Atheist with a Bear…


 An Atheist was walking through the woods.

 ‘What majestic trees!’
‘What powerful rivers!’
‘What beautiful animals!’

  ‘How amazing is Evolution!’, he said to himself.

 As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

  He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him.

He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer.

He tripped & fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.


At that instant moment, the Atheist cried out…

‘God Help Me!’

Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.

 As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.

‘You deny My existence for all these years, teach others I don’t exist and even credit My Creation to a Big Bang Cosmic accident and Evolution.

Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?

Am I now to count you as a believer, do you want to repent?’

The Atheist looked directly into the light, and said…

‘It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now and I don’t need to repent but perhaps you could make the Bear a Christian?

Very well so be it if it’s your choice is not to repent, said the Voice.

‘The Light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both forepaws together, bowed his head & spoke…

 Bless this food, which I am about to receive from Thy bounty, Amen.’


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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62 Responses to Atheist with a Bear…

  1. pilbra says:

    I read the Bear story once before and just re-read it and some of the comments, I think it was before I really started leaving comments. I can picture some of my family reading it. They need to acknowledge what good God does. But I would be dreaming


    • I think it is a blessing Barb that we don’t know other peoples Destiny, only God knows their heart, but those we Love, just like you and I did, may come to heart repentance before they die but we will never know unless they do, because the things of earth will be forgotten including those who are not in Heaven with us but we continue to witness and pray for them with the Hope that they will realize just how much God Loves them before their lives are wasted.

      Christian Love Always my friend – Anne


  2. You are still using as proof agnophilo what you are reading on the Internet, I have heard it all before only with more added as they seek to prove what they can’t.

    It seems you have very little understanding of the Scriptures or any knowledge of how they were originally compiled, it would help you to seek more knowledge in this regard, let me share with you what God tells us about them.

    2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man/woman of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

    How do we know that God told men what to write in the Scriptures, because they talk about Truths that only God could have known when they were written, apart from Prophesy which has come True, some is coming True now and some has yet to happen but the signs show that they will, there is also other things in Scripture that only God could have known when they were written , such as D.N.A , Aids which is not a virus and that the world is round, Dinosaurs which were called Dragons, lived with man, Technology now and in the future and other things that are happening today and have happened in the past and will happen soon.

    Do you know anything about the Dead Sea Scrolls, agnophilo, they confirm a lot of the Scriptures in the Old Testament as they are today, yes some were written by others not connected to what is in the Scriptures but a lot they found does confirm it. The New Testament also confirms the Truths in the Old Testament and it confirms the New Testament.

    As for new Translations, yes there is error in them but mostly not to deceive except for the Cults Translations but God shows us man’s errors so we don’t have to fear being deceived. I use the K.J.V for confirmation of what Jesus teaches me through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, because it is closer to the original, it was written in the 1600’s the others were written much later and from a different and later source, and they keep updating them so they add more of man’s errors and their fleshy understanding, which has been proven by Scripture itself because it than contradicts but there were no contradictions in the Scriptures, only man’s added ones or when those who read it without the empowering of The Holy Spirit think there are contradictions.

    Sorry agnophilo, I can’t talk for everyone else or what they propagate on the Internet when claiming to be Christians but some who do this, are Cults, or breakaways from Cults, some are wolves teaching Heresy, some are just deceived Christians who have believed their lies, and some have God’s Truth which they share freely but I do understand why you are confused agnophilo, with having no faith in God, you can’t discern Truth from error.

    Yes I do have God’s wisdom, but I was not born with it as a baby so I asked Him for it and He gave it to me (see below ) I’m still learning but what He has shown me I have no doubts about. When we ask for His wisdom, we are to believe we have received it, to say God is lying to us and we haven’t received His wisdom when He says we do, is more than arrogance it’s foolishness. Those who claim to know God but don’t believe I have His wisdom or others don’t, even though we asked for it in Faith, are saying they can’t have it either so why are they sharing their own understanding and yes they are also calling God a liar if they continue to believe He does not do what He tells us He will.

    James 1:5 -8 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

    As for your claim that all things will remain a Mystery, God’s Truth tells us the opposite, I will let Him tell you Himself…..

    Matthew 10:26-28 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops (KJV)

    1John 2:26-28 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.

    You said agnophilo that belly buttons do not fossilize which is True but nor does the rest of the flesh of mankind and animals, so how do Evolution Scientists build a theory around just bones and claim that they change from animals to us.

    We only have to look at what is happening today to know the Truth. We have formed belly buttons and animals don’t, animals don’t talk, we do and they have a different protection covering, we have hair they have fur, feathers, scales or shells , they are not changing into different Species today and Mutations still come from the original source, animals also have different blood D.N.A than us, which God told us about over 2,000 years ago before they had Pathology…..

    1 Corinthians 15:38-40 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased Him, and to every seed His own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

    As for the age of the earth, it has never been proven to be older than approx 4,0000 years old, Carbon dating cannot confirm it to be longer than this and the other methods are unproven, they are just theories. The Bible also confirms a young earth, not one that is billions of years old and this is confirmed by the 6 days of Creation in Genesis and the generations listed in the Bible.

    As for devaluing others, I value everyone as people of worth, God said He Loved the world meaning everyone in it past, present and future and He sent Jesus to save them and set them free but He knows those who are His from Eternity regardless of what they may believe before they come to heart repentance. He also calls those who don’t believe in Him fools and that they will be without an excuse, but He knows everyone’s hearts, we don’t so we can’t judge their Eternal Destiny . As I have shared, I was an Atheist in my head not my heart for nearly 30 years and also an Evolutionist but He knew me as saved, meaning His redeemed Child of the Promise before I was conceived.

    So agnophilo if you don’t believe there is a God, why did you come onto a Christian Blog to try and prove He doesn’t exist, if you claim to be secure in what you believe, why are you not at peace but instead trying to prove it to yourself.

    I reason with unbelievers or those who are deceived and so do other Christians because we want them to know the Hope they can have in Jesus Christ now and the wonderful Eternity we will have with Him in the future but what do you offer others with what you believe agnophilo and propagate, what are you achieving by offering them a hopeless end.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

    P.S To say Christian Love, is to say we Love everyone in and through Christ Jesus but this does not mean we have to accept the evil they do or say , Jesus didn’t and tells us not to either, instead we choose to stand up for His Truth regardless of the cost to us personally because we Love Him and others.


    • agnophilo says:

      I’m not going to respond to this, but only because you ignored about 99% of what I said in the previous comment, and I know if I take the time to give another long reply you will just do the same thing.


      • Sorry agnophilo but there is no point in responding to what is not fact, just theory which you have found on the Internet. But I did reply to most of your statements as you will see if you read my answer.

        It saddens me agnophilo that your so hard hearted but then so was I and God rescued me. I never give up on anyone as I don’t know their heart, only He does, you too my come to repentance even if it is on your deathbed , yes yours will be a wasted life but at least you will escape the flames of eternal separation from God, which means eternal suffering, it is Him who keeps us now from all it’s evil.

        We all have a choice to make, God or a Eternity in Hell, it is not God’s will anyone perishes, but He will not force you to accept Him agnophilo and His free gift of Salvation, it will always be your choice and so you will reap what you sow good or bad and to reject God is VERY VERY BAD and if it’s heart rejection, there is no hope and prayer will be pointless.

        But I will pray for you agnophilo , Christian Love from us both – Anne


        • agnophilo says:

          You know nothing about me whatsoever, and are assuming I am “hard-hearted” out of simple bigotry. I am done being talked at by you. I will seek out someone else who will talk and also actually listen.


          • It is not me agnophilo that calls people hard hearted, it is God who tells those who reject Him and His guidelines that they are Hard hearted. So are you hard hearted agnophilo?

            Kind regards – Anne


            • agnophilo says:

              Then you believe in a bigot god. Others before you also believed god said jews are poison. So they tried to get rid of the poison. After all god said it, not them, so it wasn’t bigotry.

              You can keep your beliefs. I will spend my life trying to understand, not believe.


              • God never said agnophilo, Jews are poison, He said what they were doing was evil and they would reap what they sow , if you worship Pagan gods and do the evil they do, then you will suffer for doing so.

                Same as people who reject God , how can He answer their prayers or bless them greatly but yes they do benefit by our blessings.

                You can’t understand agnophilo what has no substance or can you believe in what you can’t see without Faith.

                God Loves everyone including you agnophilo , He can be no other way He is Love and can’t do evil.

                Kind regards from both of us – Anne


  3. jeffery51 says:

    That was very funny… Good Teaching!


    • Yes it is funny Jeffery and very much in the realms of the impossible and unbelievable and that’s what makes it so funny, even if some take it seriously and get upset.

      They really need to ask why are they so upset, if they are so sure they don’t need God and that He doesn’t exist, if they really believed this, they would be rolling around the floor laughing at us because we believe in Him and also because we Love and obey Him. God will never force them to seek Him, even though He Loves them so it’s not His will they perish, it’s their choice, as you said Jeffery it’s also good teaching.

      See you soon Jeffery – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  4. jeffery51 says:

    Reblogged this on I AM KING PARKS and commented:
    At that instant moment, the Atheist cried out…‘God Help Me!’


  5. pilbra says:

    Now I certainly know what we have been talking about…Such an amazing post and truthfull..You are amazing


    • Hi Barb, on the serious side, yes if we still reject God at the point of death, there is no hope for us but of course we will not have a bear say prayers before he eats us, unless we go into his territory, yes he will eat us but not say grace.

      Do you know Barb some will take this joke seriously, I mean not just a bear saying grace but God making a bear into a Christian, He won’t even do that with us unless we choose to let Him by repentance but they will laugh at jokes that make fun of the aged and are very disrespectful or put down the disabled and belittle the mentally ill…. yes their very selective.

      Be in touch soon friend – Blessings Anne


  6. God has a truly great sense of humor. The ending had me rolling laughing . The Atheist had it coming. A story that we all can learn from. God bless.


    • I too find a bear praying funny Island Traveler but then he was a Christian bear after all, I wonder if he also went to Church on Sunday, he would have a whole smorgasbord to choose from.

      I hope he also dresses the right way and does not just wear casual clothes and that he remembers to take his bible and 10% of his earnings, for the donation before taxes of course and that he doesn’t forget to take his hat off before he eats everyone 🙄

      Blessings Anne.


  7. Thank you for those who commented when I first Posted this message and Joke last year, and those who have now. What amazes me with Atheists is they don’t have any proof of what they claim but claim it anyway, expecting to be believed and surprisingly they are upset and even hostile when we don’t believe and accept what they blindly claim because we have Faith and can see the reality of God all around us and His written word gives confirmation of their errors too even if they think it is foolish.

    Well perhaps this Joke with make them stop and think, it’s also a warning but will they see it! What isn’t funny though is they think it’s a joke to Mock God, by calling Him a liar, He created them even if they think that’s a joke but the good thing is God doesn’t take their abuse to heart, but he is saddened that they will reap what they sow.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  8. agnophilo says:

    Anyone, atheist or not, who knows of no evidence for evolution is simply ignorant.


    • Sorry agnophilo there is no evidence for Evolution that does not confirm Creation too most of what is claimed is only theories. Man has never been able to create variable life from nothing and besides animals which we are suppose to evolved from, don’t have and have never had, formed belly buttons.

      You may have also noticed they can’t talk as man does, for this to have evolved so they could would mean the entire central neurological system which includes the brain would have to have been completely changed, which means, they would no longer have been functioning and would have died out completely and not continued to evolve as is claimed.

      Carbon dating and all other forms of evaluating time have been proven not to be valid in regard to the earth being billions years old, it isn’t.

      But please do some research yourself and find the evidence you think that there is and we will examine it’s source and validity , till then check out my Blog, I have a few Posts on Creation/ Evolution that have links that may help you.

      Christian Love from us both – Anne


      • agnophilo says:

        “Sorry agnophilo there is no evidence for Evolution that does not confirm Creation too”

        That isn’t how science works, I just the other day did a blog about the difference between the two:

        Re: Science Is Just Interpretation.

        “most of what is claimed is only theories.”

        The line “evolution is just a theory” is an attempt to mislead people to think that the word “theory” in science means a hunch or a guess, when in science that is a hypothesis. A hypothesis that can be experimentally tested, explains all of the available data and has stood up to scrutiny is called a theory. Furthermore in science theories attempt to explain facts. Evolution theory attempts to explain the fact that life changes over time and that it was very different in the past than it is now (and many other facts). The same way several theories of gravity attempt to explain why things fall to the earth. That these are “theories” doesn’t change the facts they are attempting to explain. Science strictly deals with observable physical reality so it is always an attempt to explain something that is real and observable.

        “Man has never been able to create variable life from nothing”

        Mankind has also never been able to make a hurricane, that doesn’t mean the universe can’t do it. But even if I grant for the sake of argument that life had to be created, that doesn’t change the fact that it evolves afterward. Darwin assumed life was created and said so many times in his writings.

        “and besides animals which we are suppose to evolved from, don’t have and have never had, formed belly buttons.”

        Every placental mammal has a belly button, though they tend to be less pronounced in other species. It’s also worth noting that we did not evolve from any modern species. It’s also worth noting that before mammals gave live birth our ancestors a very long time ago laid eggs like reptiles. Some of the evidence for this is the fact that quasi-mammals like the platypus which have some mammal traits like fur and lactal glands lay eggs, but the eggs are soft and leathery without a hard shell. In the womb (in humans) our babies are in what we call the amniotic sac – it is called this because it is anatomically indistinguishable from the amnion (lining) of an egg. Before you were born you were wrapped in an egg lining, and inside the lining there was also an empty yolk sac right there next to you. If you don’t believe me, google it, humans have yolk sacs. We also have the genes for making egg yolk protein, but they’re switched off. In humans they don’t work anymore, but we still have them. Odd, isn’t it? Common ancestry and evolution explains all of these facts, and many more about our anatomy.

        “You may have also noticed they can’t talk as man does, for this to have evolved so they could would mean the entire central neurological system which includes the brain would have to have been completely changed, which means, they would no longer have been functioning and would have died out completely and not continued to evolve as is claimed.”

        Living things do not function like man-made machines where to change one thing means to destroy the whole machine. In living things changes are extremely common and usually not harmful. For instance verbal ability varies greatly from one person to another. Some people are very eloquent and others can barely string a sentence together, and everything in between. If what you say is true most of these people would be dead because their brain would shut down at the slightest change.

        “Carbon dating and all other forms of evaluating time have been proven not to be valid in regard to the earth being billions years old, it isn’t.”

        According to fundamentalist websites, in reality all that is seriously discussed among actual scientists (most of whom are christian in the US btw) is the margin of error, which is a few percent for most dating methods. It would have to be a few hundred thousand percent for young earth creationism to be true. And even that wouldn’t make sense, because those dating methods would have to consistently be wrong about young things in one direction and consistently be wrong about old things in the opposite direction.

        “But please do some research yourself and find the evidence you think that there is and we will examine it’s source and validity , till then check out my Blog, I have a few Posts on Creation/ Evolution that have links that may help you.”

        You get your information from fundamentalists who base their views on a particular theology. I get my information from the consensus of mostly christian scientists who are trained to set aside ideology and follow the evidence. Which of those sources seems most likely to be reliable? As for evidence, evidence of what, specifically? I can’t think of any aspect of evolution that hasn’t bee supported by experiments and used to make accurate predictions. People were doing evolution experiments in the 1800s and watching bacteria evolve before their eyes.

        “Christian Love from us both – Anne”

        I’d rather you love truth than love me.


        • I do Love Truth agnophilo but God’s Truth not fleshy mans which is usually a mish mash of information. With Evolution Teaching, what is claimed has not and never will be proven as fact, except with those who still claim God created life, it does not come from nothing .

          I don’t get my facts from man but from God, if you want to argue with Him and call Him a liar, you will find out very quickly how uninformed you are, reading Secular websites, most of which copy each other can lead to grave error because their focus is the same or they wouldn’t copy those who claim to know, but don’t have proof.

          Man’s Belly button is very different from an animal and always has been and still is, as shown by the fossils in the past and the bodies of both now, also by the birth process of both, now and in the past, yes there is similarities, God used the same Blueprint but He made us a higher order, with marked differences , we were created in His likeness animals were not!.

          Where did the evolved Bactria come from ? thin air, it started with something created, even Scientists can’t create from nothing, try it…look into space and say form Bactria or put nothing into a jug of water and say form molecule and then wait billions or at least millions of years for it to happen but of course you may get a sludge from the Bacteria in the air polluting the water but it can’t produce variable life forms, it may produce some more sludge which is what they found after a short period of time but the sludge remained sludge and then without moisture dried up, the Bactria in the air came from rotting carcases and germs from unclean habitation and pollution from man’s waste. Good Bactria comes from created substances.

          God did not create Animals to evolve from one species to another and there is no proof they have, although they may change within their own species but breading cannot alter the genetic structure of the D.N.A it is only a Theory, which is an unproven assumption or hypothesis, yes it may be believed by many that do not know the Truth but that does not make it fact.

          If you wish to continue this debate agnophilo, please provide some proof of what you are alleging and not just repeat what others have said that contradicts God’s Truth and is not based on proven facts. Evolution that is propagated today is at best a denunciation of Truth with unproven assumptions or man’s own hypothesis, or at worst deception, yes a Lie!

          Christian Love from us both – Anne….. or would you prefer hate, sorry it’s not possible when we have The Holy Spirit … hate is the absence of Love, God is Love, although He does indeed hate evil and lies are evil and I hate them too!


          • agnophilo says:

            “I do Love Truth agnophilo but God’s Truth not fleshy mans which is usually a mish mash of information.”

            Men wrote, compiled, translated and interpreted the bible, not god. You have to trust them before you trust god. And on this subject the bible is silent. There are some vague passages but there is not any text of the bible with a scientific level of detail on matters of nature. So either god did not intend to write a science book or god wasn’t involved at all. Either way the origins of the universe and life should be treated as what they are, a mystery. To pretend like you have all the answers is just arrogance.

            “With Evolution Teaching, what is claimed has not and never will be proven as fact, except with those who still claim God created life, it does not come from nothing.”

            Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life. Life evolves and has changed a great deal over recorded time regardless of whether it arose by itself, was miraculously created by god, arose by properties of physics, chemistry, thermodynamics etc which god established, or something else entirely.

            “I don’t get my facts from man but from God,”

            Yeah, a lot of people think that. They usually disagree with each other violently.

            “if you want to argue with Him and call Him a liar, you will find out very quickly how uninformed you are,”

            I am an atheist, I don’t know that there is a god to argue with or accuse of lying in the first place.

            “reading Secular websites, most of which copy each other can lead to grave error because their focus is the same or they wouldn’t copy those who claim to know, but don’t have proof.”

            Religious websites often copy each other too. Unoriginality isn’t a secular problem. The difference is that secular websites, while they contain errors, do not pretend to proclaim ultimate, un-challengable truths, so when an error is discovered, it is usually amended.

            “Man’s Belly button is very different from an animal and always has been and still is,”

            It’s more prominent, this is a minor difference.

            “as shown by the fossils in the past and the bodies of both now, also by the birth process of both, now and in the past,”

            Belly buttons do not fossilize, so this is not the case.

            “yes there is similarities, God used the same Blueprint but He made us a higher order, with marked differences , we were created in His likeness animals were not!.”

            Our closest non-extinct relatives are chimpanzees which share over 95% of their DNA with us, and virtually all of their anatomy. Other much more far removed species are often still remarkably similar. A lizard, for instance, has virtually the same skeleton you do, just smaller and with slight modifications. I look at this and am fascinated and feel a sense of kinship with my fellow species. Why does it disturb you but fascinate me? Perhaps because you’ve been convinced that these facts are dangerous.

            “Where did the evolved Bactria come from ? thin air, it started with something created,”

            Bacteria have been evolving for billions of years, are very complicated and almost certainly look nothing like the first organisms (assuming abiogenesis). But even without abiogenesis we know that mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish etc appeared gradually and that for around 2 billion years there was nothing on earth but micro-organisms. So what is the harm of starting with complex chemistry and the laws of physics instead of micro-organisms?

            “even Scientists can’t create from nothing, try it…look into space and say form Bactria or put nothing into a jug of water and say form molecule and then wait billions or at least millions of years for it to happen but of course you may get a sludge from the Bacteria in the air polluting the water but it can’t produce variable life forms, it may produce some more sludge which is what they found after a short period of time but the sludge remained sludge and then without moisture dried up,”

            Scientists couldn’t figure out how to make the 4 chemical components of RNA for over a decade despite knowing the chemical ingredients and what the finished product was supposed to look like. When they finally figured it out it was as simple as the right combination of sunlight (UV radiation), evaporation and mechanical forces (like ocean waves). The reason it was so hard to figure out is that chemistry is like a combination lock that has to be unlocked in sequence – and the number of “passwords” (ways to combine different elements under different pressures, temperatures, levels of electricity etc, etc in different orders is virtually infinite). So the fact that scientists have not figured out how life began in a few decades does not surprise me in the least.

            “the Bactria in the air came from rotting carcases and germs from unclean habitation and pollution from man’s waste. Good Bactria comes from created substances.”

            So you reject evolution and abiogenesis, but you think that the environment can cause complex organisms to spontaneously form? What gives?

            As for bad bacteria feeding off of waste, YOU feed off of waste. What do you think gaseous oxygen is? It’s a waste product of algae and plants. That is why until they appear in the fossil record the atmosphere was relatively barren of oxygen. One species’ waste is another’s food supply. This doesn’t just apply to bacteria.

            “God did not create Animals to evolve from one species to another and there is no proof they have,”

            Speciation (the splitting of one species into two) is very well observed in nature and in lab experiments. So well observed that there are four known types of speciation. That it has happened in the past has been confirmed with genetic testing including comparison of endogenous retroviruses (viruses that inject themselves into the DNA of their host and occasionally get passed on to the host’s offspring in a broken form, we have thousands of dead viruses in our DNA with which we can compare to our close relatives to confirm that some of our ancestors were infected with the same viruses in the same part of our two genomes, proving common ancestry). Another thing you might find interesting (or horrifying) is ring species. Google it, if you want to.

            “although they may change within their own species but breading cannot alter the genetic structure of the D.N.A it is only a Theory, which is an unproven assumption or hypothesis, yes it may be believed by many that do not know the Truth but that does not make it fact.”

            Breeding doesn’t change DNA, it merely selects from it after it changes on it’s own. DNA copies itself, and it often copies itself wrong – these DNA copying errors are very common (more than 100 per person per generation in humans) and are called mutations. Mutations manifest in everything from family traits to birth defects and just as they occasionally harm people (and animals) they are occasionally useful. Some notable examples in humans range from being able to see invisible forms of light like ultraviolet light to being immune or highly resistant to deadly diseases to some athletes being born with two muscles where normally people only have one, and so on. It is not hypothetical or unproven, some creationists just prefer to live in the dark.

            “If you wish to continue this debate agnophilo, please provide some proof of what you are alleging and not just repeat what others have said that contradicts God’s Truth and is not based on proven facts.”

            What proof would you like? And proof of what exactly?

            “Evolution that is propagated today is at best a denunciation of Truth with unproven assumptions or man’s own hypothesis, or at worst deception, yes a Lie!”

            I should think that if there is a god and he created the universe and life then anything we find in nature is by definition “god’s truth”. You hold one narrow interpretation of one part of one text up as god’s truth and ignore the whole of creation which you say he authored. If the bible said the earth was flat and your eyes said it was round, which would be god’s truth?

            “Christian Love from us both – Anne….. or would you prefer hate, sorry it’s not possible when we have The Holy Spirit … hate is the absence of Love, God is Love, although He does indeed hate evil and lies are evil and I hate them too!”

            You do not have to hate someone to assume the worst of them or condescend to them. Christians constantly project onto me hatred (as you just did), depression, egotism and every horrible flaw. I recently had a co-worker, upon finding out I was an atheist, reel in surprise because I was nice and friendly and wasn’t depressed and didn’t wear dark clothes. This is on par with being astounded that a jew isn’t greedy and scheming…


        • limbiley says:

          Nice to see you guys again,loved the story.
          Your seed will go far,most of these souls are crying for salvation and understanding and I am sure in your time and 700 comments + you reached some of them.

          Remember heaven rejoices if only one sees the light

          God bless keep the faith.


          • Thanks Limbiley for your encouragement and for you words of Truth too, how I wish I did and could do more. Believing myself that God didn’t exist, I didn’t care what I did as long as I was happy and for a short time I was but I had to keep topping it up, oh I put on a good act, Happy Annie in public but mostly lost and lonely in the darkness and I could not see the future being any better but what is amazing is I didn’t even realize the hurt I was causing God, others and myself.

            I’m not saying everything is 100% for me now, my road is sometimes hard but I have deep inner Joy, even if at times I have tears in my eyes, I know my future and it’s very good and even in the Storms of life I’m never alone and I feel I’m not too. I believe very much in Faith as you do Limbiley and yes Faith has actions but it also has good emotions too, even if their not Happy Clappy ones, God created us that way, we reap the good we sow too.

            If Atheists only realized what they have not got but they are in darkness as you said and it’s foolishness to them, (1Corinthians2:9-16) still we don’t know their hearts, they may repent before they die, at least we can pray for this.

            Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  9. I’m quite amused at all the Christians who love the bear story.

    You know what’s amusing? People who disagree with us getting murdered. HILARIOUS!


    • I Thought you might find the link below of interest NotAScientist, at least it will open your eyes to the real world.

      But if you look deeper at this joke NotAScientist and I always do and also with comments and Posts too, it’s not just about an Atheist being eaten by a bear but that when given the chance to repent, after all he was in the presence of his Creator, he only thought about the here and now .

      The bear was doing what came naturally up until the Atheist thought of a good way of getting what he wanted unnaturally, so he wouldn’t have to admit he was wrong even though he had proof he was. But instead of repenting even after being given a chance to do so, he asked for what he thought was a better way out to save his ego but it was interesting that those he mocks and tries to put down, he still thought would rescue him but a Bear is a Bear and an Atheist is an Atheist, that is if he is one in his heart and if so there is no way out, unless he repents and if he does this shows he was just a head Atheist.

      I was a head Atheist for almost 30 years after being deceived by Atheists as a child and I sure got my life into a big mess and other Atheists helped me do this too but I repented just in time, like this Atheist I was given a way out too but I accepted the warning, have you NotAScientist or did you think this was just a joke ???

      I will pray you don’t get eaten, as I do for other head Atheists but it is still your choice.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


      • If you look at the joke deeper you realize it is a construction of a Christian and thus presents their interpretation of an atheist, not an actual one.

        It is a work of fiction, top to bottom, that involves a murder that is supposed to be laughed at. Any way you look at it, this isn’t a joke you should be proud to tell or proud to laugh at.


        • Do you really care NotAScientist if someone gets eaten by a bear when it’s not based on reality or do you really believe a bear will say a prayer before he eats you or that God would change him into a Christian 🙄 it’s a warning!

          Perhaps you also think it’s a joke the way you put Christians down on your Blog trying to make out we are not all there, but worse the way you mock and belittle God too.

          What you need to do is clean up your act first , meaning your Blog before you come to ours with your objections. Just reading your last Post shows just how much you have been deceived but than having bug legs may really be what you want, if so be careful bugs get eaten, they are part of the food chain and so are we if we go into a Bears Territory meaning Satans, it’s not how God planed it by the way, it’s how man chose it to be!

          I will continue to pray for you, Atheists don’t look for answers they imagine they know it all without any proof, which is what Darwin did until he faced death, have you ,NotAScientist

          Christian Love – from both of us – Anne.


          • “Do you really care”

            That a group of people that are supposed to be defined by their kindness and goodwill find murder funny? Yes, I do care.


            • Yes I do care NotAScientist that those who Mock God are going to hell, that is why I pray for them, they are fools who think they can escape from Satan’s control without being set free by Jesus Christ.

              But a Bear saying prayers is funny or haven’t your experiments shown you that yet, it’s True believe me, Bears can’t really talk but if you go into their Territory, you will get eaten, which is sad but your choice.

              So I’m also kind enough to warn those who are in danger of being eaten by Satan but I’m pleased you do realize that as real Christians we are kind but remember that Jesus got the whip out to warn those who claim to be Christians but do what the world does, they even believe in Evolution, sad they are calling God a liar, like you do.

              As I said clean up your Blog NotAScientist and when you have got your act together you will be welcome to visit us again, until then we will pray for you.

              Christian Love from both of us – Anne


    • Thought you might find the link below of interest NotAScientist, at least it will open your eyes to the real world.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  10. I love the joke of the bear, I had not heard it before. The photos are awesome, I like the last one the best. Wonderful post as usual, and we are so blessed to have you. I did become sad learning the fact that you have suffered while spreading goodness and the word of God. I think there are more supporters than critics. You are doing excellent work. Just keep going and every piece of criticism will make you stronger and stronger to fight them. Take care and God bless you my friend.


    • Wow Samina thank you but it’s me who feels blessed to be Blogging in America although sometimes I do say, well I’m going home soon, yes sometimes I feel I’m American 🙂

      I agree with you there are more supporters than critics, as a whole Americans are wonderful, I miss you all when I’m unable to Blog but to be honest not the critics or back biters but their few in comparison as you said.

      I love the Bear joke too and often share it with others, I really enjoy good humour and God has given us the gift of Laughing, so I like to use it

      Yes nothing is wasted, God works everything together for good in our lives.

      Thank you for all your loving encouragement Samina – Christian Love – Anne.


  11. Shirley Anne says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful post. I stumbled upon your blog when I was browsing for related articles to a post I’d written on my own blog. Keep up the Lord’s work. Bless you both in Jesus’ name
    Shirley Anne x


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Shirley I’m pleased you found us, I’m surprised how people do I don’t understand much about promoting. Thank you for your kind words I appreciate them very much and will come and visit in the next few days.

      Christian Love Anne.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi again, I don’t know what your real name is even though you call yourself Shirley, I went and visited your Blog, I was as you are no doubt aware surprised but not so much by what you shared I have heard it all before but surprised and saddened that I had been set up.

      This joke about the Atheist and the Bear many have found funny, it has been around a long time but I posted it as a warning to those who reject God in their heart, no they won’t be eaten by a bear it will be worse.

      How do I feel about those who continue to rebel against God’s guidelines even if they claim they don’t or justify their sin or ignore it and yes they may still say Lord, Lord, it is not hard to copy or read theology and still not believe it in your heart and your actions will show if you do. Jesus tells me all those who show they are against Him by their actions are His enemy and mine too but He also tells me to Love my enemy, He died for us when we were still His enemies, in other words when we were still sinning, but one day Jesus’ enemies and mine may come to heart repentance and be part of His family and so they will be my Brother or Sister in The Lord, Jesus knows them by name I don’t so I hate no one, just what they do that is evil and so mocks God. When people speak blasphemy which is anything against God’s Truth it comes from an evil heart but it can be changed by repentance and turning away from evil and doing good by The Spirits empowering.

      Luke 6:45-46 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

      Christian Love Anne.


  12. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for the old joke which tells a story in itself. As someone said before ,when the bombs are raining down on the soldiers during a war, they say there were no atheists in the foxholes. thanks for your ministry to them.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Love, True but if we turn to God out of fleshy fear that is not Love and we are to seek and Love God with all our heart, a hard heart can’t, they may say all the right things but there is no connection the Scriptures tell us many will say Lord Lord but He will say go away you evil doers, I didn’t know you, if we don’t Love God, we really don’t Love others either and as you share we show it by our actions but it doesn’t mean we seek closeness with those who continue to sin and yet claim they are Christians as the Scriptures confirm but we still Love and pray for them.

      I can see I will have to find new jokes after 30 years you know all of mine but I’m sure you don’t remember the first one I told you ??????.

      Christian Love Anne.


    • There’s only one problem with that whole “no atheists in foxholes” thing… It’s a lie.


      • I see you replied under my comment, Atomic Mutant, but I have asked Ron to respond to you this time, he has done a lot of research into the various aspects of war, now and in the past but if you want clarification that you are in error in regards to your Atheists views that you express on your Blog, I will be willing to help you here on our Blog.

        Kind regards – Anne


        • Again. It is a lie. I know enough soldiers. Enough of them atheists. Enough of them got shot at. No sudden conversions there. And is THAT really what you want the basis of your faith to be? Fear of death? Pathetic.


          • No Atomic Mutant our Faith is not based on fear of death even though eternal separation from God is a reality, that is if we choose it, it’s not His will anyone perishes it’s their choice.

            Why don’t you ask Christians who have the deep Joy of The Lord but not those who have many doubts or contradict or twist the Scriptures with their fear and you will find our Faith is based on a wonderful awesome Truth and that is God is Love and His plans for us are very good not evil.

            Christian Love from both of us – Anne


      • Ron says:

        Nearly all war commentators and writers of military action state that most every foxhole as a generality, find not too many atheists in the midst of conflict . Most in danger of losing their life, resort to imploring a power higher than their own, even though not believing in God.

        Regards Atomic Mutant


        • If they do not believe in god(s), they are still atheists, thus there are atheists in foxholes. Anyway, it’s still a myth, because, sorry, anecdotal “evidence” from a pretty christian centric military (in western countries) does not mean that much… Would be an interesting topic for studies, though, as it would probably show some insight into human psychology under stress.


          • Sorry Atomic Mutant, you won’t get an argument from Ron, I would say with assurance that he has enough evidence to support what he shared or he wouldn’t have shared it .

            By the way worldly Psychology and Psychiatry has many flaws, it was originally based on Sigmund Fraud’s almost compulsive obsession with sex and how it was suppose to affect us, this has caused many wrong diagnoses over the years.

            I go to God when needed, He created us so He knows what we need and after all He is the only Healer, regardless of the tools He uses. Doctors have never been able to explain the healings, I have had, some even at the point of death.

            Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  13. I was an active member of a discussion website for a number of years. The format was for members to post discussions with a question and other members would answer and comment. There were several categories. Christianity and religion were topics constantly posted.

    I conducted many very long discussions with many atheists, agnostics, pagans, wiccans, those of eastern religions etc and even a couple of Muslim – as well as many Christians. All were conducted with respect and courtesy. They asked many questions to which they received Scriptural, historical and logical replies – and which they often could not refute. I know some were challenged.

    Anne, we are called to sow the Seed. Sometimes we will have opportunity to water and/or fertilise the Seed. Sometimes we will be privileged to actually be involved in the harvest. We are to be faithful in our task, but it is GOD who is at work. It is HIS work and we leave it in HIS hands, knowing that we have fulfilled the role He gave us.

    I know God will continue to bless you and use you to bless many others as you continue to serve Him.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angela, thanks for sharing I’m really pleased you were not abused, I was and so were other Christians on this website run by Atheists but of course it was a differant forum then yours. They had very little respect as far as us Christians were concerned, it hurt but as I said more so when they abused and slandered God… someone said to me at the time …God is big enough to look after Himself and yes He is but when they call The Person I Love passionately, hateful names and accuse Him of evil, I hurt and get rightcheously angry the same if they called Ron names or you or anyone I Love in the Lord. Yes it is in God’s hands but we pray for His Kingdom to come and prayers lead to action..

      Christian Love Anne.


  14. Hi Anne, loved the bear story. Ha!Ha! God is in control. Only He is able to bring the lost to the realization they need to found. He cries with us at the no-way answers. Keep on keeping on. You make me smile so often. What a blessing you are! Marie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Marie you encourage and uplift me also and yes very True it is God’s Truth that breaks down walls of oppersition but God will never go against someones free will, He does not make peoples hearts disobey Him or obey Him, He does not want puppets. We are Jesus’ hands, arms, feet, and voice we are His Body and He empowers us to reach out to His Children, we are not to sit back and wait for Him to do it, we are to share the Gospel but not if it is from fear or because we must, it needs to come from our heart and shown in Love and willing obedience.

      When the Saint’s come marching in, it will be because they want to, the Battle is The Lords but we are to march!

      Christian Love Anne


  15. fgassette says:

    All we can do is be a witness of the Lord’s love, grace and mercy. Seed falls on all types of soil. We do our part by making the seed available, so in the end a person cannot say “But I did not know.”



    • Freedomborn says:

      Very True Francine, we can only share God’s Truth and then pray for a rich harvest it is still their choice. Perhaps we need to as The Body of Christ to be in prayer Unity in our outreach to the lost, we could pass on the request to each blog when we know they are Christians and together through prayer and our sharing of God’s Truth and by the empowering of The Holy Spirit we will bring down the walls of deception and denial that God’s Lost sheep have been victimised through, causing them to loose their way and Hope.

      Thank you, Francine for sharing from your heart and may you be greatly blessed in your Ministry for the Lord.

      Christian Love Anne.


  16. I also have had many frustrating experiences with atheists. Too often I have fallen into the trap of trying to argue against their arguments using my own reasoning, which only increased my frustration. I find that as soon as I am about to make a point, they will change their argument, and the rules.

    And then I realized the folly of following that course. Now, I will only counter their arguments with verses of scripture. I rely on Issiah 55:10-11, which says:

    10 As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
    and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
    and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
    11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
    but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

    If I don’t see the seed take root and bear fruit, I always know that God’s will is accomplished, whatever that may be.

    I saw a video this morning that dealt with atheism that was quite surprising. Check it out here:

    God bless!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi John thank you for the Link, I posted the same message a few months ago, I also thought it was very well done, how wonderful to see gifted Christians sharing God’s Truth in their own unique way.

      Like you John I used Scripture to refute the Atheists, I didn’t argue with them but sadly they tried to use it against me by claiming among other things the Bible was just written by man. I showed them very clearly that was not possible as I did with Evolution, by the fact that only God could have known some of the Truths written in the Scriptures when they were recorded, so then they abused me if I shared them and said I had to stop and so it went on. But thankfully there were a few not many that wanted to know more, but then they blocked me.

      You are so right my dear Brother God’s Truth always bears good Fruit even if we don’t see it.

      Christian Love Anne.


  17. katehobbs says:

    We don’t know what God will do with the little we have given. And thank goodness it is not up to us anyway – It’s all Him. I have to keep reminding myself that it is not about me, it is all about Him. It would appear that you have had grace for a season.
    The biggest language any person hears is that of love. If we can get this love and genuine acceptance right, then wow…… What are we going to see happen for the Kingdom?


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Kate thank you for sharing and I agree we are to Love, it needs to be our motivation in all things and will be if we are perfected in Love. Jesus offered Love to the Pharisees and the Church Leaders but they rejected it and killed Him.

      Have you ever Ministered to Atheists, please be warned, at first I didn’t even know I was on their Website the part I commented on was titled Religion and Christianity, some who wrote the topics even claimed to be Christian, sadly what they shared was not.

      I started just sharing my Love for The Lord and my work with Children and bam bam I was aggressively attacked with hate and ill will and so was every Christian who entered there. Many times like commenting on Blogs now, I felt lead to share but was mocked and ridiculed and so was God and other Christians but as I said there were a few who I believe listened especially when I used humour but sadly the majority like Satan their father burned with hatred.

      What do I now give thanks for … although I know it was not God’s will that I was hurt I have much knowledge on Atheism and the Cults, I know there is some people you cannot reach they are spiritually dead eternally but yes we are even to Love our enemies and bear with them.

      Christian Love Anne


  18. isaiah43123 says:

    Just as you said the other day, Anne, you can be the seed planter while another is the waterer.
    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Sis your so right …who did you say you were listening to, Wow who ever it was I agree thank you for sharing such priceless wisdom 😀 just so good and so True and with Prayer our seeds will bear strong fruit, just like when we eat the right food our toe nails apart from everything else are healthy, prayer is our nutrition bringing a bountiful Harvest of good for us and others.

      Christian Love Anne.


  19. Lady Deidre says:

    That was great! I loved the praying bear! As far as atheist are concerned, keep your joy. Some of your seeds will bear fruit.
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, I’m going to do your Reblog today it’s time to let the world know about my Loving, Caring Sister who has been so faithful in uplifting and suporting me and of course many others, my Blog Sisters are awesome! I think I will have to give you another Award Dei but this time with lots of rules to keep you on your toes! ok ok just a few , thank you my friend for the seeds of Love you plant.

      A very thankful Annie.


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