Father’s Day, a Dad

Sorry everyone at the moment I can’t Post, I’m waiting on WordPress to fix the problem but as they say every cloud has a Silver lining , to me that means God works all things out for good in our lives, sure I’m frustrated but it has given me time to read some of those who Posted about Fathers Day, in Aussie land it’s in September so I have plenty of time to share my own thoughts and I did Post one even though it took a long time but for now I would like you to be blessed by a wonderful Post about the importance of fathers and their special role and responsibilities……God is the Perfect Father as the Power point on my Last Post confirmed so clearly but a good earthly father is our foundation in Childhood and aids in our understanding of our Abba Father, but if you didn’t really know your dad like me or he was cruel or distant, God will fill in the blanks for you and show you just how much He Loves you, as you seek Him with all your heart…..He promises He will and He always keeps His promises………. Thank you Stopand PrayT.V I was uplifted and blessed by your message and also your reply to my comment but to me you have the right focus and if you are a Daddy, your Children are very blessed…………..

Christian Love from both of us – Anne


touch and love of a father

What can a father leave his children that will last? A spiritual legacy:

1. A Dad of Prayer.
2. A Dad of Purpose.
3. A Dad of Patience.
4. A Dad of Play.
5. A Dad of Praise.

It has been said over and over that a positive and continuous relationship between the father and child is associated with high self-esteem, more self-confidence in personal and social interaction, better morals, greater career aspirations and life goals, and reduced rates of unwed teen pregnancy.

Fathers who are affectionate, nurturing and actively involved in raising their children are more likely to have well-adjusted kids. An active father is there in good times and bad. From him, his children learn how to handle difficulty, anger, disappointment and success. He’s the foundation.

Luke 6:46-49 records the words of Jesus, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? I…

View original post 573 more words

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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4 Responses to Father’s Day, a Dad

  1. These are indeed the treasures our father can leave behind to their children’s lives and heart for always. Beautiful post.


  2. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne, Stop and PrayTV article on roles and responsibilitys of fathers is very good, especially his thoughts on leaving a Spiritual legacy, I hope my family will look back and not remember my mistakes but my love for them and God.



    • Thanks for your comment Love, yes Stop and PrayTV’s message was very good, although I did feel sadness when I read it realising what I have missed out on but I give thanks for the times I did share with my Dads and that I’m now in my Abba Father arms as you are, in Truth we have always been in His heart even if our sin and apathy pushed Him away.

      Wow Love I didn’t know you had made mistakes, is it a Senior problem or just that I choose not to remember Hmmmm seems mine are much bigger, that is if I want to be critical and condemn you, I think I will just forgive you instead and do what God does move them all from my thoughts… now what were they again??? 🙄

      I’m looking forward to our break away from our agendas next week and just relaxing and doing all our fun things together again. Thank you Love for organising to have this time off from your responsibilities, just so we can share some quality time together. I miss you so much most of the time and the rest of the time even more but I know God’s agenda is for us not against us and regardless of any earthly intervention or the devils arrows, He will keep us together, where it matters most in our heart.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


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