Why hadn’t I notice it before…….

wsAs I was conditioning my hair in the shower a few years back I took time to read my Shampoo bottle. I was in shock!

Shampoo 4

wsThe Shampoo I was using  that was running down my entire body said “for extra volume and body”!

wsSo at last I understood why I was so…. what do they say …. Big is beautiful…ws

ws Joy 4
ws I have  now been  using “Joy ” dish-washing detergent for some time instead … It says right on the label… “dissolves fat that is otherwise very difficult to remove.”wsTAPE MEASURE 4ws
Good news… I have lost a whole fraction of an inch in 2 years….. amazing! ws
Yes do indeed Pass on this helpful Tip but always remember…wsIt really pays to read the labels, be warned my friend ! ws Do you know some people really believe me when I tell them this joke and ask where they can get Joy……
Wow what an opportunity to witness! ws

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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15 Responses to Why hadn’t I notice it before…….

  1. Brian Hurley says:

    Thanks for posting this one. It’s my kind of humor. Love playing with words and their meanings 🙂 Have you ever thought of using Joy for your bath/shower? LOL Have a great day.


    • Wow Pastor Brian, why didn’t I think of that ? and I could even use the Shampoo to wash my dishes, good thinking, but on second thoughts if the shampoo volumizers that means I would have more washing up to do 🙄

      Thanks for visiting – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  2. Deborah says:

    LOL. My fridge is cluttered with lots of bottles and jars with the lids off waiting to be used. They said ‘Refrigerate after opening’ but I don’t know for how long.


    • Your very wise Deborah, we never know when Penicillin will be hard to get but you will never have to worry, you will have your own supply … amazing that you thought to do this since it was not on the label but please remember why we have use by dates now, if your jars and bottles are left too long, you will have trees and no more room for newer bottles to go moldy for your new batch of Penicillin 🙄

      Annie has wise Blogging friends!


  3. T says:

    oh wow thanks for the tip! After all these years of dieting and exercise I can’t believe I never noticed that it was my shampoo causing the problem! 🙂 off to the market to buy a bottle of Joy! LOL thanks for spreading ‘joy’ and making me laugh!


    • Wow T I wish everybody would take to heart my advice like you do , I’m sure like some labels they think I have got is wrong. I remember sharing with someone how important it was not to throw away the rubber bands you get on junk mail in your letter box, we all need too conserve so there won’t be any shortages.

      Well a few months latter and 154,0000000000000000000 rubber bands saved, he threw them all out just because he was bouncing all over the place, people just don’t appreciate advice today! 🙄

      Helpful Annie never gets it wrong!


  4. pilbra says:

    Hahahaha it made me laugh this morning…You certainly can not believe everything you read..We got to have fun


    • Great your back Barb but yes very True, we certainly cannot believe everything we read……. I had these meal replacement packets, they said Slim and Trim, mine were Vanilla shake, so I rushed out and brought some more, a whole Box, after drinking a 100 of them, I was just the same, not at all Trim and I hadn’t slimmed down at all but I sure had the shakes and was very white!

      Annie is not impressed 🙄


      • pilbra says:

        Hahahaha no I tried them to and they don’t work. I’m lucky I got height on my side otherwise I would be short and dumpy. Going to look for a pair of bathers to go to the local pool and try get fit…A joke, I’ll never be as fit as I was but hey! who really care just a bit of fun.


        • Pleased I’m not the only one Barb that they didn’t work for although with me it may have been something to do with my height because I’m short but then it didn’t say that on the label, it said I would be Slim and Trim in no time regardless of measurements, which means I didn’t have to wait for it to work… No time is – No time, right!

          I know what I should have done Barb, put it in the pool and swim in it … thank you my friend for your good advice, I not only will be Slim and Trim, I will be Fit too, you said so and I believe you or did you read it on the Label 🙄

          Annie has smart and fit friends!


  5. It really pays to read the labels!
    Your joke is quite a beautiful one.
    I was already trying to figure out the link between a shampoo and extra-body weight.
    Then the detergent and weight loss.
    I can’t help, but laugh.
    I hope to take grannie’s advice.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂


    • Now dear Son, if you had a problem with your weight you would have understood straight away the link but I hope my warning didn’t get you too confused and you use the shampoo to wash your dishes, you will never finish them, they will just keep mounting up till they reach the ceiling in your Kitchen 🙄

      Grannie Annie knows it all!


  6. Ron says:

    That`s so true Anne, you cant believe everything you read. After my heart bypass surgery , the book I was given said that I could start playing the piano after 3 months. I thought that was wonderful as I couldn’t play before! Like your detergent , I`d soaped it would !!



    • Well Love the book did say you have to buy a piano first, no good soaping till you do, but your right about misleading labels, I brought some medicated band-aids, they said they cover and heal everything, well I had to put 50 on to cover it and then I waited 2 months but in the end I had to have plaster put on my broken ankle , you just can’t believe everything you you read today.

      If you become famous, remember I gave you the right advice.

      Love helpful Annie


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