The Keeper of the Spring…..

I was reminded today of this wonderful Story a favourite of Peter Marshall, perhaps you have heard it before, I like to bring to life God’s Truth by His Creation or with, Animation and  Pictures and I use these tools as I create Power Points and e-mails.

I also like to share how others have been gifted by God as they uplift and encourage us with His Truth and so I would like to thank Donna today for sharing from her heart and touching mine, I believe it was a God coincidence. Donna’s Blog is called Salt, Cinnamon and Love –

Click to enjoy –  The Keeper of The Spring – Please be patient it may take time to Download,  click right of mouse for full picture.

If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy the richness  of God’s Truth and the beauty of  His Creation.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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12 Responses to The Keeper of the Spring…..

  1. Pingback: The Keeper of the Spring. | VatiKos

  2. Pingback: The Keeper of the Spring. | CatholicMysticWind

  3. Everyday, I am reminded of how great our God is through you. Beautiful words and images. It’s been a busy week once more and I could hardly catch up with my blog but somehow, I am led to blog like yours that reminds me that there is hope and joy, that God is always there for us no matter what. Thanks.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi again island traveler, we also feel very blessed when we visit you and you visit us, we may express the Love we have for the Lord in our own unique way but as we are uplifting and Glorifiying Him in what we share, we are binding our Unity in Love, thank you again dear friend.

      Christian Love Anne.


  4. Donna says:

    Dear Anne, Finally had the chance to view your beautiful power point message. All I can say is yes and Amen!!! I especially appreciate the message that comes with the lovely presentation. It is utterly joyous to experience Jesus, our Living Water, flowing through us, His Body. May He forever flow freely. Thanks for the recommendation on my blog. I am going to be recommending yours, I just have to figure out how and when. 🙂
    love you


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Donna, thank you for your kind words and also for joining up with us, I’m sorry I didn’t know you did before, I was not advised by WordPress but this has happened with others too, it seems that people come and go all the time, I don’t mind if they do but I would like to know when someone joins up with us so I can thank them for doing so and get to know them, it was only that you left a comment and I visited you that I now know you personaly.

      Your heart is beautiful Donna and we do indeed have the same Melody, Love you dear Sister in The Lord, I’m so pleased and thankful you commented.

      Christian Love Anne.


      • Donna says:

        Dear Anne,
        I decided to list your blog on my sidebar under “Bloggers I recommend”. I figured it will stay visible as the posts get updated so viewers will have more opportunity to find you. Looking forward to continued fellowship with you by way of our blogs. God blessings!


        • Freedomborn says:

          Hi Donna, sorry it has taken so long for me to respond to your kindness of including us in your Blogrole, it is also something that I want to do with your Blog, you have a wonderful passion and Love for The Lord that is very evident in what you share, and it would be a privalage to be able to link with your Blog, not sure how many more I can add but I’m hoping a few more.

          Thank you also for your kind words of exceptance and friendship, I too feel I have found a friend in The Lord.

          Christian Love Anne.,


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Elissa, God’s Creation is awesome as He is Awesome, I’m thankful that you came to visit us, I know with your family and Ministry responsibilities your very busy, yet you still visit us, may you be greatly blessed as you take the time sacrifically to reach out to others and uplift and encourage them.

      Christian Love Anne.


  5. Ron says:

    Lovely story Anne of the Keeper of the Spring, still reads well every time you read it,



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