The New Year Has Come!

 The festivities are over and the New Year has come, are we making resolutions hoping to keep everyone, or have we given up before this year has begun.

 Stop and think you don’t have to fail there is always help, there is no need to be frail.

Let’s open our eyes this coming year, to all the Visions and Dreams  left unfilled, reaching out in Faith and Confidence thanking the Lord for the ability and the resources to see us through.

We know it can be done if in Him we are one…

And then we will find ourselves equipped to achieve much more than we have ever dreamed or imagined before.

  Let’s let this coming year be a year of discovery and not focus on our weaknesses or others but on our strength in the Lord who will show us the way as we Trust and Obey.

Even an Island needs water, no one can go it alone, so we seek to be a friend not just an acquaintance, we give of ourselves and open our home.

 We do the things that build and encourage and lift others up, taking an interest in their interests and being there for them in the hard and good times, listening and giving Godly advise and in willingly accepting the same,

This shows our wisdom not our shame.

 Taking  the time to say beware may stop our friend ending in despair and it’s how we show we really care.

And even if others don’t know the kind things that we do is the Holy Spirit working in me and you, faithfully giving us strength to see us through, but one day all will see what never went on show and rewarded we will be, for God always knows and provides all we need to spread His seed because in our hearts

His Words we heed.

 We Laugh together and our hearts are merry but let’s be kind in our Humor, have a laugh at ourselves but not at others, putting  others down changes theirs and our smile to a frown.

Let’s slow down and stop running around and instead of going no where plant our feet on the ground and take a look around.

 We forgive an injustice but stand up for the Truth, always willing to forgive or say sorry and put the record straight, especially when it is us who has made the mistake.

Let’s encourage a beginner when trying something new even if there is a risk or two. Support and guide and even if all goes wrong encourage them in the Lord to be Strong.

Because nothing ventured means nothing gained and life without Challenges is not really a easy street it’s rough on our feet and paved with pain because the easier the road the heavier the Load, we reap the lukewarmness we bear and are left in despair.

 Trust and Faith, this is the fuel that makes things go and obedience is the path we travel, even if the way is slow…

Walking the straight and narrow may seem like no fun added up in worldly sums, but at least our way is clear and we never have to fear what may be because we are set free and in Eternity forever we will be.

 When courage is needed, we give thanks that the Battles not ours, we are never alone and although the way may not be sure, the Battle has been Won before.

Lets remember to say, “I Love you” and not be afraid to say it again and again, and  when by our words our Love we do declare, it’ll be by our Actions others will know it’s more then just  a word, it’s our hearts on show…

 Love is the most uplifting Power in the Universe and by it we will know the way we should go.

So we take  the time and look around and the Truth of life will be found.

Let’s continually be thankful for this New Year and for and all of God’s wonderful gifts given to you and me ! 

 Adapted – Author unknown


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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6 Responses to The New Year Has Come!

  1. Very nice, Annie. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • freedomborn says:

      Thank you for all your encouragment Dru my friend, you are one of my top encouragers as my review shows over the last 4 mths, thank you for blessing me so much.

      Christian Love Annie


  2. Ron says:

    Plenty of good resulution material for us to take what we want from those thoughts, thanks Anne

    Liked by 1 person

    • freedomborn says:

      Yes those thoughts are all from the Scriptures and as we apply them to our lives we will be blessed and others too and we will bring Glory to God and promote His Kingdom..

      Christian Love Anne.


  3. dd16591569 says:

    Happy New year to you too

    Liked by 1 person

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