Genuine Blogger Award

I would like to thank CaddoVeil for presenting me with this Award and for her Kindness in doing so  I have only known Caddo  a short time but already a have found her to have like me she  a Zany since of Humour but can also be serious often presenting in  a unique and a thought provoking way her focus in regard to may things that touch her heart, we have become  Blogging friends for which I’m very thankful for as I am with my other friends I have met Blogging.
The person who Created this Award has asked that no rules be included  if we present it to others, we are free to attached the Symbol for this Award or not, I have chosen to post her Link if your interested in saying Hi… Just Ramblin
 So what are  genuine Bloggers?… To me as a Christian, it is when we believe in the Truth of what we Post or in what we say when we leave a comment  God knows our hearts and even if we don’t get it right to start with  He  knows when  we will even before we do. He delights in those who we seek to uplift Him because He knows we will be  blessed for doing so, He created us that way and whatever we do for Him when it is genuine is valued  appreciated and rewarded  How good is that!
I have Chosen my Genuine Bloggers  from those I  have had contact with for more then  a few months and continue to be in contact with  although as I get to know more Bloggers and the New ones I now have, I will add them and repost the same as when I catch up again with those I have lost contact with.
 Lady Deidre –
Jeanne – 

Scott –

 Angela – 

 Robin –

 Terra –

 Dunia – 

 Ron –

 Joyce   –

 Freddy –


 Tanya –

Jackie –

Island Traveller –

 The Watchman –   


 Dulcinea –

  Nitoy       –   t

 Martha    –

Jessie –

Sebastian –

Vina –


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
This entry was posted in Encouragement Awards, Gifts to Friends. Bookmark the permalink.

44 Responses to Genuine Blogger Award

  1. Hi David, if you would really like an Award then I would be blessed to give you a few, do you want rules or just ones that are a free gift of encouragement.?

    Let me know – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  2. Jackie Paulson says:

    Easter is a time of renewal, fasting, and reflection. I wanted to thank you for your awards, that I am behind on. Please know that the Lord is blessing me, as I have work 14 hours a day with travel since Jan 23rd and our Lord sees all of the Value and Good I bring to the Security Industry and is getting ready to promote me and give me the raise He knows I deserve. I love to visit all of my blogging friends, but you and your husband have prayed for me and blessed me beyond measures. I pray that you are blessed beyond your wildest dreams during this Easter Season.
    Bless you Jackie Paulson (with more than one blog)


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for your Loving and kind words Jackie but please do not feel pressured by the Awards, I to have not posted all my Awards but will over this year, those who had no rules I have already done so. As for visiting us in our Blog home be assured your always welcome and as the Spirit leads we pray for you, as you do for us, we need each other we are family , we are one.

      God bless you greatly – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  3. Pingback: Moving Genuinely with Our Father | 237blessed

  4. Thank you my friend. I’m honored and delighted to receive this from you. I believe Just Ramblin’ Pier shared this blessing in the past ….I do need to put it on my blog award section. They are truly beautiful. Thank you and God bless you and your family always….


  5. Pingback: The Genuine Blogger Award | TRUnique News & Matters

  6. Nitoy Gonzales says:

    thank you tita…ur from down under i have friends over there…


  7. Congratulations on receiving the award yourself Anne and thank you so much for passing it onto me as well. May you continue to be encouraged as you remember to encourage others in Him. Be well and blessed! Love, Jessie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Jessie for blessing me by receiving this Award, God tells us when we give we receive meaning we are blessed. Awards are good because we are able to uplift others and encourage them with them, God encourages us to excel, He tells us when we do anything for each other we are doing it for Him, as confirmed in the Scriptures.

      Thank you again Jessie you are a blessing – Christian Love Anne.


  8. 237blessed says:

    🙂 Thank you so very much for including me my sister. Our Father has been guiding me to cleanse my heart of harmful burdens and barriers against Faith. Part of this process has been to physically, and digitally, set aside everything that does not line up with true Faith and edifying inistry to my soul or the souls around me. You may have noticed that I deleted poetry, quotes, and art from my site. Though none of these things were truly negative in material, yet they were distracting to the true purpose of my blog, and similar material can distract from one’s walk with the Lord.
    — I strive to build anew with only those things that aid in my eternal journey with my Father and Savior. 😀 Be blessed in all and forever


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Jonathan thank you for accepting this Award and I’m pleased you can see the value of it in agreement with God’s guidelines to uplift and encourage each other in the work He has called us to do. God has given us many gifts and we are all unique, so we express them differently. God has also given us the Gift of laughter and humour expresses this well and we can learn God’s Truths from jokes but of course there is good and bad joking and yes as you said we need to be carful I did a post about this.

      Poetry when given by The Lord expresses His heart as Music and songs do a Lot of Scripture talks about both and Art also is a gift from God as is our Computers which sadly some say come from Satan.

      To have God’s balance in all things we need His discernment and focus not our own or someone else’s we need to ask Him for discernment.

      Thanks again in giving we receive and are blessed so thank you for blessing me

      Christian Love Anne.


  9. Lady Deidre says:

    Awesome! Congratulations! And thank you for adding me to the list! As you know, I’m diggin’ the no rule! My blogging time is limited. 🙂
    Thank You, Annie. The award is greatly appreciated!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you my friend for blessing me by receiving this Award, God tells us when we give we receive meaning we are blessed. We are able to uplift others and encourage others with Awards and we remember God encourages us to excel. Just as Parents reward good behaviour in their Children and appreciate others when they commend them, God is our Father and delights to see us His Children encouraged and uplifted and He tells us when we do anything for each other we are doing it for Him, the Scriptures are very clear about these Truths.

      So once again Dei you are a wonderful and supportive friend and one of the most genuine people I know and even if I have to hide out in your About away from the critters it’s worth it just to visit with you. 😀

      Thankful Annie.


  10. camary1996 says:

    Dearest Anne,

    First…congratulations on getting the award. You deserve it!

    Thank you also for the award. I’m so touched by this and honored. God bless you!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Camary what a blessing you are too and thank you for blessing me again by receiving this Award, I hope you too will be greatly blessed as you lift others up and encourage them in what ever way you choose.

      Christian Love Anne.


  11. Congratulations Anne! You deserve it. I love your quote “So what are genuine Bloggers?… To me as a Christian, it is when we believe in the Truth of what we Post or in what we say when we leave a comment God knows our hearts and even if we don’t get it right to start with He knows when we will even before we do.” This is classic!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Bob and I wish I had a Award for every classic statment you have made Wow there would be no room for Pots let alone comments on your Blog.

      When you first did your new look Blog I thought it was great but now It’s even better …well done to both of you, we do indeed need to look after our Blog home even in apperance it is a gift from the Lord.

      Christian Love Anne


  12. Pingback: Award – Genuine Blogger « Dd16591569's Blog

  13. Thank you so much for sharing the information about my award and post. I truly felt the need to find a way to share and show others that their work was being appreciated without having to have the pressure of “rules”. I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more.


    • Freedomborn says:

      It was my pleasure to do so Just Ramblin, I think it was very kind of you to think of others in this way and yes I too at times find the rules are a bit over the top even though I seek to keep them. When I receive an Award without rules then there is no preasure to pass it on so it makes me want to do so because I know others will appreciate this too.

      Thank you again
      Kind regards Anne.


  14. Congratulations Anne on this nomination…you truly have a genuine blog for it is from the heart and shared through His heart. Thank you too for the nomintation. You have been a true encourager to me in my blog writing. To Him be all the honor, glory and praise forever and ever, Amen.
    Many blesssings!


  15. isaiah43123 says:

    Congratulations, Anne! I know the amount of time you spend here in sharing God’s truths for His glory is considerable. Thank you for being faithful in your dedication to Him!

    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for your dedication too Karin, our ways of presenting God’s Truth is differant but it is God’s Truth that we share….We have indeed been set free so lets walk in it not ignor or deny it and let’s share this Truth from our Blogs rooftop.

      Christian Love Anne.


  16. Pingback: Genuine Blogger Award « My Blog

  17. loopyloo305 says:

    Thank you, you are a great blessing my friend. Thank you for the honor!


  18. ron says:

    Thanks Anne good idea too many awards might spoil me ! I was so bad at school i failed lunch break !


    • Freedomborn says:

      That’s impossiable Love it has already happened your spoilt through and through but I wouldén’t want you any other way ? as for failing Lunch break it happens to the best of us! rubish in rubish out 😀

      Love Anne


  19. dd16591569 says:

    Hi Dear Anne .. 🙂
    Thank you very much for the Award it is an honour to receive such award and from you
    God Bless you


  20. Thank you Anne. As I’ve said before, I am in two minds about awards, but I accept, thanking you, and giving the honour to the Lord, for He alone is worthy. He certainly is genuine and the intent of my blogs is to praise Him and to pass His encouragement and challenge to others.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angela, I felt much the same, but I now feel it is the heart attitude that is important, why are we presenting these Awards, for me it is not just about getting a lot of names on my post, I want to know if the person is suitable, if I go on a Blog and they are promoting worldly and fleshy values as being God’s, then I won’t ask them to accept a Christian focused Award, but I may still encourage them with a differant Award and seek to share God’s Truth with them at another time, like you my focus is to Glorify God and He tells us we must seek to relate where others are, for the weak we become weak etc but without agreeing with their fleshy values or watering down His Truth.

      So why do you not feel 100% at peace about Awards Angela if I may Ask ?

      Christian Love Anne


      • Anne, I am happy to receive awards, which I accept as a seal on my ministry here. Why do I not feel 100% at peace about them? Simply because I don’t want any praise or honour attributed to me, myself, “I”. My work here is simply as He leads and enables and no praise is due to me. However, I accept them gratefully as praise to Him – who alone is worthy.
        Thanks for your encouragement. I appreciate you and what you do here.


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