Our Men Fight For Us

Today is Anzac Day in Australia and we remember the Sacrifices our Soldiers made for us, just as the American Soldiers did on the Post below and as all Soldiers do who fight for their Countries even risking Death.

Some claim there should be no War and that God should have never have allowed it or sent out The Israelites to put an end to some of the Pagan Nations.

Personally I believe our Countries need Protecting against real Threats, what would have been the Cost to our Freedom without our Troops and the Government’s undercover workers during the Hitler years, we would have been controlled by a Sadist and Madman.

No I don’t like War but without it even in Biblical times many Innocents would have perished. Babies were being Sacrificed alive to Pagan gods and were like Animals being abused physically and Mentally too and evil was rampant and the Children whom survived with having been Polluted and without Hope would have grown up to do the same.

This was like in the time of Noah and is why God sent the World Wide Flood, it was Merciful and Needed, Mankind’s thoughts were all evil and we would not have been Born and God knew those who would be His from Eternity and was wanting us to be Born.

This World too as evil increases must end but it will be by Man’s own hand as their evil overtakes them when The Holy Spirit is removed and those God knows as His own are Raptured to spend an Eternity in Heaven.

But the same as we must do for our Soldiers who risk their Lives for us we must Uphold our Governments and Pray for them, they are needed but we do not agree if they ask us to do or accept evil but it is what God calls evil not what man thinks by their own fleshy agenda. We are also to abide by the Rules of the Land unless they also conflict with God’s Guidelines.

We are asked to stand up for God’s Truth but not for selfish self gain and to offer His Love, Joy and Hope of Everlasting Life with Him in Christ Jesus, who as we know made the greatest sacrifice for us.

Yes there is Two Faces of War, the Freedom it brings and the Heartache that results but many more would suffer and not by choice if we didn’t fight for the Freedom we have now, yes some fight only for Material gain and Power but than that is where their focus is but they will be bankrupt Eternally unless they come to Heart Repentance, without Faith there is no real gain.

Christian Love Now and Always – Anne.



We may have to stay up for 16 hours  if needed but can still rest,  “give thanks”…

                         He stays up for days on end without complaining.

We can take a warm shower to help us wake up and feel clean “give thanks”…

                                       He goes days or weeks without running water.

We can complain of a ‘headache’,  call in sick and take time off “give thanks”…

                      He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

 We can contact others on our phone or cell phone if needed and pray together “give thanks” …

 He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags and prays often alone.

We can look forward to seeing our buddies again even if they aren’t with us at the moment “give thanks “…  

                                  He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

 We can walk down a beach or in a forest, enjoying the beauty all around…

View original post 557 more words

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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4 Responses to Our Men Fight For Us

  1. bjsscribbles says:

    beautiful my friend I do remember and think of all our soldiers

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes I know Barb that you remember their sacrifice with thankfulness as some of your Posts confirm.

      I’m not sure Barb if you are Blogging again but I will keep watch.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


  2. It Breaks God’s Heart to see His Children suffer as it does with us when our Loved ones are hurting. God knows what’s needed and when it is and will intervene. Satan does not have the power to overcome God, He will always be Victorious in the end. All evil comes from Satan all Good comes from God who is Love and He also motivates us to do Good when we we choose to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. ❤

    Blessings – Grannie Annie

    Liked by 2 people

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