A Beautiful Story of Caring and Compassion

The man by the window 12

The Man by the Window
 by Harry Buschman. 
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same Hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window.
The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.  The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the Military service and where they had been on vacation.
Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and colour of the world outside. 
City Park 1
 The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats.  Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.  As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. 
 Band 123
One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.  Although the other man couldn’t hear the band, he could see it in his mind’s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.
Days and weeks passed.  One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.  She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.
As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.  The nurse was happy to make the switch, she put him into the wheelchair and after making sure he was comfortable, she went for assistance and left him alone by the window.  Slowly, painfully, he strained to slowly turn to look out the window his first look at the real world outside…  It faced a blank wall.
Brick wall 2
 The man asked the nurse when she returned and was standing beside him, what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.  The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.  She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage  you”.

The original Story by Harry Buschman  has been condensed and also adapted more than once but remains the same in its Story line and Focus…
There is tremendous Joy in thinking of the needs of others despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. We can’t help everyone but we can help someone.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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43 Responses to A Beautiful Story of Caring and Compassion

  1. We need to see with our Heart not just our eyes.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shattered in Him says:

    Such a beautiful display of compassion.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sue Cass says:

    Thank you for the follow, Anna. It’s nice to have other followers of Jesus Christ joining in spreading the gospel. Blessings to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Sue, I’m sorry for the delay in responding to your comment but I found two of your Comments in my Spam, this one and the one on my latest Post, I hope it’s not happening to you now but if so what I did that helped was I changed the e-mail address for my Blog and I also now change my Passwords a few times a week.

      Also Sue quiet a few of those I was following were somehow deleted so I had to join up with them again, not sure but I think you may have been one of them because I started following you after my first comment on your Blog.

      Blessings – Anne

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A beautiful lesson, Anne. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and for liking one of my posts. Blessings, Natalie 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Gretiana says:

    The difference is our mindset, our perspective on life and the paradigm from which we choose to view life. It’s a very encouraging story. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for visiting and sharing Gretiana it is very appreciated and yes you are right what our focus is determines our thoughts and actions that is why God tells us to think on things that are good, as they say rubbish in rubbish out. I liked this Story because it reminded me too that we see more good with Spiritual eyes than those do with their Carnal eyes.

      Christian Love – Anne


    • Thank you for visiting and sharing Gretiana, I hope you don’t mind my asking but what is your mindset, you seem like a very interesting person and I would appreciate your sharing your focus with me or your links, if you want to of course.

      Blessings – Anne.


      • Gretiana says:

        I’ve known joy and I’ve known grief; pain and gain, shame and fame. then I’ve learned minimize the bad and maximize the good.
        My mindset is that God has the best for each one of us so we must trust Him.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you Gretiana for sharing and for being real which is very important for Trust and encourages others to be too.

          Yes very True too, we are to Trust God , without Trust there is no Love and Trust comes from Faith but those who have been hurt greatly find it hard to Trust and God does not condemn them for this, He shows He can be Trusted instead… He is Love and can be no other way.

          Blessings – Anne.


  7. MTJames says:

    Thanks for following THE WELL-DRESSED BRANCH, Anne.

    This post was a most pleasant surprise, as it’s the first time I’ve seen this story since my wife Nancy died nearly three years ago. She suffered multiple disabilities related to her diabetes, one of which was blindness. When we were out, I tried to keep her appraised of the sights, especially those that dazzled me.

    The more infirm she became, the more I prayed for God’s love to flow through me. Her first husband was a control freak who made her feel incompetent as a wife and mother, so I had to earn her trust by restoring her faith in men—by my definition, a man or woman is one who constantly seeks Christ-likeness. While natural male or female humans are often little better than animals. Well, God answered my prayer, enabling me to love as I never had before. He is indeed faithful.

    May God bless and prosper you as you follow His Son Jesus.


    • How very blessed your wife was Jim to have a very Loving husband like you and you probably don’t even realize how much she was blessed but I do. My first husband also had problems relating, he had a very abusive childhood like mine and so was also very abusive.

      Thank you for sharing from your heart Jim, you must miss Nancy greatly, yes it is wonderful that you will be reunited again in Heaven but we still miss those we Love, we just have Hope that others don’t have and a Loving God that cares and understands.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


  8. Wonderful story. Teaches also that each of us can look beyond our particular misfortune to see a positive world.


    • Great response Carl and very True, I was thinking about this today, with being disabled although I’m not as bad as I was before, but it means there are some things I can’t do that I use to be able to do, which can be frustrating but I have much more compassion now for others who are disabled and I give thanks that they keep looking ahead and focus on good which helps me too.

      Thank you Carl for visiting and sharing – Christian Love – Anne.


  9. Harbans says:

    Warmth is skin deep.


  10. Beverley says:

    This is such a good story. I have heard it once before but not so detailed thank you.


    • Thank you for visiting and sharing Beverley, yes it is a lovely story and one that spoke to my heart too, I received it years ago by e-mail like many others and just added the pictures.

      God is like the blind man, He paints beautiful Pictures for us when we can’t see because of our worry and fear.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  11. Pingback: A Beautiful Story of Caring and Compassion | Fertiileground's Blog

  12. Hi! Ron and Annie, I have recently created something called “Christian Bloggers Link-up” in my blog. The intention is to bring together all good Christian blogs in one place for the readers to have an easy access to all of it at one shot. So I was thinking why not invite your blogs for linking-up.


    • Thank you Sharon for your kind invitation, the thought of being united with other Christian Blogs is very good but one thing that is important to us is to do what God tells us to do, which is to test the spirit of those who seek to teach us, they are to walk in Love and Truth, which is evident by their words and how they treat others.

      We do not promote Blogs or websites or are we in Unity with those that teach anything that is not confirmed as Truth by Jesus who is The Living word our Teacher and also Scripture, this is why we take time to get to know the Authors of Blogs, because we are responsible as is everyone with their Blogs, for the spiritual safety of those who visit but we respect you Sharon and Trust your judgment, so yes both Ron and I would be happy to join you and consider it a blessing.

      We were also wanting to add you to Freedomborn’s Blogroll, I hope this is ok with you.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  13. Human kindness and compassion knows no bounds and limits. When the heart wish to give, it gives with the purest and best of intentions. Today’s story touch us in so many ways. Not only that it taught us about love for our neighbor but more importantly to love and appreciate the very life God gave us. Thanks for a very uplifting post my friend.


    • Hi dear Island Traveler, some may think this man was lieing but his motives were good not evil, which is sin, it was so beautiful that he cared about others even as he was dying. As you wisley said, it is all about Loving God and others and showing it in a tangiable way, We seek to allow Jesus to incress and we decress by putting our flesh to death so we will not walk in selfishness and we will put others first like He did.

      I have started your Power point, friend, I’m looking for suitable animations but as I said before, I would like to use some of yours Photos too or do you have them copyrighted? please let me know so I can continue as it will take time to collect yours or others appropriate Photoes.

      Christian Love from us both – Anne


  14. What a beautiful Story!! I wonder if it is true? It made me teary-eyed! Thanks for sharing it!


    • Hi Elissa, thanks for visiting, I’m not sure if it is True but as I was sharing with Ron this blind man reminds me of Janaleen, a friend of ours,even though she has been blind from birth, she imagines beautiful mind pictures of her garden, by touching and smelling the flowers, and God has given her other gifts because even though she is disabled in this way, she has a beautiful singing voice it is like listening to a Nightingale bird.

      Elissa I was wondering if you would mind sharing with me if you have a Ministry in your Church or not.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • We moved not to long ago, so at the moment I’m not involved in any particular ministry. Other then the blog, and a womens jail ministry, in which we write letters to women inmates. As far as before we moved I was the Womens Bible Study Director at Calvary Chapel for many years. I led and coordinated our Bible Studies, and have taught on many occasions to hundreds of women in our church. In addition I wrote and helped write many of the Bible studies the women took part in. This is where my heart lies, with teaching and building up women in the Lord. 🙂 You can find some of the teachings I did on my blog. In addition I led our Children’s Worship for many years. 🙂 There are more things that I did, but this tells the main parts. 🙂 Currently I am attending International School of Ministry, in which I plan on completing this year. I grew up in a Christian home so a majority of my life has been with God. 🙂
        Hopefully this answers your question. And What is it that you do for your church or did?


        • Thank you Elissa so much for sharing your background, it helps to know, I always feel a closer bond because it reveals the heart focus and brings Unity . We seem to have walked a simular path, although my Ministries were a bit different, I started a playgroup 29 years ago which went for many years and than Co – Lead the Philosophy of Christian Womanhood for 7 years, and during that time I started Christian Weight Control Workshops after training with the Health Department, they were later known as Heavenly Lights after I changed the format to a strong Christian focus, they ran for 20 years and I had 7 leaders in N.S.W and hundreds of woman attending over those years.

          Later I started Help groups with Ron called Gambling and Addiction free after Jesus rescued me from Addiction. I have been a Scripture or R.E Teacher in Schools for over 15 years but now have Funday School in my home, the Children are mostly from Non – Christian families, some have been abused, you may have seen the Power point, a few Posts ago that I helped them create. I have taught Sunday School, organised and did the Devotionals at Craft groups, run Bible studies and Evangelising Training groups, Pastoral care and Prayer chains in Churches and was also Area Coordinator for Silvercord on the Sunshine Coast, a Support and Crises rescue for the Aged and Disabled and in between all these I did for many years voluntary work with the aged in Nursing Homes.

          But to be honest Ellisa, it was not until 5 years + ago that my eyes and heart were really opened after asking and receiving God’s wisdom, I also never really knew what heart repentance was until 17 years ago when Jesus rescued me, I was one of His lost sheep, I shared about this recently on a Post. It was a very dark time in my life but it showed me what I was lacking and that was God’s Truth in it’s completeness as shown to us clearly in Scripture and taught in the early Church by Paul and the Gospel writers but mostly by John with his End Times Teaching. I was in darkness and could not see, I knew some Truth after heart repentance but not as I do now and yes I’m still learning and I’m not perfected in Love yet but am aiming for it.

          Thanks Elisa I will pray for where God wants you to Minister an how, I know you will bless many as you help them to walk in Jesus’ Light.

          Christian Love – Anne.


          • Thanks Anne!! And what awesome ministries to have and do for the Lord! God has used you greatly over the years. Its a blessing to know!


            • You too are very much a blessing Elissa, when I first found your Blog I read and listened to your background and your heart is beautiful, I feel very blessed to have met you my dear Sister in The Lord and it gives me Joy to share with you and learn what God has placed on your heart to share too.

              When I first started my Journey with the Lord as an Adult after being an Atheist for almost 30 years but only in my head, not my heart, I had been deceived by evolution teaching, I felt so very inadequate as I was sharing with my distressed, hurting Neighbour, who is now a very close friend and a deeply committed Christian and her husband is too, Ron lead him to the Lord and Baptised him. My Minister at that time, said to me, God will use what you know Anne and give you what you need and I held onto that Truth over the years and never felt I couldn’t do something for God but to be honest I didn’t set out to do any of these Ministries, I volunteered and they just progressed or I was seeking help for myself and ended up helping others but with the Children’s Ministries, I Love Children and they know it, I’m like the Pied Piper it works for my four footed friends too.

              My life has been very blessed Elissa but not because I deserved it but because of God’s great Love and Mercy and no matter how much I could try, I would never be able to repay Him but I Love Him so very, very much and sometimes I just have to keep telling Him and He tells me in many different ways too that He Loves me greatly and always will, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, His Love for you is just as great, how can He Love less when He is Love.

              Thank you again Elissa – Christian Love – Anne


  15. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for the delightful story, an old one but good and for your great graphics. Yes sometimes we can be blind ourselves to others needs or to a friendly smile, or an encouraging word . The blind man knew how to encourage, perhaps there is in this a lesson for me to learn, Be more sensitive to the needs of others



    • Hi Love, thank you for your kind words, I think at times we all get so wrapped up with our own agenda we forget others need to be encouraged and uplifted but thank you so much for all your added help since I had the accidents, being in pain all the time is no fun.

      This blind man reminds me of Janaleen, even though she has been blind from birth, she imagines beautiful mind pictures of her garden, by touching and smelling the flowers, and God has given her other gifts because even though she is disabled, she has a beautiful singing voice it is like listening to a Nightingale bird, I have saved some of her recordings that you might like to listen to when you have time.

      Christian Love Always dear – Anne.


  16. O I love this! Thanks for sharing. There are so many things that could be brought out in this, but I love the last line. We can’t help everyone, but we can help someone. I believe we are all given people that we have the opportunity to “help” in some way. If we are listening, we will know who they are. Others, we may never be called to “help” because we do not possess what they need, but the Father has someone else in mind for them. That is why some plant, some water, and some reap the harvest. All are needed!


    • Hi Gayle, thank you dear friend for the confirmation that what I’m doing is God’s will, I have asked before after feeling discouraged and He assured me that I was planting good seeds regardless of the response but yesterday feeling discouraged again at some fleshy responses from others and manipulation of my comments and Blog problems, I asked God did He want me to continue and His response was in the affirmative and He told me again that I was planting the seeds that others would sow and water and He would harvest at the end of time, meaning at Judgment. I asked as Gideon did with the fleece for confirmation and as we can see, you have affirmed His answer, it is so True as you once said… Spiritually we are connected.

      I also Love this Story Gayle from the Past and yes even if we help just one it is important, we do need to plant or water, the Harvest is plentiful, yet there are many in conflict through deception by false teachers or those in error because of Satan’s lies which are the seeds he plants and yet there are many who God knows as His Children and who He has Redeemed, waiting to have His Light so they will no longer be in darkness . He tells us to pray for more workers to reach them with His Truth, I was wondering if we could commit to do this together in our hearts, God tells us what two agree on earth when it is according to His will, it will be agreed in Heaven too.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • In agreement my friend, and know that God uses the things that we have walked through to help others. Those things that satan meant for evil, and God turned around for our good, are the very things we are meant to give away and help others. We are all part of the Kingdom and we all have our assignments. Don’t let anyone steal your assignment nor diminish it in any way!


        • Thank you again Gayle, you are indeed the Barnabas that you see in others and I thank God for your Christian Love and encouragement.

          Thank you also for visiting us, although I believe it is important to Post and share God’s Truth, I also believe that visiting and commenting on other peoples Blogs is very important too, as we are reaching out but yes it can be discouraging at times but then also very uplifting if we are in agreement with what they share and we will be if it’s God’s Truth as confirmed in the Scriptures with the understanding of our Living Word, Jesus Christ as He empowers us through The Holy Spirit.

          Thank you again dear friend and Sister, I treasure our Unity in The Lord.

          Christian Love – Anne


  17. Marie says:

    This is one of my favorite stories. It reminds me that I don’t always know both sides of a story and to always be kind hearted and aware of my surroundings. Marie


    • Sorry Marie, I just found your comment not sure why? anyway so True what you said and this story touches my heart too because we have blind friends, when we were part of Auties and Uncles, we cared for young girls and one of their Mothers is blind, the girl is now married an has a child but we still keep in contact with her Mum and others we have met over the years, there is something special about them, perhaps because they see sometimes better than us.

      Thanks for visiting – Christian Love – Anne.


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