Thank You and God’s Priceless Treasure

Dear friends for the next few days I was just going to seek to feel at peace about loosing Anne as my Sister on this earth and not post but God had other plans. I’m greatly comforted to know I can never lose Anne, in Eternity we are forever bonded in Love but I will miss her greatly, so please be patient with me if I talk about my wonderful Sister from time to time, although  she is in my heart and I know  we are never really apart but talking about her brings her into my arms. 

Reading again what you my Blogging Family have written on your  Blogs or on mine and  through your e-mails or by your clicking the like button, as you sought  to comfort me, has  helped me to realise that  I’m not alone, Jesus is holding my hand and drying my tears through you and our Unity in  Him, I’m sure although at the time I didn’t realise it because I was hurting greatly, it was why I reached out to you when I heard about Anne, also I couldn’t contact many of my other friends in Australia,  I just left messages,  so your concern and compassion have been so comforting, thank you all so very much for being a Kings Kid, I Love you all greatly in The Lord and we too are forever bonded together in Love for Eternity.

God impressed on my heart very strongly to share with you a message that I wrote quiet a few years ago, it has  been adapted slightly as God revealed more to me. It was originally written at a time in my life that I couldn’t rhyme, something that people who are Dyslectic often find very hard to do, although I had written 3 poems and a song when I was younger  but they were very sad and had no endings although they do now. At the time I wrote them I thought I had lost my Best friend ( see link below ) Thanks again for your Compassion and thank you so very much  for letting me share from my heart.

 God’s Priceless Treasure

Have you ever made, painted, designed or invented something that has given you great joy and a feeling of accomplishment?

Painting, writing, pottery or craft can be very rewarding because although we start with raw materials, we can create something really beautiful even a masterpiece.

What a sense of accomplishment what joy, it even feels part of us maybe because we have given of ourselves to achieve it.

So we forget about all our mistakes this one object is valuable, a priceless treasure a thing of beauty.

What happens when someone comes along and calls our treasure worthless and ugly throws dirt all over it even trying to destroy it,

How do we feel?” the heartache would be too great to describe the anger and pain too real.

Then someone else comes along who understands what we have achieved, who can see the beauty in what we have created,

They can see behind the dirt and blemishes and appreciate its true value they even want to restore it back to its original beauty regardless of the cost.

Our joy would be great we would be so thankful and our treasure would be given a place of honour and be protected.

We are God’s Priceless Treasure He created us and He doesn’t make mistakes, our value to Him is beyond measure.

Think of His pain when He sees us hurt, broken, damaged, needing to be restored.

 Jesus understood His Father’s pain, He came to restore us back to our original beauty, the cost was great but His Love was greater.

We can never understand the Father’s pain or can we ever repay what He suffered so we could be restored,

But we thank Him, we thank Him with our whole lives because 

He gives us His greatest Treasure.

Penned by Annie


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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13 Responses to Thank You and God’s Priceless Treasure

  1. Thank you for directing me to this page, beautiful. Clarabelle


    • Thank you also Clarabelle, it is a blessing to see that you take an interest in others heart thoughts, you are very special indeed.

      We may not always agree with what others share and correction may be needed because of error and we also warn them if they are in danger too but we do so in Love and for Love, falling off a cliff is a hard landing.

      We are all unique and on a journey, many to find the real meaning of life, each one of us is very valuable. My focus is and always will be God’s Truth, in Him we have all the answers.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • Thank you Anne for sharing that I do like what you write, I like it a lot and I am very much open to everything you are saying. Lovely positive and real words that speak truth, wisdom and give hope to others. Thank you. I listened to the Anne Murray song about 20 times already tonight, beautiful song indeed.


        • It’s as Beautiful as your heart Clarabelle , thank you for your wonderful encouragement, yes at times I’m very direct but I do so appreciate those who Blog and share God’s Truth, like you did in your song, what a blessing you are to the Body of Christ, I would love the words to your songs if you have the time and if it’s OK with you.

          I would also like to Create a Power point for you Clarabelle and if that’s OK too , what theme would you like ? and do you have a favorite flower or like something else greatly in God’s Creation ?

          See you soon, blessings Anne.


          • Certainly Anne, here are the words for the song “God is there”:

            Verse 1

            When dark clouds cast over
            Remember this
            When worry gets to you
            Remember this
            Every step you take
            God is there
            Every move you make
            God is there


            He is everywhere
            You are blessed in his care
            He is always there
            And hears you every prayer

            Verse 2

            When tears fall down your face
            Remember this
            When empty of love and grace
            Remember this
            Everything you do
            God is there
            Every tough breakthrough
            God is there


            He is everywhere
            You are blessed in his care
            He is always there
            And hears your every prayer


            He will always listen
            He will always be
            Loving you forever
            Setting your soul so free
            Setting your soul so free cos….

            Chorus (to fade)

            He is everywhere
            You are blessed in his care
            He is always there
            And hears you every prayer

            God is everywhere
            You are blessed in his care
            God is always there
            And hears you every prayer

            Yes I would love you to do a power point for me, thank you that is very kind of you. One of my favorite flowers is a rose, I have 10 in my house right now, they are a soft peach colour, but I do love a red or beautiful white rose, actually red and white roses mixed together in a bunch – beautiful 🙂 I also absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cherry Blossom tree, I wrote a poem about it, here is the link: Thank you Anne, I really look forward to the presentation.


  2. Velta Maes says:

    So sorry for your loss, Annie!
    It is sad to lose someone close to you. As we get older it happens more and more. Yesterday was my son-in-law’s birthday. We lost him in 2009. He would have been 57. They are never really gone from our heart and mind and they are forever alive in the presence of our wonderful Lord and Savior. One day we will be together again and the joy will be unlimited. We just have to hang in there and finish our course. I love you, Honey. My heart and prayers are with you.
    Love and hugs,


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you dear Velta for your compassion and yes we have a wonderful inheritance to look forward to and even now we have deep Joy in our hearts even if sometimes we have tears in our eyes, how very blessed we are indeed to be called children of The King.

      Love you too Anne


  3. Ron says:

    Lovely poem ,share your pain , you have beautiful memories to have of her.
    Story of the vase very nice ,shows we should not focus on our present ,but what we can become, priceless in His eyes.


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.