On The Line But Saved In Time

He was heard to say this one got away and that it had spoilt his day, he was excited you see he had caught something for tea, but the line broke and the fish got free.

What can he do to snare more in his net he will use an allure glittery and bright because he knows their sins are part of the night and that these will cause them to lose their sight and be in fright.

He is starting to worry because he is in a hurry he’s wanting to give them a line to string them along so he can be strong.

“Big ones, little ones swim away don’t be caught with lies dangling in view they are only there to deceive you,they may seem right and that there is nothing to pay and can even bring fun at the start of the day but it won’t stay,it leads to despair when you choose to disobey by not repenting and continuing on your own way.

This is what Satan wants you to do so beware and remember whose strength is always there to see you through.

Satan has his own point of view he plans to put the lost on show those who won’t repent so all will know they belong to him and that they have died in their sin, he wants them to be caught in his snare but about them he does not care.

This is the line that can lure them to him he lies that everything will be fine and tells them not to struggle on the line, but what he wants to do is make fish stew, cooking all together in a big pot with evil as spice and pain as a garnish on top.

There are those that will listen but some will swim away and be thankful to enjoy another day.

But he does pursue to cause pain so be careful not to be caught again, stand your ground and stand firm Jesus’ Love doesn’t have to be earned.

He will give you the strength that you need and nothing can impede so Satan’s demands do not heed.

Satan will never win such is the wages of sin for he has lost his mark and can only work in the dark.

But now the Light has come to set us free, for only those who belong to Satan will go where he will be lost in pain for Eternity.

The Lord knows His Redeemed Children for we are part of Him and He will rescue us from sin, we will be born again as we repent and seek His will, then as we Trust and Obey He will lead the way,

For God’s Power is greater than what Satan can do, not one of us will be part of the enemies stew,even if we take Satan’s bait this will not be our fate.

As we call to Jesus He will set us free and restore us for all to see,then everyone will know that God is above all and our Heavenly Father who we adore.

In Heaven our place is by Jesus’ side for we are chosen to be His Bride and together we will always be bonded in Love for Eternity.

Satan will go on his way but not for ever and a day so remember that his power is just an outward show, he can never win he has lost for all time, for the truth will break us free from his line,the lies he tells will not hold us tight for Jesus’ Light has broken the night.

The Lord has saved us because we are His and we will never be in the abyss, all will be restored and made new for Jesus will always see us through, as we take our stand He will hold our hand for our Victory is in Him as He saves us from sin.

This is our heritage and nothing Satan can do will take it away, for our Heavenly Father is the beginning and end, What He has planned will always win through.

This He has said that with Him we would stay even if we go astray, He will seek and restore us to be by His side, for Jesus calls us His beloved Bride.

Satan has lost, his plan has failed and he will be in eternal jail, with nothing more to do or say for Jesus the Christ has won the day and freed us from sin and that is how we will stay…

Penned by Annie

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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18 Responses to On The Line But Saved In Time

  1. Debbie M. says:

    Perhaps, we also need to be careful where we choose to swim and play! 🙂 What a great analogy for showing the effect of temptation, sin, and Satan’s ploys. Satan’s hook sinks deeper into our lives to the point where the one holding the line has more control over our lives and the direction we take!

    P.S. Do you enjoy writing poetry? It is not a talent that I have. However, there have been a few times where I felt God’s anointing to write Christmas poems. (For 5 years in a row and then it stopped!)


    • What a great point Debbie…Perhaps we also need to be careful where we choose to swim and play!……… this is very True although sometimes we don’t know there is danger until later and we than find we are Trapped, this is why we need Jesus to rescue us, He cuts the line when we ask in Faith, in other words we want Him to and believe He will.

      No doubt Debbie your Christmas Poetry was Spirit lead as it seems mine is too and I also experienced a Sign and Wonder with them, hopefully the link below which also has links, will explain more about them than my sharing here can, amazingly though they have Truths that are confirmed in Scripture that I didn’t even know when I wrote them because they are not taught in most Churches today but were Taught in the Early Church. I discovered this after I asked for God’s Wisdom and empowering and received them, I still write Poems today but not often although I sometimes rhyme when writing Comments which is not my intention, it just happens.

      My Poetry https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/gods-ink-anointed-poetry-1/

      “Christ”ian Love Always – Annie


  2. In this dark world of selfishness – self-indulgence and criticism of believing, you are a bright sunbeam that dispels – May you continue for many years to come Bless you for openly sharing God’s love with us all


    • Thank you Graham, you have such a gentle, Loving heart and your willingness to express it is very much a blessing, you make me rejoice in who I am in Christ Jesus, your encouragement has greatly uplifted me and I’m sure there have been many others who have felt the same.

      “Christ”ian Love and Blessings – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Let’s be Prepared….. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  4. Pingback: A Love That Never Lets Go | Freedomborn…set free

  5. ron says:

    I guess the message in summary could be ,dont let satan get you in hook line and sinker .!


  6. Lady Deidre says:

    One of these days, I’m going to paste the king of kings & the candle lighter to my blog wall! 🙂
    Thank you for your nomination, dear sister.
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, you are the second person who has said that to me recently but please be assure my friend, there is no got to, if it is in your heart to do so then do so.

      Love you my dear Sister always Annie.


  7. isaiah43123 says:

    Waahoo! Great post my friend!

    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi isaiah43123, Wow yourself, I’m always so uplifted by what you share, strange how it always motivates me to share, thank you for your kind words.

      Christian Love Always Anne.


  8. hscraig says:

    Hi Anne!!!
    The light has come to set us free!!! your word are so touching, what a way to start the day! Thank you mum!
    In Christ,


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Scott, thank you for your encouragement Jesus is indeed our Light in the darkness He is The Living Word and in His presence there is no darkness, I will visit you soon and see what your heart focus has inspired you to share.

      Christian Love Anne.


  9. Brush Arbors says:

    Hi anne; you are so very welcome; and thank you for your message… On The Line But Saved In Time… Pretty much describes me of when i first got saved… “Just In Time”.. Blessings to you and Ron, Looking forward to his writings… Bro Pat..


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Bro Pat and yes this is indeed my story too, thank you for sharing and God bless you greatly as you bless others with your uplifting and encouraging messages.

      Christian Love Anne, Ron sends his blessings too, he is away at this time with family commitments.


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