I have Something Special from the Children to share with you

Children at heart.

Our Animal Friends
 In my Neighbourhood all the Children call me Grannie Annie, sadly some of them come from broken homes, and have experienced the pain of loosing a Parent they Love being with them all the time. We have big hugs  lollies, singing and stories about Jesus when they visit me. 
Last week we decided to Create a Power point about our Animal friends, all different types, some of the Children came each day and chose from my Picture Library the Animals they liked best and I helped with the words and Animation and found some group Pictures of Animals too, they loved the animated Monkey and were all laughing and clapping and some of the little ones were so excited they couldn’t keep still Hmmmm well more so than usual.
 The oldest girl is 12 the youngest 5 and the babies are 1-3 years old and little Jack is 4, there are older Children who visit me too but they want to create their own Power point about Wolves and Owls. 
 It was so good to see the  Children enjoy creating  the Power point  together, I loved watching all their eyes light up and their big smiles, being their Grannie Annie has many Blessings.
 We hope you enjoy Our Animal Friends Power point…..

Mixed Animals 4

 Click to enjoy –   Our Animal Friends

If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy.



About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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14 Responses to I have Something Special from the Children to share with you

  1. Thank you for letting us remember the important things in this lifetime. I wish we can be kids forever. To be simple, pure, happy, trusting, faithful. I guess we can for as long as we embrace the child-like innocence and spirit in all of us.


    • Dear Island Traveler, I’m forever thankful that I have much Joy in The Lord even in the hard times and when I cry, The Holy Spirit comforts me, so once again I feel deep inner Joy and the tears are wiped away but I agree with you Childlike Joy is precious and so is their Love and Trust, my joy in childhood was very limited as was my inocence both stolen from me but our God of Love understands and for all that was lost He has restored a 100% many Children have blessed Aunty Anne or as some call me now, Grannie Annie with their Love over the years and just watching their joy in the simple things of life has encouraged me to value them too.

      Thank you for for sharing your deep heart thoughts with me.

      Christian Love from us both -Anne


  2. The kids did a great job with your help. Beautiful video. What a blessing you are to the children as you take time to work with them!
    Richest blessings,


    • So good to hear from you Tricia, I have been watching for your Posts, I will visit you soon just in case I missed them.

      I Love the Children and they Love me in their childlike way, we have a lot of fun together and I tell them constantly they are Loved by Jesus and myself but I do have problems with their Mums, I was even abused physically by a few of them, I’m still not sure why it happened. The Police warned them to leave me alone after they called them, the Police could see their accusations had no foundation but I remember they have been very abused and hurt people, hurt people, so I helped them when they needed it and the Children were allowed to visit again but it’s not stable because of their Mum’s drugs and drink problems and lack of Trust in anyone. I would greatly value your prayers.

      Thank you Tricia for visiting and your encouragement.

      Christian Love – Anne


  3. andtheword says:

    Thank you for taking the time to share, not only your time, but more importantly they get to hear about Jesus and how much He loves them. Tell the children they have done a fantastic job with help from Grannie Annie. God bless. Love Vivienne xxx


    • Thank you Vivienne for your Loving encouragement and I will tell them you think they did a real good job. So True Jesus Loves them and us greatly, we met and that was a real blessing for me as I remember the first time we did years ago, I saw your smile and your Mums and felt really welcomed and I love your hugs too, like the Childrens they bring Joy to my heart because I know they come from yours and theirs.

      Your Special …Hmmmm, I’m aiming for $5.00 now 😀

      Christian Love Always friend – Anne


  4. Awesome! Loved it! My fur babies sometimes provide more peace and comfort than family and friends. Might I add…Being like children means thinking like children. Jesus wants us to remember the simplicity of childhood. Things like love, trust, joy, delight, gentleness are important to Him. Tell your ‘kids’ they are loved here in the US, too! Marie


    • Thank you Marie, I will let them know you enjoyed their Power point, they like us need encouragement to use their creativity for good. Ron tells me that I think like a Child most of the time 🙄 Hmmmm I am taking that in a good way but yes all jokes aside it is very important to be where they are at but also to be their Authority when needed.

      Christian Love – Anne


  5. eliveleth2013 says:

    Beautiful presentation. You all did a great job.
    God has given us many good gifts. The animal world is one of the best.
    Love you,


    • Thank you Velta for your encouragement, I will pass it on to the Children, they are looking forward to creating the next one, Dolphins seem to be very popular with the younger children who created this one, the older children want wolves and owls.

      Love you too Velta, your very special, your husband and family are very blessed, thanks for showing you care especially to these Children, they don’t have much approvel at home.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  6. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne the powerpoint is real good, the animations in it were good too and kept your interest, looks like the kids had fun doing it and you too.



    • Hi Love, I’m pleased you enjoyed it and yes we all had fun and so did the M and Ms, the children love them and spoil them with a 1000 + pats and kisses.

      I have the older Children comming tomorrow, they enjoyed the Power point too and so they asked if they could create one, I’m looking forward to starting one with them although Wolves are not my favourite furry critter but God created them, so we will see.

      Christian Love Always dear – Anne.


  7. Bless you for what you do for children including sharing Jesus with them. I am a Christian and follower of our Lord. I am a child of God. I am also a youth worker who works with children and teenagers. This is God’s purpose and calling upon myself and my life. I am so happy to learn about those who are making a difference in the lives of God’s children. The Lord has blessed you with a great opportunity to impact the lives of children in ways that we can not always understand or can imagine. God Bless to you! Praise the Lord for He is using you for His glory!


    • Thank you Mike for your kind words of encouragement and you too are to be commended for touching the hearts of God’s Children.

      My own Children are all in Heaven, I never held them but over the years God has blessed me greatly by bringing Children into my Arms and heart and I have much Joy in sharing about our wonderful and Awesome Lord with them.

      Both my Funday Schools where I lived and now live, started because the Children asked me to teach them about Jesus and they made up the name and brought their friends too. I have been a Scripture Teacher and R.E Teacher for over 15 years and have been greatly blessed as the Children also Taught me, how to Love and accept Jesus as a Child Trusting and dependant.

      Thank you again Mike and God bless you greatly and those close to you.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


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