God’s Shoulders are Big Enough for All of Us


Some of you may be wondering why I haven’t been commenting on your Messages as often as I usually do and that I have also not Posted except for the two Re-blogs by Bill and Peter, both of these Christian Men have a great focus, I’m sure you would have been blessed like we were by their Messages, Thank you to those who let them know they are appreciated.

I would like to share now why I’m limited temporally in my Blogging and also share about something very disturbing that happened to me recently but as hard as it was to endure, it does indeed show God is with us through all the Storms that life brings. Perhaps it would not have been so frightening for me if  Ron had been here but he is staying with his Daughter, thank you for those who are continuing to pray for him, apart from extreme tiredness he is managing OK on the Chemo.

I woke up in the middle of the night last week in acute pain in my left thigh and leg, I have a pinched nerve from an accident on my Scooter, they injected a Steroid into my Spine a few days before which can take up to a week to work so I had some pain when walking  but not like this, the pain started in my right leg too, I was scared, the front door was locked and I had forgotten to put my Mobil close to the bed. I was screaming in pain but no one heard me, it was 2.30am in the Morning.

I slid down onto the floor after praying and using some of God’s Balm (see link below) I tried stretching out my legs but the pain prevented me and than I remembered I had some pain killers in the bedside chest, so I reached up and took one but I knew from taking them before that it would take at least half an hour to be affective. I was in extreme pain but yes I was still praying, I put some more of God’s Balm on and amazingly the pain started to ease straight away and enough for me to crawl to a chair and pull myself up, I made my way slowly to the front door and opened it and than went into the Office and called an Ambulance, the Dogs were very frightened so I comforted them and waited, which was not long.

God’s Balm – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/a-special-gift-for-you/

Ambulance 1The Ambulance Paramedics made sure the dogs were OK they  locked up the house and than took me to Caboolture Public Hospital, they were very efficient and caring woman and they showed an interest in me as a person and not just as part of their workload.


When we arrived at the Hospital, the Ward Assistant helped me get settled in a cubical in the Emergency Ward where I was to wait for the Doctor and as she did I was amazed and greatly comforted to see a painted Butterfly on the wall of the cubical, if you read my link below you will understand why this comforted me so much. The other cubicles which were mostly empty had different animals painted on their walls, I also had a little girl angel smelling a rose on the opposite wall. It seems they were short of beds and put me in the Children’s section. Once again I was overwhelmed by God’s Compassion and Love for us, I have no doubt He wanted to remind me He was there with me, as He has done more than once before and yes sometimes with Butterflies.

Butterflies – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/the-butterfly-dance/

doctor9A Nurse came and took my details and blood pressure etc than the Doctor examined me, she was also very caring and attentive, and reassured me it was the Steroids and that the pain would  go when it settled  into my system. I noticed that everyone in the emergency ward worked as a team, of course I would have preferred not to be there but I did feel I was in good hands.

Much Later as I was waiting outside in the Hospital Taxi area for Ron to pick me up, one of the Nurses brought me a cup of coffee and than one of the Security men came and asked if I was OK and talked for awhile, they were all  very caring. Some people complain about Public Hospitals but I’m very blessed to know I will be looked after and treated as a person of worth when it’s needed for me to go there.

But as they say it doesn’t rain it pours, my Computer crashed too during last week…

Shaking head





I’m using an old Laptop now, that cuts in and out, it’s very slow, so I’m sorry if it takes me awhile to respond to your Posts but I will once again seek to catch up over the next few days, I’m feeling much more rested now and thankful that God’s shoulders are there for all of His Redeemed Children.

ScripturesDeuteronomy 33:11b …..The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between His shoulders.(KJV)

Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”

Lamentations 3: 33 For God doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.


Thanks for sharing with me my ups and downs – Christian Love Always – Anne.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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47 Responses to God’s Shoulders are Big Enough for All of Us

  1. Pingback: Urgent Prayer Needed- I’m in Hospital | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. bjsscribbles says:

    I did a bit of reading and thinking, I am going to have to get myself into some sort of routine to write a book, I am going to have plenty of time up my sleeve. Tomorrow is a day to look around


  3. bjsscribbles says:

    I have not been around much I just been writing but thinking of you as well slowly making my way around the blogs..Appointments coming all the time, I reckon my op will be sooner than I thought. Letters all the time coming from Queen Eliz Hospital. so trying to keep my mind busy and relaxed as well


  4. Dear Anne,

    I hope you are doing better…I just wanted to let you know that I have been out for the past few weeks with very limited internet access and today I started to catch up. I like the fact that you single out the room with the butterflies I think that little things like that are God’s way of letting you know that he is in control. That we are always in his hands!




    • So good to hear from you Caleb, I have missed you, I too am behind in Blogging, I had a Computer crash but have also been looking after two Teenage girls, I’m very tired but enjoyed doing so.

      Tonight Kasey a young girl whom I’m looking after again for a few Days, asked Jesus into her heart and so did Romaine , they both come to my Funday School too, please pray for them, we watched a Video about Jesus for Children which touched their hearts and mine but we have talked a lot about how much He Loves them and I have given them Picture Bibles, so Jesus has been drawing them to Him, how wonderful that they accepted His Love given Sacrificially and shown on the Cross.

      As the Link shows Caleb, you are right, Butterflies to me are a reminder that God is close by, they are not magic or do they have supernatural powers as some claim, their not spirits that have come to empower me and lead me to greater enlightenment, they are just a wonderful reminder that I’m not alone in times of hardship.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So great to hear from you!!! That is great news about the girls!!! I will keep them in my daily prayers!

        Yes, in of themselves Butterflies are just God’s creatures and don’t have any magical power but just like a beautiful sunrise or sunset they proclaim the beauty of creation and the goodness of God!!!


        • Beautiful imagery, thank you Caleb for sharing, yes we can indeed see God in His awesome Creation including in us, as a Doctor I’m sure this is no surprise to you, that is why Man/ Woman will be without excuse if they reject Him to death.

          Wonderfully God does know those who are His and not one of us will be lost, He will bring all those He knows as His Redeemed Children to know and understand His Truth by His good seeds planted in their hearts, even if they have been deceived by false Teachers.

          Blessings – Anne

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Patty B says:

    Bless your sweet heart…you have been through alot. Take care of yourself, that comes first. Praising God you are home and will pray for continue healing.


    • Bless you too Patty and yes it is a very hard Storm to endure but I know I don’t suffer alone God is with me, giving me strength and He lifts me up when needed. They told me there is no cure only pain relief but it’s only temporary, so I’m Trusting in God one day at a time or should I say one minute at a time.

      I realize how busy you are Patty so thank you for taking the time to visit , it’s very much appreciated, so are your e-mails, you are a very Loving Christian woman who considers others.

      God Bless you greatly -Anne.


      • Patty B says:

        I think of you often, keeping you and Ron in my prayers. You are such an encourager in spite of your own pain. I count you as one of my blessings from God. You are a woman of God, His light in these time. Sending you hugs from the US!


        • You have such a Loving heart Patty, thank you for your kind words, your encouragement means a lot to me as it does to many others I’m sure.

          I will be in touch soon, Christian Love Always – Anne.


          • Patty B says:

            Hope you are doing well – been keeping you in prayer. I also wanted to tell you that I am thankful our paths have crossed, you have become my spiritual mentor. You mean a lot to me, so take care of yourself!


            • Thank for your concern Patty, I’m feeling better physically but I’m very far behind again in responding to Posts, there were so many that impacted me and that I wanted to share my thoughts in response to and also follow up New followers but with looking after young Teenagers over the last few weeks there has not been much time left and even today I was going to use it to comment but I had unexpected visitors, yes I know one day at a time but they seem so short these days.

              You also give me a great deal of Joy Patty in your encouragement, I feel very blessed that you view me as your spiritual mentor. and the best counsel I can give you is to continue to seek Jesus as you do each day because it is Him who will lead you into all Truth, I just pass it on to others what He shares with me and so plant good seeds, perhaps God will use you to water them before His Harvest.

              Christian Love Always – Anne


              • Patty B says:

                What an awesome responsibility that will be! You are a great seed planter and I know you will be bombarded with people you saved in heaven. In Gods Love – Patty


                • Wow what an encourager you are Patty , your Aussie Mum was very touched by your kind words, if I achieve nothing else in Life but plant God’s seeds of Truth, it will all be worth it.

                  Tonight Kasey a young girl whom I’m looking after for a few Days, asked Jesus into her heart and so did Romaine , they both come to my Funday School, please pray for them Patty they both are part of Dysfunctional families and have known much unhappiness, Kasey has been Suicidal in the past but now Jesus will heal them like He did me, I’m so full of Joy for them.

                  Christian Love Always – Anne.


                  • Patty B says:

                    what joy- you are an amazing woman!


                    • Thanks again Patty but I think we are all amazing when Jesus is in our heart , we are no longer just human we are Super Human, it’s Him though not us that’s amazing but we do become amazing as we are conformed into His image. So yes Patty you are amazing too.

                      Blessings – Anne.


                    • Patty B says:

                      We are all a new creation, not perfect but filled with the Holy Spirit of our Lord, being transformed into His likeness…all unique and special. What a joy to share that with you!


                    • We are to aim to be Perfected in Love Patty as we put our Carnal flesh to death by The Holy Spirit but of course this in not about Worldly Perfection which keeps changing so we never make it but God’s Perfection in Love ( see below ) if you would like me to share all of the Scriptures that confirm this Truth Patty than just let me know, surprisingly not many know this Truth or what it means to us as Christians.

                      1 John 4:17-19 Herein is our Love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in Love; but perfect Love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love. We Love Him, because He first Loved us.

                      Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect.

                      Christian Love Always – Anne


                    • Patty B says:

                      How sad that not many Christians do not even truly realize the power of God’s love. You always share such beautiful verses.
                      God bless your day!


                    • Patty we have run out of room please start a new comment.

                      Very True God’s Love is not fully known because many are deceived and believe that He willingly afflicts us and Yes His Truth in Scripture is indeed beautiful and very powerful.

                      God Bless you greatly dear Patty – Anne

                      Liked by 1 person

  6. dwwork says:

    Ann, I am so sadden by the trials you and Ron are going through. The good news as you know is we serve a mighty God who is capable of guiding each of us through the storms of life. Praying for both of you. May God continue to bless both of you and give you His strength. David


  7. 50djohnson says:

    Dear Anne, I’m so sorry for your malady and your recent visit to the hospital. All very frustrating!! But computer problems send me into orbit!! I do hope you get that sorted out!! Praise God, He’s the same on the mountain as he is in the valley. Blessings,Debbie


    • Thanks Debbie for your compassion, I’m still in pain at times but I use God’s Balm and it goes, it does come back but I just do the same.

      Computers give me the pips too but their needed so I give thanks for them, I wouldn’t have met you without one and that is a blessing I would have missed out on.

      I will be in touch soon Debbie, Love you in Christ Jesus – Anne.


  8. Debbie M. says:

    God is never more than a prayer or a hug away! What a special encouragement God had for you in the butterfly on the wall and the ambulance technicians. Hugs to you Anne.


    • Where do you think Debbie the focus on God’s Shoulders came from, yes from you my dear Sister, Thank you for your Faithfulness, yes Big (((HUGS))) no doubt He lifted me off that floor.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


      • Debbie M. says:

        Anne, It is wonderful how God intertwines our lives. If I hadn’t followed God’s nudge to be a leader in Bible Study Fellowship, I would not have studied that passage to share that verse with you. God knew you would need that verse so He placed me in the right place at the right time to hear it and then in turn give it out to you. That is how our blessings overflow. It is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us! So glad to hear that you are doing better. May the view from God’s shoulders encourage you for today! 🙂


        • Debbie I Love your heart focus it’s all about God, you have blessed me greatly, the Light that you share shines brightly in the darkness because you reflect Jesus our Light.

          Thank you for joining up with us Debbie, may you also be blessed as we share together our Passion for our King of kings and Lord of lords.

          Blessings – Anne


  9. Hi Anne, I am glad you are ok now and praise God for his provision during this time. Indeed God’s shoulders’ are big enough for all of us. Take care.


    • Thank you Peter for caring, although I still have some pain it’s not like last week, I mostly use God’s Balm now and have relief when needed and Yes God has as much room on His Shoulders for all of us, His Redeemed Children and we have no need to fear when we are close to Him, although we don’t have to be Happy Clappy in tribulation and when we suffer but we can be assured we are not alone as we see confirmed below..

      Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”

      Many Blessings Peter- Christian Love – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Terri says:

    I also have been away from the blogs a whole lot these past few weeks and I came over today to catch up, I am so sorry to hear this and I am so glad that God was there right beside you through the whole ordeal.I will be praying for you and hope you get better real soon.


  11. Ron says:

    That’s a great song ,You raise me up and its just another promise that we can claim that God offers us when we are ill or in pain , He raises us up so that we can be assured of His Presence going through with us in our distress. Liked all the graphics also .Anne



    • Yes I Love the Song too and I’m very thankful that like you said above, we don’t walk alone in our Storms God is always with us giving us strength to endure and those in The Body of Christ who are Faithful to care for us when needed.

      Christian Love Always-Anne


      • Ron says:

        I agree Anne that a life without Jesus ,is like a book with 2 covers and nothing inside , like a day when the sun never rises , like a night that never ends . That to me is like a life without Jesus in it . How can people cope all that life throws ,without Him ? Anything that does not have Jesus as central ,is meaningless !



  12. mariebungard says:

    I’m really happy that you’re OK. God was certainly wrapping his caring arms about you.


  13. I’m so glad that you’re okay despite your episode of pain etc. I do hope things settle down for you. As you are probably aware, I’m away right now but look in once in a while. Take care Anne…..Diane


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