Friendship Bouquet

What is friendship to you ? below is a  Link  to a Power point I created after receiving one similar,  also  Angie  my new Blogging friend, like all of you  has some very interesting and thought-provoking ideas to share,  her message called The Friendship Package is an example, we hope you will enjoy both and perhaps you would also like  to share what friendship means to you, we are all unique, our Best friend Created us that way.  

Angie’s Link –

Click to enjoy –   Friendship Bouquet 2  -Please be patient WordPress take a little time to download the Power point.

If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy the Friendship God’s way  –

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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39 Responses to Friendship Bouquet

  1. Nice one Anne. I enjoyed my self reading the slide. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      You are a very good Blogging friend Victor, Hopefully I will be able to respond more to your Posts this year when my Health issues are resolved, I do indeed enjoy your Messages and I’m Thankful for your friendship.

      Many Blessings Victor for the New Year – Anne ( Grannie Annie)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you very much Anne for the warm comment. You have been a great blogging friend as well.
        How are you doing health-wise now? I hope the issues you had have been resolved. Stay blessed.


        • Freedomborn says:

          Thank you Dear Victor for your concern but No I’m still waiting for my Operation but you may have noticed that yes I’m still alive.

          Another Public Government Hospital also cancelled my eye Operation just before I was to be Operated on and I had been waiting all day without Food and very little water since 7am in the Morning. They also put drops in my eye that stung greatly so I suffered intense pain too and I felt very Traumatized and all for nothing. yes the Storm has been very Violent and I have needed to Rest.

          To Treat people and yes there are others who have also endured what I have with my Health and they like me are still being abused by indifference even though I was told in March last year that I could Die at any time, yes it is very Inhumane and uncaring and they are not treating us as People of Worth.

          I was even told by a Nurse who was in charge of after care at a Hospital when I asked to see a Doctor that I’m not really that important, no doubt because I’m Bulk Billed like the others are.

          But Thankfully I have been reassured Victor much more than once that I’m not alone in this Violent Storm. Jesus told us that will suffer and be Persecuted when we Stand up for His Truth and Satan who controls this World will make sure we are as he afflicts us with his hard Testing.

          No we don’t have to be Happy Clappy about Persecution which can even come from those in our own Families and from some in the Churches and not just from Cults or False Teachers etc. We of course give Heartfelt Thanks and have Deep Inner Joy that we are known by our Abba Father as His own and have always been and that our Name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life and we don’t have to fear punishment like those who Persecute us will, God doesn’t Plan evil for us like they do but we Pray they will come to their senses and Repent although sadly some even think the evil they are doing is for God.

          I will be Posting again Victor in the next few days and also visiting you and my other Blogging Friends to read and comment on yours and their Messages. Thank you again and God Bless you Greatly – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

          • It is such a great pleasure for me to read from you again, Anne. Of course, I know you are alive! And I’m deeply sorry for the traumatic experiences you had at the hospital.

            That you are able to keep being joyful in the midst of these challenges is commendable and inspirational to those of us your friends on the blogosphere. My prayer is that God will keep you longer here on earth. You are a a woman of faith!


  2. Fabulous Anne! You did a good job putting this together. One of my favorite lines is, “Good Friends are like stars, we don’t always see them but we know they are there to Love and to share with.” God bless!


    • Thanks Pastor Joe and yes my friends are like Stars, I did take the Liberty of adding to the original quote “To Love and to share with” otherwise it is just about me but my friends know I’m always there for them too even though with most of them because they live a long distance from me, we don’t see each other very often now.

      I hope you know I’m always here for you too Pastor Joe, you may be my Blog Pastor but to me your a dear friend that shines.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  3. A Servant says:

    That was an incredible presentation. Thank you for sharing it with me.


    • Thank you for taking the time to watch it A Servant and as I shared with you, it was a team effort with God being The Captain.

      I have a Power point to create today for a elderly man in the Nursing home that I visit, he wants big cats highlighted I’m still praying about the message, perhaps you can think of something, men seem to have a good focus when it comes to the kingdom of the wild 🙂

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


      • A Servant says:

        Interesting you mention visiting a nursing home. I have done that for over 25 years now. I have been in 3 facilities over that period and am starting number 4 this coming Monday.


        • It’s good to hear A Servant that you are also blessed in visiting the Elderly, they have so much to give. I did volunteer work for over 5 years in a Nursing Home in Sydney and yes it is very rewarding,

          So what do you feel A Servant would be a good theme for this Gentleman’s Power point that I’m creating for him, another man’s view would be great , Ron is away so I can’t ask his advise right now and I forgot to ask him before and I do need to finish it today because I’m visiting again tomorrow, I hope you can help.

          Blessings – Anne

          P.S Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you, Monty sat on the power switch and turned off the Computer and than the Neighborhood Children came to visit me just after it closed down …. life happens!


          • A Servant says:

            Hmmm, I’ve never tried to do something like that. Most guys lament the loss of motor skills, as a result, I would make the theme on wisdom. As we age we rely on knowledge to overcome the decreasing strength and agility.
            Of course you know that Proverbs would yield a boat load of captions for your PowerPoint slides if the theme was wisdom. Just a thought.


            • Yes Wisdom would be a great theme, A Servant, I did a Post about Wisdom some time ago, I will leave the link for you below and yes I used Proverbs too, thanks for your advise, I will use God’s Wisdom as the theme with the cats, the age do indeed have life wisdom and those who ask for it also have Godly wisdom.

              Wisdom –

              My hair is going grey now and the Children who use to call me Aunty Anne now call me Grannie Annie and nobody asks to see my Senior’s card anymore, they just believe me 🙄 so I must have life wisdom and because I have asked for it like others have and God keeps His promises, I also have His Godly Wisdom ….. How good is that!

              Thanks again – Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


              • A Servant says:

                I am about to turn in on this Friday night. I know that you are well into your Saturday so I wish you well on your project.
                God bless.


                • Hope you have a restful nights sleep A Servant, I will Post the Power point for you in the next few days before we start our Holidays next week , have you written a message about wisdom too?

                  Blessings Anne.


                  • A Servant says:

                    I briefly covered it in the series on James. I will be starting a new study in 1 Peter. I’ll probably post the introduction on Monday.


                    • Great A.Servant, I will be looking forward to reading it, perhaps you wouldn’t mind a pingback to the Power point but than perhaps you would like to see it first although I will be using mostly the same Scripture that is in my Post message. This Gentlemen wants Cheetahs but he likes all the Big Cats too, perhaps I should include The Lion of Judah. Thanks for your best wishes in creating it.

                      I will be in touch soon , see you in the Morning, our Night – Anne


  4. Perhaps if you pick one Clarabelle about God’s Love that you have written because I can’t hear all you have written and I will use it as the theme.

    I’m pleased you have changed your ways and that you have pride in doing so, it is worth singing about.

    Blessings – Anne


  5. Very beautiful powerpoint presentation indeed Anne, thank you so much for sharing it. Clarabelle


    • Thank you dear Clarabelle for taking the time to watch it, I love Roses too, some of the sayings on the Power point are my heart whisperings and some are others.

      I have been thinking about your Power point, could I use one of your poems or songs as the theme or would you like to write something special again about God’s Love for it , but if not, don’t worry I can use my own or other peoples thoughts.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • Yes, absolutely Anne, please use one of my poems or songs, you are most welcome, please choose one of your choice, I have hundreds of poems on my blog and have written loads of songs. “I am the greatest” is a song I wrote this year. here are the lyrics:

        Verse 1

        You’ve gotta put the hard work in
        And let your mind know
        In order to catch the falling star
        You’ve gotta move and go
        Time it will not wait for you
        Life moves very fast
        So step it up, get going
        Live it up, get showing
        Say I Am


        I am the greatest
        I’ve changed my ways
        I’ve reached the rainbow
        Happy sunny days
        For I am the greatest
        So watch me fly
        I am the greatest
        This is why

        Verse 2

        Times are tough I know sometimes
        Keep going until the end
        To reach the top you have to go
        Be real do not pretend
        You can be the champion
        You can have it all
        So live it up, get moving
        Play the game, get grooving
        Say I Am


        I feel my heart
        I feel my soul
        In changing moments
        This I know


        I am the greatest
        I’ve changed my ways
        I’ve reached the rainbow
        Happy sunny days
        For I am the greatest
        So watch me fly
        I am the greatest
        This is why
        This is why
        I will fly

        Thank you Anne


        • Just found your Poem Clarabelle, it’s good to be positive as you have done but just as well we are not The great I AM and that Jesus is but we are indeed I am, in Him , we are very much people of worth, He tells us we are and He died for us which shows we are.

          I have not forgot your Power point Clarabelle that I promised you with the Cherry Blossoms and Love theme, I hope to create it on our Holidays.

          I will be in touch with you when I we get back to Blogging in April – Blessings Anne


  6. Pingback: What friendship means to me « allaboutwordswa

  7. Ron says:

    Roses are beautiful ,such varieties and colours, i guess like friends in a way . They come to us in all different walks and positions of belief yet when we have a good friend it doesnt seem to matter,they`e our friends, we love them for who they are , just like the rose we love them when we see them!



    • Freedonborn says:

      Hi Love thank you and such wise words, I agree, everyone is unique, I guess that is why I’m never bored with my friends or our friends they are a blessing.

      Christian Love Anne.


  8. Beautiful Anne. Thank you. I LOVE roses. In my opinion, no other flower can even come close to their beauty.


    • Freedonborn says:

      Hi Angela I thought the same till I started to create Power points, many of the flowers brought me to tears of Joy and I was in Awe, God’s creation is awesome as He is Awesome but I think of you Angela as a full blossemed Rose, your beauty in maturity is a great blessing to me and others, I’m so pleased our lives touched.

      Christian Love Anne.


      • Thank you for your kind words Anne. I can assure you, however, that if there is any beauty in me, it is ONLY because of Him. He changed me and made me what I am.

        I agree that all flowers and all of God’s creation in any form, is beautiful. (Yes, even the ugly looking beetles, spiders, insects etc have their own beauty – as long as I don’t have to touch them!)
        We stand amazed at His greatness in all His creation, but while I enthuse about many flowers, I still think that the rose is the crowning glory of them all. I know others have other views, and that is fine, because, thankfully, we are all different, just as God intended.

        Keep up the great work.


  9. Pingback: Friendship Boquet « doyoumeanwhatiknow

  10. isaiah43123 says:

    Beautiful, Anne! I don’t think I saw this one… A friend is the first one to come in when the whole world has gone out.
    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedonborn says:

      Hi Sis thank you for your appreciation, your quote is a good one and well known, I wrote most of the words myself but did use a few quotes from the original, I often do this or find some on the internet and enlarge on their thoughts.

      Christian Love Anne


  11. Lady Deidre says:

    I love the roses & the message. Roses always reminds me of my mother — they were her favorite flower!
    Thank you & God Bless You!


    • Freedonborn says:

      So many Love Roses Dei, I do too but all flowers have their own beauty like Ron said so do our friends not one of my new Blogging friends are the same or my old friends and I have no faviourits there all very special and unique like you are, each day I give thanks for you all.

      Christian Love Anne


  12. Pingback: Imma and Gram — BFFs « Writing with both sides of my brain

  13. ansuyo says:

    Aw thank you! I loved your power point. Not only do you have a lot of truisms about friendship, they are backed by some gorgeous pictures! I will share this 🙂 Angie


    • Freedonborn says:

      Thank you Angie for your encouragment, I enjoy your blogs too they make you think which is good if we don’t we become apathetic and loose our focus.

      Christian Love Anne


  14. Naphtali says:

    So gorgeous Anne! The flowers and trees here are in full bloom..wonderful


    • Freedonborn says:

      Hi Cathy nice of you to visit and share, I miss sharing with you on your Blog but I do read your posts, even if they have blocked me from commenting.

      Christian Love Anne.


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