Love and Friendship in Deversity


I have in my life from an early age had the Joy of meeting many different people from all over the world and have been greatly blessed to be close friends with some of them; they enriched my life with their kindness and acceptance and shared with me wonderful things about their culture.  I was even welcomed by some as part of their families and we are still friends even though we now live a great distance apart but we keep in touch.

If our heart is open to accept those who are different from us and those we do not understand, whose way of living and focus can leave us confused although perhaps intrigued too, then we will not have fear and reject them.

 A Loving Heart seeks to bridge the differences accepting everyone as people of worth and not in any way less or inferior which brings Unity and Joy. 

 Does that mean our friendship will always be accepted, sadly no but that does not stop us from showing Love and acceptance to them. It does not mean we have to accept the wrong they do or what they believe that is in error, there is only one  Truth and that’s Gods and we are to stand up for it  but we willingly offer help if needed and understanding and compassion, in other words we always leave a door open.

What if their intent is to harm us, of course we do not say come and get me!  We seek protection and we distance ourselves but  we do not plan revenge, we are to forgive and pray for our enemies and if able do good to them.

If we take the time to be friends regardless of differences we will be greatly blessed.

Below is a few very worthwhile links to check out by Karin and Elissa who have shared in different ways what our focus is to be in regard to to those who are very differant from us. Elissa has detailed about those who are a threat to our well-being and how we are to respond to them with Jesus’ Love.

 Karin –

Elissa –



Friendship that blossoms from the heart brings the fragrance of great Joy and the colour of the buds or the size, makes no difference.



About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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10 Responses to Love and Friendship in Deversity

  1. Ron says:

    This was well set out Anne and what you say is good advice to follow, loved the open door, looked lovely on the other side .The animals were beautiful too, thanks Anne



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Love, such kind words , thank you and very True, every open door gives freedom to explore but what shall we find, in this message, peace of mind because it is in accepting and Loving others sacrificially and unconditionally that we can accept ourselves.

      Christian Love – Anne


  2. God created everyone equally, in his mirror image thus everyone is beautiful and have something valuable to share. I am in a way blessed to meet different people of many cultures in America. As they say, “It’s the melting pot of the world.” I appreciated the both what is unique and what is common. I realized that the basic needs of love, peace, joy, of spiritual yearning is all the same regardless of what we are or where we came from. God bless you and Ron. Thanks for sharing your stories of faith everyday.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi our dear friend island traveler, thank you for always uplifting and blessing us and it is very True what you shared, we all need God’s Love as a reality in our hearts the same as we need Him in our lives as we seek to follow His guidelines.

      I’m not surprised that you have no prejudice towards other people from different Countries, as you have a Loving, accepting heart as shown in the things you say and do and as you shared, Unity is very important but I’m sure you will agree, not blindly accepting the wrong people do and say.

      Thanks for visiting – Christian Love Anne.


  3. Lady Deidre says:

    Love the precious pics! Adorable! Great post! Annie!
    God Bless You!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, thank you and I will visit you soon too even if just a little bit hesitantly knowing you have yuky critters staring on your Blog again, but I did appreciate the Scripture… good one!

      I think I will do a Post for you soon, meaning I will Llink it, thanks again.

      Christian Love Annie


  4. Donna says:

    Dear Anne and Ron, Lovely pictures and truthful words! Thanks for this reminder as I begin my day. I start it not knowing who the Lord will bring into my day. This message has made me aware, again, of the need to be focused on Him to lead me, and fill me with His love and empower love to flow from me to others. Love you ….Donna


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you for visiting and sharing Donna, you bless me greatly by your openess and honesty. Ron has been very busy but will call over to visit you soon too. I saw that you posted again but I have been having Computer problems and needed to focus on some personal and Ministry responsibilites but I will visit soon and I know I will be greatly blessed, I Love your heart focus.

      Christian Love Anne.


  5. Beautiful pictures and beautiful expression of thoughts. Love is the greatest virtue on earth. Love breaks every barrier. I love the possibilities that love can create. We were set free and given a single command and that is to love. I’m so excited to have come across this post. It reminds me that though we are many, we are one body… Uniformity is not necessarily unity, there can be unity in diversity. Thanks much for sharing. I’m enjoying an excitement that I just can’t describe! 🙂


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you our thoughtful wise friend teeceecounsel, so very True God’s Love does break every barrier but not so worldly fleshy love which has no commitment and is based on self but God’s Love as you shared is the greatest virtue on earth.

      As Christians we are to be of one mind and have the same focus, which we will have if we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 and we do well to remember The Holy Spirit does not say one thing to one person and something different to another when they contradict but we are still unique and also in our gifting and in the work God has planned in advance and equipped us to do and of course our place of birth and cultural heritage also conditions us as to our outlook but these do not change our Unity in the Body of Christ.

      Once again as you wisely shared there can be Unity in diversity as we are to Love sacrificially accepting others unconditionally regardless of their Country of birth, even if we reject the wrong they do or believe. I’m so pleased you were blessed by this message teeceecounsel and as always I Love your spontaneity and passion.

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.