Do We Think Outside The Box Or In It?

Those who know me would say I think outside the Box and yes I’m very analytical and I can see the Bigger Picture but I still need proven facts to come to a conclusion, what about you, do you accept things as they are or do you see further than what is stated? Below are some statements I received from a friend by E-mail,  so are these Answers grammatically Correct or Not?


1 Napoleon Bonaparte

Q1… In which Battle did Napoleon die?
A1… His last Battle.

2 Declaration

Q2… Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A2… At the bottom of the page.

3 Ravi River

Q3… River Ravi flows in which State?
A3… Liquid.

4 Marriage

Q4… What is the main reason for Divorce?
A4… Marriage.

5 Man failed

Q5… What is the main reason for failure?
A5… Exams.

6 Breakfast

Q6… What can you never eat for Breakfast?
A6… Lunch & Dinner.

7 Half Apple

Q7… What looks like half an Apple?
A7… The other half.

8 River

Q8… If you throw a red Stone into the blue Sea what it will become?
A8… Wet.

9 Sleeping

Q9… How can a Man go eight Days without sleeping ?
A9… No problem, he sleeps at Night.

10 ElephantQ10… How can you lift an Elephant with one hand?
A10… You will never find an Elephant that has one hand.

11 Apples and OrangesQ11… If you had three Apples and four Oranges in one hand and four Apples and three Oranges in the other hand, what would you have?
A11… Very large hands.



Q12… Now if it took eight Men ten hours to build a Wall, how long would it take four Men to build it?
A12… No time at all, the Wall is already built.

13 Cracked Egg

Q13… How can you drop a raw Egg onto a Concrete floor without cracking it?
A13… Anyway you want, Concrete floors are very hard to crack.

14 Earth
Q14… If God didn’t Create the World, us and everything else, what would there be?
A14… GOD.

Author unknown

In Anticipation of your correct response “Well Done” Blessings – Anne.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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28 Responses to Do We Think Outside The Box Or In It?

  1. Beverley says:

    Hilarious.. 🙂 great sense of humour.


    • Yes I thought it was funny too Beverley but also clever , I received it in an e-mail from a friend as I did with some of the other messages that I have Posted since I started Blogging, although I do write my own too including jokes, if you have some good ones I would love to share them too.

      Blessings – Anne.


  2. Anne, this is one of the funniest and wittiest post i have read in a long long time…very Chestertonian in some of your responses! I love them!

    “Q6… What can you never eat for Breakfast?
    A6… Lunch & Dinner.”


    I hope all is well and that you are feeling better!


    • Thank you Caleb for your hearty encouragement but No except for one Question and Answer I didn’t write these Statements, as I shared in my intro, they were sent to me from a friend, Vivienne often e-mails messages that are either funny or they get you thinking and also wonderful Animal pics too but with this one like you I had a good laugh and so did Ron but he also picked the error in one of the Questions and Answers, can you without reading Ron’s comment ? and can you pick the one I wrote ?

      Thank you also Caleb for your concern for my Health, I’m feeling much better but I still have a few problems resulting from the Influenza B virus which is in plague proportions in Queensland and Sydney. My gums were very infected which caused my Teeth to ache but they are much better now and not painful anymore just a bit sore but I still have a cough that comes and goes.

      Thankfully I’m no longer contagious so I don’t have to wear a mask now, just as well I didn’t have to go to the Bank with it on, I may have looked very suspicious pulling my purse out of my bag they might have thought it was a gun. Lol

      Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I bet the one answer you are referring is the one about marriage…(I haven’t read Ron’s comments yet) sorry I must have misunderstood the introduction or read over it too quickly.

        Glad that you are feeling better. Influenza can be very serious and life threatening, besides is makes you feel horrible!

        Thanks for sharing that e-mail…it was funny. I can only imaging how funny it must feel going to the bank with a mask on!




        • In reference to the Mask Caleb, I still have one so I will let you know the response I get at the bank.

          In regard to the Statements, it was the first Question and Answer that was in error, Napoleon died on the island of Saint Helena not in a battle and I added number 14 both the Question and Answer and it’s also True that without Marriage there would be no Divorce but you are also right because Jesus said that Divorce shows a hard heart so we could say…

          Q15…What is the reason for Divorce
          A15… A hard heart

          But that’s not funny is it …. it’s tragic!

          Take care dear Caleb, God’s Blessings – Anne.


  3. bjsscribbles says:

    You may have been sick my friend but your sense of humour has not left you. We have to have our sense of humour otherwise we will never get through


    • Now I understand Barb, Thank you and yes even in Hospital I was able to share humor, it’s part of me and has been since I was a Child.

      Did you know Barb they did a Stock Take on me when they wheeled me in for my Procedure, Hmmmmm it must be because my last Name is Stocks. Do you know Queensland knew we were coming when we were crossing the Boarder from N.S.W to Queensland, yes it’s True, there was a Big sign, Stocks Crossing but Oh the Shock when we arrived, the Shops were saying hurry while Stocks last but worse then this was when they said New Stocks were on the way, really at our age we did not welcome this information but we are Special because they said Stocks were a Limited Edition!

      Blessings dear friend and never fear you will never run out of Stocks, I intend being around for a long time! well at least to the next Stock Take, meaning the one going to Heaven – Anne.


  4. bjsscribbles says:

    Oh! my dear friend your post is brilliant and good to know you are back to your sensitive self.


  5. Debbie M. says:

    I enjoyed this light post. But you are right, it is always good “to know why we believe what we believe” in regards to the Bible. And that comes through knowing Scripture in context!


    • Very True Debbie, we do need to see the whole Picture but we also need to see it with God’s understanding not fleshy man’s, to explain further I will leave a link below for you.

      It’s very late in Aussie land but I’m still trying to catch up, I have had so many interruptions, yes necessary and important ones but also time consuming, I really need a whole day to just Blog, not that this is possible but it would be good.

      I’m hoping to visit your Blog again tomorrow Debbie, I received your new Post “A walk through Isaiah”, yes it’s one of my favorites too especially Isaiah 43:1-3

      Confusion –

      Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.


      • Debbie M. says:

        I checked the link you gave and I thought it looked familiar. When I got to the end, I saw that I had left a comment back in April of this year! 🙂 But of course, it is always good to go back and re-read to remind ourselves of truth!


        • Sorry Debbie I also noticed later that you had commented on the Post Message that I left the link for but it was too late to correct it, thanks for reviewing it again.

          Yes wisdom is the Principle thing in understanding God’s Truth with His empowering of The Spirit,we were not Born with them, we ask and receive, sadly many people don’t or they keep asking instead of Thanking God for receiving it.

          Blessings – Anne.


        • I just commented on your resent Post Debbie and once again it was moderated even though as you can see below it is short with no Scripture, so until you check with WordPress and find out why they are adjusting your settings so that it moderates my comments, I feel it is better that I don’t comment on your Posts, it seems since you advised me that it is not you doing this than someone at WordPress is deliberately seeking to upset me, they have also been stopping me receiving replies to my comments from other Blogs .

          My Comment on your Post…….
          Thank you Debbie the Pictures are beautiful and the words powerful in context.

          It is hard to pick favorite parts of the Bible as all Scripture is inspired by God and many have touched my heart but Isaiah 43 is a powerful Scripture with great assurance from our Lord God who Loves and cares for us.

          Blessing -Anne.


  6. 50djohnson says:

    Oh, Anne, how are you doing? I’ve been worried . I was so excited to see your post. I used to tell the exact jokes to my kids at school. It brought back precious memories. Love you. Debbie


    • Thank you for your concern Debbie, I’m feeling much better although very tired at times it was a traumatic event and unexpected. I appreciate your caring heart not just for me but for all those who suffer, your Post messages always speak of God’s Love and Compassion and you always take the time to encourage and uplift, even when your not well yourself, your a blessing to many.

      Yes I found the Statements funny too Debbie, did you spot the wrong one? not many woman do but most men can see it, I suppose it depends where your focus is and a lot of men are interested in war topics, let me know if you find it.

      Love and Blessings – Anne.


      • 50djohnson says:

        Yes, It was about the elephant and its hands. elephants don’t have hands. I’ve written a couple of new poems I’d like your take on. Be well my friend.


        • Yes true Debbie but people often call animal appendages hands and feet which is wrong as you said, so grammatically speaking this person was correct when he said; You will never find an Elephant that has one hand.

          What was in error as Ron corrected in his comment ; Napoleon died on the island of Saint Helena not in a battle.

          Thanks for sharing Debbie, Love and Blessings -Anne.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. andtheword says:

    Love that you revamped it. Good job Anne. Blessings to you my friend xxx


    • Thank you Vivienne, for the e-mail so I could revamped it, it was a good one but did you pick up the error in the statements ? Ron did, he has a lot of knowledge about History and Trivia, see if Steve can spot it, I didn’t at first and it seems others didn’t either, let me know if you did.

      Thank you again Vivienne for being there for me when I needed you the other day, you are a very dear loyal friend, who has genuine Christian compassion and understanding, I Thank God for your friendship, it’s a gift I treasure.

      Christian Love Always – Anne.


  8. Ron says:

    Good one Anne except that Napoleon died on the island of Saint Helena not in a battle but than that was the trick no doubt.



    • Yes Love, so many accept what is stated without questioning if it’s valid, I have done this in the past and perhaps you have too. Saying we agree even with error is easier than standing firm on what is Truth, this is the same with Scripture even though what is said is contrary to what it confirms, this is why we need to check the source and test the spirit of those who seek to teach and not just believe what they say is True, rubbish in rubbish out and yes it is then passed on to others too.

      I hope your Computer is fixed soon Love, it’s so much easier cutting and pasting your comments but thanks I still appreciate them.

      Christian Love and blessings Always – Anne.


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