Have you ever been Cursed for standing up for God’s Truth

Psalm 94:16 Who Will Rise Up for Me against the evildoers? or Who Will Stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?(KJV)

I was told a few days ago that a Woman who had previously abused me because I rejected Homosexuality had gone to her Buddhist Temple and had put a Curse on me asking for all bad things to happen to me.

Also during this year a Mother of some of the Children who were at the time coming to my Funday School was very happy that another Mother had got her Karma because her father had died. I didn’t agree and continued to share with the Mother she hated, so her Children no longer came to Funday School.

Recently a Male Blogger who responded at first positively to one of my Posts later said some very evil things about me because I didn’t agree with what he believed about another important Biblical Truth. I had shared Scripture with him that confirmed God’s Truth which showed he was deceived. This Man claimed to be a Born Again Christian (1John 3:9) even as he Cursed me, he has now lied to cover up what he had said in anger instead of Repenting.

My Response – Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. (KJV)

Does this mean that God agrees with evil and deception and do we just accept what He calls evil as good or look the other way and pretend it’s not happening and do we willingly allow others to continue to teach their own Carnal and  Worldly understanding which will lead to others being deceived and not share God’s Truth with them?

Ephesians 5:8-11 For you were once darkness but now you are Light in the Lord. Live as Children of Light for ( The Fruit of the Light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth)  and find out what Pleases The Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them.

Each year I have great sadness when I see the evil of Halloween propagated in the Shops, who of course are focusing on what it will profit them Financially. 

As Christians God tells us we must not call good what He calls evil but sadly some Christians have accepted Halloween as a part of life and some even encourage their Children to join in the Celebration of it’s evil.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good and Good evil that put darkness for Light, and Light for darkness; that put bitter for Sweet and Sweet for bitter! K.J.V

God warns against the evils of the Occult…..

Deuteronomy 18: 9-14

Leviticus 19:31

But I was reading recently on the Internet that there are  Christians in Australia who seek to use Halloween to share about God, they dress their Children up as Angels and offer Treats instead of asking for them. So what do their actions promote and do you agree? does God use the evil Traditions of Satan Worship to promote His goodness, perhaps they feel it’s an opportunity to bring good out of evil. Please feel free to offer your view below or on Freedomborn’s Garden Sanctuary, ( link below) I’m very interested in what other Christians feel about the focus of these Aussie Christians, does it have merit or not ?

Blog Link- https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2018/10/21/the-garden-sanctuary/

With my Funday School starting over 10 years ago because of my rejection of the evil of Halloween and than with the Children asking me to share about Jesus with them when I asked them to come back the next day for treats because Jesus my Best Friend did not like Witches. Demons etc. I now offer a way every year for the Children to hear why I don’t Celebrate Halloween by putting the notice below on my door when they come to my place for Trick or Treat on Halloween night.

Romans 12:9 Let Love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good.(KJV)

As a Christian I have never agreed to what people propagate when God calls it Evil, He asks us who will contend with Him against Evil, who will stand up for His Truth and you can be sure I will, although I’m not Perfect in His way yet but I’m Aiming for it as He tells us to do and yes before we die not just after.

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore Perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect. (KJV)

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore leaving the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ let us go on unto Perfection not laying again the foundation of Repentance from dead works and of Faith toward God. (KJV )

Recently as Grannie Annie I have been offering to share freely about Jesus to Children in the Pre- Schools where I now live which I was doing before I moved. Some of them I visited claimed because of the variety of Children from different Cultures they don’t allow Religion and yet they are Teaching the Children Yoga which is Spiritual Adultery and comes from  Paganism, the exercises were first used in their worship to their god’s and are still used for this today by some of them. The Pre -Schools I visited also promoted Halloween.

Another Heartbreaking happening for me was when I was also told after a year that I was no longer wanted as Grannie Annie at a Christian Pre- School who taught Yoga and also Evolution to the Children.  It was because I had shared with them the danger these present which I had seen happen in the lives of Christians who practiced Yoga and in my own life when I was deceived that I came from an Ape.

Thank you again my dear Blogging friends for taking the time to read my Messages and for your Faithfulness to Pray over many years,  may God continue to Bless you all Greatly.

Christian Love Always – Anne or as I’m also often called, Grannie Annie.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
This entry was posted in Messages From The Heart, Words of Encouragment, Words of Warning. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Have you ever been Cursed for standing up for God’s Truth

  1. inspirationthroughwordspictures says:

    Tired tonight my friend been working all day on family history had to get more ink for my printer too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      I hope you slept well Barb, from what you have shared with me and on your Blog about your search for your Family History, you have been very much on the go and yes traveling can make us very Tired but like you I still enjoy it so yes I’m looking forward to visiting you and my other friends next year down under.

      Hopefully Barb if all goes well and I’m not in Hospital, I will Phone you again on Saturday, take care dear friend – Anne.


  2. inspirationthroughwordspictures says:

    Looks good my friend

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Thanks Barb for your Encouragement and also for your Support again today, it was indeed another reminder that when we follow Jesus as he said we will be be hurt by others and not just by unbelievers, although today Satan was motivating his followers but God will have the Victory in the end He always does.

      Blessings – Anne.


  3. inspirationthroughwordspictures says:

    We need to keep in prayer keeping Satan at Bay. I am so much in peace now with prayer it is such a great feeling.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. God is not Pretending when He tells us we will reap the Evil we sow if we disobey Him and agree with and do the evil He tells us not to do. Sin Separates us from Him until we Repent and turn away from the evil we are doing and than what a Welcome Home!.

    Blessings – Grannie Annie.


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.