All Aboard Train 3:16

 We’re on a one-track Christian train,
It’s numbered 3:16; Jesus is the Engineer,
And He runs one “mean machine.”

He takes it up and down the hills
Around the sharpest curves;
He regulates the speed just right.
It never even swerves.

He takes this train through valleys deep
As prudently He steers;
We’re blessed He’s at the throttle folks,
And is Chief Engineer.

When this train climbs mountain peaks
To nearly touch the sky,
He blows its whistle loud and clear,
No need to question why.

This Christian train spans wilderness too,
So smoothly gliding ‘across.
We settle back to enjoy the view,
Knowing Jesus is the Boss.

Sometimes stormy clouds appear
Or fog is all about us,
But Jesus keeps us right on track,
No reason to reroute us.

The 3:16’s a Local, folks,
It stops in every town.
Anyone can come on board,
This train is heaven bound. 

Passengers can leave the train,
Whenever they so choose.
But why get off this 3:16?
There’s just too much to lose.

 Keep your ticket in your hand,
Wave to the Engineer.
He’ll get you to the Promised Land,
His destination’s clear!

Virginia Ellis Copyright © 1999


You’re Precious in His Eyes

Trust God today, He’s still in charge,
Your life is safe with Him.
Your way ahead is very bright,
Although to you it’s dim.

 Just place your trust in Him each day,
Each second and each hour.
Though you’re weak and have no strength,
He is a God of power.

 He doesn’t cause the way to be rough but He knows  sometimes it will be tough,

He’ll lead you and He’ll strengthen you,
He’ll stay right by your side.
Let Him be your everything
And in His peace abide.

There’s nothing in your life, my friend,
To take God by surprise.
He’s in control and He Loves you.
You’re precious in His eyes.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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8 Responses to All Aboard Train 3:16

  1. Ron says:

    Couple of good poems Anne ,just to keep us on Track ,so Jesus can our Guard on the journey. and then He can Gauge our progress.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Very clever Ron, with being such a bright spark you would have no problems in the tunnels and with Jesus as the Driver it would be high beam all the way as He keeps your wheels turning in the right direction.

      Amazed Annie.


  2. My God is Sovereign. He is in control. He loves me and wants the best for me. He will supply all my needs. He will keep me in His love.
    What more could I ask? Nothing! He is soooooooooooo good to me!

    Thank you Anne.


  3. Planting Potatoes says:

    I am blessed by these words today!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Planting Potatoes, I’m pleased you have been blessed, God has gifted His children and it is my heart desire to share what they have freely wanted to bless us with, we can all lean from each other a good reason to Blog , thank you for what you share and your warm responses to what others share.

      Christian Love Anne


  4. Anne, your words always gives me a sense of encouragement and joy, just at the perfect timing of my day when I needed it the most. I may have fallen short at times as to valuing God’s influence in my life but I do know that he was always there, ever ready to catch me when I stumble, raise me up when I’m down, make me smile again when I all I feel is emptiness and despair. We all need him in our journey, whether we acknowledge it or not. His love never ends…Best wishes to you and your love ones. Thanks for sharing a post that breathe so much love and hope.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you also for sharing island traveler you too encourage us as you share from your heart and we too feel your Joy in knowing our God of Love is constantly with us regardless of what we may encounter in life, yes it may sometimes be tough but not by His hand, just the same as you wouldn’t plane suffering for your Loved ones nor does God for us and we will not fall away as His child as He constantly upholds us.

      God bless you greatly our dear Brother in The Lord we may be many miles apart but not in our hearts.

      Christian Love from us both – Anne


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