Just in Case You Were Wondering…..

There seems to be some confusion with Ron’s identity an error with Google Profiles could be responsible for this, perhaps I inadvertently caused this to happen, who knows for sure, Technology is not my highpoint but let me assure you Ron is Ron and I am Anne, yes I know that is strange but so be it.
Since Ron’s e-mail address has been blocked, no reason given and they will not let him use his own picture  he writes his comments and unless he is using my Computer I post them for him, as well as his messages on Ron’s Corner which we research together.  Ron mainly uses  a Computer at his Daughters place to do his own work. I hope that solves the mystery for you, if not let me further reassure you, please scroll down…  
This is Me
This is who I’m Aiming to be
This is Ron
 And this is who Ron is Aiming to be
I hope that has now put your mind at ease and your Confusion is gone but just in case you are still having doubts you can be assured Ron does not like wearing ….

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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15 Responses to Just in Case You Were Wondering…..

  1. isaiah43123 says:

    Well, I know I had it straight from the beginning. A woman with purple toes knows who wears the pink bunny slippers in your family! 😀


    • Freedomborn says:

      Shhhhhhhhh Monty might hear you, we promised to keep his secret but of course purple toe owners would know without too much promting they tend to be very focused but perhaps they need more variety, it brings a balance don’t you think, maybe Missy needs to know this but I’m trying to protect her as she walks in the purple jelly in the fridge and purple toes are a good camouflage.

      I’m not sure why people think I have lost it perhaps I need to do another Post to reasure them……….. I have 😀

      Love – Annie being Annie.


  2. andtheword says:

    Ron & Anne, maybe the confusion happens because we who are In The Lord, know we become as one when we get married. Thank you for being such a wonderful and supportive couple to all,you are a real blessing to all us bloggers. Keep up the good work both of you, and Anne good of you to share your slippers with Ron, while he was unable to find his 🙂

    Blessings In Christ


    • Freedomborn says:

      Wow Viv why didn’t we think of that, the W.P Hacker must be a believer but of what is the question ??? thank you for your kind words they are very appreciated but as for me sharing my pink fluffy bunny slippers with Ron, he pinched them, he didn’t want to wear his green ones, he said people need to know he is in the green jelly, in case they slip up and think it’s me, Hmmm must have something to do with Territorial rights, a man’s thing. 😦

      Thanks again for your insight – Love Annie


  3. Lady Deidre says:

    Hello, Annie & Ron. I think I had it straight to begin with, but thank you for confirming what I suspected all along! 🙂
    God Bless You both!


    • Freedomborn says:

      But Dei are you really sure my friend, after all I only worked it out because I had the pink bunny slippers, Ron lost his slippers so he is not sure anymore… Oh the problems we encounter in life but good news Woolworths have Slippers on sale this week, Ron is so excited he can’t wait to find out who he is 😀

      Thanks Love Annie


    • Ron says:

      Lady Deidre how discerning you have been ! Shucks I guess I will have to give Anne back her slippers, she didnt cry for long but sure complained, needs your prayer I think , thanks for good spotting !!



  4. We know and appreciate who you are – both of you – so just keep on being you.


  5. fgassette says:

    I know who you are and what a blessing you both are to all of us. You know what the Bible says, No weapon formed against you will prosper.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Francine and very True, some people have really lost it sad but they will answer one day for what they are doing but for now we will hold onto your reminder.

      Christian Love Anne.


  6. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for the explanation ,so now you mean I DONT have to wear those slippers??.that`s so good to hear !



    • Freedomborn says:

      Well it’s about time you gave them back, my pinkies just about freeze off in winter besides pink was never your colour you look better in green and it’s a good camouflage when you walk in the green jelly in the fridge 😀

      I can’t see you, Annie


  7. Ron and Anne, Anne and Ron, either way, you both are a blessing to us. Both of you gives a generous encouragment to all of us and gives a post that inspires us to see life in a brighter, happier, more positive perspective. You both are heaven sent. Thank you both for being a blessing to us ….take care.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi island traveler thank you for your Loving encouragment we really appreciate it after the discrimination that is being dished out to Ron and me, whoever is doing it is very sick in the mind or a control freak, same thing really. Only this morning Ron’s comment disapeared again on a friends Blog and again this afternoon, I hope the comment he left you remained, I know they deleted Rons picture from it and they continue to mess with our dashboard.

      God bless you and thanks again you are a Treasure – Christian Love Anne.


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.