In Memory of my Mum


In Memory of Gladys Hanna Blake – Born 3/2/1921 – Died 22/8/2013
 92 years old
My Mum was a very kind person, always willing to help others when needed but she grew up in very hard times through the Depression, her days were filled with much  work through her job and at home, her Mother was not well and so she helped  her older Sister care  for the younger Children and with the cooking and house work and also helped her father in the garden which supplied the families fruit and vegetables. Discipline was firm and outings few, except for Church.
When I first met Mum through her daughter Julie, she was a Sunday School Teacher but by the time I went to live with her she was no longer interested in the Church but she did send us all to Sunday School. I was invited to her Children’s Birthday parties and Mum was a very good cook so I always enjoyed visiting her too, later she told me she use to worry about me because I was out late at night in winter, it seemed no one cared but she did and that meant a lot to me.
Mum and my second Dad adopted  my Brother Alfred,  then me and  then they  fostered  Morry, they also had three of their own Children,  Frank, Julie and Kathy,  sadly Dad, Julie and Morry all died relatively young by today ‘s standards.
Thinking back over the last three weeks, I can very much see God’s hands of Love and Compassion, you may have already read what  I shared (see below ) in my second last Post before I left for Sydney, which was called  “Mum Smiled’   ……..
” I felt The Lord was saying to me, I’m with you, you’re not alone in this Storm my precious one and you never will be, I Love you greatly as I Love all my Children, when the road gets rocky I will give you all the support you need so your feet do not slip… How do we Thank such a Loving God …. Continually “
Amazingly when they carried Mum’s coffin into the Chapel they played the song below  written by R. Rogers/O. Hammerstein II, I felt God holding me close and  it was then that I was finally able to cry and let all my sorrow go  for the times Mum and I were not able to share because of my living in Queensland  and other times now that we will not  be able to share together but  I gave thanks as I remembered the good times we did share over the years, yes there were also hard times but I let go of them too.


But there is also a Mystery with Mum’s passing, I phoned the Hospital every day before I flew down to Sydney to be with her,  the Doctor told me after Mum’s Stroke that she had a clot on her brain,  was paralysed on one side and could not talk and this is how Mum  was every time  I went to see her in Hospital but she could move  her legs and often tried  to talk, until she was no longer able to move but before this she also kissed me on the hand, it was a very special moment  for me. 

When I phoned the Hospital not long before I flew down to be with Mum, the Nurse asked me if I would like to talk to her, I was surprised but yes I did talk to Mum,  she called me Annie as usual and said it was good to hear from me and then said that she was feeling better,  we even laughed together at one of my jokes but towards the end of our conversation  I could not understand her, so I told her I Loved her and would see her soon. How this all happened I do not know for sure as I was advised more than once by those in my Family and one of the Doctors at the Hospital,  that she was never able to talk  but then is anything impossible for our God of Love.
Thank you for all your Loving thoughts and Prayers,  I feel they were answered, our time on earth is but a Neo second in Eternity  and I now have no doubt  that I will be with Mum and Julie in Heaven  as I was assured this was so by God’s hand in  the events and Scripture that I shared with you in my last Posts and this one.
As I was about to Post this message I kept thinking about the Lark in the song,  it brought back a memory of an email with the Meadowlark in it I received years ago in 2008, I looked it up and have now Posted it for you below, surprisingly the Music attached was….. yes you guessed it…..  You’ll Never Walk Alone.
No Ordinary Miracles
Stairway to Heaven 9.
 The man whispered, “God, speak to me”
and a Meadowlark sang.
Lark 9.
But, the man did not hear. So the man yelled, “God, speak to me”
and the thunder rolled across the sky. 
Storm 9.
But, the man did not listen. The man looked around and said,
“God let me see you.” And a star shined brightly.
Star 9But the man did not see. And, the man shouted,
“God show me a miracle.” And, a life was born.
#Baby 9
But, the man did not notice. So, the man cried out in despair,
“Touch me God, and let me know you are here.”
 Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.
But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
Butterfly -9I found this to be a great reminder that God is always
around us in the little and simple things that we take
for granted even in our electronic age.
So I would like to add one more.
The man cried,
” God I need your Help!
And an e-mail arrived reaching out with the Hope
of God’s good news and encouragement…

Computer 9

But, the man deleted it and continued crying.
Don’t miss out on a blessing because it isn’t packaged
the way that you expect. I asked God to bless you.
So expect the unexpected….
And remember your Loved and you do not walk alone
and  when you write too He is near and He cares and He hears!
Rose 9..
 Perhaps  you would like to share this message with  your friends and family
all those  that you Love and care about, so they will be reminded that
God is there for them always even if they feel everyone else
has betrayed and left them.
 Thank you all again – Christian Love from us both – Anne.

God bless you 9.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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21 Responses to In Memory of my Mum

  1. Pingback: It never just rains it pours but God is Good All the Time….. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. God is Good says:

    Blessings at this time to you.
    I love how God blessed you with a conversation before your Mum’s death!


    • Thank you God is Good, yes our God is so Loving and He always puts us first , He knew I needed reasurence and assurence even before Mum had the Stroke and even now He continues to affirm I’m not alone He is with me.

      Thank you again for your caring thoughts.

      Christian Love – Anne


  3. So sorry to hear about your mums passing away. My prayers for her soul. What a nice tribute you have paid to someone you loved. She is with the Lord and in a better world. My prayers for your healing. Love and hugs.


    • I’m blessed by your words Samina and I know they come from your Loving heart, thank you.

      Yes Mum is with The Lord as He assured me, He protected her Soul as He does all His Redeemed Children. Can we ever stop giving Him thanks but I do miss Mum, I still forget and go to phone her, it was our only contact for a long time, but I also feel she is near because she is in my heart and always will be.

      Thank you again Samia- Christian Love – Anne


      • I share your grief my friend, and pray that our Lord may heal this wound of loss that you have suffered, soon. My prayers and good wishes are with you in this difficult time. Take care and God bless.


        • Thank you again Samina for your compassion and prayers, today was a hard day, thinking of Mum and other problems too, yet regardless I know Jesus is near … on Sunday when it was least expected, I heard the song again …”When you walk through the Storm ” once again God’s reminder He will never leave me alone in hardship, how very Loving He is.

          Christian Love – Anne


  4. My friend, sorry to hear about you Mum’s passing. I will be praying for her. I know that she is now smiling happily beside our Lord. She is a beautiful, amazing person. She shared love and joy around her. Thanks for sharing this post. Brought tears to my heart. God bless you and your family always.


    • Dear friend, thank you for your compassion and words of encouragement, I miss Mum very much at times, especially when I want to share something special with her, like my Birthday joke, she would have apreciated it like you did, but then I remember I can’t but I also remember the times of closeness we did share and I give thanks.

      Yes many remember Mum’s kindness, there were over a 100 at her funeral a lot that she had helped during her lifetime, I’m one of them being an unwanted child at 9 years of age but then because of her soft heart, thankfully having a home and a Mum and Dad and brothers and sisters to share my life with daily, how good it was to belong in those early years.

      Thanks again Island Traveler – Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  5. Lady Deidre says:

    Sorry, Annie. I’m glad you had that one last miracle of speech before your mother went to be with Jesus. Only God can give such a gift as that!
    God Bless you!


    • Yes Dei I’m very thankful that God showed me He was with me in the Storm and that He reasured me too that Mum would be with Him as I shared on my other Posts but yes it was wonderful also to realise that something very special happened when Mum talked to me.

      Thank you Dei for your kind thoughts and your prayers, I feel very blessed to know others care and show they do.

      Christian Love Always Annie


  6. T says:

    Hi Anne, you have been on my heart and in my prayers and I was just wondering earlier today how it was going with your mum. I am sorry to hear that she has passed on and know you must be sad and but also rejoicing knowing that she is in heaven now. Your blog post is a beautiful tribute to her and the song was really nice, I had never heard that song before. Thank you for sharing your mother with us your readers. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers


    • Thank you T your Loving words and concern they comfort me greatly, yes I do miss Mum, so many times I have said to myself I must phone Mum but then remember why I can’t but as you said I also remember she is with The Lord and so give thanks both for that Truth but also how God showed me and then assured me He is with me in the Storms, I Love Him so much T and long to be with Him in Eternity but at times I’m sad that I wasted so much of my life seeking wordly comfort and acceptance but thankfully do know that I’m forgiven.

      Thank you again T – Christian Love Anne


  7. Marie says:

    Hi Anne, your loss weighs heavy on my heart. I’ve thought of you many times recently. Let God give you his peace. Marie


    • Thank you Marie, your warm Loving concern is very much appreciated, I’m sad not be able to share now with Mum , I keep thinking I must phone her but then remember. God has showed me so much Love and reasured me as I shared more then once, that my Mum is with Him eternally , like my Sister Julie is, so I have no fear just heartfelt thanks that He Loves us soooooooo much..

      Christian Love – Anne


  8. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for the thoughts on your mum, Glad was a real character and I got on with her really well , as she said , she liked to live in the ‘fast lane’ . All the graphics make it visually pleasing, all are thinking of you at this time and thankful for God’s love shown to you .



    • Thanks Love, and yes Mum lived in the fast lane till it caught up with her but she was kind and all good things come from God, we know Satan can’t do anything good , so The Holy Spirit was working in her life.

      I really appreciate all you did when I was in Sydney, your help is such a blessing , thank you so much.

      Christian Love dear always- Anne


  9. bee says:

    Praying for you and your family. In my thoughts.


    • Yes you too Bee have been in my thoughts and prayers and I very much appreciate yours, we live in a fallen world and sickness and death are part of it but then so is real Hope and we will never be disapointed in what God has prepared for us and yes we need each other too, see you soon and thank you for being you.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  10. sallyjadlow says:

    Praying for you and your, Anne.


    • Thank you Sally, as God tells us those who have Hope in Him do not grieve as those without Hope do but there are times that I feel sad knowing I can’t even phone Mum and I know although my family felt it was time for Mum to die so she would not suffer , they too miss her greatly but my Peace is in knowing God keeps His promises and we will be together one day again.

      I’m still getting settled after being away so long but am looking forward to catching up with everyone and will be working towards this in the next week, I look forward to sharing with you again too Sally, your messages really get me thinking, I very much appreciate your focus and as your Sister in The Lord it warms my heart greatly, Thank you.

      Christian Love – Anne.


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