Was it Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve

God Created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve  or  Eve and Febie

I have often been asked what do I feel about Homosexuality as a Christian and this week I was asked again both directly and indirectly. I’m going to share with you some of my own experiences with the Gay Community, it will be a long message with detail which is needed but first I would like to affirm  God’s focus on this very intrusive problem in our society, which is indeed  in direct violation of His guidelines for us  His Children and rebellion to His will and so it is sin,  yet Homosexuality in all it’s manifestation is even being accepted by some Churches as the norm.

 Although I agree passionately with the need to be Loving and tolerant of others I can not water down God’s warning that people who practice Homosexuality are in grave error and danger. I believe in light of the Scriptures that God is not accepting of this type of behavior the same as with all sin, but I do not in any way agree that He does not have compassion and Love for those who do wrong and we must too but we are called to warn them.  God’s Truth is very clear about this as He longs for all those who sin  to repent and turn from evil and do good.

In warning us that we will be punished for the wrong we do, God is in fact seeking to protect us in the same way the Law in our Country is, for example what would happen if we all chose our own agenda when it came to the traffic lights such as … you and I decided from now on red was go and green meant stop, we would be placing not only ourselves but others in danger and this would still be so even if we found some others who would agree with us. God’s Laws are not to deprive us or cause us pain and they are not based on intolerance as most people understand it. Yes God is indeed intolerant of wrong doing, the same as the Law of the Land is, but it is for our good not bad.

The Homosexuals Happy Clappy lifestyle that we see at the Gay Mardi Gras and at Lay girls etc is not the real picture …with hearing the statistics and having been in close contact with them for some time but not sexually, I was not really surprised to find that suicidal ideation and suicide is an endemic problem amongst same-sex attracted and gender diverse people…

They do not suicide because they feel happy and content or as some of them propagate, that they agree with what others are saying about them and feel shame and can’t handle it.

Truth is they do not really care what we think, they believe we are the losers and don’t feel what they are doing is wrong and so they don’t have shame. Although sometimes young boys are forced into this lifestyle and experience problems later with their sexual identity and cannot cope, others experiment for the thrills but become trapped in it and are passed from one partner to another.

Many practicing Homosexuals have Aids or related illnesses and suicide for them is a quick way out and others find that what they thought would meet their deeper needs doesn’t and the confusion and fear they feel which is not always able to be blocked out with Drugs or Alcohol and excessive immoral sex, or fighting the Gay cause, this leaves them with no alternative at least in their thinking.

Then there are those who cannot handle the abuse and rejection of their partners or being used as a commodity when wanted, they do not really have long-term fulfilling relationships even if they say they do, in truth they never do, they just adapt but sadly Children are often subjected to their perversion.

Are all these just True for Homosexuals, no sadly also Heterosexuals living contrary to God’s guidelines, although having more acceptance in Society they will often experience much the same trauma and as we know some of them also suicide.

It is not God’s will that anyone perishes, He Loves everybody it is our choice if we accept Him and His gift of Salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour as it is also our choice were our eternal destination will be.

Romans 1:24-27 Therefore God our Creator gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to Sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the Truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served the created things rather than the Creator who is the Lord and is to be praised forever Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their Women exchanged Natural sexual relations for Unnatural ones. In the same way the Men also abandoned Natural relations with Women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other Men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their wrong doing.

I’m not speaking without personal knowledge and understanding which Homosexuals claim is one the a reasons why we don’t accept what they do, as well as being intolerant and bigoted, this is far from the Truth for me I really care that they are hurting.

 I nearly became involved in a Homosexual Lesbian relationship when I was younger because of deep loneliness and the need to be wanted but I was saved from it although at the time I didn’t understand why it didn’t happen before my eyes were opened to the danger it presented.

 Perhaps because at the time I was involved with the Gay Community although not sexually, I had deep unfulfilled needs and after being hurt and abused by men for so long I was willing to welcome any love shown to me even unnatural love. Now I have heartfelt thanks that it didn’t happen because I came to realise at that time and later in life that what Homosexuals present to the world trying to uphold that their lifestyle is normal and acceptable, is not the real story.

What it sadly shows is server and profound deficiencies in being able to have normal healthy fulfilling long-term relationships and so they experience all the heartache and suffering that go with them.

Yes most of their relationships start the same as Heterosexuals but because they are not natural fail to fulfill what their real needs are, but sadly by the time they come to realise this they are trapped in the make-believe lifestyle that they propagate and so they play the game. 

I was warned at the time by one of them a woman who was attracted to me, her words were… Anne I don’t know why I’m telling you this because I like you a lot and want you but don’t go there stay away from us… I play the game because I have no choice I’m addicted to it but it’s a nightmare that I can’t escape from, I keep thinking it will work out in the end but it just continues on and I can’t wake up and then she kissed me and said please stay away and drove me home, I never went back.

Why did she warn me, I had been with them long enough to see it was a sham but was thinking like many do it will be different for me but it wouldn’t have been. I now believe I was being protected by the Lord even though at that time I was deceived and believed in the god of Evolution but God knows those who are His and that we will come to heart repentance accepting Salvation even before we are born.

Later in life one of my friend’s son who had been raped as a young boy of 8 became a Homosexual and the nightmare began for him and continues but now he plays the game.

My greatest regret in regard to this hurting woman was that I couldn’t share with her the Hope and freedom I have now but I can warn others who think that coming out of the closet will meet all their needs but because it is the wrong closet life will remain for them empty and unfulfilled.

If Homosexuals believe in any god at all it is one of their own understanding which means they don’t believe in God their Creator or accept His Truth and guidelines and so they suffer but He Loves them as He does us all and offers them a way of escape…Matthew 11:28-29… this is the only real way that will make a difference.

Christian Love Anne.

Continuing Blog Post –   https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/it-was-adam-and-eve-not-adam-and-steve/

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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43 Responses to Was it Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve

  1. Pingback: Update on The Darkness Of The Carnal Flesh | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. A powerful post, Anne. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Debbie L says:

    Wow, such a powerful post. I will include it in a later blog post. I love how the Lord gave you such a wonderful CLEAR warning about the homosexual lifestyle. All I can say as I grieve not only for the babies slaughtered but for the children exposed to this lifestyle as LGBT can now adopt children, etc. Oh LORD, please come quickly….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you dear Debbie 100%, the Children are in extreme danger, I had two Children come to my Funday School, a boy and a girl both under 10, their Mother and her Partner were Lesbians, the Children were often neglected and the older woman bashed the younger one who use to come to me crying and seeking comfort, she would say I’m going to leave her but never did.

      My heart was breaking for her and the Children and yes for the Abuser too, Hurt people Hurt People unless they are healed and both these Woman had been badly abused by their husbands, physically and emotionally.

      Oh LORD, YES please come quickly….


  4. Mannyr says:

    Thanks for sharing the truth spoken in love. I am blessed by your writings, sound Biblical advice given by examples. Awesome, keep up the great work.
    Christian love Mannyr


    • Thanks Mannyr for your kind words, my sharing is not always appreciated,no doubt like yours sometimes isn’t but Jesus tells us this will be so for those who have itching ears, Truth in Love does not penetrate them, they are blocked by sin.

      I’m seeking to catch up at the moment with Posts but hope to visit you soon ,I’m pleased you don’t scratch itching ears.

      Christian Love – Anne


  5. Thankfully we can have assurance Liz that Jesus will return in this Generation, as we are seeing the signs He talked about which are happening all over the world and the Technology for the mark of the Beast has now been invented too.

    In Australia some shops are asking us if we want a receipt for our groceries , this is to condition us not to have one, with the laser, there won’t be receipts, one Store told me it is to save Trees, I asked them what about the junk mail they send to everyone – No answer!

    Christian Love – Anne


  6. Shofar says:

    I read through a number of replies from 2012 and here we are, Hawaii in Nov. 2013 preparing to legalize same sex marriage. I think what you said is so true, that many of the LGBT community are insecure and therefore many compensate that with their arrogance and even hostility against those who disagree with their life choices. At the legislature a gay person said, “We are out of the closet, so the Christians can go in the closet now.” A legislator who opposes the bill that will soon be passed had rainbow flags waved in her face and was shoved in the crowd; she tearfully reprimanded the reprehensible behavior of some of the gay supporters of the same sex bill.


    • Thank you Liz , I was blessed by reading a few of your messages on your Blog and will return tomorrow, if all goes as planed.

      The problem we have now is that even some Churches are condoning their Homosexual lifestyle, which weakens our defense, when they say it’s OK by God, then they think we must have lost it but God tells us not to call good what He calls evil, or evil what He calls good.

      Christian Love – Anne


      • Shofar says:

        Satan is doing double time in the churches confusing and deceiving many Christians who succumb to his lies. The great falling away is taking place as prophesied! But God has a group of faithful Bible believing, God fearing people who know their God and will not compromise and be a part of the apostasy that is taking place! Maranatha! -Liz


        • Yes very True Liz, I can see this reality as I Blog, the watering down of God’s Truth, making it acceptable to a worldly fleshy agenda but I have also been very encouraged by those like us who remain faithful to God’s Word and have been very blessed by their sharing.

          One thing I hold onto is that God will rise His Church up and not one will be lost eternally even if we are Martyred, He protects our Soul and is always with us regardless of what we have to endure and He gives us the strength so we can and equips us for the work He has prepared in advance for us to do.

          Thanks again Liz, I will be in touch soon.

          Blessings – Anne


          • Shofar says:

            AMEN! Thanks so much for your words! \o/
            Be sure to check my BREAKING NEWS today.


            • Thank you Liz for making this comprehensive report available, it’s good to know , what is happening around the world.

              Blessings – Anne


              • Shofar says:

                Thank you for reading it, Anne! This past week has been a difficult, heart-wrenching time for so many thousands of Bible-believing followers of Christ in Hawaii. A dark cloud has descended upon our state, but we who are Christ’s stand on His Word: “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.” Jer 17:7 \o/ ~Liz


                • I was given some wonderful Scripture by The Lord to hold onto during the Storms in my life, I hope you will be blessed by them too Liz, they confirm the Scripture you shared.

                  Isaiah 43:1-3 – Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”

                  Jeremiah 29 :11-12 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

                  Lamentations 3: 33 For God doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.

                  Blessings – Anne


                  • Shofar says:

                    Thank you for sharing these scriptures! I love God’s Word! I know God has everything under control and we pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
                    Recent signs even in the heavens here in the U.S. and elsewhere point to the Lord’s soon coming!
                    Blessings to you,

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • I will respond at the top Liz, we are running out of room -Anne


                    • We can have assurance Liz that Jesus will return in this Generation, as we are seeing the signs He talked about which are happening all over the world and the Technology for the mark of the Beast has now been invented too.

                      In Australia some shops are asking us if we want a receipt for our groceries , this is to condition us not to have one, with the laser, there won’t be receipts, one Store told me it is to save Trees, I asked them what about the junk mail they send to everyone – No answer!

                      Christian Love – Anne


  7. Shofar says:

    Thank you for your post on this subject. I put in on my Tab Bar- ‘END TIME TEACHINGS’ under ‘MORAL ISSUES’- How we should treat homosexuals and what the Bible says about homosexuality. ‘God’s Enduring Love’ http://heulu.wordpress.com
    God bless your ministry!


  8. robind333 says:

    I agree Anne. I have found many homosexual don’t want to listen. Instead, they want to argue and throw accusations at those who try to provide the truth with what God’s Word says. I know it’s controversial but this is a well thought out post which needed to be written. Thank you so much for sharing my friend. Many, many blessings to you…Robin


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Robin thank you dear friend for your support , and yes you are right homosexuals argue against as they call it our intolerance but this is because they have great inner fear that others will be shown to be right, they are indeed very insecure as is everyone who rejects God’s guidlines.

      I have absolutely no hate for these people just what they do and I feel sadness that they are so much in darkness but I feel this for everybody who is, we know there is a way out, Jesus has set them free but they must accept it and walk in it. If they only realised how much He Loves them but their sinfullness prevents them knowing. I would love to join others in prayer for them so they may see the light before it is too late.

      Christian Love Anne


  9. Pingback: It was Adam and Eve Not Adam and Steve | Freedomborn…set free

  10. Davide says:

    Good stuff. Thank you


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Davide, this was a hard Post to write, not that I had any doubts that it was needed but because Homosexuals have feelings like we all do, they hurt and feel fear and some do think they are ok with God and so it seems I’m pushing the knife deeper but it is because I care that I feel strongly that they need to be warned as do all those who sin, they hurt not only themselves but others and it is in obedience to God that we warn them and if we really Love others we will…. Hell is eternal suffering.

      Christian Love Anne


  11. Lady Deidre says:

    The problem with society is evil is rampant, and no one thinks they are doing wrong any more. We’ve lost our moral fiber. Christians not only need to teach about Christ’s saving grace, but also DELIVERANCE. No one knows how to battle Satan, so he continues to harass the people.
    Good Post, Annie. Jesus Lives! Halleluiah!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Dei, so very True one of Ron’s comments and mine sums it up well … We don’t hate the sinner whatever their sin is, we have all sinned, we hate their actions and lifestyle, Jesus said to the woman caught in Adultery the same as He tells all of us to go and sin no more, is that possible, Jesus would not have said it if it wasn’t and He does not lie, if He tells us He has set us free from sin’s control He has.

      John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

      John 8:34-36 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

      Romans 8: 8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

      Thanks for your encouragement – Christian Love Annie


  12. Hi Anne. It took a lot of courage to post this but it is something that needs to be said and I stand with you in your stand on the subject.

    Romans 1:24-27 very clearly states that homosexual behaviour is wrong, as is also stated in many other passages.

    I am not homophobic. In fact, I have a deep sense of sympathy with most, and I acknowledge there are ‘couples’ who have a deep and long-lasting relationship which in some sense could be classed as better than many heterosexual couples. NO! This does NOT make it right and is NOT an argument in favour of their behaviour.

    I know a few homosexuals and my husband and I have been ‘best friends’ with one for more than fifty years. We know all of his story, including the emotional and mental torment he endured and the brief times of ‘happiness’ followed by more torment. Knowing the story of his early life, one is not surprised that he became a homosexual, but thankfully, his story has a happy ending as he turned away from his behaviour when he became a Christian.

    No doubt you have been charged with being judgemental on these people, as we have. We do not make the judgement, but we stand by the judgement that God has made. As the Creator He has that right.

    I understand that people who do not acknowledge God cannot accept His ruling, but that doesn’t make it right. I also believe that mankind has free will and they should be able to exercise their free will as long as it does NOT interfere with others and is not against the law of the land. As long as they cause no harm to others, they are free to live according to their beliefs – and DIE according to their beliefs.

    “It is appointed unto men to die once, and after that, is the judgement.” Hebrews 9:27

    As Christians who know the REALITY of living as children of God, walking in His way, in His strength and enabling, and enjoying all His abundant blessings, our hearts go out to those who do not know Him, and this includes homosexuals.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angela thanks for sharing how you see Homosexuality and thank you for standing up for God’s Truth and yes no one has a right to live contrary to God’s guidelines regardless of what they have encountered in life, it is a choice and if they choose to sin they will reap what they sow, I did. No relationship that God calls unnatural will be fulfilling even if outwardly it appears to be, having been part of the Gay Community, I saw through the false and conflicting front they present of domestic bliss even to their friends, Homosexual or Heterosexual mostly they adapt or separate.

      The rules of our land may say ‘same sex marriage is ok, God does not, am I intolerant, yes like God when it comes to sin I am, when we accept sin as ok then eventually we will also sin and excuse it or say it’s our right or our choice or we can’t help it, it may be our choice but if it is also against God’s will for us, we will suffer the consequences and sadly so will others who are innocent, millions including Woman and Children all over the world suffer from Aids and related illness and many have died because Homosexuals and Bi- Sexuals chose to disobey God and exert their fleshy evil rights, see this link for confirmation http://www.avert.org/around.htm when we go against any of God’s guidelines not only do we get hurt we hurt others, sometimes irrevocably. Is God merciful, yes 100% and I believe He gives everyone a chance but He knows those who will accept and repent and those who won’t but He still blesses us all, just look at the beauty of His creation but unless we are pardoned in Christ Jesus, we reap what we sow.

      Christian Love Anne.


  13. Glory to God, we must be so careful to know the truth and the laws of God. We can’t hold hands with the devil and walk with Christ. There is no justification in living a double life. It is not of God. He is a forgiving God… This is something that is running rapid in the schools to include elementary. I constantly teach and pray over my little ones and will not bow down to the devil no matter how man dress it up. We are to stand for truth but each person is accountable along for their sins.

    We are accountable to truth and not to deviate away from it no matter what. You have done your part of speaking God’s word and reminding all it is wrong and displeasing in God’s sight.

    Amen. Lord let your word be a light for those in the dark. Your word is not reversible.

    A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Shenine, thank you for joining up with us, it is a blessing to know we are united in sharing God’s Truth, no doubt like me even if you wanted to you could not stop sharing His Truth with the anointing and the Authority we have been given in Christ Jesus within the role He has ordained for us.

      His Truth burns within me and I express it from a willing heart but because it is from my heart, I feel Love and compassion for those who are lost in sin, confusion, deception and fear and I seek to give them the freedom I have as I’m being perfected in Love as I’m sure you do too.

      Christian Love Anne


      • Sister Anne, imagine the hurt and pain Jesus carries after carrying a cross and laying down His life for us . Sometimes I wonder was it just in vain to some? The tears he shed still asking mercy and interceding on our behalf to God for our repeated sins day in and day out. But when judgement day come mercy will fade and we will reap what we have sowed. May it be pleasing to Him!

        Personaaly, I am not wanting to be cast into the pits of hell. Praying for all to wake up and love each other and live in truth. The time is now at this very moment. Someone is not waking up tomorrow…will we be ready if He calls our name today?

        Blessings from my heart to yours. I am not worthy Anne, but I am ready to serve Him because He created me, He chose me and I accept His invite.

        A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


        • Freedomborn says:

          Hi Sister Shenine, I could not watch ” the full story of The Passion of Christ ” it hurt so badly to see Jesus suffer and know I had caused it … I turned it off, it is True each one of us was responsible for Jesus’ suffering, so do we disregard and take lightly how much we have hurt Him, Paul didn’t he confessed being the worst of sinners and King David pored out his regret for how he had hurt God even though they like us they were forgiven and their sins taken as far as the east is to the west and God does not keep a record of them so we will not stand in judgment for them only accountability for our rewards.

          I know without a doubt that I’m forgiven and that Jesus took away the shame of what I have done when He suffered on the cross, my conscience has been cleansed and I don’t walk in defeat but I do not rejoice or take lightly how much I hurt Jesus. By my failing to show Love and Compassion to others even Children who were starving of hunger, I was grieving Him. Or do I forget when I hurled insults at Jesus by abusing others and not having time for them or the pain I caused Him when I punched Him in the stomach by deliberately choosing to lie to cover my sin instead of repenting from the heart or when I spat in His face by being involved with the Occult which is Satan’s playground. Can I forget that I continued to spit in Jesus’ face every day by reading my stars and also causing others to sin by reading their future in the Tara cards, which encouraged them to believe the lie that someone other then God knows the future.

          What about continually whipping Jesus by failing to give thanks for His many blessings even claiming I was just lucky and taking his name in vain or when I cruelly pieced His side by showing disrespect to my Husband and not Loving him unconditionally and also being resentful when things didn’t go the way I wanted, for wilfully choosing to withhold that which was his by Marriage, such as my body and material possessions and can I overlook not uplifting him and encouraging him when he was down or not honouring and submitting to him in his God given role as my Spiritual Leader, as well as not being thankful for the little things he did even if he made mistakes. Yes sadly I could continue to share the many ways that I have abused Jesus, I really feel I could say like Paul..” I’m the worst of sinners” but then we all are if you break one law you have broken them all which is what Paul meant and we have all sinned. Yes I have hurt Jesus greatly and The film ” The Passion of Christ ” reminded me that it was by my hand that Jesus suffered not God The Father and so I switched it off.

          Communion reminds us of God’s great Love and sacrifice, do we dare to take it while continuing to hurt Jesus by our sin, this is why we are to examine ourselves but when we don’t and continue to sin we can bring sickness and even death on ourselves which is not caused by aging or the fall and this sin shows we are not walking in Christ Jesus, but there is hope… God asks us to confess these sins and repent so we can be healed, this means we are to no longer sin but choose to turn from evil and do good by The Spirits empowering.

          Shenine, I would like to share a link with you of a message I wrote about Judgement I hope it will bless you as you have done me. https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2012/01/18/judgment-day/

          Christian Love Anne


          • Anne, I am in tears. I can only imagine the joy of the angels as you turned to God and gave your heart and soul back to Him. You mention something as pertaining to marriage and witholding what is sacred. So many women I know hold back from their spouses as a weapon. This is so wrong. I had not known this myself until some time ago. Do you have scripture for this? I will like to read and meditate so I can help them with God’s word. I am truly inspired and my walk in Christ even more closer at this very moment because of the intimate private words spoken here by you. Oh my God, if everyone was so free to just release and let other benefit from them. No humiliation other than defiling God’s innoncent blood. The devil wants us to feel ashame to even go before the Holy One but that is what we must do. Take it to the cross. Jesus endured the cross, surely He can handle all of our situations. Anne, our conversations here are not by chance but by the grace of God’s timing to heal ourselves and others. To let others know we are not alone in our dirty laundry that’s hidden or disguised as snuggle sheets. I will read the link you sent. I am so happy right no. The spirit of the Lord is all over me right now. He loves you so much! You have touched me in more ways than one. I love you with heart of God ♥

            A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


  14. andtheword says:

    Very brave of you Anne to share this, with us all. You truly are a good Christian, spreading God’s truth and love to others.
    This is a very controversial subject, and I commend you greatly for standing up for what is good and right. Good for you, for standing up for God’s truth 🙂


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you friend but then you and Steve are very faithful to stand up for God’s Truth regardless of the rejection of what you share and also yourselves, I’m very proud of you both and always give thanks that we are close friends.

      Christian Love Anne


  15. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for raising this issue ,for today more than ever we need to stand up for the truth of scripture,when the gay Lobby have such loud screaming voices,yet represent such a minimal percentage of society. Majority of Australians recognize and want heterosexual marriage. Gods word says the same.



    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Love, we will talk more on this one latter, perhaps you could share on Ron’s Corner, interesting the reply to my comment on woman in Authority, the Pastor said the Scripture was not for everyone, sad he does not agree with God that all Scripture is for us not just parts of it, or we can say but Paul was only talking to the Corinthian Church, how sad they are so deceived but it was prophesied the Church would be in darkness in the end times… but the good news is the Light meaning Truth will come and save many.

      Christian Love Anne.


  16. isaiah43123 says:

    Very courageous, Anne, to tackle a subject of such social controversy. We must be strong and courageous in shining the truth in a world of darkness.
    Keep the Faith!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Sis, very True, even as I was posting this message the Hacker deleted the Scripture referance and part of the Scripture which I didn’t notice till after …yes thats right they can see what we are writing, and change it before it’s published, be warned we have a very evil enemy that does not want God’s Truth to be known but be encouraged He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world and any of his deception.

      If we don’t stand up for God’s Truth we will fall for everything, watch some of the other Blogs try to water down this message acusing those who agree of being intolerant and unloving, God’s Truth will be attacked but it will be victorous in the end.

      Are you receiving my posts Sis ?

      Christian Love Anne


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.