Did I Read It Right!

Did I Read It Right!

On a Repair Shop door…

We can repair anything. (please knock hard on the door – the bell doesn’t work)

In a London Department store…

Bargain Basement Upstairs.

On a Building Site…

Would the person who took the Step ladder yesterday please bring it back or further steps will be taken.

In an office…

After Tea Break Staff should empty the Teapot and stand upside down on the draining board 

Outside a Secondhand Shop…

We exchange anything – Clothes,  Bicycles, Washing Machines, etc. why not bring your Children  along and get a wonderful bargain?

Notice in Health Food Shop window…

Closed due to illness.

Spotted in a Safari Park…

Elephants please stay in your car.

Seen during a Conference…

For anyone who has Children and doesn’t know it, there is a day care on the 1st floor.

Notice in a Farmer’s field…

The Farmer allows walkers to cross the field for free, but the Bull charges.

In a Laundromat…

Automatic Washing Machines: please remove all your Clothes when the light goes out.

Message on a Leaflet…

If you cannot Read, this Leaflet will tell you how to get Lessons.

                                                      Well did I Read it Right?


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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35 Responses to Did I Read It Right!

  1. Peter Adewumi says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very hilarious. Nice compilation. Thanks for sharing Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m pleased Victor that you enjoyed these jokes, I like good clean humour too.

      I’m still writing my Christmas Cards and I have a Doctors appointment later but I will be visiting Blogs tonight so I will be able to catch up with some of your Posts and my other Blogging friends too.

      I had some very good news yesterday Victor when I went to the Hospital, the Specialist told me I don’t have to have an Operation on my shoulder it had improved greatly, although it is still very painful at times but he said they will use Steroids to help lessen the pain until I’m completely healed, Thank you for your continued Prayers.

      Christian Love Always Victor and God’s Blessings,
      Anne. ( Granny Annie)


      • Yes, I enjoyed the jokes. And I liked that you shared them.

        Goodnews about your shoulder no longer requiring an operation. I wish you quick recovery.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you Victor, it is very good as The Body of Christ that we have each others support when needed, you are a Blessing to me and I Thank God for you and I know He uses you greatly to share His Truth especially to the lost.

          Yes it’s very good Victor that you have a heart of Love for the lost, some don’t bother and even excuse their lack of concern even though we are told to witness and when needed warn others and as confirmed in Scripture there is much rejoicing in Heaven when they Repent and even if we don’t know at this time they have Repented we will in Heaven.

          Blessings – Anne.


  3. Hahahaha.. these are hilarious. Good morning laugh

    Liked by 2 people

  4. bjsscribbles says:

    Glad to see you are awake early as well

    Liked by 2 people

  5. bjsscribbles says:

    Very good my friend, made me smile tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Well done Annie. This was really nice. I laughed after reading each one, especially that of “…bringing children for a bargain”; “elephants remaining in cars” and the first “repairing anything, yet having a bad bell at the front of the shop”. All are funny.

    Thanks for the post and the humor shared.

    Blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m pleased you enjoy good Humour E. Luminous so do I, these were a bit different from most that I had read before although I did try standing upside down on the draining board after my cuppa but I kept slipping off and they didn’t offer very much for the Kids I was looking after, oh well I may have to take further steps.

      Blessings – Annie.


      • Hmmm. I see you have good personal humor too. Your comment above is funny as well. Thanks for sharing.

        How is Australia this period?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you E. Luminous, even as a Child I use to tell jokes, I love to see people laugh.

          Australia is having it’s ups and downs, weather wise there has been violent Storms where I live and in other areas of Australia but it has now settled down. The vote for or against Gay Marriage is a big issue at this time but sadly I think they will have the freedom to Marry just like in other Countries, yes before the Rapture it will be just like in the times of Noah.

          Christian Love Always – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Laughter is a gift from God to enjoy and share but bad jokes and swearing pollutes us, they do not come from The Holy Spirit.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Debbie M. says:

    I so enjoy clean jokes that make us remember our grammar and punctuation from school! Your post was a good way to start out my day!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. janjoy52 says:

    Such a great laugh I have to pass it forward!😁

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Jan, I also had a Laugh and than I thought it would be good to would share it with my Blogging friends, I really enjoy good humour.

      Wow you have been Posting a lot lately Jan, I have saved your Messages but apart from my Computer crashing and needing to be reformatted, I have had a friend visiting me for the last two weeks, so once again I’m behind in my Blogging but as they say; “One day at a Time” and yes I will be spending them seeking to catch up again, so hopefully Jan I will visit you in the next few days.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


  10. Nehemiah Project says:

    A bit of humor relief. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • My Pleasure John and good to hear from you again, my Computer crashed and needed to be reformatted and I have had a friend visiting me for the last two weeks, so once again I’m behind in my Blogging but hopefully I will be able to respond to some of your Posts over the next few days. Fortunately for which I’m very Thankful l saved a lot of my Notifications from WordPress before my Computer crashed, last time I lost the lot.

      Christian Love and Blessings – Anne

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lynn, good to see you enjoyed the Humour in this Post, so did I. Thanks for visiting, I’m seeking to catch up again after my Computer crashed and a friend visited me for a few weeks, I have saved your Posts and will visit you in the next few days, I’m looking forward to doing so.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


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