Cyclone Debbie brings Widespread Flooding

Just a short account of how Cyclone Debbie is affecting Brisbane and the Gold Coast and my own battle in the Storm yesterday Morning .

Parts of Brisbane have already received more than 200mm of rain. There is also already a lot of water in all the Creeks and River systems and any further heavy rain will continue to lead to flash flooding.

The Albert and Coomera rivers on the Gold Coast are already experiencing major flooding issues, with water breaking the banks of smaller creeks around Brisbane too.

The rain is still ongoing and the damaging winds are still expected along the coast, with gusts of in excess of 90km/h and potentially in excess of 125km/h in elevated terrain and in some of those coastal areas.

Queensland Health has confirmed that Elective Surgery and Outpatient Appointments at seven Queensland Hospitals have been cancelled, The State’s Health Authority said Emergency departments were operating as normal along with Inpatient Services.

All Schools were closed yesterday, including Catholic and Independent Schools, they will also be closed Today.

It’s chaos in Coles and Woolworths at Pacific Fair but it’s a different story everywhere else, with many retailers shutting up shops. Gold Coast residents have flooded major Shopping Centres this morning after Authorities advised everyone to stay indoors from Midday.

More than 5,000 homes are now without electricity in southeast Queensland. Energex workers have been working swiftly all day to reconnect homes, but this is set to become near impossible as destructive winds set in and darkness falls.

Evacuation Centres were opened in areas including Ipswich, Redlands, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay.

My Morning Battle…

Yesterday Morning at about 5am I woke up to hear heavy Rain outside the Bedroom window I was worried about my new Mobility Scooter as water in it’s Motor will cause it to crash, although it was under cover there was still danger of it being wet so I thought I would bring it inside like I had done with the old Scooter when it was Storming.

Because it was still dark and thinking it would not take very long I headed out into the Storm in my Summer Nightie but because of the heavy rain the Carport was leaking and before long I was also very wet and I realized the Scooter would be too if left much longer in the Carport.

I started the Scooter and drove it towards the front door trying to avoid a potted plant but found the Scooter would not fit through the doorway like the old one had and this is were I panicked it would also not back out of the doorway without banging into the wall, I was trapped and the more I tried the worse it got, this went on and on but it would not budge more than a few inches.

As I sat on the Mobility Scooter upset and frustrated and wondering what to do next, it was now about 6.30, I looked up and could see in the distance a Bird sitting all alone on the Electricity Cable in the Storm, I thought this was strange but it reminded me that God even looks after the Sparrows and He cares  even more for us. So once again I prayed for His help and this time after a few attempts I was able to find a way out of the narrow door way and I also found a cover for the Scooter that would temporarily help to keep it dry and than surprisingly as I went inside to have breakfast, I heard the sound of a bird singing, yes in the rain, you can be sure I am still giving Thanks.

Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore ye are of more value than many Sparrows.

Psalm 91:4- 5  He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His Wings shalt thou Trust, His Truth shall be thy Shield and Buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day.

Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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29 Responses to Cyclone Debbie brings Widespread Flooding

  1. Praise God for His provision of wisdom in the circumstance. I am praying for your part if the world?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Pastor Lillie for visiting and commenting and yes God’s Wisdom is very much needed, knowing His Truth is very important to avoid deception in these end times.

      As I shared on your Post Pastor Lillie, we know our time on earth is limited, the Signs Jesus told us to look for are happening now and He said when we see them that we will be the Generation that will see Him return, yes perhaps you and I will already be in Heaven but most of the Children of this Generation will not be, my heart grieves as I see them being denied knowing how much they are Loved by God or even that there is a Loving God.

      Some Public Schools in Australia have now stopped having R.E and I know of a Chaplin that supported Halloween by hosting the School Celebration of it for money, she is also a Pastor of a Church. Yes sadly we know were it will end for those like her, unless they come to their senses and repent and also show by their obedience they believe and Trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

      Thank you again Pastor Lillie and many Blessings – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope and pray y’all are ok!


    • Thank you for your Prayers and Concern Caleb, all has settled down now in our Area although there are frequent Storms but they don’t last very long or do much damage .

      I would also value your Prayers for my head Caleb , I hit it on the fridge door and I have been having headaches on and off since which I don’t have very often, they did a C.T Scan when I went to Hospital but they couldn’t find the brain so there was no damage Lol but seriously they think there has been nerve damage.

      Thanks again and many Blessings – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Anne,

        So sorry to hear that you hit your head. That is terrible, most likely you had a contusion. Hopefully nothing more, apart from your headache. Hopefully they will go ways sooner rather than later.

        It seems that the CT was negative and that you didn’t have any subdural hematoma (internal bleeding of the brain) due to your injury.

        I will keep you in my prayers during Holy Week and I hope for a happy Easter!



        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you Caleb, my head is still sore to touch and so was down the side of my face before but I have had no more headaches or blurry vision in the last few days.

          I Hope all is going well for you and your family, I’m not sure if you have Posted yet but will check.

          Blessings – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I hope by now you are feeling better!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Hi Caleb, good to hear from you again, my head is OK but I was attacked by a Dog and a few days later I had another accident on my Mobility Scooter, I have really been in a Storm but God has been Faithful.

              I’m moving into a new home soon and have to pack but having torn Tendons in my Shoulder makes it very difficult, Thankfully Ron, Nick and some of my friends are helping but there is still a lot for me to do.

              Do you know Caleb what helps Tendons to heal quicker?, I only have something for pain relief, although the Doctor said yesterday that Steroids may be needed later.

              Are you Posting again Caleb? – Christian Love Always – Anne.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Hi,

                So sorry to hear about the dog. Did you he bite you?

                I don’t know if steroids will help, your doctor will know better. Given a good pain management plan, physical therapy should really help with the healing process.



                Liked by 1 person

    • They did suggest Physio Caleb and are referring me to a Specialist, I’m om pain medication but I’m still waking up at night.

      The Dog scratched my cheek as he head butted me and broke my tooth and my lip was bleeding too, I was surprised because he had been so friendly before, I had a tetanus shot and my tooth was restored artificially, my face has now healed too and my lip.

      Thanks for caring Caleb, I miss you when your not Blogging but I do realize your busy with work and other responsibilities.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Debbie M. says:

    Annie, Cyclone Debbie is giving THE other Debbie’s a bad name!!! 🙂 With the storm raging and God’s reminder of His care through the lone bird, I thought of Psalm 91:4. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Prayers for a hedge of protection for the Gold Coast and for people’s eyes to be opened to see His presence always!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t worry Debbie Cyclone Debbie could never outdo you when your wanting to make yourself heard and just as well because unlike her what you spread brings good results not bad.

      Thank you Debbie both for your Prayers and for the reminder, see what I mean! I will add your verse to my Post but will use the K.J.V both are good but the K.J.V has an important Truth about Trust as well.

      I received an e-mail Story that was focusing on God’s Love and Protection and it used this verse too, I will post the link below for you although sad in some ways, it is also a great reminder too.

      God’s Wings –

      Christian Love Always – Annie.


  4. What an ordeal, both for you and the entire area! I am so glad you managed to protect your scooter from the weather. I love that verse about the sparrow. May God keep you safe, Anne. Love, A. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes it was stressful Anna but not as bad as the Brisbane flooding some years ago, many were evacuated in all areas and there was much Property damage but it still has been an ordeal.

      I was very Thankful Anna that my Mobility Scooter was not damaged, with being disabled my walking and standing is very limited and I would not have been able to go to the Doctors or Shop etc. Having the Blog has been wonderful it has given me the opportunity to share God’s Truth and to make friends all over the World but also because I need to sit down and rest my feet or I suffer intense pain at night that wakes me up, Blogging allows me to do this without my feeling I’m wasting time.

      I was Born with my disability Anna but it has only progressed in the last 10 years to the extent it is now, they said when I was 40 that I would be fully Paraplegic by the time I was 60 but it disappeared from my Spine 3 years ago and Doctors have now confirmed I won’t be a Paraplegic, some have asked will my feet ever be healed, I don’t know but I give thanks for the Healing I have had in my life and much more than once, I should have died at least 3 times if not more. We do indeed have a Loving God of the impossible.

      Thank you Anna for your prayers ❤ your Blogging friendship means a lot to me, I wish we could have a cuppa together, I would make you a yummy Cake, I love cooking. 🙂

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You have had such a heavy cross to bear, Anne. Yet your faith is so strengthened. I know that is an inspiration to others. It certainly is to me.

        I’d love to share a cup of tea w/ you. But you definitely have the advantage of me, as far as cooking and baking go! All I can do is take-out and “bakery” cake (LOL).

        With love,

        A. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. lwbut says:

    Matt 5:45
    Sorry to hear of your and Brisbane’s troubles but the positive is you are not living in the Bowen area, or a flood zone, and no lives were lost this time. (yet anyways) I’m sure all the good that comes from this will outweigh the bad though.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes I agree lwbut many have been blessed by kindness shown to them during Cyclone Debbie. I know the Children in this area loved not having to go to School and were having a great time splashing in the Street but yes Thankfully no lives were lost, not sure what today will hold but we can give Thanks for the many who were saved from drowning even though they lost property.

      Thanks for Visiting and Sharing – Blessings Anne.


  6. jonahzsong says:

    I love your witness, your testimony of G-d’s care for our lives. He will be with His during this weather emergency. May those who don’t know our Lord Jesus come to know Him through the difficulties that are upon y’all. Lord Bless you Anne, Keep you, and watch over you. . .

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Wil I have missed your Positive focus and yes I find that most people I share with become interested when I tell them how God has helped me overcome hardships in my life even some Miraculously. I have wondered why God has Blessed me so much when I have hurt Him so much but He does not hold onto bitterness and resentment and He is Love and Love always responds in Love even in Judgement.

      We are no longer experiencing strong winds and rain where I live Wil and the water in the backyard and at the side of the house has soaked into the ground, it was rising up to my Office window, so for now the need to evacuate is over for this area but others are still experiencing the aftereffects of Cyclone Debbie..

      Thanks again for visiting and sharing it is appreciated.

      Blessings – Anne.


  7. My, what a time you’ve had…. I’m so glad that you’re alright and that seeing that little bird encouraged you ! Diane xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Just like the Floods before Diane my back and side yards were flooded but there was no water in the house this time which was good as the dogs were already very frightened.

      Yes the little bird reminded me I was not alone, I only needed to Pray and God would hear and help me and He did, we are so Loved.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Birds of a Feather flock together but when God spreads His Wings our Heart Sings.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. bjsscribbles says:

    I was following the storm yesterday and wondering how you were. This is the sign of things to come. It does not seem that long since Cyclone Yassi went through and stretched across the country to South Aussie.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Praying for all of you! I love the singing bird in the midst of the storm. What a great visual reminder of how He is still there when things seem out of control. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Crista for your Faithfulness to Pray for us in Aussie Land, we really appreciate knowing others care.

      Yes the Singing Bird really touched my heart too, it is not the first time God has used a Bird to revel His Truth or Love to me and He has used Butterflies and Heart shaped flowers too, we are very visual and respond to what we see, God created us that way, even Faith has eyes but their in our heart.

      Thank you again Crista for your Prayers and also for visiting and sharing too.

      Christian Love and Blessings Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

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