Does anyone want a Sausage !

Sunshine Childrens Home 1SD

Recently I have been in contact  with  Alissa Hill, the founder of the Sunshine Children’s Home in Nepal, also known as the Sausage Orphanage ( see links below ) we try to catch up  when Alissa is back home in Aussie land to raise money to support the Children. When Alissa  shared her vision with me for the People and Children of the  Mushahari Village and about how great their needs were, I felt that it would be good to share it with you too.  
Link for Alissa’s Sunshine Children’s Home Website…   
SDI can testify 100% (see below )  that God’s work done in His  way never lacks His supply and Allisa’s heart is so full of Love for the needy Children of Nepal,  it is shown in her actions, her whole life is focused on helping Children and all those in need in Nepal and that is the qualification God is looking for.

If we want abundance we give abundantly and cheerfully and we  will indeed receive but the greatest Treasure that we  will have  will be what we store up for  Heaven, what  jewels will we have for our Mansion?
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God Loveth a cheerful giver.
The Mushahari Village that Alissa shared about is located in the Sarlahi District in far south eastern Nepal near the border of India and Nepal.
Mushahari 4--
The four hundred and seventy-five people who live there, according to the ancient caste system beliefs of Nepal, are know as the Dalit caste or the “Untouchables”, the most disadvantaged and socially excluded group in Nepal.
SDMushahari 1SD
The people of this Village aren’t able to own land so it is very limited for them to sustain a proper living. For those who do find employment nearby, they are usually then underpaid for their services.
Some one hundred and fifty children here have little or no clothes, are uneducated and live an extremely poor existence.

SDMushahari village-project 8
SDDuring the cold winters sadly there is loss of lives due to lack of warmth and sickness. Families share a woven straw sheet to sleep on over the bare ground with the same to cover themselves with.

Mushahari village-project7

SDDalits have been subjected to a multitude of attrosoties such as slavery or sexual slavery and trafficking of women and young girls, public beatings, exclusion from public places, restrictions on where to live, usually being forced to occupy outer areas and even restrictions on drinking water and eating food.
Mushahari MOTHER 1

SDAlissa and her Volunteers, whose hearts are also as big as Alissa’s, in their Love and care for the Children, are hoping that  Western Volunteers will accept the invitation to assist in the Mushahari village and so offer opportunities of advancing this Community by improving their level of education, both at the local School and within the Village itself and to develop the nearby Healthpost and also introduce micro businesses to help generate income for families, so they will  be self-supporting. 
village Mushahari 5

SDThe urgent need now  is in raising funds for a hundred quilts for fifty families and also winter jackets for four hundred and seventy-five people….

Mushahari village-proje6

Mushahari 2

For those who are wondering if they can help, I  would just like to share that God  has been very faithful in providing for Ron and my  needs over the years including emergencies, like white Ants removal in one of our our homes, which we had no money to pay for as Ron had no regular work at that time.  God also provided for  Church offerings and gifts to others when they had no other support or those with great needs like Alissa’s Children and  for all my Ministries and even now  with my Blogging and Computer costs, How He did this would surprise you!…..

God’s provision has come to us also  through gifts from those who knew our needs and sometimes from those who didn’t  but felt in their hearts to give but yes at other times through unexpected sources too.

SDWe are to seek God’s direction in giving and in what to offer to others in the way of help, He will motivate our hearts when we do. We are Jesus hands, arms,  feet, and voice, He provides abundantly so we can reach out to a hurting world, we may not be able to help everyone but we can help at least one and maybe a few more…..
Mushahari 3-
Trust God,  He is always faithful, this little girl now has Hope, which she never had  before.
Christian Love from both of us – Anne

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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8 Responses to Does anyone want a Sausage !

  1. It surely is heartbreaking to see children and families suffer in this manner. Alissa and her volunteers are doing a wonderful job helping the most needy. Bringing awareness of Dalit’s needs and miserable living conditions is commendable. Our Lord is all merciful and people will extend their help as our Lord desires. I applaud your efforts to highlight the issues of suffering humanity, though they may not share our faith. Our hearts do go out to them as human beings. God bless you. Take care my friend.


    • Thank you for your heartfelt words Samina and your affirmation, I will pass it onto Alissa, we are having lunch together next week before she goes back to Napel

      Yes as you said our hearts are compassionate in Christ Jesus, I was reminded today that as His Body we are His, arms, hands, feet and voice to reach out to a hurting world, not because we have to but because we want to and what we do for others we are doing for Him.

      See you soon – Christian Love – Anne


  2. T says:

    Thank you for what you are doing to help raise awareness and making a difference. I pray that people will get involved and help. Praying for the children and Allissa


    • Thank you T but if I could do just half as much as you do for the Children through Compassion, I would be grateful, you have such a Loving heart for them . This is why I followed your example in the first place and was blessed for doing so, God never lets us down, when we are faithful He doubles our efforts.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  3. I cry silently when I see children orphaned, hungry, lost, cold, afraid, crying from pain, sickness and from not having someone to love and protect them. Alissa and her volunteers are angels sent on Earth. They serve as light and hope for others. God bless them and the orphans of these world. Take care my friend.


    • Hi Island Traveler, yes Alissa and her volunteers have big hearts and we are all called to be the same and we will be if Jesus is in our heart.

      Like you, I too cry to see them hurting and so does God, we have so much and they have so little, yes we are indeed blessed to bless others.

      Take Care friend – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  4. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for the story of Alissa and her work among the Daliks, their need and her ministry among the orphans . Yes its heartbreaking to see their plight and with their needs, much is required .Thanks for bringing this to our attention.



    • Yes Ron they have great needs, unlike us they don’t have a provider, these people have always worship pagan gods but our Heavenly Father reaches out to all mankind, it’s not His will that anyone perishes and He does so through us and He also provides what is needed so we can help.

      Alissa has a lot ahead of her , she needs much support both with prayers and money.

      Thanks Love – Anne


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