Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday 9

The Latest Statistics show that Birthdays are good for you…
The more you  have the longer you live!

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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16 Responses to Happy Birthday

  1. I try to keep pushing my birthdays back Ann. God still has work for me to do.


    • A year can be like a lifetime for God to use us Bob, He can achieve a lot if we are prepared and willing. I’m pleased your Blogging again, let others know your back , I’m sure they will be blessed to share with you.

      Take Care Bob and thank you for visiting.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  2. Yes birthdays are moments of happiness on shares with he loved ones. One must celebrate nd thank Lord for another year lived well and peacefully. I love the concept of this post. God bless.


    • Thank you Samina for visiting and for a comment full of wisdom, with having my Birthday on the day after Christmas, not many remember, I had my first Birthday cake when I was 30 and my first party when I was 50 and each year I give thanks for every card I receive but mainly that God is with me thoughout each year, I don’t walk alone.

      Christian Love – Anne.


  3. I love Birthdays. And now that you shared this post. I want more. So much to celebrate and be thankful about. The more candles , the more blessings, right? God bless you always.


    • Hi Island Traveler, I received an email from a friend only yesterday, it was about getting older it was negative and referred it to being like winter, cold and bleak. I felt the need to share with her what being over sixty meant to me and it confirms what you said well as you can see below, I also adapted a Power point about the elderly too, we need to look forward to our Senior years not be afraid of them.

      For some being a Senior is a new adventure and the best time of their lives, I love being over 60 because I have learnt from the past and look forward to the future, I have life wisdom and because I asked for it, Godly wisdom. I don’t see old age as a cold winter even though I have aches and pains because these are minor in comparison to the inner Joy I have now.

      So for me and I know for some other Seniors who feel the same, I’m in the warm Autumn time of my life and it’s displaying it’s beautiful colours of wisdom and knowledge that as a young person I didn’t know or understand and perhaps would not of appreciated. I’m thankful that I’m bearing plentiful fruit in my Senior years from the good seeds that were planted in my earlier years and I have a Best Friend that Loves me greatly, understands me and He never lets me down…. How good is that!

      Take Care dear friend – Christian Love from both of us- Anne


  4. Ron says:

    Thanks for that sobering thought Anne , I will look forward to my next one then ! Knowing that you have only one go ,you dont get a second chance , we enjoy them [birthdays] when they come.



    • Hmmmm what would be even more sobering Love, is only having one more Birthday to come, so good we don’t know but good to be prepared and I don’t mean with a Birthday hat and cake.

      Now for a lighter view, what if we had all our Birthdays on one day, Wow imagine the presents! it would indeed be Heaven! 😀

      Christian Love Always dear on earth and in Heaven – Anne.


    • Hi Betty, thanks for caring, I’m sad at times because of loosing Mum but also busy catching up, and hoping that’s possiable. I will be over to see you though in the near future, I have a lot of catching up to do but I’m planing on having many more Birthdays so I should make it.

      See you soon – Christian Love – Anne


  5. T says:

    🙂 Hi Anne i liked this. , I wanted to stop by and say hI and tell you thank you for stopping by and reading and commenting on my posts. I had my knee surgery today so I haven’t had much time for my blog because i have been busy trying to get things ready thinking I will not be very mobile for a few days. I will be reading the comments again when I have a clearer head and am sure I will have lots of time to read while I am recuperating . I have been praying for you and hope you are doing well.


    • I’m pleased you enjoyed it T but I’m sorry you are going through a Storm, you also have been on my mind, so good we don’t travel alone, God keeps us strong.

      I had a quick look at your last Post about Compassion T, great news , I will be over to share in the near future.

      I’m still catching up I had 375 e-mails from WordPress plus my personal ones when I returned home from Sydney but as they say one day at a time and that’s for you too, don’t rush , take it easy, so you recover fully, I will be praying for you.

      Christian Love – Anne


  6. bee says:

    Very wise wisdom. I like it


  7. Lady Deidre says:

    Hello, Annie.
    Hope you and your mother are all well?
    God Bless you richly!


    • Thanks again for caring Dei, I miss Mum and often go to phone her but then realise that I can’t and feel sad. I thank God for His gift of tears they untangle the knots but also for His gift of Laughter, Mum and I use to laugh together often, she had a good sense of humour, I’m sure she would have loved this joke and at 92 I’m sure she would have also agreed.

      I’m still catching up with the backlog from when I was in Sydney but hope to visit soon, I received your New Post, it’s so good to see you Blogging again.

      Christian Love – Anne


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.