This is a Christmas Tree

 This  is a Christmas Tree

  This  is a Christmas Tree
                                                            This  is a Christmas Tree
This  is a Christmas Tree
  This  is a Christmas Tree

These  are NOT  Holiday  Trees,

 They are NOT  Winter Festival trees,

They are NOT Hanukkah bushes 

They are  NOT Allah plants!

 They  are Christmas trees!
The pure green colour of the stately Fir tree called a Christmas Tree today, remains green all year round, depicting the everlasting Hope of mankind found in the Lord Jesus, all the needles point Heavenward, making it a symbol of man’s thoughts turning toward Heaven.”
  This  is a Christmas Tree

 Acts 10:38-40
They slew Him and hanged on a tree: 
God raised up the third day, and shewed Him openly;

Christmas, CHRIST mas

Yes CHRISTmas –NOT  Holiday 

 We areNOTCelebrating the birth of a Holiday 

We are Celebrating the Birth of  

 Jesus  Christ The Lord of Lord and

 King of Kings

 Many Blessings For CHRIST-MAS

Behold a Miracle – Linda Edge 

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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12 Responses to This is a Christmas Tree

  1. Ron says:

    Yes its lovely to celebrate Christmas, the trees all in glorious colours decorated with love and attention.We celebrate Christ among us, Emmanuel God with us. How blessed we are to have this opportunity once a year to celebrate Gods gift to us JESUS.



    • Thanks Love, it’s so good to be able to Post your comments again I’m hoping to also do the same with some of your messages next year too.

      I was planing on Posting a message next about Emmanuel, God with us, so I now have your confirmation and yes we are very blessed to be able to celebrate Jesus’ Birthday.

      Christian Love Always dear – Anne


  2. What a delightful post !


    • Thank you Carl, I also enjoy good humour, God gave us the gift of Laughter to express and I have had to laugh at some of your cartoons, they have made my day, there is a time for everything so lets enjoy all the gifts God has given us, you may have noticed, I can get serious now and again too.

      Christian Love – Anne


  3. The best tree is the one with the cross on it. This is why we celebrate and treasure Christmas year and year. Beautiful post my friend. Allow me to paste here the response I made from that wonderful comment you shared recently .
    “This is one of the most touching comment I ever read. So much heart and memories poured into it. I will celebrate this comment knowing that during a difficult time, i could read it again for strength and inspiration. God bless your for your steadfast faith and huge capacity to love despite of….You are a blessing to others . Your words are honest, generous with so much to share. I pray for your health, inner peace, constant love and friendship and happiness that only our Lord can provide. Happy New Year my friend from Queensland. 2012 is year of joy for all!Thank you…”
    God bless you always.
    p.s. You were not alone this Christmas….God kept you company and the blogger friends whom you inspired….


    • For once my dear Brother in The Lord, I’m lost for words, thank you for your comforting and uplifting encouragement, may you and your Loved ones also feel the closeness of The Lord as you reach out to others giving them Hope in a assurance that they do not walk alone. I too will also treasure your comments as from The Lord.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  4. Lady Deidre says:

    Amen, Annie! I love Christ -mas trees!


  5. Velta Maes says:

    Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas with your family and loved ones.
    Yes, this is what the season is all about CHRIST and is not just a holiday to overeat, over give and spend the rest of the year in debt. It is a time to thank God for what He did for us and what He does for us everyday. Give praise to Yeshua for giving His life for us. Hallelujah!
    Love you all


  6. Anne, I never did put up a Holiday Tree. Never saw one! That ought to say something, huh? Blessings on Christmas Trees. 🙂


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