Friendly Enemies…

Friendly Enemies…
“Is it really possible to learn to care for each other and let go of the bitterness and resentment that we  have in our hearts?”  
As Christians this is what the Lord asks us to do but without His Love we can not do this, it’s only as we seek His Compassion and Understanding that we can  put ourselves in someone’s shoes and see why they are angry, hurting and in pain.
Perhaps it was something we did to  them unknowingly and we need to say sorry, or perhaps they have not dealt with their own hurts and this causes bitterness which they project onto others, so we need to pray for healing for them…
Or perhaps there is judgment without Love because of Pride so Repentance and Forgiveness is needed, but whatever the reason God asks us to Love our enemies and do good to them, to choose to forgive them even if they will not accept our forgiveness through their repentance. .
The Scriptures tell us to do good to our enemies and in so doing we will heap burning coals on their head.
Does that mean God wants our motivation for doing good to our enemies to be motivated by revenge… No because He then tells us not to be overcome by evil but to seek to overcome evil with good… what God is confirming is if there is no repentance they will suffer the consequences of their evil actions. If we do not forgive others we will not be forgiven.
Revenge is not good,  our  motivation needs to be because of Love not hate. When we hold onto bitterness and resentment it’s like mixing poison for those who hurt us but drinking it ourselves, it eats us away.
Does offering Love instead of hate mean that our enemies will always respond back with Love… No sometimes their response will be unloving, this is what God was meaning in regard to the burning coals, but  whatever their response is this should not govern our reactions or actions, what we do needs always to be motivated by God’s Love.
The Dictionary defines an enemy… one who attacks or tries to harm another.
“You may have an enemy but you don’t have to be one.”
Matthew 5:44 – Luke 6 :27-36  – Romans 12: 19-21


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
This entry was posted in Messages From The Heart, The Kings Animal Blessings, Words of Encouragment, Words of Warning. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Friendly Enemies…

  1. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne good message ,the song at the end seems to sum up all you were saying, nice song ,good acoustic guiter also, thanks.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Thanks Ron it does indeed, I chose it for you because of how much you enjoy Music, when I wrote this message God was talking to my heart because I was hurting and angry I gave it all to Him and asked Him to help me to forgive, we cant do it on our own as you often shared at Church.

      Christian Love Anne.


  2. andtheword says:

    Well done, thanks for the share, God bless xxx


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Viv, thank you it’s always good to have your input your a wonderful caring friend but also honest so I trust you, I know you don’t agree just to keep the peace or for acceptance, so when you say something I know your being genuine.

      By the way I forgive you for taking my pink slippers and all the time I thought it was Ron, Oh well better on then off at least you will wear them the bunny won’t.

      Christian Love Anne.


  3. Good thoughts, as always, Anne.
    Our natural response to our enemies would be dislike, animosity, revenge etc. but our new nature dictates otherwise, and by HIS grace we are able to offer love and forgiveness – and really mean it. I couldn’t do this myself, but Christ in me can and does.
    What an amazing God!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Angela I have been very hurt as you know and you have been too, in my life it was many times and no one has said sorry but I still have to choose to forgive them but like Salvation they can’t receive it untill they are really sorry for the evil they have done or they will do it again, they may excuse it, deny it, cover it up, lie about it, blame someone else or project it onto them or even blame me but it won’t go away untill they resolve it both with God and me, it will eat them away.

      Thanks for sharing it’s always a blessing that I enjoy and look forward to.

      Christian Love Anne.


  4. ansuyo says:

    Love it! Our actions are not dependent on other people’s. We do what God tells us to do whether others do or not. God bless, Angie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Very wise Angie, it is not our agenda that is important but Gods, we are to obey His guidelines not mans when they contradict. Doing things God’s way means we have His Peace, Joy and Rest.

      Thank you for sharing Angie both on my Blog and yours and I’m sure others are blessed by your honest and straight forward input.

      Christian Love Anne.


  5. Lady Deidre says:

    Great Post! We do ourselves a huge favor when we seek forgiveness and follow Jesus!
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, sometimes we have to forgive ourselves, I find that the hardest, I don’t like hurting anyone either but I also have to be honest and in doing that if they are not willing to be corrected then you do hurt them or their pride, who likes to be told their in error but if we really Love people then we will if they are in danger or causing others to be.

      What we think will determine our actions, garbage in garbage out, still you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, no wonder the saying as stuborn as a horse or is it mule, anyway they both have tails.

      Christian Love Annie.


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