BJ Needs Our Prayer Support

BV 7

Dear Blogging Friends I would like to ask you to please pray for Bj her links are below. For some time now Bj has been going through a Storm in her life and has for quiet a few months also been suffering from intense pain in her hip, today she was told which was very disheartening that she may have to wait up to two years for an Operation to correct the problem.

Bj lives in the Barossa Valley in South Australia and the same as with some other friends I have meet Blogging from different parts of the World, Bj has also become a Special friend of mine on the Blog and off, we often share on the Phone our ups and downs. Bj is someone who is genuine, she means what she says and is also very caring and loyal and has a great sense of humor, well she does laugh at my jokes and as an added bonus we both love Kookaburras, now that’s important don’t you think.KB2

But we are very different in our personalities but then God made us all unique and just as well a lot of Annie’s would be a real challenge, you would be reading comments all day.

Thankfully Bj and I have some of the most important similarities, we Love The Lord and all His Creation especially other people and we have also walked in the same shoes in our lives, meaning we have experienced some of the same hard realities of life just as some others do too, so we seek to have God’s understanding and compassion for each other and those who have had it hard or are still going through hard times.

Bj committed her life to the Lord just over two years ago and is very thankful that now she feels she is very different and others have noticed this difference too. Bj now has Hope and a feeling of worth which her Faith in Jesus her Lord and Saviour has given her and as she seeks to mature by knowing and living in God’s will for her life everyday, she has a wonderful teachable spirit that also accepts Godly correction, yes like my other friends, I’m very blessed to have met Bj and to share with her on her Blog and on ours, she seeks to give in her relationships not just receive.


Bj heart is also in tune with the beauty she sees around her in God’s awesome Creation, she shares this beauty on her Blog through the pictures that she takes as she travels around South Australia. Bj is also very gifted with Poetic imagery and often as I read her Poems I feel I’m in the picture she creates with her words.

Right now Bj is finding comfort in writing each day how she feels and what she is experiencing as she goes through this very difficult time in her life but wonderfully her focus remains on The Lord and His Faithfulness and in her gifting she still expresses the beauty she sees all around her.

Bj 1Thank you Bj for being the Special person you are Christian Love Always from both of us – Anne.



A Barossa Park-


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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27 Responses to BJ Needs Our Prayer Support

  1. Pingback: God’s Amazing Love – Update on Bj | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. bjsscribbles says:

    These Posts mean a great deal to me..Anne,

    I think this is about the latest, some of my newer Australian ones, send to Ron I appreciate his view when he has time… I promise I will come after my Ghan trip, I got to have my Gahn trip and then I will be making up for lost time.


    • Ron says:

      I loved the poems of the outback BJ on The Mountains are Blue, made me think of our iconic and so unique Australian bush and your message of the now disappearing Drovers was brilliant . I’m so hopelessly a lover of our Country that any recalling of our Outback past is to be applauded. You have the blessed gift Bj of clearly articulating and painting word pictures , that makes others feel and smell the bush . I give you my life, indicates in whom your life is founded, well done.I enjoyed them very much.



      • bjsscribbles says:

        Thank you Ron for your kind words, I do love our country and the feel of our outback is second to none . First always.I think it was bread in by my Dad and his brothers and their life.


  3. bjsscribbles says:

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and Prayers, as you know I’m a new Christian starting to mature in God’s Word. The power of Prayer is incredible, I had a letter very soon after Anne posted asking for your Prayer support for me. How great is God’s work, my Pre-Op has been moved forward to December, the G.P has now sent heaps of support letters to the Surgeon hoping and praying I have the Operation soon after my meeting with him instead of approx 2 years later, please Pray for this too. Anne knows the rest of the Story, she is very helpful and an honest Christian Blogger, who will help those in need, I cherish her friendship.

    Thank you my Blogging friends -Bj.


    • We all appreciate your Thankfulness Bj and yes how can we thank God enough for motivating those who worked to help you have the care you needed sooner.

      I hope you don’t mind my adding your Comment to your Update Post Bj, I’m sure others would appreciate hearing from you the good news concerning your Pre-Op and yes your a wonderful friend with a big heart whom I value very much and who I look forward to meeting face to face next year.

      Blessings – Anne


  4. Patty B says:

    Thank you for sharing this with us – we are called to pray for one another – May God touch her hip and bring her relief from the pain and may God work in His power and mercy to work with the doctors to bring about her surgery in a timely manner. In His Mercy and in the Healing Power of His Son, Jesus – I lift up BJ.


  5. Terri says:

    Prayers for BJ! What a lovely friend you are to write a post for her!


    • Thank you T for your prayers for Barb and for your kind words too, friendship to me is about giving as well as receiving and yes you are a great giver T so you know what I mean.

      Barb received some good news today, they have brought her Pre – Op closer, she is thanking God and all of us for our prayers.

      Thanks again – Blessings – Anne


    • Hi again T, are you receiving my e-mails? I know your address is connected to your new website but it seems you are not receiving personal mail, could you check for me please, as I have sent a reply to your question about Daryln’s Photos twice now.

      Blessings – Anne.


      • Terri says:

        Hi Anne, I have replied to your emails. I accidentally replied to them out of order. First I asked if you had received the pictures of Darlyn in one email and then few minutes later I discovered that you had sent me a thank you in another email. I did respond to that email and told you of my mistake, I am thinking maybe you didn’t get it? I was slow in replying to email because I was out of the country for a few days last week and I also have not been online as much so am not checking my email every day like I used to. Life with my kids and grandkids has had me also pretty busy lately but a good kind of busy 🙂


  6. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for sharing about Bj, sorry to hear she is suffering, I will pray for God’s Balm to help with the pain or to heal her, like it did with you a few times. Bj’s Photos of S.A brings back memories of our Trip, I enjoyed our time there.



  7. bjsscribbles says:

    It certainly does have an roamer about it, but as my mum used to say the stuff that smells makes you well


  8. bjsscribbles says:

    Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. The more I know now about God and the healing work he does is so warming to the heart. I have a few things to do and must get to looking more into Debbie M bible studies. I am thankful to come to learn last night that the surgeon I was supposed to have has over the time muck up a few hip replacements around the area we live. God has saved me. The stuff came and is mixed up and ready to go.


    • Wow you sure move fast Bj good on you, we need to put our thoughts into action, well at least the good ones.

      I’m sure you will be Blessed by Debbie M messages, she is a beautiful Christian woman just like you, I will see you on your Blog tonight , your often in my thoughts and always in my heart.

      Blessings – Anne.


  9. Pray for BJ, sis 🙂 God bless.


  10. Debbie M. says:

    Annie, your heart for others in the body of Christ is so evident from this blog post. I am lifting up prayers of thanksgiving for BJ that she knows the LORD intimately and prayers to endure in the arms of Christ. And of course, prayers for God to bring complete healing to BJ’s hip, simply by a miracle of His touch. (No doctors or medication necessary!)

    This week, one of the main truths from our lesson in BSF was: “Jesus does not delete the struggles, He empowers the endurance.” John 16:33 is surely the inspiration for this: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    Prayers from around the world in the U.S., for my Australian sisters-in-Christ!


    • Thank you Heaven Sent Debbie, for your kind uplifting words of assurance both for Bj and myself.

      God is of course the only Healer regardless of what tools He uses or when He intervenes Miraculously and so we give Thanks for all His Healing ways but how wonderful if Bj didn’t have to wait for an an Op or even to have one but instead like when my heart damage disappeared recently, her Hip or what’s left of it returned to normal but until we know, I have given her something for the pain, see link below but maybe God will use it for her complete healing as He has done with me and others before, Thank you for your Prayers too, they are very much a Blessing.


      Christian Love in our Unity in Christ Jesus – Anne.

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