Needing Urgent Prayer- Heart Complications

I don’t really think there is enough words to express my Thankfulness to you my Blogging Friends for your Christian Love shown by your Faithfulness in keeping me in Prayer during my Trials and Suffering but just knowing you do Reassures me that God is very Close and yes without doubt I’m very Blessed with having you as my Christian Brothers and Sisters in the Body of Christ as I am with my other Friends who like you are also very Faithful.

We also give Heartfelt Thanks to our Abba Father for the Wonderful and Amazing Answers to many of our Prayers over the years.

I have had a mild Heart Murmur for many years but was reassured that it was not serious until now and this may be because of the Pain that I have been suffering since the Accidents and also other problems causing Stress or it may have just worsened with Age. 

But now once again I have been referred to Prince Charles Hospital by the Cardiologist Specialist who saw me at Caboolture Hospital a few days ago for a Angiogram and if needed an Operation on my Heart  but because of Bulk Billing there will be a waiting period although the Specialist has referred me as Urgent and told me if I have any more pain I’m to call an Ambulance straight away, it seems I’m in danger of a Heart Attack but it will help if I rest more during the next few weeks. 

Those who have been my Blogging friends for some time may remember over 2 years ago when I had a Heart Attack after having the “Influenza B virus” but all went well and the damage that had been shown in my Blood, ECG and Echograms disappeared which I Thank God for and for those who Faithfully Prayed for me. The Full Story is on the Link below…..

Amazing Answer to Prayer –

What was also Amazing was when our Loving God’s Intervention once again saved my Life, this happened about 25 years ago. I was dying of a Serious Heart Condition and  they were going to do Open Heart Surgery, they said I would die without it but also warned me so I could do what was needed, that I could die while I was being Operated on.  

I also had Chronic Asthma and was on a Machine Morning and Night and at times was rushed to Hospital with not being able to breath but both disappeared and I no longer needed Surgery. At this time in my Life I was Lost and in great despair but Jesus rescued His Lost Sheep – The Full Story is on the Link below…..


Hopefully I will be able to keep you all up to date and also Visit you in the near future. 

Christian Love Always, Anne ( Grannie Annie )


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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18 Responses to Needing Urgent Prayer- Heart Complications

  1. Prayers for healing and blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Caleb, I very much appreciate your Prayer Support. I went to the Hospital today, I’m booked in for the Angiogram next week and if needed an Operation on my Heart. Thankfully though I haven’t had much Heart Pain this week but I had a wisdom tooth extracted which caused a lot of pain but Hopefully all will end when the stitches are removed on Friday.

      Christian Love Always – Anne (Grannie Annie)


      • I will be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers. I don’t know a lot about cardiovascular medicine, but I do know that if you have an obstruction they could actually deal with it while they are doing the angiogram. That is of course depending on the obstruction.

        I hope all goes well!



        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you Caleb for reminding me and hopefully Surgically it will be all over today because as you shared for some heart problems it is possible but last time they told me that it would be a separate Procedure because as I shared at the time the Tests had shown extensive Heart damage not a Blockage but it all disappeared which they couldn’t understand or explain but we can of course. God is the only Healer and can and does do the impossible or He uses whatever Tools He chooses is needed and this time it may be by Doctors for me.

          Thank you again dear Caleb for your Loving Concern and Compassion and for your Faithfulness to Pray for those in need, God bless you greatly now and always,

          Your Blogging friend, Anne ( Grannie Annie)


  2. I’ve been watching Sid Roth’s ISN (it’s supernatural) network. He’s interviewed a lot of amazing healings and the Spirit is moving mightily through his and his guest’s sharing testimony and words from the Spirit to the audience in NC as well as at home watching! WE ARE HEALED in Jesus’ mighty name, by His blood shed for us and by His body broken for us. May your heart be made whole in His mighty name!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you musingsalonglifesjourney for Visiting and Sharing again and for your Prayer Support and yes I Thank God for His intervention in my life over the years, He has healed me Miraculously much more than once and He has also used Doctors, Medicine and Natural remedies but regardless of the tools He uses to Heal us, He is our only Healer, all good things come from Him and Healing is indeed very good.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


  3. Even before I knew of this prayer request, the Lord had placed you in my mind and heart, you are precious in His sight and loved by many, You will be in my Prayers, I uplift you in the name of Jesus for healing

    Liked by 1 person

    • Graham your words of Love and reassurance have greatly touched my Heart, it’s not been easy, yes physically my strength is limited and I’m needing to rest a lot more but I was also needing to know I’m not alone as I walk this path. Thank you dear Brother Graham for sharing from your Heart Gods words of assurance to me from His.

      Christian Love Always – Anne


  4. The Trials and Hardship of Life come unbidden but are a hurtful reality that we all experience but our Loving Heavenly Father knowing from the Beginning of Time that we are His Lifts us up and we never go through Satan’s Fire alone or the suffering that our Lives bring in this fallen World.

    Yes Our Lord and Saviour gives us His Strength to endure and it is all worked out for good because we Love, Trust and Obey Him but not because we have to but because we want to and as our Abba Father protects our Soul from Satan Temptation to reject Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we walk in His Victory.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bjsscribbles says:

    I am praying for you and you are in my thoughts each day. Thank you for your continued encouragement in faith.

    May the healing powers of God rest upon your shoulders, permeating to your healing heart. I pray that God’s grace will heal and give you peace. Amen..

    You have too much living to do my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Barb for your Loving and Heartfelt wishes for me, it is indeed one day at a time. I have been resting all afternoon and do feel better but most of the time I’m experiencing chronic weakness and tiredness as well as the pain from the damaged Mussels but like you when you went through great Physical Pain, I remember too that we are not alone during our Trials and Suffering, our Loving and Compassionate Lord and Saviour is always with us and Helps us which the 23rd Psalm and many other Scriptures reassure us He is.

      I will be in touch soon Barb, God bless you greatly dear friend for your Caring Heart.

      Christian Love Always – Anne ( Grannie Annie.)


  6. bornagain732 says:

    ❤ In Jesus Precious and Mighty Name~Amen and Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am praying, dear Anne!! You can depend on it!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know I can depend on you Lynn, I never doubt your Faithfulness, it is very evident in your Heart of Love and Compassion for others.

      I hope to catch up Lynn on some more of your Resent Posts, Ron is taking me out for Lunch tomorrow so it will be in the Morning or Afternoon Aussie Time, if not sooner.

      Christian Love Always – Anne ( Grannie Annie)


  8. Debbie L says:

    Praying my dear sister! Thank you for the links. I’ve had a heart murmur since I was little after overcoming rheumatic fever. And now we are battling my husband’s heart disease and his healing to avoid a massive heart attack (God is faithful in that He provided the perfect cardiologist to get Bill on track!)
    So this speaks to me! I’ll look forward to catching up on your previous posts!

    Liked by 1 person

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