Loves Gentle Whispering

Fran 357Click to enjoy –Loves Gentle Whispering .

This Power  point is for our dear friend Island Traveler, who has warmed our hearts many times with His Love and Honesty ( see link below ) and with always seeking to uplift and encourage others. Thank you for being the special Man that you are, it is always our choice to Love or not to Love but God brings in the tide, when we ask for His Love to flow in us, which is not like ours with all its limitations, then His Love like a wave of the Ocean washes over us and brings deep refreshing and restoring, so that we sparkle in The Son.
Click to enjoy – Island Traveler’s  Blog Post –
This part of the Post is for you  Ron… I just want you to let know that just the same as last year on Valentines Day when I told you how much I Loved you in a song  for all the world to hear ( see link below ) my Love has not diminished but has grown stronger, you will always be the very dearest Man to me, your strengths outweigh your weaknesses and faults and even with the ups and downs we have had, you have remained constant in being willing to help me when needed, perhaps that is indeed a reflection of real Love… so both these Links below  are for you my dearest Ron, to remind you that your Loved greatly and always will be…
Happy Valentines Day darling – Love Anne.
 P.S  If I forget to tell you often that I Love you Ron,  just e-mail me the link to this Post but I’m sure you won’t have to as I’m passionate about you – Love you always –  Anne.
 If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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12 Responses to Loves Gentle Whispering

  1. Pingback: Weekly Image Of Life: Blessing Of Hope | this man's journey

  2. island traveler says:

    My friend, just want to thank you again for the magical post of faith and love. Honestly, I don’t feel worthy of such generosity. I have my flaws and weakness. I make lots of mistakes. But everyday I get reminded how short life is and that I need to bring joy to those around me. The other day, I have a patient, he was 25 when he discovered he can cancer. Now at 27, the cancer has spread. It’s like God saying, “wake up son, life is not forever. Do what you can now.” Have a blessed weekend.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi dear island traveler, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the Power point, I try to think of ways to say thank you to those who touch my heart, as a child it was flowers and then hand made cards, then I cooked special treats, I still do sometimes perhaps I should post you some cookies 🙂 with Blogging it’s Links and Power points, thank you again for encouraging me, you are a dear Brother in The Lord .

      Are any of us worthy, yet we are indeed people of worth, Jesus died for all of us.

      You have lost your mask island traveler ???

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


    • Freedomborn says:

      I was thinking again on what you shared island traveler, although sickness can teach us good things and even give us a stronger faith, God is not the Author of sickness and death, they are part of the fall and would never have been if Adam and Eve had not sinned by disobeying God.

      When I faced death not long after my Sister had died of Cancer, I felt fear untill I said to God… if you want me now I’m willing to come… I felt so much at Peace and when I had the Mammogram and X-ray the next day the Lump in my breast had disapeared, I no longer fear death but I’m pleased to be alive, it gives me a chance to share the Hope we have in The Lord.

      Christian Love Anne.


  3. Belated Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Ron. This post sums up why everyday is Valentine’s Day. Love is something we feel and give 24/7.


    • Freedomborn says:

      I don’t know how you do it dear friend, just how do you keep up with your Inbox ? you must get so many notifications from WordPress. I have over 400 e-mails that need attending too, I’m behind because of Spring cleaning and Computer problems but as they say one step at a time .

      Thank you for always taking the time to visit and for blessing us.

      Christian Love – Anne


  4. dd16591569 says:

    Happy Valentines Day to you too dear friend


    • Freedomborn says:

      And you too dear Dunia, I hope your Valentaine’s Day was very special for you and your Loved ones. Wonderful to see your Blogging again, I have missed you but I enjoyed our Phone catch- up and was very pleased to hear your still looking after all the critters…sooooooo good!

      See you soon- Christian Love always – Anne


  5. Ron says:

    Hi Love thanks for the lovely thoughts and I loved the acrostic of Valentine, it was really good and love to you on Valentines day . The story of it all was good also.

    Thanks love


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Darling, so good to have you Blogging again, thank you for your appreciation and for all you do for me even though you are very busy, it’s really appreciated.

      Thank you for being my Valentine, Love you always – Anne.


  6. Velta says:

    Happy Valentines’s Day to all of you.
    Love and hugs,


    • Freedomborn says:

      Happy Valentines Day to you also Velta from us all and many blessings for the days that follow.

      I wish I could have one of your hugs for real but I will give you some kisses, a big comment Hug and a smilie instead xxx ((( Hug ))) 🙂

      Christian Love always – Anne


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.