Fragrant Guidelines From Our Heavenly Father

Fragrant GuidelinesGUIDELINESFor you to have Godly Love, Peace and Joy giving you Eternal Hope there needs to be changes, waiting can seem long but my Timing is always Perfect.

Follow these Fragrant Guidelines and you will be greatly Blessed…

1. Come To Me And Don’t Worry…..

Life at times brings problems, suffering and hardship but worrying does not change them it adds to them, I Am always with you and understand your pain and heartache, I will take all your burdens and carry them for you, Help and Comfort you, Trust me I will not let you down.

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2. Give Your Requests To Me…..

Ask, Seek and Knock, bring your requests to me even what seems impossible, nothing is for me, let me be the one to provide what you need or to help you solve your problems. I will always help you but you need to ask and believe that I will answer when you seek me,

Have you put too much pressure on yourself trying to achieve worldly goals, I’ll give you the right focus and balance. I Am your Heavenly Father, Spiritually One with Jesus your Lord and Saviour and also One with your Comforter and Teacher The Holy Spirit, so I can take care of anything you put into my hands. I have even resolved things for you that you never realized and have also gone ahead and prepared the way for you, so you would overcome when needed.

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3. Trust And Obey Me…..

Once you’ve given me your burdens, Trust in me, have Faith that I will take all your needs, your problems and your trials, they will never be greater than you can endure, I will give you my Strength.

Problems in your family or with your friends, is someone hurting you? Put everything in my hands. Are you worried about your finances, is there not enough to met your needs? all resources are Mine, you will have your needs met and your heart desires that come from my Love in you .

Are your emotions unstable, do you feel pain and frustration, or that your alone and no one cares? I understand and care very much and long to give you my Peace and Joy. As you choose to seek me with all your heart and obey all I have asked of you, I promise that you will receive all that is needed for doing good which will bring to you wonderful feelings of completeness and Unity with me.

I want to help you have Eternal Hope that will last, so ask with a heart that seeks my will and then Trust and believe that I will answer in my Time and in my Way.

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4. Be Thankful in All Things …..

If you wake up one morning and feel much stronger be Thankful that you don’t have to handle life on your own or worry that something will stand in your way of knowing my Love and being close to me.

Be Thankful to others for their Kindness because all good things come from me, so in appreciating what others do, you are thanking me and remembering that it is me who Cares and Provides for you and in doing this your Faith and Trust will grow.

If others forget to Thank you, I never will for what you do in Love will never go unrewarded. I Am always with you because you gave me your heart and what you do for others you are doing for me.

I also give you my Strength and my Peace and Rest, so you do not need to worry or be in despair…

Just let me your Heavenly Father be in control and believe that all things will work out for good because you Love me, for in knowing you I have chosen you, so be thankful and rejoice because you belong to me and always will.

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5. Talk With Me…..

I want you to put behind you things that have hurt you, I will heal the pain…
forgive or ask for forgiveness and move on in Love.

When you find things confusing don’t trust in worldly understanding instead of Trusting in me, I give you my Wisdom when you ask for it. Forget the worry and the fretting, I Am in control.

But there’s one thing I ask of you; never forget I Am here for you, so talk with Me Always! I Love you!

I want to hear your voice, I want you to share with me about the things going on in your life, even though I know all things about you but I want and choose to need your Friendship, talk to me, not just sometimes but all the time.

I want to hear you talk about all the things that bring you Joy and even those things that cause sadness, share about your Loved ones, those who are your friends and family and everything that is important to you.

Prayer is simply us having a Loving Conversation together. I want that in your heart I Am your dearest Friend, take the time to talk and walk with me.

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6. Receive My Faith And Forgiveness…..

I see everything, things that you can’t see from where you are. Receive my Faith and Forgiveness, then believe that I know what I Am doing and be sure that I will not willingly hurt you or cause you to grieve.

Trust Me, I see the good and the bad and although you can’t see the view from my eyes you will understand what’s needed and when it’s needed.

Because when you ask in Faith I give you my Wisdom and I will equip, motivate and empower you too. I will continue to Care for you, watching over you and meeting your needs and I will also fulfill the desires of your Heart.

So be thankful and put your Trust in me your Heavenly Father and I will help you do this as you Seek and Love me with all your heart because when you do you will have True Peace and Joy , I created you to Love fully and in doing so you will be complete.

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7. Share And Receive…..

Share and give from the heart, give to those less fortunate than you, give to those in need but not just materially, share the Hope you have in knowing me too.

Share your Joy with those who need your encouragement. Share your laughter with those who haven’t heard any in such a long time. Share your tears with those who have forgotten how to cry and cry with those who suffer or have hardship.

Share your Faith with those who have none. Share from your heart not your head and receive with thankfulness and Joy… I will show you how.

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8. Be Patient And Wait On Me…..

I Planned that you would be equipped to meet all your challenges in life, to have my Strength no matter what diverse or hard experiences you would have to face.

You grow from a Child to an Adult, you may Marry and have Children, or change jobs more than once, learn a few trades or travel to many places, you may meet people with Cultures different from yours and experience so much more than you plan.

But I have planned something for you so much more wonderful than you can imagine and far greater than anything you have experienced. So be Patient, Trust in me to fulfill the good plans I have for you.

Trust in my timing, for my timing is Perfect, I created the entire Universe in only six days and just as I rested so will you in Jesus and remember, I continue to create good, so there is no rush. Everything will be completed in my time, Nothing will be left undone, so do not worry or fear that I will not have time for you.

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9. Be Kind And Understanding…..

Be kind to others and yourself for I Love them as I Love you. Just as you are unique so are they and they all have a place in My heart and together you become one when you believe in Jesus My Son.

They may not believe as you do or feel the things you do or understand the needs that you have but I do and I Love you all. Please seek my Love and Compassion for others and yourself, Pray for them and ask others to Pray for you when you have needs. Show kindness in the things you do and say.

Remember you’re different for a reason and each of you are part of my plan which is good and perfect and one day you will be too. Although I Love you as you are, one day you will be complete and whole.

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10. Love Yourself and Others…..

Although I Love You even in your Sin and with your weaknesses, I do not Love your Sins they separate us and they hurt you and others and they make you feel unlovely and cause pain and regret, so repent and turn away from them and help others do the same.

I will take your sins as far as the east is to the west and choose to remember them No more, so repent and walk in freedom. Your weaknesses and shortcomings I understand and I am shaping and molding you through The Fruit of The Spirit, so be tolerant of yours and others, Love them as I Love you.

I will show you how as I put my Spirit in you and His Light will outshine the Sun. He will give you Jesus’ beauty and radiance, His fruit will ripen and grow in you as you Love and Seek me first and reach out to others.

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11. Put your Trust and Confidence in Me…..

Don’t put confidence in worldly riches and goals or Trust in it’s wisdom, whatever you do commit it to me and work at it with all your heart, not for the approval of others but to please me. Then you will Love what I Am doing in you and in others and will be able to give freely of my Love, Support, Care and Encouragement.

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12. Remember You are a Priceless Treasure…..

I delight in you because you are Precious to me, I want to Bless you greatly, so accept the gifts that I give you and share them freely. You are a Priceless Treasure and… I Love you.

RosesTake time to smell the roses, Count your blessings and always be Thankful, when you feel the thorns remember they protect the beauty and fragrance of the rose, they remind you if you sin that you need to repent.

When troubles come and go remember I will Protect you too, so rejoice that you are not alone in the hard times , I do not bring them to you but in them you are brought closer to me, believe that you will have my Strength to endure and that you are always greatly Loved. I have set all my Children free and when you repent, Trust, Obey, you can rejoice that I’m with you always and you will walk in Victory, this is a beautiful fragrance that you can enjoy.

Touch someone with my Love found only through my Son Jesus The Christ, we are One in The Spirit and in Him your Eternal Life begun.

Author unknown to many.

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2 Corinthians 2:14-16 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in Triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the Fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the Fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? KJV

Psalm 145:8-10 The LORD is Gracious, and full of Compassion, slow to anger and of great Mercy. The LORD is good to all and His Tender Mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall Praise Thee, O LORD and thy Saints shall bless Thee. KJV

How to know the Heart of God and His good will for us…..1Corinthians 2:9-16




About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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27 Responses to Fragrant Guidelines From Our Heavenly Father

  1. Patty B says:

    Anne thank you for sharing these guidelines – I know you wrote it but these words are most definitely from God. Through His Word – the Holy Scriptures and the power of His Holy Spirit may all of us who have read the Fragrant Guidelines grow and mature in God’s grace. I did want to tell you I emailed you about 2 days ago, just wondering if you got it. I hope it did not get lost in cyberspace. God’s blessings upon you my friend and sister in Christ – Patty

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your kind words of encouragement Patty and yes I felt the Lord leading me, His message ministered to me too, some I received years ago by e-mail but mostly it came from my heart, sometimes the Storms of Live come on full force but God never leaves us to battle them alone.

      No Patty I did not receive your e-mail but I did receive the one Maria sent today, perhaps it would help if you sent it to my Blog Address which you will find if you edit one of my comments.

      Blessings dear friend, hope to hear from you soon – Anne.


      • Patty B says:

        ok will try that! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Patty B says:

        is it a comment on your page or my page?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you so much dear Patty for your wonderful gift I received today, if you read my new Post you will realize why it meant so much to me, with all that’s happened recently to be reminded that I’m cared for and Loved and yes that I’m someone Special too, was a great blessing.

          You are such a beautiful Christian Woman Patty with a heart overflowing with Love and Kindness, the only sadness that I feel in our Friendship, is we can’t talk on the Phone and share our lives together one to one but your in my Heart and that’s where your going to stay.

          God bless you greatly dear friend, Christian Love Always – Anne.

          P.S One of my comments on your Blog.


          • Patty B says:

            got it will try it now…. 😉


            • I received your e-mail Patty this morning and will reply today and will also send you the other e-mail address, try it and I will let you know if I receive your e-mail, if not you use the Blog e-mail address again .

              I shared you gift with Ron yesterday which he enjoyed too, he said to Thank you also for your Prayers, he has had a few side effects from the Chemo but is much better than expected.

              Blessings – Anne


          • Patty B says:

            I replied on another post on how special you are…and the same can go here. You are uniquely and wonderfully made by our creator and for whatever reason God allowed our friendship to grow through the internet and not in our kitchens with a cup of tea – either way it is God ordained that we strengthen each other and walk with each other in our faith journeys. God’s timing and reasoning is always perfect – what an awesome God we serve, honor and worship! He unites His people together in so many ways. Blessed to know you as a sister in Christ and a fellow traveler in this earth. ❤

            Liked by 1 person

            • God is Love and yes dear Patty, He joined our hearts as Spiritual Sisters in His Love, as the Song below shares. We are holding hands across the Seas and nothing can separate us from His Love that He has molded in our hearts, distance does not separate or loosen His bonds of Love either and they are strong and last for Eternity.

              Christian Love Always – Anne.

              Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Patty, I was wondering if you received my recent e-mail in answer to yours with my new e-mail address, but not the Freedomborn one, please let me know if you did.

      Blessings – Anne.


  2. Debbie M. says:

    Annie, In your post, I kept hearing that we are to trust our Abba Father in heaven and then walk out that trust in our daily lives. Faith is work as the world and Satan wants to derail us at every turn. When our confidence is placed securely in the LORD, we are overcomers!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes we are to work out our Salvation Debbie but not meaning work for it and as you affirmed we are to Trust our Abba Father all the way, His plans for us are good not evil. Jesus tells us to Ask, Seek and Knock, we don’t just sit passively and wait to be sapped and yet we do wait on Him to show us the way. (Romans8:1-14 KJV)

      One way is that He tells us to Search for Him with all our heart and we will find Him and He is everywhere except were evil is promoted, this is something God cannot do or agree with, He is Love. To even say that Believers do evil to bring good out of it is Slander (Romans 3:8) how much more so with God, yes we can indeed Trust Him and know His will for us is all about Love and is very good. (Psalm145:8-10KJV)

      Does He Discipline us, yes as we know Debbie He does, we reap the evil we sow just like the Prodigal Son did and yet if needed He will intervene to save our lives and what a welcome Home when we do have True Heart repentance.He knows those who are His and not one of us will be lost, He protects our Souls but if needed chastises us through the Body of Christ, His Church.

      Have you ever been chastised Debbie ? I have and you can believe me, I was not impressed but later I was very grateful to my Christian friends for Loving me enough to rebuke me for the Sin I was committing, yes it saved my life, when I was wanting to commit Suicide after getting my life into such a mess, I remembered that they shared that God will help me if I turn away from evil and seek Him (Titus 2:12-14 KJV) and that is what I did.(2Timothy2:19-21)the full story is on the link below.

      Rescued by Jesus-

      Thank you Debbie for your Faithfulness to the Body of Christ, may you continue to be greatly Blessed as you reach out to those who are hurting offering Love and support not just from you but from The Lord too and as we know what we do for others we are doing for Him .

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


      • Debbie M. says:

        Have I been chastised? Yes! And often by the Holy Spirit who corrects my thinking and guides my thoughts back to God’s way of thinking. 2 Corinthians 10:15, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

        I know you know this… but in no way was I implying that we earn our salvation through our works. It was the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that saves us and reconciles us with God. I do know that it is “work” to walk out faith because God’s ways are not the ways of the world that we are inundated with. I’ll check out your link! Love to you Annie!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I never thought Debbie that you felt we had to work for our Salvation but some do, I was in contact with a Ministry called Sinless Perfection but it was not what God tells us Salvation is all about, it was focused on Man made rules and fleshy works, they abused me and Blocked me when I didn’t agree with their teaching but than others also mix up what is fleshy works and what is obedience and doing God’s good Works that He has prepared in advance for us to do.

          I had an accident on my Mobility Scooter yesterday Debbie and hit my head very hard, they let me come home from Hospital last night but under close Supervision in case of Concussion, I feel OK although my heard is hurting, please Pray for me.

          Blessings – Anne.


          • Debbie M. says:

            You are being watched by our Father in heaven, but I know what you mean! Oh Annie, I am so sorry to hear this. I just prayed for complete healing and a hedge of protection. No more scooter accidents, okay?!!!!!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Thank you Debbie, I appreciate your prayers very much. The side of my head which hit the concrete, was extremely sore after the accident even to touch but the pain is not as bad today, although it does have a big egg on it and is very bruised.

              My Mobility Scooter is OK except for a broken side mirror, it’s being returned today, amazingly the Service Man told me there would be no charge to fix it or for the pick up and delivery, he is doing it as a favor, I’m indeed very blessed.

              Thanks again dear friend Love-Annie.

              Liked by 1 person

  3. gcomand says:

    Thanks for sharing Anne these Guidelines from our Heavenly Father, a well laid out and step by step approach, even without any computer problems I find the upkeep of a blog a struggle
    But reading your articles such as this one, on your blog inspires me onward
    For I can do all thing through Christ

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your encouragement Graham and yes keeping a Blog does take time and personal effort but Prayer is needed first. As I shared on your Blog my motivation in having a Blog is to reach out to others sharing God’s Truth and Love and to encourage them but I understand your limited time, as I said in your About, it’s very commendable that you care for your wife but it must take time to do so, you are indeed a man of great worth, God bless you always.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  4. God’s Truth is a Fragrance of Love, Joy, Peace and Rest in Jesus, they have a wonderful aroma that never leaves our heart when accepted in Faith.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Terri says:

    What a wonderful message Anne! I haven’t had much online time lately and thought I’d get on for just a few minutes today…popped over here and found this 🙂 I hope you don’t mind I am going to print this to look back on. In two weeks I am having my knee replaced and once it heals I have to have the other one replaced too. So I probably won’t be online much in the near future so this is very timely too. I hope you are doing well, saw a few of your posts from my phone but couldn’t comment or like because I wasn’t signed in and didn’t know my password… i finally have that solved now :). I have been praying for you and for Ron though. Have a wonderful day my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your encouragement T it is good to hear from you but I’m sorry that you have to have major surgery soon, I will be praying for you and Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for Ron, although his treatment is very extreme he is handling it well, he has a few side- effects but nothing major as predicted.

      Like you T, I’m also very behind in my Blogging, one reason is that another one of my Computers crashed but it could be reformatted this time, Thankfully I was able to save most of the Posts before it crashed and hopefully yours are there too but if not I will still visit you soon and check for your New Posts..

      The message I shared on this Post really impacted me too T, I had read some of it on an e-mail many years ago but mostly it came from my heart, although it is all confirmed in the Scriptures as God’s Truth, so it seems after reading them in my quiet times they must have stayed in there waiting to be shared when lead by the Holy Spirit because I needed them too.

      Since we started Blogging together T I have seen you grow Spiritually and many times I have also been greatly Blessed by what you have shared, mainly because of your Love for God and others, which you show by your actions not just your words but I enjoy your Photography too, yes you are a wonderful Blogging friend T whom I Thank God for.

      Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. bjsscribbles says:

    That is so true, it is everything I am feeling right now. I read your post, I have saved it. I feel you are writing about how God helps you, his character, his caring. he helps us come out the other side of life. Wonderful.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes dear Bj I too felt God’s Love and Protection as I wrote this Message, some of which I had read on an e-mail many years ago but mostly it came from my heart and it does give me deep inner Joy to know that all of us in Christ Jesus have His Fragrance and that we are bound together by His cords of Love for Eternity.

      We have had many talks Bj and over the years I have seen you grow Spiritually, you always have been a loving woman, this was shown by the things you shared with me but when you forgave those who had hurt you and moved on in Love leaving the pain and hurt behind, you radiated God’s Love like a Star shining in the darkness.

      Christian Love Always – your friend Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

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