Spotlight on Francine

Hello Blogging friends I would like to introduce you to another new Blogging friend, Francine, Wow what a gifted lady she is with her Photography, certainly a differant focus then Lady Deidre who I will Spotlight next week by using one of her Posts which really touched my heart, both these ladies present the world in their own unique way by using a Camera Lens to capture life in it’s many facets.

Francine in the short time we have known her has uplifted and encouraged both of us, Ron was very impressed by her Photography of the Sailing Ships as I was. Francine also shares from the heart her Love for the Lord in her comments and leaves you with a warm exuberant blessing. Thank you Francine we are grateful that we can share your Photography of the Lilies with our other Blogging friends, they are beautiful as is your sweet and gentle nature.

Francine In Retirement


I have choosen to submit my photos of the Tiger Lily for submission to Frizztext’s A-Z Archive: L Challenge. 

The symbolism of the tiger lily is like other lilies in that they symbolize the feminine principle reflecting the qualities of mercy, compassion, kindness and unconditional love.


As flowers carry dewdrops, trembling on the edges of the petals, and ready to fall at the first waft of the wind or brush of bird, so the heart should carry its beaded words of thanksgiving.  At the first breath of heavenly flavor, let down the shower, perfumed with the heart ‘s gratitude.

— Henry Ward Beecher

Happy first day of spring!  Thank you for visiting my blog today.


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About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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8 Responses to Spotlight on Francine

  1. Thanks Anne. I’ll have to visit her blog.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angela I read your message, I had been really worried about you and you were constantly on my mind, so I was praying but was not sure why, I did think perhaps you may be resting but felt I better check to be sure everything was ok. So sorry to hear about your husband but how wonderful you had the help needed.

      Francine does have a wonderful gift with Photography like Dei who I’m going to share about on Friday or Saturday but I would also like to do the same next week with one of your Posts perhaps you would like to choose one that is really special to you, let me know.

      Christian Love your Sister in the Lord Anne.


  2. Lady Deidre says:

    What a sweet post, Annie! I appreciate your wonderful comments and agree with you, I like Francine’s blog too. I’m sure you knew that already though! 🙂
    God Bless You, Dear Sister!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Dei and yes Francine’s blog is beaufiufl just like your Blog but next week when I Spotlight you, it is not so much your photography but your heart that I want to share with others… you see you were wrong, it was not the Spiders … now why did I have to go and mention them you might insist. 😦

      Not gunna think about it just in case – Annie


  3. fgassette says:

    I feel honored and humbled that you thought my post worthy to reblog. Your support is greatly appreciated and I love the fellowship we have started to share.



  4. Naphtali says:

    Absolutely beautiful!


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