb when I have had Computer and Provider problems and than the Heart Attack, I’m committed to Blogging, it is my Ministry or Job, unpaid of course but having disabled feet means I can give more time to it than most can. I pray often as I Blog and seek The Lord for His leading and as His Truth is made known when I Post and Comment, I learn too from Jesus our only Teacher.

      Thank you again for Caring Caleb – Blessings Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is a great ministry! Keep on going…you never really know how bountiful will be your harvest on this side of heaven. A simple smile, a blog post, a comment can be that instrument that God uses to bring someone closer to him! God bless your ministry.


        • Perhaps you won’t feel as if my Ministry is beneficial when I share with you again Caleb on your Blog in response to your reply there but Love reaches out to protect from danger too and believing error is dangerous.

          Be assured Caleb I don’t share what I can’t confirm with Scripture or Creation and neither contradicts each other, please read the messages on the link below and you will realize this is True, if you have read it before also follow the links.

          Confusion – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/my-battle-with-confusion/

          Right now I’m very upset Caleb and yes I have righteous anger having heard again what more than one Church is propagating in error and have passed on for years about God.

          What they are teaching in their ignorance is making Him out to be heartless but He is Love and can do no evil, even His justice is about Love and Mercy, I will soon Blog about this fleshy worldly lie that is confusing people, no wonder they walk away from the Churches hurting.

          Thanks again for your caring heart Caleb – Christian Love – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Dear Anne,

            We could disagree on various theological points and the way we interpret certain scriptural passages but those difference aren’t that deep or intractable. We both have a heart that is alway looking after Jesus and we both should pray for unity with him as he did:

            “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me”.

            John 17:21

            Yes, I still love your ministry because you do it out of a great loving heart!




            • I have no doubt either about your focus Caleb, it is also to Love and show acceptance to others but God warns us about False Teachers so did Jesus, Paul and others in Scripture. Jesus said reading the Scriptures without understanding who He is, is a waste of time. But what we also need to remember is The Holy Spirit does not say one thing to one person and something different to another when they contradict. False Teaching is evil and all evil has it’s consequences because it comes from Satan who seeks to destroy.

              The Cults teach Jesus is not One with God in the Trinity or Godhead as they are called in Scripture, this is a dangerous fleshy understanding, like Pagans they are believing in a false god.

              My Neighbor went to Church but later became involved with the J.W, now he doesn’t know what to believe and doesn’t want to go to Church because he is disillusioned, yes Cults also claim to believe in Jesus Christ but who is Jesus to them, certainly not the Jesus in Scripture and this is the same with others who believe error, yes False Teaching is dangerous.

              Blessing dear Caleb, see you soon – Anne.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. Patty B says:

    Praising God!


  7. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice. I’m so glad there was no lingering damage. I love you girl! Debbie


    • Thank you so much Debbie for your faithfulness to pray for us, you are such a Beautiful, Christian Woman, speaking of course not of the outer vessel but your heart and that never ages even if your outer beauty will one day.

      I rejoice too, yes Great things God has done, I still find it so humbling and yet so wonderful that God Loves me as He does, I didn’t feel Loved most of my life, what I thought was Love soon vanished leaving me empty and alone but Praise The Lord I feel the reality of His Love in my heart now and it never ends and I also see His reality in my life and in others peoples lives, sometimes it’s not healing but it’s just as wonderful, their Inner Peace and Joy radiates outward to others, just like yours does Debbie.

      I will be in touch soon – Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.


  8. Debbie M. says:

    Annie and Ron, Praising God for your healing and salvation. Jeremiah 17:14: “Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”

    Thank you for sharing God’s blessings with others from the doctors (and reinforcing the importance of faith in their line of work) to us, your blog readers who are being inspired by your perseverance in and through the LORD.


    • Thank you Debbie for your Loving support and encouragement , I always feel so blessed when you comment and share on your Blog and I’m sure others do too, as I have said before you have a beautiful heart and this is because you Love and Trust in The Lord which is very evident.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ron says:

    We are so blessed to have a loving God who has our best interests at heart as Paul tells us that in Romans . We can be assured that , that relationship will continue until we decide we can handle things on our own , more foolish if we do . Regardless of what I have, I consider myself truly blessed and I’m thankful too, for those who pray for us.



  10. rhosglwm says:


    So good to hear the good news.


  11. Anne, So happy for the good news for you both. Chemo side effects can be hard especially the fatigue. Hopefully each day he will get stronger and stronger… Diane xx


    • Thank you Diane for your joy in our recovery, we are indeed blessed, although it’s been a very violent Storm, God has been through it with us all the way. Ron also has been there for me, despite his own ill health, It’s a long way to the Hospital but Ron didn’t hesitate to offer to drive me there both times, he was a bit shaky but we made it there and back OK.

      Christian Love – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. dwwork says:

    Great news. I will continue to pray for both of you. Blessings, David


  13. Harbin77 says:

    So proud to hear your good news for you and Ron, We do have a mighty God. Christian Love and prayers to y’all down under.
    🙂 Jim


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