Does our Garden have Killer Weeds!

Psalm1-3A few days ago I Posted a well known message although the name has been changed  a few times and I called it “ The Garden of our Heart ” it was originally  called “ The Garden of our Daily Living ” the Author is unknown, but it’s focus was on God’s Truth and is very good, so without loosing the original message about cultivating a healthy Garden, I added some very important Nutrients needed for  our Spiritual growth in the Garden of our hearts.

weed roots 1Today I want to focus on the weeds or sin that we have let Satan plant in our lives, they can stop our Garden from growing in a healthy way, their roots go deep down and kill all the goodness in our Garden. We need to put a stop to them but there is only one way we can do this and it’s not by wishing and hoping, or trying real hard to get rid of them, covering them up, justifying our weedy actions by blaming others or by ignoring them and we can be sure minimizing them won’t make them disappear either but there is a way to not only stop their roots from spreading and entangling so we don’t become trapped in them but to kill them off permanently.

One important thing we need to remember is that weeds are not about our weaknesses and shortcomings we all have these but yes Satan likes to accuse us of evil because of them through his fleshy followers. Weeds that destroy are those things that do not come from Faith and Faith is all about Love shown in Actions.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus has set us free so we claim Victory over our weeds, we are to say boldly as God tells us above, that they do not have a hold on us and than as we choose to walk in the Fruit of the Spirit, Jesus empowers us to do this through The Holy Spirit  and no Temptation will be greater than we can bear and the roots of the weeds are killed off and so our hearts are Cultivated to produce good fruit and the branch is strong and cannot be broken off.

Colossians 3:4-6 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

2 Corinthians 7: 1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

fruitGalatians 24 -26 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Romans 8:1-4 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8 :12-15 Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. or if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.8645
Grapes - 2
Luke 6:43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

The focus we need to have is Jesus, only He can bring good fruit from our lives, we can’t do this alone but He does not force us to Trust Him and seek Him in everything, although He does tell us to seek , ask and knock so we can be complete and have good fruit.

John 15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

God is Love and His plans for us are very good, He does not afflict us willingly or cause us to grieve, He is not seeking to condemn us but wants to help us be all He created us to be . Because we Love Him we willingly don’t hurt Him by allowing our weeds to grow and destroy the closeness we have with Him, we kill off the roots instead by walking in Fruit of The Spirit.

We Love others because we believe that they are all people of worth even those who call us their enemies, Jesus died for them too, we don’t know their hearts, we don’t know if they will repent and accept the free gift of Salvation and so be our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus eternally but even if we did know that they wouldn’t repent, we still don’t hold onto  the weeds of revenge, bitterness and resentment, even though we may be upset with their injustice and unfairness and even express it, will they listen, mostly not but they cannot claim they didn’t know.

Fruit of The Spirit 786451 Peter 1:21-23 Who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead, and gave Him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the Truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned Love of the brethren, see that ye Love one another with a pure heart fervently: Being Born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

Thank you for listening – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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35 Responses to Does our Garden have Killer Weeds!

  1. Debbie M. says:

    The pictures of the grapes reminded me of the grapes that were carried out of the Promised Land by the spies. (So bountiful that two men carried a cluster on a pole between them.) God’s fruit is so much bigger, sweeter and beautiful than Satan’s weeds can ever pretend to be in our lives!


    • Yes, so very True Debbie, nothing can compare to God’s bountiful Harvest, you have a wonderful focus, I’m so pleased our lives and hearts touched.

      I think I will try sleeping again, I was in pain and could not settle and I was also thinking of you and the others and wanting to say thank you for visiting and sharing, see you in the morning which is your afternoon.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  2. Patty B says:

    thank you for sharing your link on my page…weeds and roots…if our roots in Christ Jesus are not strong enough the weeds of sin will definitely take over. God is moving through all of us…praise His Holy Name for using us!


    • Thank you Patty for taking the time to respond to my Link, I like to share and also receive links, so please feel free to do the same, I would love you to share your Posts that are meaningful for you.

      Yes God does use us as you shared Patty, He prepares good works in advance for us to do, He equips, motivates and empowers us to do them which is confirmed in the Scripture below but we need to put our flesh to death first so we are fit to be used for His good works.

      2 Timothy 2:20-21 But in a great House there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

      Christian Love – Anne


  3. Equipping The Saints said…..

    Dear Anne, A few months ago I decided that it would be important for me to protect the privacy of people who might make comments about my posts, even if it was only a “like” indication. At that time, I removed all comments, community, and likes of my posts. I am in the process of doing all of that. I will be responding to bloggers without their identities being placed on my blog. You will find a Page on my blog that discusses this matter.

    I would like for you to know more of my beliefs. I believe in the literal six days of creation. I believe in the eternal security of believers, those who have been born again. I believe in a pretribulation rapture (cathching up of the saints), and a premillenial return to earth of Jesus with the saints who were raptured.I believe in a literal and eternal hell. Ibelieve that the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God. I believe that Jesus is God with us, and has been eternal from the foundation of the earth. Those are some of the beliefs that divide believers. I know other believers, who I deeply respect, who don’t have the same understanding of God’s Word that I have. That’s okay. We are all saved; we are all born again; and, I know that we will all spend eternity together.

    Whenever I write a post, or deliver a sermon, I have those matters that are very clear and important to me. Once, I allowed to bloggers to debate their views of one particular post, back and forth, on my blog. The discussion became very heated. The debate quickly took the place of my post. After seeing such discord, and disrespect for God’s Holy Word, I deleted the comments of both bloggers. I can not imagine what unbelieving bloggers must have thought after they read “such words” on a blog that strives to build up the body of Christ, and unite them under the banner of truth of Christ. So, if I receive comments about one of my posts, I will respond outside of my blog. I am even considering establishing a dedicated email address for bloggers send their comments. Such information will be placed on the next blog that I publish.

    Blessings to you,

    Freedomborn’s (Anne’s) reply…..

    Thank you for sharing your heart focus Equipping The Saints, I agree on all your points except the last one, we are to be of one mind and have the same focus, in other words to agree on God’s Truth. The Holy Spirit does not say one thing to to one person and something different to another when they contradict and God tells us not to agree to disagree because just like arguing this causes division as we can see with all the Denominations, House churches etc, which Paul warned against, he said who do we listen to God or man, yes listening to man’s understanding causes division . We are to resolve our differences as God tells us to do by taking them to Him and He will confirm through Scripture who is in error and who has His Truth.

    When I visit someone E.S and add a Like or comment, I do so knowing my Profile picture will be shown and that it is linked to my Blog so I’m not worried about my Security or I wouldn’t comment and I chose our Picture because it has meaning for me, I’m sure others do the same.

    If people disagree on my Blog and it has happened more than once. I give them the freedom to do so as long as they do not use abusive language or slander and condemn each other and they need to be able to confirm with Scripture and not just promote what they think is True but they are free to resolve their differences if wanted but I make it clear, I will intervene if necessary and Ron will back me all the way.

    I suggest Equipping The Saints that you start a private Blog and invite people to come and comment there and of course you would not have your Community pictures showing either.

    Christian Love – Anne


  4. Equipping The Saints says:

    Thank you for your thoughts about the sins of our lives. They can be very deadly if they are left unchecked. Even though a sin may be forgiven, the affects of that sin have already been felt, and may continue to travel and cause other affects that can be called “collateral damage.” Please have a blessed day.


    • This is why E.S we are to aim to be perfected in Love, putting our Carnal flesh to death as I shared before, we will than no longer sin and hurt God, others or ourselves.

      Blessings – Anne


      • Equipping The Saints says:

        Thank you for your thoughts. I will soon be writing a post that deals with sin. Blessings to you,


        • I don’t limit the Holy Spirit ES, we are God’s vessels, He knows what His Children need to hear and sometimes that’s Loving correction. Yes we protect our readers against wolves and Cult teaching, Paganism and the Occult and those who want free advertising or offensive Ads like WordPress often use to promote sales but I do Trust Christians to share what’s in their heart even if it is different from my message, I don’t dictate to them how they are to share God’s Truth as He motivates them or when.

          You are free ES to run your Church and Blog as you choose but I don’t continue to comment where I’m not wanted or what I share is not appreciated because this shows others real focus which is all about them and not to Minister in Christ’s name.

          Christians who claim to Love God and others need to show it in their actions, which comes from their heart focus, we are also to treat others as we want to be treated and blocking and deleting other Christian’s comments unless they are abusive or rude is no better than what Atheists do, we are to reason together if we have differences using God’s Truth as confirmation which I also do on our Blog.

          I also don’t just leave a Like or do I join up with others and perhaps quickly add a feel good insincere short sweet comment, agreeing with all and claiming how wonderful the writer is, just to get them to visit me so my stats are good, which I can then proudly display for all to see as well as my qualifications and impressive training. I don’t use our Blog to make money either, it belongs to The Lord.

          When commenting I read other Bloggers messages and if I agree I add a Like and comment when lead to and I seek to encourage them sincerely and yes also correct if needed but I do so within the context of their message and respectfully, we remember God tells us it’s foolishness to reject Godly advice and correction and that Satan’s kisses can be deadly but a friends rebuke or correction a blessing.

          I Trust God to lead me in my responses to others the same as I do in Ministering through our Blog, yes I’m a cracked vessel where it comes to spelling and punctuation etc but these are often different depending on what Country we live in and they also change which we can see with different Translations of the Bible over the years.

          With my helping Ron to format and save his Sermons and now Posting his comments, I find that I use a lot of his mannerisms and expressions and yes mistakes in writing too. But to be honest I do not appreciate WordPress’s rude comment when I add our picture because Ron appreciates and likes a message but they are not Christians so cannot see it’s offensive like their Ads instead of being funny.

          God bless you in your Ministry ET – Christian Love – Anne


          • Equipping The Saints says:

            Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please let say again that before I allow a comment to go onto my blog I must have time to read it and have an underestanding of it. Your comments have been very lengthy, which is very good if you are publishing a post. But, as I have said, I have not had time to clearly read all of your comments. It would be unwise of me to allow anybody’s comments to posted without my being able to understand everything that has been written in the comment. If there is disagreement between the comment and my post, I have to determine if there will be conflict. I can not allow that to happen. I can respond to a personal email, but I still have to consider the time factor that may be involved. My days, and nights, are very long. I have to take care of the needs of my congregation; they are many now. I have to take care of my personal business, so that I can earn an income that will allow me to preach without receiving pay. I have a wife who suffers from great depression. My responsibility there is greater than any other. So, I have to make many decisions that may or may not be clearly understood by others. And, I also try to write a few blogs a week that represent sermons. If I am listening to another pastor while he is preaching, I will not interrupt him, and will not write something that may create any sort of discord or confusion among his church. The members of my church, and of my ministry of benevolence, as well as many other brothers and sisters in Christ, read my posts. I can not allow them to see disagreement within my blog. Also, there are unbelievers who read my posts. I will not allow them to see disagreemet in my posts. So, please allow me to determine when, and if, I will allow a comment to be posted. As of now, I am now allowing any new comments to be displayed on my comments page. That is for security purposes, and is something that I told you about yesterday. Internet security is a major factor in people trying to destroy the lives of others. Please continue to write your posts. I do enjoy reading them, and will comment as I am able to do so. Please have a blessed day.


            • As I said before Equipping The Saints, I don’t limit the Holy Spirit, if my comments are long it is how He has lead me to respond and so I don’t conform to what fleshy man wants because it’s all about themselves not God. Mostly they want short and sweet because they believe what they want to say is much more important.

              As I have also shared before, I’m not impressed by Man’s training, degrees, position, Titles etc or their popularity, what is important to me is what they say is confirmed by God’s Truth and their actions are shown by their heart focus, which if they are known by God as His, they will be all about Love which includes Trust.

              If someone comments on my Blog with a difference in their understanding, I pray for Jesus’ leading to show them why they are in error and what I share is always confirmed in Scripture or Creation, so I don’t delete their comment or not approve of it, unless it’s abusive in it’s wording, a danger to my readers such as the Occult or mocking God, instead I allow God to show the person why they are in error through the Scriptures He gives me and so even comments that disagree are used for His good purposes.

              It’s all about Trusting God not ourselves, or we will live in fear and limit The Holy Spirit in our lives and Ministry.

              Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  5. Thank you Anne for reminding us where our heart and faith should be. I hope and pray that I can overcome my weeds of sin and weaknesses. It’s so easy to be lost in this world where the flesh and anything material is being promoted as normal, cool and good but we all know it’s Satan’s way to fool and deceive us all. God bless you always…


    • So good to see you again dear Island Traveler , I’ve missed your Blogging friendship and I’m sure others have too but I realize your life is a full one with work and family, yes you are very blessed.

      I agree with you Island Traveler, if our flesh is in control Satan wins, this is why we must put it to death by The Spirit but our weaknesses, faults and shortcomings are not sin and Jesus will help us if we ask Him to overcome them and even bring good from them.

      Christian Love Always from both of us – Anne


  6. Equipping The Saints says:

    Thank you for your post. I always am blessed by all of the scriptures that you include. Please keep up the good work.


    • Thank you for visiting Equipping The Saints, I too am blessed by your Ministry and see you as the man in Psalm1:3, in the short time I have known you I see the qualities of a very Christ focused Christian man both in your Ministry and in your home, I have a lot of respect for you.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


      • Equipping The Saints says:

        Thank you for your kind words; they are greatly appreciated.Your reference to Psalm 1:3 is very humbling.


        • Yes but very True Equipping The Saints, you are a man after God’s own heart of that I have no doubt. When you shared with me the burden you bear , not complaining just as reality, it touched my heart so much that I felt humbled to know someone with so much sacrificial Love, truly you fulfill Psalm 1:3 and I’m proud to call you my Brother in The Lord.

          Christian Love Always – Anne.


          • Equipping The Saints says:

            Thank you for your words. As for a picture of me, I am in the pictures that I sent. I am wearing the short sleeved blue shirt, with brown hair.


            • Thank you for the photos you sent Equipping The Saints of your Church Family and yourself, I would also love one of your wife but the Picture that impressed me the most was the one of your heart, you are a blessing to us and many others I’m sure.

              See you on your Blog – Christian Love from us both – Anne


              • Equipping The Saints says:

                You raised a good question about my Community. I have wondered why so few pictures of followers is shown. I selected “many” for Community on my settings.


                • Why haven’t you posted my comment Equipping The Saints if you have read it and why are you referring to your Community pictures here instead on your own Blog where the problem is?

                  But in reference to you question, you do have many pictures in your Community on your Blog much more than others do and not many of them comment very often, so are you saying that WordPress are discriminating, it seems to me they are mostly Americans too.

                  Blessings – Anne


                  • Equipping The Saints says:

                    I haven’t had time to read your lengthier comments; I have had a very full week. I know that not all USA bloggers are shown. I don’t know why.


                    • The reason I asked Equipping The Saints was I have noticed this on some other Blogs Community too. In regard to my Comment, it is mostly Scripture but it’s good you want to read them too.

                      Blessings – Anne


                    • Equipping The Saints says:

                      Hi Anne, I wish that I could give a better answer for the Community situation. But, I can’t. As for my approving comments, I have to consider my blog as also my pulpit. One of the things that I tell my congregation is that when you have a pulpit you have to know what will come from a gues speaker. That may relate to the speaker’s message or mindset. If only scriptures are read, or posted on a blog, that is easy to approve. If ideas accompany verses, then the approval process becomes more complicated. That sort of reasoning must relate even to your best friend. Also, a blog post has a direction. The comments must follow the direction that I am posting, or the message could become confusing. Please keep up the good work of writing, and using God’s Holy Word. Blessings,


            • I never share anything ES that cannot be confirmed in the Scriptures or by Creation or are known and proven facts, unless it’s something personal about my life and so I expect to be Trusted to share God’s Truth by the Body of Christ, I do not appreciate being moderated continually.

              If someone does not agree with me they need to have confirmation by Scripture that I’m in error, not just what they think or believe or have been told and than they need to seek to resolve our differences as God tells us to do with His leading not just ignore my comment or delete it, this is what Atheists and Cult members do and it shows an unloving spirit. I have been called a false Teacher and a tool of Satan by those who had no evidence, they are back biters and slanders and will be accountable for being so unless they repent.

              Christian Love – Anne


              • Equipping The Saints says:

                Hi Anne,

                I was just explaining that I have to check anyting that will be spoken from my pulpit, and will be placed as a comment on my blog. Your comments have been very long, so I haven’t been able to check their details. Not long ago, I allowed someone to speak from my pulpit, with a message that I did not know, in depth. It was my mistake, and I shouldn’t have allowed it. But, the person was very nice, and was very mistaken. It is my responsibility to protect make sure that a mixed message does not come from my pulpit, or from my blog. I have been traveling much of the last few weeks. I haven’t been able to place as much emphasis on my blog. Comments are not as important as posts. I am even having difficulty in writing posts, as you can see by the fact that only four posts have been published this month. God leads me with ideas for my posts; that is my main focus, outside of my church sermons. So, please stay in God’s Word and write the things that are put on your heart by His Spirit. Please have a blessed day.


                • I was not aware my comments were causing you concern ES and that you preferred short and sweet. I’m Dyslectic and can’t write in detail unless lead by the Spirit so I don’t stop Him when I’m writing from the heart but I have copied a few times parts of my previous comments if applicable to the message but I still feel lead when I do this.

                  To me comments are just as important as my Posts or why bother Posting if it’s just for me. I value the comments of those who seek to share with us and consider it a blessing when they take the time to do so and I thank God for them regardless of how short or long their comments are.

                  Blessings – Anne


                  • Equipping The Saints says:

                    Hi Anne, I’m about to head out the door, so please let me thank you for your thoughts, but also let me share some of mine. Before I put a
                    verse of scripture, or a matching thougt, in a sermon, or on a blog post, I must check all of the possibilities that may come from such sermon or post. I know that many people who read my posts have far differing understandings of God’s Holy Word. Some may know nothing of God’s Word, some may know “some” of God’s word, and some may know “a lot” of God’s Word. The focus of Equipping The Saints is to “equip the saints.” That is done through a carefully searched idea that comes from God. If one of my church or blog friends has an idea, the idea is probably good, but it’s not my idea. Before I speak on another person’s idea, or make a comment on it, I have to make that person’s idea my idea. Otherwise, I am not being fair to the other person, or to the teaching of God’s Holy Word. I will try to provide more of my beliefs, but they must be carefully thought out. Please have a blessed day.


                    • I will respond above on first comment ES, we are running out of room.


                    • Equipping The Saints says:

                      Dear Anne, A few months ago I decided that it would be important for me to protect the privacy of people who might make comments about my posts, even if it was only a “like” indication. At that time, I removed all comments, community, and likes of my posts. I am in the process of doing all of that. I will be responding to bloggers without their identities being placed on my blog. You will find a Page on my blog that discusses this matter.

                      I would like for you to know more of my beliefs. I believe in the literal six days of creation. I believe in the eternal security of believers, those who have been born again. I believe in a pretribulation rapture (cathching up of the saints), and a premillenial return to earth of Jesus with the saints who were raptured.I believe in a literal and eternal hell. Ibelieve that the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God. I believe that Jesus is God with us, and has been eternal from the foundation of the earth. Those are some of the beliefs that divide believers. I know other believers, who I deeply respect, who don’t have the same understanding of God’s Word that I have. That’s okay. We are all saved; we are all born again; and, I know that we will all spend eternity together.

                      Whenever I write a post, or deliver a sermon, I have those matters that are very clear and important to me. Once, I allowed to bloggers to debate their views of one particular post, back and forth, on my blog. The discussion became very heated. The debate quickly took the place of my post. After seeing such discord, and disrespect for God’s Holy Word, I deleted the comments of both bloggers. I can not imagine what unbelieving bloggers must have thought after they read “such words” on a blog that strives to build up the body of Christ, and unite them under the banner of truth of Christ. So, if I receive comments about one of my posts, I will respond outside of my blog. I am even considering establishing a dedicated email address for bloggers send their comments. Such information will be placed on the next blog that I publish.

                      Blessings to you,


                    • I will respond above on the first comment Equipping The Saints, we have now run out of room if you want to respond again please do so there under my comment .

                      Blessings – Anne


  7. Ron says:

    The garden image is a good one for our lives are like a garden, Things are planted in it and grow. The fruit of the Spirit as set out for us in Galatians ,is the evidence of what is growing in lives. But sometimes we allow other things like weeds etc to hide the beauty of the fruit , so that what becomes seen is not the fruit. Lets make sure we do our weeding !



    • Thanks Love and yes as we know when we put our flesh to death by The Spirit and are perfected in Love we no longer sin, we can’t we have God’s seed or Nature and He does not sin this means we are Born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Living Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. How good is that!

      Christian Love Always dear – Anne.


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