A Short Update on my Heart Problem…..

I have not heard from Prince Charles Hospital again since they cancelled my Open Heart Surgery when I was on the way to the Hospital over three weeks ago, even though their Cardiologist has told me more than once that I could die at any time.

I’m still experiencing extreme tiredness at times and I than find it hard to do even the basics including shopping and also my Blogging has been very limited but Hopefully this will change with my remembering to have a Grannie Annie Nap in the afternoon, I have been told it will help.

I’m now going to one of the Doctors I use to go to before I moved, he told me recently  that because I had High Blood Pressure my Heart Valve was being forced open and it was why I was still alive and yes I will continue to be as I shared before and my Doctor who is also a Christian and is a very understanding and Caring Man,  agreed  I will be alive until  my Allotted time on this Earth is over. 

 I’m still Trusting in God to Heal me Miraculously as He has done much more than once before including with my other Heart problems in the past, although different they too were very Life threatening.  I also know with Him being our Only Healer because All Good things come from Him, He may use His other Tools which He has also done with me before, once by an Ordained Healer and also by Doctors, Medicine, Natural Remedies etc, so when I start to worry now I just give it all to Him and yes I do have His Peace again.

I was going to wait until my Heart Problem was resolved before I started my Woman’s Ministry again and my New Funday School in the Park. I will still continue of course the Funday School in my Home with the Children who are coming there each week but I have now decided after Prayer instead of waiting I will go ahead and Trust God all the way and start both of the other Ministries in the near future but please Pray for me because as we know Heart felt Prayer from our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus is always needed too.

 I very much Value your Prayer Support my  Blogging friends and for taking the time to read my Updates and Messages, I’m Praying you will  continue to be Blessed and to know how greatly you are Loved by our God of Love and believe me I know without a doubt that without Him I would have been long gone and for sure there is a reason why I’m not!

Christian Love Always – Anne ( Grannie Annie )


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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30 Responses to A Short Update on my Heart Problem…..

  1. 50djohnson says:

    I’ve been gone a long time as a lot has been going on health wise . I’m sorry to hear about your heart problem. I pray everything turned out OK. 8 yearsago I was diagnosed with A-fib,and shortly therefter fibromyalgia… It is truly a bummer!!! Sooo many painful symptoms. It has flattened my activity!!! Then, 5 years ago as I was diagnosed with endometrial-uterine cancer I had to have a hysterectomy but some cells escaped through a hole in the lining of theuterus.I’ve had to take a cancer pill to kill all hormones as that is what my cancer fed on. The side effects on that one pill are crushing. Then, last month iwas diagnosed with a new protein marker in my blood for bone cancer, and another diagnosis for chronic Kidney disease , or Renal failure. So not a lot of tiefor writing. However today I was inspired to write about an ex student whom I loved dearly and just found out she was murdered a few years ago. When My Mom got a cancer report when I was in high school, she had a response to the news that taught me how to deal with medical crisis through my whole life. I wrote the storyin Let’s Make cookies. Well, blessings to you, Anne. I pray all is well. Love you, Debbie Johnson


  2. lucymuliko says:

    praying for you from Kenya. May God remember your service to him and perform a miracle

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Lucy for you kind thoughts and prayers and yes I’m Trusting now in our Abba Father’s Loving Will to be done and knowing that whatever happens He will work it all out for good.

      I was just wondering Lucy how long you been Blogging again?

      Blessings Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. inspirationthroughwordspictures says:

    You are in my prayers continually

    Liked by 2 people

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you dear Barb, I very much value Prayer from the Heart their the only ones God Hears.

      I found out why they are deleting the Blogs I click on to follow, it’s because of their Cookie Policy which are very much an invasion of our Privacy and they are using Manipulation too, shown by the fact you can’t join up with anyone who has them unless we accept their Cookies and when we do they will be able to see and control everything we do.

      I won’t in future join up with anyone who has them and I will stop following anyone who does.

      Take Care dear friend, I will be in touch tonight or tomorrow, I’m having a Birthday Party for one of my Funday Children so I will be busy Blessing – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. As God’s much Loved Children who He knows as His own, we never walk alone in this Polluted Hurting World He is with us all the way, deep in the Valleys and on the Mountain Tops and He Always has the Victory and in Christ Jesus so do we.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Terri says:

    Prayers for you Anne! I am sorry to hear that you are going through this. Glad to know you are staying on course with God’s work!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Terri for your Loving Concern and it’s very Good to see you Blogging again, I will seek to visit you soon.

      I’m taking one day at a time Terri but yes I Hope to be able to start and continue all of God’s Good work that He has chosen for me to do and yes I know He will equip and empower me to do it when it is needed but I haven’t ruled out that a Heart Operation my be needed first, I’m Trusting in God and Praying that His Will be done.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hope you feel better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Caleb, to be sure it’s one day at a time but it is hard at times to remain positive about my Health when Doctors keep telling me that my life may end at any time but than nothing is being done about it.

      But apart from my Health issues Caleb which do cause problems for me I’m also being Victimized which shows just how evil some people are. After changing my Blog address because I was having problems commenting on my Blog, they were being rejected and than I was being logged off, I joined up again with a lot of Bloggers who I had been following when I changed my Address but WordPress it seems has deleted most them only 16 are showing now so I’m not sure Caleb if I’m still following you, I may be but I haven’t received a reply from you for my resent Comment on your Post Message about Teaching within the Church that were were both sharing about. I will check your Blog later tonight or tomorrow, Take Care and God Bless you – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hope all is well, I have been swamp and hope to catch up with all comments soon.

        God Bless,


        Liked by 1 person

        • Freedomborn says:

          As I shared Caleb, I’m also very behind in my Blogging but it’s not just because of my Computer and Blog problems, I’m also finding it very hard at times to stay awake because of my Heart valve not functioning properly, this means my other responsibilities are now needing attention too.

          But even so I have been thinking about having a Holiday soon, it’s been a very long time since I have been to N.S.W, and most of my close friends who are still alive and whom I have known for over 30 years live there and it would be wonderful to see them again, anyway One day at a time and yes it’s time for bed in Aussie Land but I will visit you again Caleb in the near future.

          Blessings Anne ( Grannie Annie)


        • Freedomborn says:

          I’m sorry Caleb, I visited your Blog this Morning as I said I would to read your Posts and to Comment but to also join up with you again but I can’t because of your Cookie Policy it is Blocking me from doing this. They are trying to force me and other Bloggers to accept their Policy or we can’t follow your Blog or other Blogs that have also accepted their Policy but you can be sure Caleb I will never agree to their demands, No one has the right to force anyone even God gives us Free Choice.

          But I will remember you in my Prayers Caleb – God’s Blessings Now and Always,

          Christian Love – Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hi, is there anything I can do on my setting to change it?


            • Freedomborn says:

              You could contact WordPress Caleb, I have seen the Cookie Policy on other Websites even in Australia but they don’t force you to accept it like they do on WordPress Blogs, if they did I would delete my link to that Website and not visit them again. It’s about our freedom to make our own choices when it’s taken away they are controlling us like Puppets, it’s not of God that is for sure, He always gives us the freedom to choose, yes we reap what we sow but that is for Good too.

              Blessings – Anne.

              Liked by 1 person

  7. I do and will remember you in prayer Anne… Love Diane

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Sally, I do value your Prayers and yes I indeed need them especially during this Storm in my life, Prayer for my Health and also for my Blogging problems to be resolved so I will no longer be Victimized.

      Christian Love Always Sally and God’s Blessings – Anne.


  8. Debbie L says:

    Oh my! I’m so glad you are able to keep us updated! Prayers going up for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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