Freedomborn’s Christmas Blog

Hi dear Blogging Friends, we wanted to first let you know that over  Christmas,  including the New year’s Celebrations, we will be Posting on our new  Freedomborn’s Christmas Blessings Blog which is starting soon. ( see link below  ) we look forward to this opportunity to share our Christmas messages and other People Christmas Stories  and to also wish you all many Blessings for Christmas and the New year.
 Baby JesusS...

I will also be checking back on all my correspondence  that I received when my Computers crashed,  I was able to save most of my notifications from WoodPress but not action all of them, I will also catch up with some of your past Posts,  so don’t forget to look back in case you’re not advised as some may not be recent. 

The link to the Post ” It’s So Wonderful” is below which I shared about with  those who follow our Blog, thankfully it seems this  message may have had an impact for good, going by my Stats … It shares the Truth,  that what we do as Christians must come from a willing heart and not be forced and  this is only possible  by the empowering of The Holy Spirit  as we choose to freely follow God’s guidelines because we Love Him not because of fear or legalism.
 I wrote this message after receiving a very legalistic one a few years ago by e-mail,  it  tried to give me a guilt Trip too if I  didn’t forward it on like most Chain Letters do but it even went so fare as to claim  if I didn’t send it to all my friends, Jesus would not stand up for me, Hmmmm I can just hear Him  saying to Father God …. No, No,  No,  don’t let  Anne in,  don’t you know she changed that e-mail message and didn’t forward it on like she was told to do,  how bad can you get!  Smily roll
It’s  amazing but also  very sad how some people view  God and His Children, even seeking to harm them but wonderfully God will always have the Victory and will also warn us if needed.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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12 Responses to Freedomborn’s Christmas Blog

  1. I love Christmas and having a Christmas blog 365 days a year…totally awesome. You are a blessing to us all. I copy and paste my comment on your recent visit. Thank you. I needed those words. Thank Anne. You words are so comforting. Thank you for opening my eyes too. It is so easy to be side track with the demands of the world and forgetting the essential part of why we are here on Earth. The scary events around the world scares me too and somehow, I do agree without that the closer we are to what was told by the prophets, the harder it gets. It’s only love and faith that will help us make it through. Thank you for sharing this, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.” This Christmas, I will bring my son to the Nativity scene in our church and show him of reason for joy and hope. Sorry to here about you sisters.I know she is now at peace and happy in heaven. There is no total overcoming from a loss and grief but we find strength in our God, our family and friends. Merry Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you dear Island Traveler, your encouragement is very uplifting as always, to be honest I will not continue with the Christmas Blog in the New Year but will spend more time blogging on Freedomborn and Kingdom’s Garden which is a blog that I can encourage women to appreciate the Beauty within themselves and the very important role they have as Helpmate to Men in their Leadership Role. I was going to create another Blog and move on but I don’t feel at peace to do so.

      Jesus tells us to watch for the signs of His return, when we do we will know when He will come back..

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  2. Freedomborn says:

    Look forward to sharing with you on our Christmas Blog, hope to have time to do a Post for you.

    I agree a chain letter to me just gets deleted I wont be dictated to by someone else what to do with something . If I send it on its my choice not because I was told to.

    Thanks for highlighting this Anne.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Love for taking the time to comment and on our Christmas Blog too, I know how busy you are which the Church admin… looking forward to our Chrismas Lunch together today, eating out other then MacDonalds is a rear treat that I enjoy very much.

      Yes so True, I do not appreciate people trying to motivate me by pressure or fear, we have also shared together about those who seek to set us up, if they only realised how transparent their intentions are and this includes those who claim to be believers perhaps they would back off but perhaps not as they are very much in darkness.

      God tells us to test the spirit, which we do but it is sad that that they really believe others can’t see through their masqurade, seems they think we are as shallow as they are. Yes like you Love I play the game to see how far they will go but in the long run they will always be the loosers, no one fools God and if they don’t repent from the heart, sadly they will reap what they sow, not God’s choice or ours but theirs.

      Thanks again – Love Anne.


  3. Summer says:


    I’ve a christmas card for you! : ) You can pick it up here
    Have a nice day

    Sweet greetings, Summer


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Summer thank you for your kindness in sending a Christmas Card, as I shared on your Blog, Christmas is all about Jesus, God’s greatest Gift to Mankind, without Him it’s just a word based on worldly imput, love that is not eternal will drift away, it’s got no foundation and no sability.

      Thanks again for the card – Christian Love Anne


      • Summer says:

        You’re welcome, Anne

        Love and peace, Summer


        • Freedomborn says:

          Jesus Christs Love and Peace to you too Summer, perhaps I will copy you and respond with a Christmas card, it was indeed a wonderful idea , thinking of others is always worthwhile for what ever reason – Christmas Love Anne


          • Summer says:

            I agree, love is for free and you can make so many people happy with that

            Sweet love, Summer


            • Freedomborn says:

              Sorry Summer, I just found your message in Spam…You are right if you have to buy Love it is not real Love, if you Love out of fear it is not real Love but real may cost your life, it is Commitment and it’s Sacrifical, Jesus died for us so we could really Love.

              Many Blessings for Christmas and the New Year – Christmas Love – Anne


  4. Freedomborn says:

    Thank you island traveler, you also often touch my heart, I so very much appreciate your honesty and caring heart and so does Ron, I’m hoping he will have some free time to visit you and a few others before Christmas, but I do keep him up to date though, so he still knows what your up to 🙂

    Take care dear friend – Christmas Love from both of us- Anne.


  5. Count me in my friend. Your inspiring words always brings a smile to my day. God bless you both always.


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