A Day to Remember …..

Ron- Anne

Today is our 33rd Anniversary, Ron and I have known each other for 35 years, Wow it seems like yesterday when he walked into my life and heart. We were not together today, Ron is at his Daughters place, Carolyn took him for his Chemo but we talked and will have lunch somewhere special tomorrow if Ron is ok, after his Chemo he often feels exhusted for a few days.

This is just a short message, I wanted to tell Ron I Love Him and post our Song so he will see it before he goes to bed but below is a link of our Memories that I shared last year about our years together and the things that make Ron Special to me.

Our Anniversary – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/to-ron-remembering-our-32nd-anniversary/



Thank you for sharing this special Day with us, your prayers are also greatly appreciated – Christian Love – Anne.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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41 Responses to A Day to Remember …..

  1. 50djohnson says:

    I’m praying for you both as you walk through the Storm. In Christ’s Love. Debbie


  2. bjsscribbles says:

    Well I am sorry I missed it. It has been hard to keep up this end and think. I remember you telling me about it.Though congrats my friends


  3. What a wonderful and joyful witness of Love! Congratulation to you and Ron!!! This is truly amazing, God Bless Y’all!


  4. Congratulations to both of you! God has always been with you in your blessed union. Here is a poem I wrote 38 years ago in June 1977, it reminds me of your relationship. Love you both!

    Three Together As One

    An angel came to my world with a message
    Holding a perfect triangle in His hand
    He asked me if I knew why he carried it
    I laughed at him thinking such a crazy man

    He placed it down on a piece of paper
    Beginning to trace all of its shared lines
    And as the image came together so complete
    He then asked of me to open up my mind

    He explained how its adjoining three points
    All share equally the same space in between
    He went on to ask me this single question
    If I truly understood what it really means

    He went on to say how it truly displays
    In such a very special and wholesome way
    A wonderful side of pure spiritual wisdom
    Which many alive fail to embrace each day

    The top point of the triangle sit’s our God
    With His glory, grace, forgiveness and love
    But the two lines which went away from Him
    Went to the two creations He was most proud of

    The third line reflects Gods strong foundation
    A shelter when needing guidance the two would be
    But here in the triangle they would be connected
    Saying this is the way our lives should truly be.

    If as a man you turn your head away from God
    You cannot hide away anything you might do
    As you are connected to both God and your wife
    He shall see and feel all you might plan to do

    It is the same for the wife as with her husband
    If she ever for some reason chooses to turn away
    God will see any paths which she also might take
    And nothing would be hidden from Him in any way

    The point of the message which he shared with me
    Was to help me understand where my heart should stay
    He said look at the connecting lines in your life
    Sharing and depending will bless your lives each day

    For God will love and embrace you both all the time
    With His blossoming love in so many beautiful ways
    And His blessings will always nourish your lives daily
    When in this threefold embrace of love you both stay.

    Never mistreat each other a single day in your lives
    Treat and love the other as you would love yourself
    And when God looks upon your steps each day
    Your hearts will never in his eyes leave any doubt.

    Wendell A. Brown
    © June 1977,

    Happy Anniversary!!!


  5. Patty B says:

    Happy Anniversary you two! May you have many more loving years together!


    • Thanks for your warm wishes Patty from both of us, it’s just one day at a time and looking ahead with Hope, as they say when your on a good thing stick to it, yes aiming for what is good should always be our focus, if we haven’t got there yet we keep going till we do.

      Blessings – your Aussie Mum Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for your words and the song, yes the chemo does make me very fatigued and shaky . After a couple of days I come good again .Appreciate all the prayer .



  7. andtheword says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both. Wow, the years fly by, like fleeting moments. A snowdrop falls onto your cheek and then it is gone. May the years continue to grow. God bless you both, and may you renew your love for each other on this special day. Love


    • Hi Vivienne, I said to myself yesterday, I must give you a call, I have missed sharing together about our ups and downs, I will be in touch soon.

      Yes a Snowflake melts and time evaporates, one minute it’s here than it’s gone but Thankfully not True friends like you.

      Ron and I had a nice Lunch together and today our furry friends gave me a Mother’s Day gift and so did some of the Children in Funday School, so I have been blessed or is it spoilt???

      Hope you had a Special Mother’s Day too – Christian Love Always – Anne.


  8. Debbie M. says:

    I read your earlier post too! Doing life together is what I heard. May this beautiful journey of marriage bless you with many more years of more laughs than tears and more smiles than pain!


    • No doubt you have been told you are a wonderful encourager Debbie, Thank you for your uplifting and heartfelt wishes. Our journey in Marriage has had some bad Storms and even now we are experiencing one but one day at a time.

      I’m off to bed now, Church in the morning and than visiting Blogs till I catch up, although Mother’s Day is tomorrow so I may Post too.

      Thanks for visiting it’s always a blessing but don’t forget to send the Pictures for your. Power Point.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


      • Debbie M. says:

        Are you ready for the pictures? I didn’t want to send them and have you feel the “pressure” to get it done soon. I think I saw that Ron is going through chemo. Extra prayers for perseverance and this (health) storm in your lives.


        • Hi Debbie, I was intending to create a few other Power Points before yours but I’m still waiting to hear details from those I had promised them to, I’m not sure if they received my comments yet, anyway I thought I would start on yours now, at least it will be finished sooner even if I do hear from them but if I finish it before I do, I will Post it first. I really appreciate your help Debbie with the pictures, it means it will be finished a lot sooner.

          Thanking you – Anne


          • Debbie M. says:

            I am more than happy to provide pictures as that will be just one more connection between us and our blogs! Now, I just have to download them off my camera and get organized! (That will be the hard part. LOL!)


            • I received your Photos Debbie, they were great, thank you for sending them, I had to resize them as they were too heavy for a Power point so they are not as clear now but still look good.

              I really want to focus on the Snowdrops so will add to them but may still use some of the other Flowers you sent too, they were all beautiful and I really liked Glen Helen. Do Snowdrops have another name Debbie or is this their only name?

              Thanks again -Blessings – Anne.


              • Debbie M. says:

                Anne, I love how you “challenge me” (in your own special way) to learn more! 🙂 I did an internet search and discovered that Snowdrops are also called February’s Fair Maids and Candlemas Bells. Their scientific name is Galanthus. I wish I had more Snowdrop pictures. I will plant more in a different part of my yard next fall, hoping for a cluster of snowdrops!


                • Hi Debbie, not really a challenge but I’m very thankful you found out their other names because I need at least 30 Pictures to create a Power point, so now I can search for more of them.

                  You are such a beautiful Christian Woman Debbie and you can be sure I don’t say what I don’t believe and I’m sure many others feel the same. I’m very blessed to have met you , I feel this way about some other Bloggers but you are all unique, what touches my heart about you Debbie is your Love is overflowing, Thank you for faithfully walking in The Spirit, it shows.

                  Blessings – Anne.


                • Hi again Debbie I just left your Blog, I was going to share with you also about the Power point after knowing about God’s will but felt here would fit in better.

                  I’m creating a P.P with the Children in Funday School but have also decided to start yours soon after I have all the pictures, Hope is a great theme thanks for choosing it.

                  Blessings – Anne.


  9. Terri says:

    Happy Birthday Anne & Ron! You both are always in my prayers.


    • I’m pleased T I’m not the only one who makes Typo errors, now are your Birthday wishes for our past Birthdays or for our future Birthdays Lol

      We do appreciate T that you pray for us, it’s a beautiful gift.

      Blessings – Anne

      Liked by 1 person

      • Terri says:

        Oh my goodness…if you could see how red my face is now you would really laugh! So sorry for the typo it really really was a typo… Happy ANNIVERSARY! and on your next birthday in case I forget to say it it’s already covered 🙂


        • Thanks T , does this mean I won’t hear from you on my Birthday or will you wish me a Happy Anniversary……..If only my errors were as small … How about talking to someone for half an hour on the phone and than realizing it was the wrong number, he was as surprised as me, he thought I was his daughter with a cold, I thought he was my friends Husband…. Life happens, and sometimes we can laugh.

          Blessings – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Terri says:

            Now that is funny! :)) I will be sure to wish you happy anniversary on your birthday to even things up 🙂 Glad you are laughing, have a great day!


  10. eliveleth2013 says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and Ron, Praying for Ron’s health and yours. Love you!


    • Thank you Velta, we appreciate both your warm wishes and your Prayers, right now our road is very rocky and the Storm is full on but wonderfully we do not walk alone, I hope all is well with you, I was wondering do you still comment on the website where I met you?

      Blessings – Anne


  11. I celebrate with you Anne and Ron today. Happy Anniversary!!


  12. Ahhh, how sweet. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!


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