Aussie Mountain Miracles…

Mountain 73Thank you all again for your Prayer Support, it is wonderful to know others care when you are going through the Storm.  Mum is still stable and can now talk but it is limited and requires a lot of effort, please continue to pray as The Spirit leads you.

I will be leaving for Sydney early  next week to be with Mum, I hope to visit some of you before I leave, I will miss you all. I may be able to borrow a Computer but if not I will be thinking about all of you and praying for you too. I’m not sure how long I will be in Sydney, anywhere from two weeks to a month, please keep me in prayer, there is much to do before I go and  I will also miss Ron , my friends here and my furry friends too.
Below is Aussie Mountain Miracles, the previous two Posts explain how the Scripture in this Power point has greatly blessed me, I hope you too will be blessed as you remember just how much God Loves you.  I feel the Scripture that for me speaks clearly of the focus of this Power point is…

Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”
Thank you Bee (Barb) for using your gifts as you seek to understand more about Jesus, how wonderful that we never walk alone in times of testing and temptation, Jesus is with us and regardless of were we live we also have each other as part of God’s Family and also with being The Body of Christ and having His mind,  we are One in Unity, in our focus and purpose… How good is that!
Christian Love from both of us – Anne
Click to enjoy  –   Aussie Mountain Miracles
If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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27 Responses to Aussie Mountain Miracles…

  1. T says:

    thank you Anne for leaving your encouragement and the link on my blog that led me to here, I remember reading this before though I don’t see that I left a like or a comment. It is just lovely and so uplifting.


    • What amazed me T was that God answered your prayer, I often share those Scriptures they are very close to my heart but if you read your Message on that day you will see God was reassuring you, strange you did not reply to my comment, they must have been meant for you now.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


      • T says:

        That was so long ago I am not sure why I never replied to your comment I am thinking maybe it’s like you just said maybe it was meant for me now. Thanks again and God bless you .


        • I do believe it was meant for you to read now T, God often gives me a message to Post or when I write Poems or Create Power Points and than brings me back to it when needed, much like the Scriptures do when one suddenly touches our heart . Can we ever doubt that He is a God of Love and that all good things not bad are from Him, past, present and always.

          Blessings – Anne.


  2. Pingback: Mountain Miracles for Bob and Wendy | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  3. Jaymie says:

    Lovely! Thank you for sharing…


    • Thank you Jamie for your encouragement, sorry for taking so long to reply but I have been in Sydney, I’m pleased you enjoyed the Power point , it blessed me greatly as God’s words always do, it’s so wonderful to know we are not alone especially in the hard times.

      Thanks for visiting Jamie – Christian Love – Anne


  4. Hi Anne. Its been a while. Glad to see you are still around.


    • Hi Bob , thank you for visiting, I will catch up with you in the near future. I hope you have both been well, I often think about you, especially so when I adapted this Power point, how Awesome is our God of Love and how sad that some do not believe in the reality of Miracles and try to explain them away but God is the only healer regardless of the tools He uses.

      God bless you both greatly – Christian Love from us – Anne


  5. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this.


    • Thank you Tricia for your kind words of encouragement, I’m so pleased that I thought to share with Bee Aussie Mountains by adapting this Power point, it was a real blessing for me too, and with Mum dieing it has comforted me greatly as did God’s arms of Love and Compassion and His reassurence shown very clearly over the last three weeks, as you will see in my next Post.

      Many Blessings Tricia – Christian Love – Anne


  6. bee says:

    I have not been on line myself, had a short stint in hospital with chest pains right up into my jawbone. I always prided myself on my health with everything I had done in my life. Hit 60 and your health turns another corner. I will get formal test results on Wednesday 21st and referral to heart specialist. It was a shock to the system and I was still in a bit of shock yesterday after coming home. Introducing myself to the lounge chair after years of doing everything from digging driveways to driving Australia and resettling in a country town. I know I will get better and fit again but nothing definite yet.


    • sallyjadlow says:

      Praying for a quick recovery.


      • Thank you Sally, for your prayers, as you will see by my next Post, Mum died during my time in Sydney but God touched my heart with His Love and compassion in a very tangible way and continues to do so, He did so also when He gave me assurence that Mum and my Sister Julie will be with Him in Eternity 4 years ago and again just before I left for Sydney as I shared with you all then.

        Thank you again Sally for your caring heart.

        Christian Love – Anne


    • I was sorry to hear you have not been well Bee, I will spend some time soon catching up with your Posts as I noticed you shared the details in some of them, I have been praying for you.

      God tells us our bodies wear out on earth but He will keep our spirits strong through The Holy Spirit, as they say everyday is a gift that’s why it’s called the present but God will also intervene if needed Bee, you are not alone and never will be… your Loved greatly.

      Christian Love – Anne


  7. My sis in Christ, bless your heart for the love and faith you share everyday. I hope and pray for your Mum’s healing and recovery. I pray too for your safe trip and good health. Thank you for sending me those comforting words. You are indeed a true friend. I wish one day to thank you in person. It is a small world. Who knows, fate may send me and my family in your wonderful country. God bless you, Ron, your Mum & family always.


    • You bring me joy through your encouragement Island Traveler as I’m sure you do many others. Yes how wonderful it would be to meet you and all my other Blogging friends each one of you is unique and special in your own way, you are all in my heart, God brings into our lives good friends, how Awesome, He is with a BIG A

      You are always welcome to come and visit with your family Island Traveler, we will treat you all as our family, in other words you will have to take your turn to wash and wipe up and the lawns need mowing and some ironing needs to be done 😀 … No, we would treat you like Royalty, how special you are!

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  8. Ron says:

    The beauty of Australia never fails to bring us so much joy we have a great Creator who paints His canvas perfectly every time. With our unique flora and fauna, He creates beautiful canvases, all unique to each country. As you say Anne the’ mountains and the hills leap forth with joy ‘Great viewing !



    • Thanks Love, I’m pleased you enjoyed Bee’s Power point, I’m still working on Island Travelers and a few others, it takes time just to get the timing right and to collect the right photos but I do enjoy creating them very much and this one came at just the right time.

      It is very True what you said God is indeed the Greatest Artist, His paintings breath and talk, He is the only One who can create life in abundance, How great is our God.

      See you soon , Love you Always – Anne


  9. Lady Deidre says:

    I hope you have a safe trip, Annie. May God bless you and your mother through this trying experience.
    Much love,


    • Hi Dei , Thank you for visiting, I have missed you greatly but I valued your privacy, I felt you may not want anyone to know when you didn’t explain why you were not Blogging so I didn’t e-mail you but I did wonder what happened, anyway it is sure good to hear from you again.

      I talked to Mum today she was not very clear but I could understand some of what she said , we even had a laugh… How good is that!

      I will be in touch when I get back from Sydney, thanks for the e-mail.

      Christian Love – Anne


  10. Bee says:

    Reblogged this on My Un-Puzzled Heart and commented:
    reblogged from a dear friend I have met on the internet. Something I will cherish


    • Very sorry to hear you have not been well Bee, I will spend some time soon catching up with your Posts as I noticed you shared the details in some of them, I have been praying for you.

      God tells us our bodies wear out on earth but He will keep our spirits strong through The Holy Spirit, as they say everyday is a gift that’s why it’s called the present but God will also intervene if needed Bee, you are not alone and never will be… your Loved greatly.

      Christian Love – Anne


  11. Bee says:

    That is absolutely beautiful, some of those places bought back so many memories of when I was traveling. The scenery is just so majestic, we have such a beautiful country that should be cherished. I do wish to reblog this on my site, I feel so proud. I’ve been working today and have not been online, I slept when I got back. I have been battling a cold and maybe a bit of hay fever as well.I have just come across your post and now safe travels and hope all goes well with you Mum and family. My prayer and thoughts go with you


    • Hi Bee , I’m so pleased you enjoyed your Power point , I too am proud of Aussie Land but also love America and other places too, their beauty is awesome but then so is our God Awesome, with a BIG A.

      Thank you for the Reblog, Bee, that was very kind of you, don’t worry if you don’t get much response, I have found this too when I Rebloged, it’s very good though that you are encouraging those who Posted, so thank you again.

      I hope your cold is better Bee, I too feel one comming on, if it develops I may have to wait till I’m well before I visit Mum. I’m very busy packing and planning meals for the dogs for when I’m away, and letting people know about Mum and planning how and when to visit them too.

      See you soon Christian Love – Anne


  12. Deborah says:

    Beautiful picture, beautiful scripture. I pray that God will bless your time with your mum.


    • Thank you Deborah for your words of encouragment, sorry I missed your coment before but yes God did bless me as my last Post explains , Mum I know was glad to see me even though she could not talk but since God has promised we will be united in Heaven I’m sure we will catch up then.

      Christian Love – Anne


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