God’s Mercy and Grace

Sometimes Bob there is no words to describe the Joy we feel in our heart and can we ever find the words that are big enough to Thank God – Thank you Holy Spirit for doing it for us.

Bob it is just so wonderful thank you that in your suffering you opened your heart door to us your Christian Family so we could join you in praying for God’s Awesome Mercy and Grace.

Love you both in Christ Jesus Anne

Apples Of Gold

I just got back from seeing Wendy.  At the sound of my voice she opened her eyes.  I held her hand and said “Wendy it’s me Bob.” “I’m here for you”.  It took a second but recognition dawned on here and her eyes lit up, she smiled, and she tried to hug me.  She could not move her arm, so she rolled her entire body sideways and draped her arm over my shoulder.  Then she turned her head and I kissed her on the cheek.  She kept her arm on my shoulder the entire time I was there. Like she was trying to hug me.

Needles went through me from the top of my head all the way down my body, I swear it felt like being baptized by the Holy Spirit.  After a few minutes, I asked her “Do you know who I am?”  She shook her head yes!

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About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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4 Responses to God’s Mercy and Grace

  1. Our God is great Anne. We also need to have FAITH in who we believe. That HE can and will do what HE says and can do. Simple faith – just the size of a tiny mustard seed is all it takes. If we all had this faith and prayed for each other, like everyone has for Wendy, I believe we could taste Heaven on earth and the world would change in 24 hours. Its about LOVE. And God is that LOVE. It is not that we loved him, but that HE loved and still does love us sooo much. Thank you for everything. I can hardly wait till Wendy gets better enough to see all this love. Its been like watching a revival not only on the internet, but everywhere. Here, in 3 counties, 12 churches and that is not counting all the people here family reached out to. It’s all about LOVE! God bless you and your family.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Our God is great indeed Bob, all good things come from Him not bad, He is as you said the Author of Love and He is Love. I’m so thankful that the Body of Christ all your Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ was there for you and Wendy.

      I agree with you Bob perhaps very soon we will see this great revival it was prophised.

      We are praying for you Bob and for your Wendy, I have just Posted 1of 2 Power Points I will post the other one soon.

      Keeping you both in Prayer Anne


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