A Life That Is Blessed

Jesus H

A Life That Is Blessed
Gently and Tenderly I reach for your heart
seeking your Love right from the start,
Drawing you Lovingly to repentance and rest,
holding you compassionately close to my breast.
Seeing your weakness and giving you strength
wanting in Love your life to be Blessed.
Not judging you for the darkness that leads you astray
causing you to sin and not to obey,
But when in sorrow and regret you seek my will
I will lead you gently to Calvary’s Hill.
Forgiving and restoring your place by my side
and placing the Spirit deep inside,
Teaching and Comforting when you are in need giving
you Strength so my words you will heed.
Speaking gently to your soul of all the Love for you I hold,
giving you Joy and Peace in your heart reassuring
you of my Love right from the start,
Knowing the day that you started anew seeking
my presence to see you through,
This is the day that I did impart new life
into your very heart.
For only in closeness can you know my Rest and only
in Unity can your life be blessed,
For surrender is part of my perfect plan leading
the way to the Promised Land.
Neither the tempest or turmoil will prevail for you are
no longer in the tormentors jail,
You have been released and set free,
 you have been given Liberty.
Close to my heart I bear your pain releasing you
from all of your shame,
My Joy in you will not be restrained given freely to those by
my side given to encourage my chosen Bride.
This is my promise that will not be consumed my fellowship
with you has now been resumed.
You shall know deep in your heart the Joy of being
held close to my breast,
For nothing you have done would make me Love you
less and your life in me will truly be blessed.
So take my hand and feel my strength renewing
your life and giving you rest.
Light is given as you walk by my side,
Removing the fear and taking the darkness away,
restoring Peace at the start of each day.
You who are chosen to be my Bride will know
the Joy that in Me resides,
So don’t be consumed by cares and strife leading
to an empty way of life,
But walk beside me in quietness and rest knowing
fully a life that is Blessed.
Penned by Annie for Encouragement

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
This entry was posted in A Life That Is Blessed, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, Kingdom Poem Reflections, Life's Reflections, Loves Serenade, Messages From The Heart, Words of Encouragment and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to A Life That Is Blessed

  1. Terri says:

    Your poem is very beautiful, what a wonderful gift! Thank you so much for sharing the link on my blog!


  2. I wish to embrace every word. The assurance of God’s love and generous blessings I keep in my heart. I have fallen many times and went astray so many times but somehow he manage to call me back and has not given up on me. He is truly a loving and faithful God. Beautiful post my friend.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi dear friend, as I shared on my last reply, I too fell into sin but not away, I never rejected Jesus but I did hurt Him very much and Ron and others too, I was blinded by the worlds promise of happiness and wealth, which in the end left me empty and lost, the darkness was indeed great untill I came to heart repentance and as you shared God is Loving and merciful and until we are perfected in Love and conformed into the image of Jesus we are under His grace, He knows those who are His and He never abandons us.

      Christian Love – Anne


  3. Lady Deidre says:

    Amen and Amen! We have to walk with Jesus if we truly want rest! Great poem, Annie!
    God Bless you!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Very wise words and very True Dei, only in Christ Jesus can we rest in Him and when we are one with Him, we will walk as He walked, perfected in Love and Love is pure without spot or blemish… How good is that!

      Christian Love Always dear friend – Annie


  4. Ron says:

    Such a deep poem Anne it has so many words which resonate with us all like strength, comfort, forgiving, restoring. These are things we all have experienced in our walk with our Lord.Thanks for reminding us of His love for each of us.



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