Friendship Flower Blessings

Friendship Flower Blessings
Friendship Flower Blessings is something I have wanted to share for a long time, I know I have other Awards to Post and they are also important but this Blessing  I give from my heart to my Blogging Sisters in The Lord, those past, those now and those in the future.

There are  no rules or set requirements, you are under no obligation in any way but if wanted you can share it with others and use the emblem. It’s my way of saying thank you that you touched my life with your Blogging friendship and for your support and encouragement, they are like God’s creation of flowers which He gave to say I Love you a real blessing and they bring the sweet smelling fragrance of Joy.

I have included some of my Blogging Sisters who I shared with often but as can happen I have now lost contact with them but not in my heart, I will always remember something special and unique about each one. There were others but sadly I dont have their links or they no longer Blog. I will always be grateful for the time on the Blogs that I shared with them, for their deep thoughts when Posting and commenting, for the laughs and for their kind words that encouraged and uplifted me, I will always value the time we did share together.

This  Blessing is also for my Sisters that I have continued to Blog with, thank you so much for always offering your support, Godly advice and  encouragement and for for continuing to be there for me in the ups and downs, for the fun times and for our rejoicing in the Lord together and sharing His Truth. I will never forget your kindness and for the flowers of Love you give me, may we continue to mature in The Lord together.

Also this  Blessing is for my New Blogging Sisters in the Lord, you have already blessed me in the short time I have known you and I very much look forward to sharing more with you in the future. 

Lastly this Blessing is for those Blogging Sisters I will meet in the future, all good things come from God and I look forward to sharing with you too and will offer you this Blessing as a gift to thank you for your Blogging friendship and for the flowers  that you will share with me.

A heart felt thank you to all of my Blogging Sisters in The Lord and for your flowers of Love…

Names are in no set order…

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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58 Responses to Friendship Flower Blessings

  1. Thank you with all my heart, dearest Anne! You are truly a blessing and an encourager! May God bless you beyond all that you can imagine!! I’m asking Him to more than abundantly bless you for you have so kindly and regularly blessed and inspired me!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Freedomborn says:

      You too dear Lynn have Blessed me greatly and in the Storm that is raging in my life right now your have not hesitated to offer your Compassion as you Comforted me, Thank you for your Prayers too, you can be sure that I very much appreciate your encouragement it has Uplifted me greatly too.

      The Lord has blessed me with your Friendship Lynn and I feel Loved and appreciated by you.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Debbie M. says:

    Since this was originally posted in 2012, I am one of the “future blogging sisters” you referred to! God orchestrated all the details so that we would meet, connect, and spur each other on! It has been several years now and I too thank God for your friendship! Love to you Annie!

    Hebrews 10:23-24 – “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes you are a dear Blogging Sister Debbie and a very dear friend too whom I value greatly and also your Faithful Prayer Support. Thank you for the Scripture it’s one I keep close to my heart, with being part of The Body of Christ we need each other, we are One in Spirit with Jesus and He also chooses to need us.

      I’m still recovering Debbie after the Accident and also a Dog attack both of which I will Post about soon, I’m very Thankful to Diane who I phoned for letting you know as I could not type until this Morning, I was in too much pain, my arm is still painful but considerably less.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I can only imagine, Anne, that you have been as good and true a friend to all those listed here as you have to me. Your intentions are always godly; your actions, always honorable. That standard is in striking contrast to the behavior of many, many others online. May God bless and protect you — online and off.

    With love,

    Anna ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow Anna, your words are very kind and Uplifting but than you have a Loving and Caring Heart, I’m so Thankful we met.

      Yes I knew all of the Bloggers listed on this Post and enjoyed Blogging with them but not many of them still Blog today, unless they do so under another name, I have found this to be True with some of the Men too, sometimes I recognize who they are but I’m sure not always.

      A lot also prefer today to use Facebook or Twitter especially in Australia, they are free and there is no interference or constant changes which causes confusion.

      I also find today that a lot don’t accept Awards and yes they can be a lot of work but some have been a real Blessing like with this Challenge, I have had an opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with you and others who are also my very special Blogging friends in The Lord.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


  4. smiletha says:

    Thank you, Anne. I feel touched you put me in your ‘friendship flower blessing’ list. It’s so beautiful to have a sweet sister like you. Even we haven’t met each other, I feel blessed by your postings. Keep writing, Anne. May God bless you abundantly. 🙂



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Margaretha, so lovely for you to thank me, sadly it is something not many do today and yet Jesus tells us to give thanks for everything, including kindness shown by others it’s like thanking Him, I’m thankful you have a caring heart.

      I did check up on you but you haden’t posted for a long time, so good your back, I will look forward to sharing with you again. Yes I’m still having Computer problems but hopefully things will settle down.

      Thanks again Margaretha – Christian Love – Anne.


  5. Thank you, Anne but it would not let me get it…:( Hopefully I can try again later and it will work! I don’t know if this helps, but if you go to that may do something. I switched yesterday to my own domain and that may have something to do with it. If not, it is the sweet thought that counts and I thank you very much!!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Juliana, I’m pleased you were blessed the same as I am having met you in WordPress Blogging Heaven but I had no problem, your link took me to your Blog without any problems, try again now.

      Christian Love Anne.


  6. Thank you for including me in your Flowers of Friendship. You are a wonderful blessing with your blog and your comments on other bloggers’ posts. May God continue to use you.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Tricia, I have met some very beautiful people both men and woman, with loving hearts, since I started Blogging in America and your one, thank you.

      Christian Love Anne


  7. Thanks for this today as I am very Ill. I pray for healing. I will add my post tomorrow. Bless you both my brother and sister in Christ Jesus. Love Jackie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Jackie, I’m sorry you are not well I hope you have not suffered for very long ? and that you being cared for?

      As for the Blessing there are no rules, you just share it if you want to thank someone for their Blogging Friendship, or just keep it as a thank you from me. I know you seek to bless others with the little things you do for them, like the clever and pretty cat you posted for me but there is no pressure at all with this gift, it really is a blessing, I’m very thankful for your kindness.

      We will be praying for you Jackie and I will ask Peter to pray also, he is a Christian friend who has the gift of healing.

      Christian Lovefrom us both – Anne.


  8. andtheword says:

    Thank you so much Annie, I am so happy to receive award from you, you are a special sister in Christ to me, now and always. May God continue to bless your online ministry and to grow it beyond all comprehension. God bless Annie
    Love Vivienne xxx


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Vivienne, your back on the Blog, you must have heard what I said to Ron, thank you for you kind Love filled words and I feel the same, your a wonderful friend and Sister in The Lord.

      I know caring for Steve does not leave you a great deal of spare time, so I really do appreciate you visiting me on my Blog and I love your short to the point Posts that you share which encourage and uplift, the same as you do me when we share our ups and downs together… thank you dear friend.

      Christian Love Annie.


      • andtheword says:

        Awwww, you are so welcome Annie, as I said I am really blessed to know you my dear friend, and I value our friendship very much, kisses and cuddles sent your way xxx
        Love Vivienne xxx


        • Freedomborn says:

          Hi Vivienne, Wow hugs and kisses, now I know why God wanted me to share this Blessing, we all need to know we are appreciated and Loved, thank you dear friend.

          Christian Love Anne.


  9. Ron says:

    Flowers, love, blessings, joy and happiness seem to run together, good one Anne.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Love, good to have you sharing again, when you go away even for a few days there is always a gap, it’s a blessing to connect with you on the Blog again too.

      Well you have often heard me talk about my Blogging Sisters, they are indeed a blessing also and thanking them in this way seems so little when they have given so much of themselves to encourage me in my sharing and to uplift me but I can’t invite them for a cuppa or a meal to say thank you even though I would love too do this, the same as I do with my Aussie friends but of course not many of them Blog and those that do only on and off, well as I often say, they are all unique … How good is that!

      Christian Love Anne.


  10. rebecaurora says:

    love it !! Thanks !!!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Rebeca, you have such a Joy in your spirit, I feel it in your words and sharing, the Happiness you feel for your Sister’s baby is beautiful, as you are also beautiful within.

      Christian Love Anne


  11. Anicka says:

    Thank you Anne for for sharing your love and prayers. I really do appreciate this friendship flower blessing, and I hope to share with you more. Blogging friendship isn’t just here but also in our hearts. 🙂

    I also thank you a lot for sending me good and inspirational poetry. Keep posting.
    Best regards,


    • Anicka says:

      Of course it’s alright to link back to me. 😉 And yeah, I really the the poetry you sent me, I actually kept it to personal box, so it won’t be lost with other emails I am receiving everyday.

      With regards to smoking, well my husband done so well. I am just glad that, he finally over it, and that he was such a nice person and never broke my trust, and faith. Send my best regards to Ron. 🙂



      • Freedomborn says:

        Hi Anicka thank you that is very sweet of you to treasure my poetry like you do, I think that is really lovely.

        Sorry it seems both Ron and I got it wrong we thought it was you who gave up smoking we will both have to read your post again.

        I just posted a poem for you, it may be one I sent you before but I have changed some of the animations with this one so it won’t be exactly the same.

        Take care my friend, I will see you tomorrow on your Blog, I noticed you posted again.

        Christian Love Anne


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Anicka, can I ever forget your kindness, encouragement and help when I first started Blogging and yes you are right Friendship is in the heart, so we are never really apart and it is true you are often in my thoughts, I enjoyed our times of sharing on each others Blogs when we first started and on and off since and also hope to do so more in the future. Ron as well as I are very impressed and thankful with your absence from smoking, well done my friend.

      I didn’t know you enjoyed my Poetry Anicka, it is from my heart as lead by the Lord, I will post one for you’, I hope it is allright to link it back to you.

      Thank you again for your help and encouragment.

      Christian Love – Anne


  12. Hello my friend Anne,
    I’m thrilled about this post of your’s friendship is really a relevant topic and crucial to execute in our fellow man. I am glad your part and I’m part of your’s on this what we called friendship now a days.:)

    I was gone for awhile, getting ready for our move again out of Czech Republic. I resigned my job and now working some personal stuffs.:) I’m might have a good news in the next following week so I’m thrilled for that to announce here in my page, hopefully our almighty God grant my long long wishes and prayers.:)

    Have a good blissful monday my friend,


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hello Yen Yen, I too am very grateful we became Blogging friends, you have indeed taken me on many interesting trips and I have even felt that I was travelling with you, thank you, I Love your honesty Yen Yen, and your enthusiasm and I enjoy your Posts , I’m never sure what’s next… can’t wait to hear your news.

      Christian Love Anne.


  13. Once again, you gave generously my friend. You share love , joy and inspiration everyday. Your sisters will for sure be happy to receive such a beautiful gift of friendship. God bless you and Ron always.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Dear Island Traveler, thank you for your uplifting and encouraging words, I have been greatly blessed to have met so many caring Sisters in The Lord, they are very beautiful within and I don’t need to see them face to face to know that for sure, it is shown in what they share in their Posts and their comments, this was really just my way of saying thank you.

      I have posted a Power Point Island Traveler for your son, the links below, I hope He enjoys it. Thank you so much for your friendship.

      Blog Post –

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  14. jams4JESUS says:

    Anne you truly know how to brighten one’s day. Thank you! And you do it so beautifully with flowers… [His flowers sure do make ‘perfect sense’.]
    “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” [2 Corinthians 2:14]

    I love you Sis! And I pray the bouquet He sends to you is filled with your favorite fragrance.

    Philippians 4:17 Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. 18 But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received … what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. 19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.


    • Freedomborn says:

      That’s awesome Julie, how wonderfully gifted you are and yes a beautiful fragrance of Jesus Love, that you freely offer so willingly to others. Like my other Sisters in The Lord you have great passion for the Lord that is expressed in your writing and also openess in your sharing. I’m very thankful our lives have touched and look forward to sharing more with you.

      Christian Love Anne.


  15. fgassette says:

    Thank you Anne, I feel blessed by your friendship and receiving this award. I find encouragement and inspiration when I visit here . My thanks to you and Ron for your friendship.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Francine, when you first visited our Blog, I thought this is a very gentle and caring person and I know now that is very True, you have not waived at all. We really enjoy your Posts too, there is much variety and very interesting topics, thanks for your Blogging friendship Francine, it has indeed been a real blessing and your flowers of Love are not just on our Blog but on many others. Just one last word….


      Christian Love Anne.


  16. isaiah43123 says:

    Thank you, Anne for sharing and giving the support and encouragment of friendship.
    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Sis and what a Sister you are, I have been very blessed to be in unity with you, my respect for you is very high and your strengh in the Lord uplifts and encourages me greatly because I know that you will always stand by God’sTruth. I love our fun times together too even though I’m running out of toe pictures, have you ever thought of purple ear lobes, just a thought. 🙄

      Thanks Sis it’s been wonderful sharing with you.

      Christian Love Anne


  17. Dear Anne, thank you so much for thinking of and remembering me. I haven’t been online as much lately due to so many factors but I try to make a concerted effort to read the blog that I follow every week so I can stay connected to my blog family. This award reminds me that true friendship and sisterhood isn’t about the times when you are connected but it;s about the connection you have during the times of stillness, quietness and distance.

    Thank you for blessing me with this award xxx


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Florence, yes I agree Blogging takes time from other important things not that it isen’t of great value but we need balance. Being disabled at the time, I commited my Blogging as a Job to God and it have given me much Joy and fufillment even with the problems that I have had with the Blog but I do understand this is not the same for everyone.

      I enjoyed our sharing with you Florence, you are a warm, honest and open person who gives of herself to others and this is very uplifting, thank you for your encouragment too.

      Christian Love Anne.


  18. Thank you for your blessings, and encouragement – I cherish them. I hope there was no misunderstandings about the blessing for Israel, but it was my heart’s desire to bless Israel at that time. I believe it’s true that we have to trust God above any man or woman. God has placed in me a desire and calling upon my life to be a Pastor, and I believe that even if a woman is called to be a Pastor she should be under the headship of a male Senior Pastor or superior, but since there are a lot of divisions in the Church, I don’t want to cause any more division by bringing any division. I am sorry if I caused any offense. We have to trust in Jesus to work out all the errors in the doctrines, and divisions, and factions in the Church. But as for you my sister I love you and I appreciate your friendship flower.
    Colossians 1:

    13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.

    15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

    The other day I was thinking about your posting on Housecleaning, and it made me rejoice and laugh.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi V, I too appreciate your encouragement, your a very deep thinking and passionate woman, we have shared much together and reasoned about many things and this is good, it is what God tells us to do but we are not to argue or seek to discredit others with our own worldly understanding, we must always have the confirmation of Scripture. I have no problem as I shared with you V praying for old Israel, we are to pray for all Nations including them and we will be blessed for doing so. God tells us He has no favourites but thankfully that a remnant of the Jews will be saved, they will be grafted back in after repentance, we are the new Israelites in Christ Jesus, the Children of the promise as Romans clearly tells us and we will all be saved.

      As for woman being Ordained, God also confirms in Scripture as we have shared together, that Woman are not to be in Authority over men and Teach them in this position. Woman can share God’s Truth, correct and warn but not in Authority except over Children and other woman . We have a very high calling and are not inferior to Men Spiritually, there is only one Holy Ghost and we have equality in Christ Jesus but our roles are differant and within our own God given role which we have been chosen and Ordained for from Creation, we will be complete and find deep inner Joy that lasts.

      Christian Love Anne.


  19. Lady Deidre says:

    Thank you so much, Annie. A true treasure. I love the friendship award and appreciate your continued support and friendship. 🙂
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Wow Die, how can I begin to express my thankfullness to you, your Loyalty even when you didn’t always agree with me, your Understanding and concern, your beauty of Character and warmth of heart, it’s been a great Joy being your Blogging friend since we started together, and your friendship is something I continually thank God for, your forever in my heart and it can never be any other way.

      Christian Love Annie.


  20. camary1996 says:

    I don’t have a lot of friends that I can touch…..But I thank God for my online blogging friends!!!! Thank you for including me as a friend.

    The reality is that YOU are the special person!!!! You have a incredible caring spirit. God bless you for the love you share!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Dear Tanya, be assured you will always have my friendship and Christian Love, you are my Sister in The Lord and our hearts have been bonded together with His Love, many times I have read your Posts and been uplifted, please forgive me for not always telling you so, your Love for The Lord and His Children is like a beacon when you write, it is bright and gives strong and supportive direction, THANK YOU!

      Christian Love Anne.


  21. Thank you Anne! I feel the same way. You are very sweet. God bless! ~~~Michele


    • Freedomborn says:

      Michele, what was very apparent from the first time I visited your Blog was that you are a woman of courage and I respect you greatly, to fall down and pick yourself up as you have done Trusting in The Lord to keep you strong, is an example that can’t be caculated in wordly terms only greatly appreciated. You also have a gentle and quiet spirit that is very beautiful and reflects your kind and caring heart. Thank you.

      Christian Love Anne.


  22. robind333 says:

    Oh Anne…Thank you so much! It is such an honor to receive this blessing. You have such a wonderful heart for the lord and for your Christian family. Thank you so much and many, may blessings to you…..Robin


    • Freedomborn says:

      My beautiful Robin, such a very special Treasure, so open and not afraid to show your feelings, your passion for the Lord is very uplifting and when I visit you for a cuppa I always leave feeling refreshed, thank you for your acceptance and friendship, I value you greatly.

      Christian Love Anne.


  23. ansuyo says:

    Thank you! How beautiful. I may never get around to posting my awards, but I appreciate them. God bless you both!! Angie


    • Freedomborn says:

      Angie do you realise your comments are getting longer you will soon catch up with me 😀

      When I first meet you on your Blog, I thought, this is a special woman and I was not wrong, you are very gifted and also a deep thinker, there is nothing shallow about you. Blogging with you Angie has been a challange, you get me thinking, we may not always agree but it’s great being able to reason together, you are indeed a blessing, Thank you.

      Christian Love Anne


  24. T says:

    Thank you so much Anne as Terra just said I know this is from your heart. You are such a sweet person and I feel so blessed by your friendship. God bless you.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi T, I was overwhelmed with my need to thank you all for the Blogging friendship that you all have given me, thank you for your willingness to express so openly and willingly your friendship. From the very start you touched my heart T and I felt a bond with you, your inner beauty radiates the Love, compassion and acceptance that you have for everyone as people of worth. As they say….you were a stranger but you walked into my heart to stay and that is so True of you T… Thank you.

      Christian Love Anne.


      • T says:

        Gosh Anne what you just said made me cry, not tears of sadness, but tears of thankfulness and joy. I do not know what to say back because words can not express how I feel so I just will say thank you, your friendship is a blessing 🙂


  25. Naphtali says:

    Thank you Anne. God has provided such a wonderful group of blogging friends and sisters. And we are from all over the world. God wants us to be in good company to lift each other up so we can send his message to those who don’t know him.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Cathy, we have indeed had some ups and downs in our lives but the wonderful uniqueness that you have is that you rise up above Trouble and stand firm in your resolve to put The Lord first and one way you do this is in a very creative and witty way with your writing. Thank you for the special times we have shared especially my Christmas day when you reached out in Love and friendship, it will always be in my heart.

      Christmas Love Anne.


  26. Terra says:

    What a sweet and kind sister in the Lord you are Anne. I know this is from your heart and I great appreciate your love and passion to reach the heart of many. We’ve known each other for some time now…… it has been a blessing to be called your friend. Much love I send your way with prosperity that reaches beyond your imagination. God bless every step you take to bring unity amongst His children.

    Love you in the Lord,



    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Terra for your Loving and kind words, the first time I read a comment you had written on someones Blog and yes it had detail like mine and much Truth, I thought this woman has a heart for God and for others and so I found your Blog and I was not wrong, God has blessed me greatly with your friendship.

      Christian Love Anne.


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