Amazingly God’s Gift of Ink has Happened Again

Recently  I once again experienced God’s Love and Compassion in an Awesome way which has reassured me He is very close and I feel at Peace even though the Doctor I saw at The Medical Hub on Saturday Morning when I went for my regular fortnightly Injection told me that my Heart was now presenting more problems, which is why I’m finding it even harder to stay awake and to keep active and why I’m needing to sleep more.

After confirming it with another Doctor who also listened to my Heart, he than said to me that with my Permission he would contact Prince Charles Hospital and advise them of the need for urgency in regard to my having Open Heart Surgery.

But as I shared with you in a recent  Post even though I’m having Heart problems I have still decided to start reaching out to more Children and Woman where I now live especially with Christmas being very close. As I was thinking about Christmas I thought that the Story of the Candy Cane  would be a good way again to share the True meaning of Christmas with the Children.  I than asked the Local Council if I could use a small area on the Walkway across from the Main Shopping Center to share the Candy Cane Gifts and they gave me their permission,  so I will start doing this in about 2 weeks time.

I’m still Thanking God for His incredible Ink that He gave me again but of course is there really enough words to express just how Thankful we are to  our Abba Father for all His Wonderful Gifts of Love  and as I have shared below and previously about one of those in living reality. 

 What happened last week ….

My Printer had broken and although I had recently been given an older one by the Mother of some of my Funday Children when they were moving, I had not used it yet.  I put the Ink cartridges in it that were both showing empty on my Computer before the lead in it snapped and so when I tried to print a Phone list, it was very faint and unreadable.

I have brought a new Printer now which I started to use after I went to the Hub but on the Friday the day before I put the Candy Cane Messages in the older Printer that had been given to me, why I’m not sure because as I shared they were both showing no ink or perhaps very little but I had Prayed about the need to get all the Printing finished to be able to have time to put together the Candy Cane gifts but to be honest although perhaps hoping I was not expecting what happened when this Printer once again ( see link below ) just kept printing the Candy Cane Messages and before the Printer stopped printing, I had 200  Messages, 150 of those I attach to a Candy Cane and an extra 50 of just the Christmas Blessings, ( see above ) which will be great to share in my Christmas Cards and gifts. Yes without a doubt our God of Love can and always has been able to do the impossible.

God’s Ink Links –

Thank you once again for your Patience with me, if I haven’t already I’m still seeking to join up  with you again after changing my e-mail Address recently and all those I was following previously if I’m not prevented from doing so by the Cookies Policy Sign and to also read and Comment on some of your Post Messages and those of my other Blogging friends.

God Bless you Greatly – Christian Love Always – Anne ( Grannie Annie)


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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18 Responses to Amazingly God’s Gift of Ink has Happened Again

  1. Keep trusting and marveling at the good Lord’s provision dear Sister! I love the rainbow swirled cupcake frosting on the photo to my right; I’ve ALWAYS loved colors, as my mother told me from my younger years. She said I always had a very specific name for a color I was using; not just the regular basic names. Father God’s infinite creativity is so evident if we look for it! Learning to trust & obey and go deeper in loving relationship with Him along with you, Amen!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thanks for Visiting and Sharing again Heidi and for your Love and Compassion, I too love and appreciate all of God’s Colors in His Creation especially seeing them in His Rainbow after a Storm, they always touch my Heart leaving me in Awe of our Awesome and Amazing Creator.

      Thanks again Heidi I will be visiting you sometime today.

      Christian Love Always – Anne (Grannie Annie)


  2. inspirationthroughwordspictures says:

    Finally tired but getting to your post. God shows us each day he can walk alongside us all. Blessings my friend

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes Barb I should be in Bed ages ago too but I will be soon. I was going to Post too but I have run out of time so I will do so in the Morning. Thank you for visiting Barb I know you are having some difficulties at this time so I really appreciate your sharing from your Heart focus and what you said is very True, God is with us all the way.

      I will be in touch soon dear friend – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Everyday should be Christmas in our Hearts, a time to Love and show Kindness to others but it’s on Christmas Day that we Celebrate the Birth of Jesus who made it possible for us to be able to Love and be Kind like He does, so in Faith we accept that He is within us..

    Blessings – Grannie Annie

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sally Jadlow says:

    Praying for you Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Sally, I value your Prayers, It sure is one day at a time even though we can also look forward to each day coming as an opportunity to reach out to others with the Hope that we have as you do with your Books.

      I hope all has been going well for you Sally and for your Loved ones, God Bless you Now and Always,

      Christian Love – Anne.


  5. Hoping and praying that your medical issues will be resolved…. It’s got to be weighing on you, and yet I do know that you trust in God for whatever is ahead.. Diane

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for your Love and Compassion Diane and I’m very grateful for your Prayers and yes I know without a doubt that God is Love and I’m not alone, He is watching over me and that the Battle is His not mine, so I’m not frightened, I have His Peace and Assurance that He will work it all out for good.

      But I’m finding it very hard Diane to adjust from being active to needing to rest a lot of the time, I have had to limit Shopping and Visiting friends and even Blogging which I love is harder for me now as I’m falling asleep Posting, Reading and Commenting but I do finish what I start which is good and my focus is the same.

      I also never doubt that God will use what I already have and will give me what I need and when I need it as He does for you and all of His Redeemed Children as we continue to Trust and Obey Him.

      Thank you again Diane you are indeed a Blessing to me and I’m sure to many others, God Bless you Greatly for your Faithfulness – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Our God always gives us what we need!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. RobbyeFaye says:

    How wonderful! PTL!

    Liked by 1 person

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