God Cares ?

Does God care?  so many today doubt it and live in fear which they seek to block out with many worldly things but they  still leave them feeling empty and unfulfilled  but sadly the messages they are getting even from some Churches confuses them.
This Video  only lasts 2 minutes but it will impact you for much, much  Longer….Lets give the lost, confused and hurting the right message.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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13 Responses to God Cares ?

  1. Cynthia W. says:

    Please remember the animas in your prayers, also. Thank you.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Cynthia I always do pray for them it’s important, would you like to see my pet family ( see link below ) …. I believe all animals are a gift from God including the ones needed for the food chain and we should be thankful for them and always treat them in a humane way, not cruelly. You must have a very Loving heart Cynthia to care as you do.

      Blog Link – https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2011/10/12/the-m-and-ms/

      Christian Love Anne.


    • freedomborn says:

      Hi Cynthia I agree we need to pray for ourselves but we will not be at Peace by our own efforts because real Peace only comes from a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

      May you be greatly blessed and be able to put your Trust in Jesus and not man’s worldly psychology, man looks on the outside God Looks on the heart.


  2. Brush Arbors says:

    Hi Anne; Your post is a blessing to me, and I can tell that you are also a careing person… Many Blessings.. frm… Bro Pat..


  3. robinb333 says:

    Absolutely beautiful!! Just like you Anne. You are an inspiration to us all. Spreading God’s message is essential. I wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Follow the link below for further instructions. Many, many blessings to you. Robin



    • freedomborn says:

      Hi Robin not sure now if I let you know but I think I did, so many Awards so soon but all Special, I’m sorry but I have already received this Award from Michael, but thank you very much for your kindness, I appreciate that you wanted to uplift and encourage me and you did and always do.

      Many Blessings my friend, Christian Love Anne.


  4. isaiah43123 says:

    Anne, I’ve seen this before but not in this format. Such wonderful truth. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Ron says:

    If God didnt care for us ,we would be the most desparate people of all. He only sent His only son to die for us, that proof enough ?
    Thanks Anne good discussion maker video.


  6. dd16591569 says:

    Amen .. yes he care .. I know because He has been taking care of me for long time
    thank you for sharing


    • freedomborn says:

      Thank you too Dunia, you continue to bring joy to others with your encouragement I’m pleased you enjoyed this very different approach of sharing God’s Truth and yes indeed He Loves us .

      Christian Love Anne


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