A Friend in Need is a Friend “Indeed “…..

SDNo Piggy in the Pen….

Pig 1SDHave you ever wondered what the difference is between Diet groups and Christian weight control groups and do they work, well they don’t start with Die -et and  there are no guilt trips or being a piggy in the pen if you have put on weight. We look at the difference between emotional eating and gluttony and the food plan is balanced, their not about fleshy self – control but The Lords self- control in our lives and He works!SDChristian Weight Control Groups which were later called Heavenly Lights and also included one to one help both in person and over the phone, were a very special part of my Ministry to woman for over 20 years. I asked Joy who was one of my  Leaders with these groups, to share her experiences both with loosing weight and with leading the groups in her home. SDJoy who is a very dear friend of mine with a big heart,  is now a Chaplin in the Hospitals where she lives, she has had treatment for life threatening Cancer which at the time the Doctors did not  expect her to recover from but she now gives thanks to God for her continued good health. Joy’s honesty, compassion  and faithfulness have uplifted, encouraged and blessed many people. SDWithout hesitation Joy  agreed to take on the role of one of my Leaders knowing the need for woman to experience the freedom of feeling that they are people of worth regardless of their outward appearance and also learning to have control of what  they fear is out of control, their eating. Joy had a wonderful Ministry as she trusted in the Lord to lead and equip her to help many woman in all walks of life.SDThank you Joy for the Blessing you are to me and for always being there when I needed to share the many ups and downs that life brings and for being willing to share yours.

SDPOPPIES 71SDJoy’s Story…..SDMy Name is Joy and I’m a very good friend of Anne, I joined her Christian Weight Control Workshop in 1991, my Pastor’s wife who had attended Anne’s  group encouraged me to go too, she was very successful as were the others in her group and they all looked  fabulous but I had to wait for the current group to end along with some other women who were wanting to attend the groups with the hope of losing unwanted weight but finally with 5 other Christian friends from where I lived we traveled once per week some 25kl at night to be apart of this amazing weight control workshop. We wanted to look “fabulous” too and feel it !!! SDWe were in a group of 12-15 women from all walks of life and for 12 weeks we became very committed to attend and do the task. Anne kept us focused and on track, she has always had passion in her Ministries with woman and in sharing her Testimony of our God of Love and as she often says God of the impossible too . All of the woman on Anne’s programme with me lost weight and gained support, strength and love and respect for themselves. The Nutritional programme  by The Health Department, is one that also gives us very healthy eating, is well balanced and very manageable.SDI made the commitment on the 2nd night to trust my Lord and Saviour in my weight loss and placed myself in His hands and from then on committed every moment and day to His strength to get me through. It was tough some times but when I gave it over to God He made it easy for me. I talked to Him often and every time I thought of wanting to eat something out of balance which  would hinder my weight loss, I trusted Him and He gave me strength. My total loss at the time was 33 kilos. “Amazing”. I also faced my reasons for my weight gain and my insecurities.SDAnne asked me if I would become one of her leaders, she did have other Leaders all around N.S.W and many hundreds of woman attending these groups but  where I lived there were quiet a few women  wanting to do the 12 week course, which could be repeated if wanted. I agreed and in the comfort and safety of my home from 1992 – 2006 with God’s guidance I led over 400  women to become healthier and happier with the added bonus of losing weight. They were women from all walks of life –such as Minister’s wives, Nuns, women in the high power work force, young single women, married women with children, divorced women and widows etc. The list can go on and on. They came from many areas of Sydney, Christian and Non -Christian.SDWe would start with privately and confidentially weighing in, which was at times very emotional and with lots of excitement but never guilt for putting on weight and then after as a group we encouraged each other, Anne had warm fussies in her groups which were fun, we didn’t know till later who thought we were so special. After encouragement time, we looked into God’s word and were encouraged again as The Lord made things clearer to us, we then took time to discuss our bodies and it’s Nutritional needs. I made up various recipes that Anne created for us to enjoy during the week, so we could try them as we had a cuppa and chat together.SDAfter the break we would have Bible meditation and relaxation and this was the time that woman in the group would unburden themselves of what was to them emotional baggage.SD Many tears would fall,  Nobody planned to discuss their problems but our Precious Lord and Saviour gave the freedom to let it all out. Those with substantial weight problems were usually victims of rape, sexual  and other mental and physical abuse, abandonment and great loss, some up been bullied, and others were divorced and all these plus more were the reasons they overate. SDThese woman and others  were eating to satisfy their emotions, anger, frustrations, fears and, loneliness and some in knowing that  being overweight meant that others often did not find them attractive or sexually companionable, they found some would get out of their way and avoid sitting next to them and they  made it noticeable, others scoffed at them and called them names, so that gave fuel to their emotions to eat more, as so once again they felt unwanted and unloved.SDThese emotions are very deep seated and not easily dealt with. They are taken on board and thrust deep down in our being and the more heaped on the further the hurts are buried within our emotions and a big band aid is put on the top and sealed securely with the sign “Do not Remove”. From little children into teens to adults these feelings dominate our every moment of our days and although on the outside we are “jolly” and “happy”  but we are constantly reminded of what we look like a “fatty” People would ask “should you be eating that” aren’t you dieting etc,  some of us were accused of sinning by those who had little understanding of the real issues.SDLiking yourself is very hard when others delight in putting you down and then it is easy to give in and accept that they must be right. Trying to stand up to them having no confidence in yourself is too much to bear and so you are back on the merry-go-round.SDIn doing the groups, God helped me find myself,  who I am and my worth to Him and I no longer let people put me down. I stand tall with Christ’s strength. My weight is no longer the problem it was, I’m no longer obsessive about it or have fear what others may say, they no longer cause me to feel I’m unworthy in anyway.SDI’m reminded by God that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139: v 14. And yes I certainly praise my God for that. He has brought me through many trials and I count them Joy knowing He was with me and gave me the strength I needed not to give up and I know that at the end of my mortal life I will have Life Eternal with  Jesus my Lord and Saviour,  AMENSDPoppiesSDThank you Joy for sharing, may you be greatly blessed as you continue in the freedom The Lord has given you and as you Minister to those who are hurting in your role as Chaplin in the Hospitals where you live.SDChristian Love from both of us – Anne.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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21 Responses to A Friend in Need is a Friend “Indeed “…..

  1. pilbra says:

    What a wonderful post and tribute to all women including a special tribute to Joy. It is great to have support out there from people like Anne and Ron, Sometimes we eat for all the wrong reasons I know I have at times. I’ve joked about it and said ” Ïts my bones that weigh more than me” Then something happens and get on a health kick and trying to get healthy, that was me when I was young. Now I am on a health kick cause I need to, hey I’m still young but if I want to get to an older age I have to do it. With Gods help he is giving me the strength to do it.


    • Thank you Barb for your kind words and it is True as you shared, we all need support, God never made us to exist without Him or others, to be really alive we need both.

      Weight loss groups work mainly because of Unity in purpose, God’s Body, His Church needs Unity in purpose too but so many are struggling with their own added baggage that they reject the only help that will give them success over any of life’s battles, if we have the right focus we never fail , this of course is not talking about worldly success but eternal.

      Christian Love dear Barb – Anne


  2. Pingback: My Ups and Downs with Weight Control | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  3. T says:

    This is a very encouraging post! thanks!


  4. Deborah says:

    It sounds great. My daughter has struggled with weight issues for awhile, but is getting on track now.


    • Hi Deborah, good to see you again, hope all is going smoothly now with the Blog, I was going to email you.

      I’m pleased your daughter has her weight under control, perhaps she would like to share how , if so ask her to e-mail me, I will do a Post.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • Deborah says:

        Hi Anne, I am seeing my daughter tonight so I will put that to her. It would be great if she could write something, I hope she’ll agree. I’ll let you know.
        God bless, Deborah


  5. GodGirl says:

    I’ve always wondered about the difference… It’s great to hear about the kind of support there is out there. Powerful.


    • Hi GodGirl thanks for visiting, I’m very pleased there is a difference, when I first heard about piggy in the pen, I thought they were joking but they even gather around and honk the person who has put on weight. Joy saw it happen in a group she went to before she came to my group… everyone needs to be respected and Loved as a person of worth, not humiliated, we may not like what some people do and say and even have to warn them and also keep our distance if needed but we Love and pray for them.

      Christian Love – Anne


  6. Weight issues have always been a problem for me. I’ve lost more weight than I actually weigh at this point. I am thankful you have helped so many. Blessings on blessings to you and yours.


    • Hi Marie , weight problems have been a nightmare in my life and nearly took my life, I survived you may have noticed but only just at the time. Today because of all the harmful diets and starvation my body suffered and lack of good Nutrition, I have health problems that could have been avoided, which is one reason why I try to help others not make the same mistakes I did.

      I will be sharing my own story some time next week, I hope it encourages others to Trust in God and not the Diet media. It may shock some but it needs to be told.

      Thanks for visiting, hope all is well – Christian Love – Anne


  7. Excellent post once again. You are a wonderful counselor and use your gift of encouragement so well to assist others! Blessings,


    • Hi Ellie, thank you for visiting and for your kind words, I’m sure your training would have been much more involved than mine and combined with your counseling and faith in The Lord to lead you into all His Truth, I’m sure your a real blessing to those you Minister too.

      Although I was also trained in what was needed at the time that my groups were running that is as far as the Health Department were concerned as they supplied the original material I used at a much lower cost and I had regular top- ups both in person and on the phone with Norma their Dietitian and Health Educator, who trained and also lead their Share groups and her own, Weight Control Workshops but most of what was needed and my own focus and knowledge came from hands on as the Lord lead me.

      My Leaders like Joy were what made the groups successful, each of them had real life experience that did not come from a book. I taught them the basics in Nutrition and self- worth as far as God sees us and the need to forgive those who had hurt them, even in regard to their weight problems but their own Faith in The Lord and Love, compassion and understanding for others is what was of real value in the lives of the woman they ministered to.

      Thanks again – Christian Love – Anne


      • It is so wonderful to be used by God to make a difference in someone’s life! You are so loved, blessings,


        • Yes we are greatly Loved Ellie, even when we are not a fit vessel (see below ) to be used by The Lord for the work He has prepared in advance for us to do but in reaching out in Love and compassion to others, we are becoming the beautiful creation He planned us to be and planting seeds that will bear good fruit and as we aim to be perfected in Love, we are held close to His heart, watched over and our souls are protected so our feet do not slip, in other words we will not fall away by rejecting Jesus, the unforgivable sin because we are His.

          2 Timothy 2:19-21 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man/woman therefore purge himself/herself from these, he/she shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

          God bless you in your Ministry Ellie as you bless others.

          Christian Love Always from both of us – Anne


  8. Ron says:

    Thank you Joy for your endorsement of the Christian Weight Control Workshop and the blessing it became in your life .And because of that you were able to enable others to also get a blessing and loose weight. I guess it also must of been fun to share together each others journey.
    As you say doing it Gods way seemed to make it feel so right.



    • Hi Love, I talked to Joy today , she said thank you, but hopes to get a chance to tell you herself but she has had a big day.

      I agree .. doing it Gods way seemed to make it feel so right.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


    • Joy says:

      Hi Ron, its been a while since we said hallo. Thank you for your words.CWCW was a turning point for a lot of women and even some men. To have a programe that was well structured and a eating plan that was easy to follow certainly allowed people to stop worrying and begin to look at and like themselves and to be able to stand tall and look ahead in confidence and self worth. Our precious Lord and Saviour holds us all in his everlasting arms and leads us to greener pastures as long as we let him.In life we have mountains to climb and we can only do it with Jesus. When we do we can look back briefly and see that the mountains are no more and in their place a tiny pebbles.. Take care Regards JOY


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