Ron’s Corner – A Reflection On Mother’s Day


As Mothers Day is approaching, I thought a few words on “Special Mothers ” is needed as they are a Blessing.

 I was  fortunate  to be raised by my Grandmother, on my fathers side, from the age of 12. I don’t know what age Nanna  was when she started to care for me but at that age anyone over 25 was old! I think Nanna was in her late sixties and Pop was in his seventies.
They were only on a pension, things were pretty tight so I had to quickly learn how to chop wood for the fuel stove and copper for washing. At 14 I got a job until I could get apprenticed it was at a corner shop .and so was able to get a bit more money to help out .
 For one Mothers Day I bought Nanna a tin of paint ,and I painted the back wooden steps, and she thought that it was very special .
In Brisbane at that time the houses were mostly built on high stumps so you had underneath to use and as we had no hot water in the house Pop and I  took a kettle, towel and flannel and washed ourselves in a basin, bit primitive but it beats being dirty and smelly.
One day Pop said to me…”Would you like a can of pineapple juice” there was some in the store cupboard down there. Nanna we thought didn’t know that we did this on occasions, only one time we must have been too long washing and as we were drinking the juice, Nanna stomped on the floor above and called,” Daddy, you and Ron stop drinking that pineapple juice and get up here straightaway.” Pop grinned sheepishly at me and said … were sprung son. How did Nanna know, it was always a mystery to us but Nannas like Moms just know.
Pop had Parkinson’s Disease and as it advanced I looked after him, I bathed him and put to bed each night, it felt good to be able to help. Pop was a gentle, loving Man and funny, earlier on when he was more active, while cooking the franks he would smile and say,”those boys are jumping around a bit tonight,” I always found this funny and we would laugh together, Poppa was great.  
Nanna also made really tasty Apple pies which when Poppa was able to, we use to both deliver on our bikes to her friends or those needing a special kindness and encouragement but of course a few samples were appreciated on the way …so good! 
But the thing that enabled me to be the person I am in my focus is  because Nanna was a committed Christian, and we went to a City Church by train every Sunday morning and night. Nanna  became my Mother, she Loved and cared for me  and ensured that I toed the line and behaved and when you are 6 ft as she was, you tended to listen more closely!
Nanna was the type of Christian that would miss a train on purpose, if there was an opportunity and as she sat on the platform seat she would talk about the Lord with someone waiting, bless her!
As I remember the time I spent as a young Man with my Nanna,  a very special lady who I will always treasure and love. I feel blessed to have these good memories and thank both God, her and of course my Pop.
To all those who became surrogate Moms for whatever reason, to all of you who never had their own Children, or like Anne whose Children died but have had much Joy caring for, loving and looking after other people’s Children…
 Happy Mothers Day and Thank you.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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15 Responses to Ron’s Corner – A Reflection On Mother’s Day

  1. Freedomborn says:

    Dear kingsley edike, if you wish to contact us do so through our e-mail address in our About, we will be happy to help you if we can.

    Christian Love from both of us.


  2. Freedomborn says:

    Thank you Love, I know you find sharing your personal inner feelings and thoughts hard and your priviate life is something that you keep mostly to yourself, so I very much appreciate that you expressed your Love both for your Nanna and Pop and also your Childhood memories with them, I’m sure they were very proud of you.

    Christian Love Anne.


  3. andtheword says:

    Thank you for the great story Ron, made for good reading
    God bless


  4. A great tribute to your Nanna, Ron. Thanks for sharing it.


    • Ron says:

      Thank you for your words Angela,appreciate them ,yes Nan was a special lady, who I`ve begun to appreciate more, as I get older.



  5. Naphtali says:

    How wonderful Ron! great inspiration here…


  6. Encouraging words. Thank you. Have a blessed day!


    • Ron says:

      Thank you Pastor Roman, for taking time out of your busy day to respond, really appreciate your encouragement, trust that today you will be ministering to people who will encourage you to move forward in The Lord!



  7. fgassette says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your Nanna for Mother’s Day. She truly was a Proverbs woman. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.



    • Ron says:

      I love that thought that she was a Proverbs woman, hadnt thought about that before, thanks Francine, really appreciate that.



  8. T says:

    This made me smile. Thank you for sharing 🙂


    • Ron says:

      I love to think that i have made someone smile today T they say its good therapy, Thanks for reading and sending words of encouragement.



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