Adopted for Eternity…..


I would like to share with you about a special day in my life that is both sad and wonderful, at the time I did not know the full significance of what it meant but I felt very comforted by the reassurance from my Abba Father and as I recall it now, I’m reminded just how much He Loves us all.

Some of you know I’m Adopted and that it was not always easy for me, in telling you what happened on this day it may seem I’m putting my Mum down but she had a big heart although sadly being an Atheist most of her life at least in her head, her focus was worldly. I know in her own way she loved me and my two Brothers who she had also given a home to, as much as she could love us but without God’s Love, only as much as she could love us.

I had gone to Mums early this day to clean her windows and venetian blinds, I needed to finish in time to go to a Know Your Bible class which I planned to do on the way home. I had only been going to Church a short time and I felt it would help me know more about God after being deceived that I came from an Ape, I felt a little nervous as I was not sure how I should respond if they asked any questions about what I believed, I was still seeking to understand the basics.

I had almost finished cleaning the windows when Mum came in, she said they looked good and than said she wanted to tell me something, I stopped cleaning and sat down with her.

Mum said that I needed to know that when she died me and my Adopted brothers would not receive the same inheritance as her own Children and that although she did love me it was not in the same way as she loved them and this was only normal and also her own Children deserved more because they have gone without so we could live with her and her husband my second Dad.

I felt deep pain, I can’t explain it but I was hurting so badly, I said to Mum I was running late and had to go, I ran to my car and burst into tears, I felt I didn’t measure up, I wasn’t as good as others, just second class, I had tried so hard to earn Mum’s Love but I had failed, I didn’t care about the money, my heart was breaking, why couldn’t anyone Love me, was I so horrible, so ugly why, why, what had I done!

Those who have read my early years will understand why it hurt me so much, I was driving but because I was crying I decided to park at the Church were the Know Your Bible class was but I didn’t intend to go in, I was just too upset but to continue driving was dangerous.

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I calmed down and than sat watching the woman arrive for the class, I noticed they seemed happy as they were talking together and there were lots of smiles. I don’t know what changed my mind but I decided to go in too and sat down at the back hoping nobody would notice that I had been upset.

 After a short welcome we were separated into groups, because it was my first time and having not done any homework, I just sat back and listened, they were sharing their answers in reference to the previous lesson. After they finished the Leader introduced the new Bible Lesson.

Wow! what she said started me crying all over again but this time with Joy, of course I didn’t understand it all as I do now but she was saying that God has Adopted us and we are co – heirs with Jesus, yes me too! somebody that  nobody wanted, I was Adopted by God and I was not second class.

The Leader and Author Jean Ratten who had started Know Your Bible asked me if I was OK, I told her what had happened, she was as excited as I was, Jean had written that lesson 3 mths before, yet I had come on the very day it was shared and when I needed it most.

Galatians 4:4-6 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the Adoption of sons/daughters. And because ye are sons/daughters, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Can we ever doubt how much we are Loved, yes years later I got into a big mess but God did not stop Loving me, He did not condemn me but He did say go and sin no more and He gave me the Freedom so I could.


Ephesians 1:4-6 According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.


Romans 8:14-17 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons/daughters of God.For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.


Thank you for listening before I close I want to share a link with you about my friend Kathy who was also Adopted but her story is very different…


We remember God knows every hair on our head and His Loving thoughts of us outnumber the grains of sand. We Never, Never, Never stop thanking Him for His great Love towards us.

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About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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33 Responses to Adopted for Eternity…..

  1. God’s love sustained me and wife during our worst times and till today keeps telling us he is there always. With God, nothing is impossible. Thank you and God bless you and your family my friend.


  2. Its God’s love that helped me through my darkest hours and wash my pain like the soothing waves of the sea. Beautiful and inspiring my friend. Thanks for the inspiration.


    • Wonderful to hear about your reassurance dear Island Traveler, thank you for blessing us, your words are always uplifting and full of Love and it’s very True no matter how dark or painful life becomes we never go through it alone.

      Thanking you for our Friendship in The Lord – Love Anne


  3. andtheword says:

    Dearest Anne, Thank you for sharing this on your blog. I know you have told this to me in person before and we cried and prayed over it, but to see you write this down is a wonderful testament to how loving Our Heavenly Father is. We can all come to understand how important knowing who God is, even when the people we are meant to mean the world too hurt us.Sometimes these people do it on purpose and sometimes accidently, but regardless the pain is still the same, I can relate to what you are saying, I strove through all my childhood and into my teens to “make my parents love me”only to be hurt again and again. One day maybe, like you I will share my story.
    I am so glad that you and I both know how much we are loved by Jesus, and that we are counted among those He came to save. Many blessings to you my dear friend

    Love always
    Vivienne xxx


    • Thank you dear Viv and yes we have both had very hard lives and in some ways they continue. Thank you for the times you have upheld me in prayer especially when Mum continued to hurt me but as you said not even realizing the pain she was causing and now that her Children have also rejected both Alfred and me as their Brother and Sister. I’m thankful Viv for your compassion and understanding but once again I don’t think they even realize the evil they are doing, to them we are Adopted so we don’t really count, we are less than they are but by Mums words and actions over the years how can they think any differently.

      They are in darkness and only Jesus can change hard hearts but they like many others including those in your family, have to want Him to, He won’t force them, we can only pray that their eyes and ears will be opened to know His reality and than they can choose freely as we did.

      Thank you again dear friend, your heart is so big because it’s sides are bursting with Love. One day you may also be able to put into words how Jesus has upheld you through all the hard places throughout your life. Your Testimony as a caring, Loving Mum to your Children who gives her all regardless, gave me courage not to give up hope in my Mum’s Salvation and to continue believing Jesus would rescue her too.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


  4. isaiah41v10 says:

    It is a very sad story, and I’m sorry you were treated that way. It is wonderful how God brings us comfort and shows us we are fully accepted and loved by Him.


    • Thank you dear Jo for your kind words of Compassion, I remember my past now but without the pain, I’m not saying I don’t feel pain when someone hurts me, I very much do but even the scares from the past are gone now.

      Although I do find at times it hard to write about , thinking that if only I had the Maturity I have now, I would have responded to those who hurt me differently. Hurt people, Hurt people, not that I accept the wrong they do but they needed me to show them Love and understanding and if still rejected to move on in Love instead of taking it so much to heart, in the end I was like an Iceberg, I couldn’t even cry the pain was too great than Jesus touched my heart and healed me and I have been able to cry ever since He did, what a gift tears are both for expressing pain and Joy.

      Christian Love Jo, Always – Anne.


  5. cjjustice1 says:

    I just shared this post (& the one you wrote about “Being A Mum . . . ” on my blog. Thank you for sharing your heart so beautifully and freely.
    In Christian love,


    • I could say the same about you dear Carolyn, your comments show your wonderful heart of Love and compassion and so do your actions which seek to uplift and encourage others, thank you for sharing my messages on your Blog, you have touched both Jesus’ and my heart again, what a wonderful way to start the day.

      Christian Love Always- Annie


  6. Pingback: Sharing a WordPress Blogger’s Writing(s) Adopted for Eternity….. & Being a Mum comes from the heart not the womb….. | carojesu

  7. mtsweat says:

    Very moving and beautiful story of your life in our Father’s family good friend, and how He overcomes human frailties. Praises to Him that He doesn’t move with the cold responses we often see people offer. His is full membership into His family with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. So glad to call you Sister, Anne. Many blessings to you today!


    • Hi Mike, your encouragement touched my heart deeply, when writing this message I was both rejoicing and crying. Mum died towards the end of last year and her natural remaining Children, my older Brother and younger Sister, have shown Alfred who is also Adopted and myself recently that we are not wanted now as part of the family, thank you for reminding me Mike that I have a Christian Family, Brothers and Sisters that care about me and that will be my Family Eternally.

      Christian Love Brother Mike, I’m grateful always for your friendship – Sister Anne.


  8. Amen. It reminds me that many with different back grounds, comes to the Lord in many ways… Some come from the fire (trials of life), some come from a flood, but all must be born again and saved under the blood of Jesus Christ. What a powerful testimony you share how you came to our Lord. God bless you, your family and your friends. May the Lord raise you up as His daughter always…Amen.


    • Thank you Brother Steve for coming to our Blog home with a heart desire to encourage and uplift, and correct no doubt if needed. It is my intention to visit you soon as your sharing by Audio that I have listened to in parts, needs a response, which I have been praying about.

      As for this message being my Testimony, it is only part of my walk, it was much later that I came to heart repentance, after many ups and downs and also after falling into deep sin, which I was forgiven of after Jesus rescued me from death and I came to heart repentance.

      God was showing me in this amazing confirmation of His Love that I was His but it took years even after my heart repentance before I understood this Truth, perhaps we can share about how some time in the near future although I have Posted about it in detail a few times now so if you want the links let me know.

      Thank you again Brother Steve and may you be greatly blessed in your Ministry as you stand up for God’s Truth in word and deed.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  9. Ron says:

    Being Adopted means being taken in to a family and accepted as one of their own, which most are fortunate to experience Anne, but I know it was hard for you. Adoption means Orphan children experiencing a family way of life. So too for us ,as new Christians , we are received into Gods family , to experience His unconditional love , as we so desire to love and serve our Heavenly Father, how He loves us all equally.



  10. Dear Sis Anne
    Your story has been a valuable lesson for me:) thank you for sharing your story to us. Many love and blessings to you.


  11. God loves us so very much, Grannie Annie. Indeed, He redeemed us and made us His very own. We are not second class citizens, we are the apple of God’s eyes.
    I am always grateful that all things work together for the good of them that love God.
    Thanks for sharing your story, it often gets us to think in the right direction!
    Remain blessed. Regards to Ron.


    • Thank you Son, it’s so very True what you shared and those who consider anyone as less and seek to hurt them deliberately will reap what they sow but how sad they are so messed up that they want to hurt others.

      But my Mum, I believe did love us 3 Adopted Children, even if not as much as her own Children and she did care for our needs so when I look back now it’s not with anger, just some sadness but also thankfulness.

      Christian Love Always from both of us – Grannie Annie


  12. I have grandchildren by blood and some are step grandchildren with those shared family complications but they all get the same amount of money for gifts for the various occasions. I am grampa for all. I have only two children so that will be an even split. As you have expressed Jesus adopts us all into his embrace and that is the ultimate comfort.


    • Thank you Carl, your so right, Jesus Loves us totally and equally, He has no favorites.

      How very blessed are your grandchildren Carl to have you as their Poppa, what wonderful memoirs they will have.

      Thanks for visiting it’s always good to share with you, I’m a bit behind with my Blogging, we are on Holidays, today we went out for lunch and tomorrow we are hoping to go to the Mountains but I will visit soon, no doubt you’ve added another funny, looking forward to seeing it.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


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