A Sparrow Fell…..

A Sparrow Fell

A sparrow fell and no one heard.
Nobody cared. It was just a bird.
From all the numberless flitting throng
of sparrows, who would miss one song?
But God leaned down and whispered, “I care.
It was one of my sparrows, and I was there.”

A little girl, all sunshine and laughter,
(and sometimes scolding’s, with kisses after!)
And hurts to smooth over, and deeds to applaud
A little girl fell!! Where were you God?
A little girl fell!! God, why weren’t you there?
Is it only for sparrows and such that You care?

If you’re God at all–then you could have prevented
this nightmare of pain! So You must have consented.
I’ve always believed You were Loving and good.
I’d like to believe still — if only I could.
But God, if You Love me, how can You allow
such unbearable pain as I’m feeling right now?

Such helplessness – hopelessness – bitter regret –
so many tears that have fallen, and yet
so many more that are still locked inside.
Oh, God – out there somewhere – have you ever cried?
I’m not even sure, anymore, that You’re real.
But if You are, God – Do you care how I feel?

Beloved, I care! In the midst of your grief,
in the midst of your stricken and crumbling belief,
in the midst of the blackness of total despair,
in the midst of your questioning, Child – I am there.
In the midst! Not far off in some vague fifth dimension,
but there, where you are, giving you My attention…

My constant attention – and not just today.
Since before you were born, I have Loved you this way.
You’re important to Me. Every hair on your head
I have numbered Myself! Can these tears that you shed
Go uncounted? Unnoticed? Nay, Child; here I stand
Close enough that each teardrop fall into My hand.
Nor am I a stranger to anguish – to loss.
My own Son was taken one day – by a cross.

I know what you suffer. I know what you’ll gain.
If you’ll let Me walk with you into your pain.
I’ll carry your grief, and your sorrow I’ll bear.
You’ve only to reach out your hand – I am there!

Fear nothing for Janet. Your dear little girl
is safe in My house – and all Heaven’s awhirl
with the ring of her laughter, her quick eager smile,
and the things she’s saving to show you – “after awhile”.
Yes, I could have prevented – but Child, you can’t see
with My perfect wisdom. Trust Janet to me.

Of course you will miss her, but while you are weeping,
remember, it’s only her body that’s sleeping.
Her ‘self’ is awake. Wide awake. As I said,
I am God of the living, not God of the dead.
She trusted Me, and My sure Word comes to pass:
“Who believes shall not die.” that included your lass.

Let Me walk with you now, through the long, heavy days;
let Me slowly begin changing heartache to praise.
Take hold of My hand, Child: take hold of My Love.
I will lead you to Joys that you yet know not of.
Your faith may be weak, and your trust incomplete,
but I’ll not walk too fast for your stumbling feet.

G.Bradford wrote this Poem when a young girl he knew was murdered on her way to school.

How wonderful that we can be assured that even if our small Children cannot understand the Truth of Salvation and have no understanding of good and evil and sadly they die in infancy or before, they are still in the arms of the Lord, because they are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant, although a mystery and not fulfilled in the Old Testament they still had the promise but we have the Reality…

God knows us as His own Redeemed Children before we are conceived, as He knew them and they and us are together with Him in Spirit before the Throne.

For God to stop all evil in the world it would have to end as we know it and that time is soon but not one of God’s Redeemed Children will perish He is Patient waiting for all of us to come to heart repentance.

Can God be any other way but Just and merciful, He is Love and can do no evil or does He willingly agree to it, He tolerates it.

Music -His eye is on the Sparrow – 

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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17 Responses to A Sparrow Fell…..

  1. >> “If you’re God at all–then you could have prevented
    this nightmare of pain! So You must have consented”

    These words from the poem express what I often felt many years ago.

    When I became a Christian I desperately wished that I had been brought up in a Christian home where I would have felt loved and wanted and would not have experienced those 22 years of extreme abuse. However, it wasn’t too long before I was able to THANK God for those early years and to be thankful for the lack of love and the abuse. He used those things to re-make me. He used those things to make me what I am and to give me a ministry among others who have been/are abused.

    God knows. God cares. God undertakes. God changes circumstances and praise Him, He changed me.

    What an amazing God!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Angela for sharing from your heart, I too had a very troubled Childhood and sadly was taught as a Christian that God had caused it for good, but the Scriptures tell us this is slander, although as you shared He does indeed bring good from evil.

      God who is Love does not willingly cause us to suffer and experience hardship, we do it to ourselves, or others hurt us, or we suffer because we live in a fallen world such as sickness and disabilities caused by defective geans and natural disasters etc. If God were to stop all evil in the world it would have to end as we know it now, although that time is soon, God is Patient not wanting one of His Redeemed Children to perish and we can be assured not one of us will.

      Christian Love Anne


  2. Once is my travelled path, I came across a similar story….of a man who feel, who with all his heart cried and asked why…just when he was to about to give up, he felt himself being lifted, then he noticed it was God’s hands pulling him our of his darkness. I was one of this men. And everyday, I realized how God was there in all aspects of my life. I was just to busy, to blinded to see him and his goodness. His is a God of Love and Mercy….for that I’m always grateful. This words touched me like thunderbolt, “Beloved, I care! In the midst of your grief,
    in the midst of your stricken and crumbling belief,
    in the midst of the blackness of total despair,
    in the midst of your questioning, Child – I am there.” My heart is tearing for joy! Thank you and God bless you and your family always….


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi my dear friend I have travelled the same path, I will leave a link for you, but like you island traveler I have known great Love, mercy and grace from our Awesome God, in all my suffering which He did not cause or willingly allow, He held me up and kept me from drowning, I would like to share some very uplifting Scripture that echoes your own words, yes indeed my dear friend we are greatly Loved and always will be, we are a Child of The King and He has set us free.

      Lamentations 3: 33 For He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.

      Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”

      Jeremiah 29 :11-12 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

      Blog Post – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/the-early-years-a-little-lost-girl/

      Christian Love Anne.


  3. Lady Deidre says:

    Beautiful heartfelt poem! Hope you’re well?
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, yes it is a beautiful poem and thank you for your concern, I’m having eye problems, last year I was accidently pushed over and I hit the side of my face on concrete tearing away the gel in my right eye and exposing the retina, I’m now having trouble focusing, I see the eye specialist today. I have had to cut down a lot on my blogging mainly posting what I have posted before except for a few needed comments, I was making a lot of typo errors, I now have had special glasses made for the Computer which is helping a bit but I may need an operation, I will know more today, Ron is taking me because I can’t ride the Mobility Scooter after the examination for a few hours, please pray.

      Christian Love Annie


  4. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    Reblogged this on Hodgepodge 4 the Soul and commented:
    Touched me, hope it does the same for you 🙂


  5. Dicky says:

    I like the hymn ‘His Eye is on the Sparrow.’ I even has a music box that plays the same tune.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dicky, thanks for sharing, this song is indeed a wonderful assurence that we are cared for and protected, how sad a lot of the old hymes are being replaced although I also enjoy some of the modern songs but God tells us to have a balance and regardless of what they call the new songs their not the Hymes as we know them and many miss them.

      Christian Love Anne


  6. isaiah43123 says:

    Reminds me of the book by William P. Young, The Shack.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Was this poem in the book Karin ? I received the poem in a e-mail years ago it touched my heart, the rest of course is just from the Scriptures and as they have impacted my life.

      Christian Love Anne


      • isaiah43123 says:

        No, it’s content reminds me of the book, a fictional story of one man’s journey to God as a result of his daughter’s abduction and murder and deals with tough questions about God’s love in relation to evil and pain in the world. Excellent read. (http://theshackbook.com)

        Keep the Faith!


  7. A favorite! Thank you for the song too. Precious words of life.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes like you Jeanne I Love the old hymens but this one of course was a bit differant in it’s presentation, I couldn’t find a Choir singing it to download but I still enjoy the words of assurance in this song as with many other hymens.

      Thanks for sharing – Christian Love Anne.


  8. ron says:

    Such a lovely poem,how blessed are we to have such a loving and caring God ,who only has our best interests at heart Thanks Anne


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