The M and M’s

Monty was lost and wandered the streets for two weeks looking for a home and then the refuge found him and he came to live with me almost 7 years ago, he is 8 going on 9…..

Monty loves just about   everybody that’s because he is a Laplander… meaning he lands in everyone’s lap, he  would even make a burglar a cuppa and show him around and then give him the key to come back later, this is because Monty is  a thief  also, he has stolen…… heart.

  Missy 9? Loves Me, Monty and Ron (Stonnie ) who is someone really special to her and he takes her for a walk, drives in the car and gives her treats… and no one else has a look in when he is around.

Missy knocked at the front door last year in November 2010 and said….I’m here for Christmas, a few weeks later she said… I’m here indefinitely…and just before Christmas she said…… I’m defiantly here!!!

Please Note…The Pictures are not of Monty and Missy but look exactly like them, I love Photography but it is not my gift. 

I will share on the next post about my little Petal and the Miracle she was.

  Blog Post –

  In Memory –


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
This entry was posted in A Life That Is Blessed, The Kings Animal Blessings. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to The M and M’s

  1. Pingback: Goodbye Monty, our dear Furry Friend | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. If photography is not your gift, then you need something like a Canon G12. It is impossible to take a bad picture with it.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Russel, yes Photography is not my gift but as I said I love it and use Photos as well animation in my e-mails, Posts and Power Points, my gift is creating these for others to enjoy, like yours is Photography and you are indeed gifted with this ability, I love your photos, they make a differance from mine, where you see people standing on their heads, close up of feet and wonderful reflections of the sky, at all angles.

      Thanks again for camping out on our Blog.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  3. Beautiful puppy. Animals need love too, we have the same creator. Many forget! Blessings to you and Ron. How are you?

    A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for your kind thoughts Shenine and yes even though we are of a higher order then Animals they need to be loved and cared for as we do, they are indeed a very valuable part of God’s Creation a gift and blessing from Him too.

      Christian Love Anne


  4. Pingback: In Memory of our Missy | Freedomborn…set free

  5. Awww… They are ső cutttee! Its nice how youy adopt dogs who needs homes…


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi fuzzlovefamily, thanks for visiting my Blog Home, you are always welcome. I Love all animals like you do but my heart goes out to those who have no home, I was Adopted and God Adopted me too and so like you we become part of His wonderful Family … How good is that… have a lovely day Christian Love Anne.


  6. April says:

    I can’t believe someone letting a pup like Monty roam the streets. Their loss was apparently your gain! Enjoyed the pictures.


    • Freedomborn says:

      You have such a Loving heart April and yes like you it’s hard to accept that people dump their animals or worse, but sadly it happens, they are a gift from God to me and I’m sure to you and to many others, they are to be cared for and looked after, we see this in the Garden of Eden but they are not on the same order as man, we were created in God’s image but they are part of His blue print for Creation and they are not only motivated by instinct but respond to Love and care according to their species.

      Thank you for sharing April – Christian Love Anne


  7. Love your ‘puppies’! Makes me miss my Kayla.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes Dru I know you miss Kayla, every animal is a gift in one way or another and there are many animals needing a home and Love and care… I missed Petal and had no intention of getting another dog, I was hurting too much but my Missy who I feel was sent to me, has filled that empty hole, no I will never forget Petal or any other of my 4 footed friends or even my birds and mice, but not spiders yuk! still they have a place in some peoples hearts, ask Dei 😀 … we need to continue to express our Love and compassion and animals like us all need to receive it.

      Many times Dru I think of you and Karla, you are such a caring and Loving woman, hold onto what you had with Karla, but move on in Love, give again so you can receive.

      Christian Love Annie.


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