Spotlight on Lady Deidre

I would like to share about my dear Blogging friend Lady Deidre, I call her Dei, as well as Loving, Beautiful, Caring and Kind, we have shared many jokes as well as serious and thought-provoking Truths. I am so thankful for her faithfulness. Ron is also grateful for Dei’s encouragement on his Corner and loves her Photography and I do too, even the critter ones   I have chosen a post that reflects Dei’s heart and her inner beauty, I was so touched by Dei’s sharing about her Brother, I could smell the sweet fragrance of her Love and Pride for him, every time I think about their relationship it reminds me Love sees the imperfections, weaknesses, shortcomings and faults, and not only continues to Love but encourages the Loved one to excel … This is a reflection of God’s Love for us, He takes Pride in us His Children and delights in us, equipping each one of us to do good works that He has prepared for us in advance and as they reflect and  promote His Awesome Love, they also uplift and encourage us to excell and to bless , uplift and encourage others and our heart response when yielded is then to glorify Him … How good is that! …

Thank you Dei for your friendship and your Loving heart.

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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8 Responses to Spotlight on Lady Deidre

  1. Ron says:

    Great story of Lady Dei’s Brother, who is obviously a special guy, with many gifts, praise God for a special sibling, thanks for the Reblog, catching up



    • Freedomborn says:

      Yes Dei is a very special Lady and has always supported me with her encouragment and her Brother sounds like a very special person too – Thanks Ron for catching up, well half way but well done.

      Christian Love Anne


  2. Thanks for the heads up. I’m on my way there.


  3. Lady Deidre says:

    Hello, dear sister. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to “likes” on my brothers post this morning, 🙂 and I haven’t been able to blog much lately due to my tight schedule. You are definitely the sweetest, most sincere, delightful blogging buddy I have.
    Love you much, Dear Sister Annie!
    P.S. Thank you so much for hosting me and my site — it’s greatly appreciated and a wonder to me. God truly works in mysterious ways.


    • Freedomborn says:

      He Dei, If you bring Love and Joy to others they will come back to you and you have very much my dear Sister brought them to me, I thank you greatly and as you reach out to others in His name you will continually be uplifted, perhaps not by a Reblog but by The Holy Spirit and then as you soar with Jesus our wonderful Spiritual Husband, our Lord and Saviour, your spirit will be continually refreshed and you will never be Spiritually weary.

      I Love you in The Lord or as I mainly say Christian Love Anne ( Annie or Melody )


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Angie yes, they both are a blessing as you are, God bless you also in your gifting as you uplift Him and others… and please pray about my name change Oops yours I mean, is that the left or right part of the brain or just a tired brain. 😀

      Christian Love Anne


You are a Person of Worth, Share your Heart thoughts I value you and them.